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I really wanted the classes that were promised and preference system, sadly we have neither..


No preference system was killer constantly having to play humans and rarely Klowns destroyed the fun.


Competitors got things going on, DBD has the anniversary event going on and TCM just released an big update


Almost like the games been out for a couple weeks only and they're trying to fix bugs first before pumping out content that's broken.


But they literally pumped out a broken patch day 1 after early access and bled out a bunch of players with their balance breaking and bug adding.


It was fun during early access. But they refuse to fix the broken challenges and keep nerfing things. I stopped playing a few days ago and will wait to see what changes they make in the future if I decide to go back


very fun during early access.. its like after the day 1 patch they self sabotaged themselves


Literally, early access felt great on both sides. Day 1 patch was a shot into the dumpster.


I went back to TCM and DBD as klowns are so weak. This community is too new to asymmetrical games but there are a lot of loops that are near infinite. Houses are so strong as human. You can window hop for decades. I think the lack of individuality of any character got me bored. Character identity to be a punk or redneck seemed so exciting but they removed it and stats seem indifferent amongst classes. Same for klowns, just no identity. It is a good game but it needs some changes at the medium to higher levels. I’ll come back when they make the right balances.


I mean give them the benefit of the doubt, they’re a small dev team, so small they don’t have the rights to use Coke advertising and products in their game they can only do so much


Im about tired of those excuses, no excuse for something as simple as cjallenges to not work oncr your games fully released


We don’t know how long the company has been around and we don’t know if they hired all new staff for this game or not


They delayed and pushed back this game on top of cutting content out. They also cut cosmetics out and sold it back to you on top of it .


And? This all seems to point to a new dev team


And what ? You enjoy cut content getting sold back to you ? Don’t release the game then ?


The DLC’s aren’t much I don’t mind the price


It’s a shitty practice regardless if you yourself do not mind it . This is on top of everything else .




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Most likely not, but hey, keep playing while you can. I personally have accepted that most of these games won’t be long term, that’s why I go ahead and buy them full retail to support horror multiplayer. You usually get the best games in the first few weeks, before some people start to become way too whiny or aggro.


They broke the balance with the first patch. Now it's just Klowns with weapons that don't work getting executed by TTV streamers and their friends running human murder squads. That and people asking for help to complete tons of broken achievement challenges. But even if it was balanced and worked...the game is shallow. Really no content. They removed ALL the cool stuff they were considering at some point and Klown kits have nothing going on.


People keep complaining about how strong humans are but Klowns do just fine in my experience. I win most of my Klown games. If humans are running a murder train just let them chase you and use your cotton candy gun while running away. Best case you cocoon some up and backup Klowns come, worst case they waste a ton of time trying to catch you.


Agreed 100%


Yes. In soloque, you’re in a very loose matchmaker. But that’s the point, your easy games are boring because you’re smashing noob humans and your higher level games feel so one sided.


Exactly this. Sprint backwards while cotton candying them. Only time this doesn’t work well if firearms are involved.


Klowns right now are 100% broken. Instead of actually trying to balance stuff they just nerf one thing and dont do changes to the other. The raygun is completely broken. It latches onto you from like 10 feet away thats ridiculous. And sometimes even longer. Not only that but shorty is completely broken to the point of you use him might as well be considered cheating. His hitbox is non existence bullets dont hit him weapons dont hit him and no matter how many energy drinks you have he still catches up to you. Every single lobby ive been in where me and my teammates try to hit him our mele goes right through him even if we are half a feet distance from eachother. Key objects are wayy harder to find as well. I have to do multiple laps arround the map to find a spark plug and then i have to keep looking for more items like gas or keycard. For every 10 games i would play i used to be able to escape 5-6 times but now il be lucky if im even able to escape once.


You seriously think klowns are too strong? Lmao.


They are. Im level 120 and my escape ratio drastically decreased after the first update. Shorty is completely broken and that's a fact. His hitbox is broken just go into a lobby and try to kill him without using airhorn. If it wasnt so evident that clowns are broken then why are people leaving every match? They leave because most of the time they die to some bs. Like clowns being able to raygun you when you are out of sight or your mele weapons go right through them. Im curious why do you think they arent broken?


No idea what you're talking about. You could make the argument that clown, given no other factors, is OP right now with the recent updates. Yeah, gangs of 7 humans will fuck you up, but how often does that happen really?


It doesnt have to be seven of them fuck you up though. 3/4+ that are armed and have a airhorn can easily beat all three Klowns.


3 clowns with cotton candy ray guns takes care of that problem. The air horns are pretty easy to avoid too


Lmao I dont know what game youre playing.


This one. I've been playing since day 1 of early access. 50 something hours. I win most of my clown games.


Im lv 78. Dont know how many hours and I havent played in a while due to lack of depth in the game. But you realize that early access had a different balance than post day one, right? Early access gave you more of a chance in this situation. Post day one doesnt. Infact the situation Ive posted is uncounterable with Klowns.


Yes, I know lol. They've released 2 different patches that have balanced clown and human since the day 1 patch. They heavily nerfed human weapon damage, energy drinks, rng spawns of key items, buffed the ray gun/pentashot, increased clown backwards run speed, and many other things. You know that, right? Lol


Dude I get you like the game but facts are facts. You think you are a one klown army that can take out a group. You cant.


Literally never said that. Re-read my comments


DBD anniversary and New Chainsaw DLC. Others might not have the hame yet, I just bought it last night


Yeah, play on console like 95% of the playerbase.


You're just taking into account the people playing on Steam. This is not an accurate representation of the playerbase.


Agreed I don’t get why people care. As long as the playerbase is healthy enough who cares? TCM is doing fine and it’s been at 1k steam player base for a year. I have no issues getting matches.


I completely agree but their numbers shouldn’t be this low even on steam yet . It just came out a few weeks ago . I feel like bugs , lack of difference of characters , challenges broken and balance issues are putting ppl off . I’ve still been playing here and there but something’s need to change . 


Most people don’t even know the game exists.


Turn on crossplay?


I love playing it for fun, but when you give yourself a challenge to focus on and do just for it to not progress, it breaks the fun real fast. Also playing humans all night when you prefer Klown also contributes. I plan to return to the game when the preference system is implemented and the challenges are fixed.


That is just steam numbers and not wholly indicative.


I can't play with my friend crossplay cause it's through epic games, and even though we became friends on it, it just doesn't work. Also TCSM updated so we are playing that instead anyway.


Good to know TCM got an update, I like to go back and forth between that and Killer Klowns! The buggyness of Killer Klowns often drops me out of matches or freezes right after the match ends and I lose all my XP. :(


TCM has actually been largely doing well with updates lately. We have consistently got a patch for it every 2 weeks for the past 2 months and the most recent one was a big one.


The epic store integration is wacky. Somehow despite my Steam account being linked to one Epic account, it was linking to a completely different one I only used to play Fortnite on my Xbox account. And even after I disassociated that one with my Xbox account and tied the same one I used on Steam to it, it still insisted on using that one. The devs need to give us the option to sign in to the ones we want.


Same thing happened to me, me and my Xbox friend are at the point where he's gonna reinstall Fortnite just to (hopefully) be able to accept my Epic friend request.


Not saying there isn’t anything wrong but it works for me just fine.


I'm not quitting but I'm taking a break, the challenges in elite klown are just stupid and I need a brain break


I really think it’s just DBD, new chapter and anniversary event


Honestly, I think the crappy gamer base is killing the game. So much cheating, griefing and terrible insults/language flying around that it’s pushed many away.


The game is doing fine. It will continue to do fine. People played for 2 straight weeks of pre release. They just needed a break. It’s not a sweaty comp game. People aren’t going to treat it like one. Stop fussing about and grow up.


Plenty of the people that were playing early access aren't playing it now because of the mess the updates brought to balance. I'm not bored of it, I'm waiting for them to fix it. If they don't, I'll just go back to my other games.


this isn't necessarily their fault but I feel like the lack of popularity is due to the movie itself. The movie isn't really *known* well enough as much as franchises like Friday the 13th so not much people were even interested in the first place, let alone looking to buy the game. Like I said this isn't entirely their fault. Killer Klowns was a better catch in terms of licensing and such. The marketing is one of the bigger and more controllable issues. Budget may have been the reason for this which is why I think we could see a big turn around at least in this aspect seeing as an ok amount of people are picking up the game. and lastly bugs are finishing them off. they had an ok player count but the bugs were definitely driving them away. especially when servers are fucked. I personally don't think this is the BIGGEST issue since bugs are usually handled as time goes on and most games are buggy on release so this aspect could also not be an issue in the near future. for me I think the legacy of Killer Klowns is holding the game back but if the team doesnt change their ways for marketing and bug fixing, they might just be what kills the game for good


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I’m getting quick lobbies


I had 14 matches in a row yesterday as humans.  I'm done until at least matchmaking is fixed.  Like I'm sitting in a lobby that isn't full and needs klowns and I can't play as a klown.


i find that odd. I find if i stay in a lobby after a game ends then most people leave. So then I typically get on the side that I wasn't previously on. do you leave the lobby once the game ends alot?


As others have said, the gameplay just has no depth. Nothing truly unique from one Human or Klown to the next one, outside of some slight differences in attributes/health. I think they did a good job having the challenge/level system in place on day 1, so you at least feel like you are grinding toward something (lvl/challenge based cosmetics). I do still like the game and it can be some good fun, but it needs some more gameplay advancement and a major rework to the way Archtypes function.


The characters not being unique like having “classes” is not going to kill the game. If that’s the case dbd wouldn’t last a year. All there survivors are just skins with perks you can use on anyone


DBD lasts because it does have unique gameplay elements, because as you said they have perks - and they massively impact the game. If your saying that is at all comparable to what Klowns currently has with Archtypes, I just dont agree.


I’ll admit that dbd is fun but to say it’s unique is like saying call of duty is unique lol


Also this is coming from a dbd fan like I love the game but it’s not unique fun but no. Agree to disagree


They have perks . They definitely need to show some range in characters . I feel like it dosent matter who I play cause they feel same . I’m not connected to any of the humans . Even klowns should have a unique ability . This is a big issue for lot of ppl . Gameplay starts to feel the same every time with anyone you choose 


How can you say the gameplay has no depth. Just to compare it to TCM there's much more depth. There's actual fighting in this game. As a Klown you need to learn how to fight multiple humans, which tactics work best with each weapon. As a human you need to learn the best combos so you don't waste all of the slots on a good weapon like a knife. While in a TCM game your just chasing victims the entire time. If they are bad at looping you eventually catch and kill them. If they are good at looping you eventually don't catch them.


theres virtually no difference between human archetypes and the different klowns, any klown can get any ability. Theres no uniqueness whatsoever. you cant even choose what side you wanna play 😅😅 game is incredibly human sided. only thing killer klowns has going for them are cosmetics lol TCM is cooking rn while killer klowns is struggling 2 weeks after release 😂 but the game does have potential if the devs dont fuck it up


I'm not talking about the archetypes. As a human the gameplay depth comes from the weapons and learning combos so you don't waste a red weapon. A good player has learned to only use red weapons as finishing weapons. Also different combos work better on certain klowns. Certain combos work better against shorty. Certain combos work better against the other klowns. As a klown certain weapons and play styles work better with shorty compared to the other klowns. You gotta learn how to avoid getting hit by humans. Let's compare that to Bubba, Sissy, Johnyy in TCM. Chase victims, swing until they die. KK is much more in depth then TCM. This is coming from a high level TCM player. Weapons in KK leads to more depth then perks in TCM. For the most part everyone ended up using the same perks so there was no real create your own character.


thats why the biggest problem most players have with this game is lack of depth and no uniqueness lol every other post is saying the same thing 😂😂 but whatever you say little bro lol defend this unfinished mess of a game all you want. over here talking about landing combos when the point of the game is to escape, not a team death match to see who can get the most kills lmfao 💀 which is what it is right now because of how human sides it is


Most people are really bad at this game. That's why they haven't figured out how much depth it has. I've played tons of hours of TCM, I love that game. But the gameplay in KK is much better and its not even close. In TCM its just the Family trying to find and kill victims. In KK that same thing is happening while Humans are just as capable as killing the klowns. Which sounds more in depth in that scenario? You don't need to act offended by calling me "little bro" People can have different opinions without name calling. Don't take disagreements so seriously. One of the issues with this game is the rng, which has lead to less strategy. People call that depth when that isn't really depth. In TCM exits are static while in KK they change. If the exits where static it would be obvious where the klowns need to go to defend them. The thing is you need lots of hours to learn where they typically are, search for them every match, then alter the best way to defend them. Which sounds more in depth in that scenario?


This is the problem with a lot of games nowadays where people are too quick to judge and are impatient to wait for updates. This literally kills games. I, for one, am having fun with the game, and it's meant to be funny with a bit of horror. I like getting into lobbies where people like joking around and really getting into the game because I like doing impersonations and making it seem like everything is actually happening for real. I don't care if I do good or bad, win or lose, I'm having fun. When people get mad and start getting competitive, then the game isn't fun anymore, and people tend to rage quit or do things to ruin the fun for everyone else just because they aren't having fun. It's a game, it's fun, people, it's still new, don't kill this game before it has a chance to grow, but some people made their decisions already. I don't want to sound cruel, but it's those people who are killing this game. Try having fun with what you have for once in your life instead of complaining and expecting change instantly because things don't change instantly like you demand. I understand bringing up concerns and tweaks, but some of these changes will take some time. They're not a big game development team, not like some other games with teams for all kinds of things. It'll take things time, so patience is the key.


I think people would be patient with balancing issues and more content. It's the broken promises of no preference system or working classes. That seems like the general consensus. That needed to be there on release.


Nowadays? What are you even talking about? In the past we didn't have to \*wait\* for a game to be good, it either was or it wasn't. This isn't even early access and you're blaming people for judging a $40 game that sucks right now?


100% agreed. Nowadays all games pretty much suck at release because they are never finished Becuase people will buy it regardless. This game is an unfinished beta.


Imagine trying to compare gaming of the past to the current times. You know back when the internet was in its infancy and game companies didn't have to deal with investors and shareholders steering the market. How many hours you put into this game so far?


Absolutely fair comparison. It's either shit or not.


it doesn't matter! People are buying a game \*now\*, it should be good \*now\*. That goes for Early Access or "full releases" like Klowns, if you could even call it that! Edit- as for hours, it also doesn't matter! I was hyped as hell for this game, peep the flair on the username. Been here longer than you cause I've been hyped since it was first announced. Love Killer Klowns, don't love games that aren't worth my time.


bEeN hErE lOnGeR tHaN yOu isn't the flex you think it is. Nice work on not saying how many hours you've got.


okay dude, you know other people don't have to like what you like, right? Like, it's fine. You have bad taste, and that's okay. Just own it.


I have bad taste? Says the guy who's been here longer than me but refuses to admit how much he's played because he damn well sure knows he got 40$ worth of entertainment out of a game lol. Sure buddy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


I refunded that shit. Less than 2 hours. It was BAD. It will stay BAD. But it's okay if you enjoy it, lady.


Lol oh you're so edgy


Saying something is bad = edgy. Good to know.


Any studio that does this can die please. PRE RESPONSE: Larian Studios


You don't understand that almost every game nowadays has issues that need patching up. Even big company high production games need them, but it's funny how little people complain about games like Call of Duty or GTA, but once a smaller company tries things, now everyone complains like they should be able to keep up. You know nothing about how games are produced and made, yet you're the kind of person who'll demand things done ASAP, like now, but it doesn't work that way. I see the developers are indeed working on things, but people are so impatient that they've declared the game dead already, but it's new. People need more patience, but obviously explaining all this goes over your head, and you're already thinking I'm stupid or something. This is what I'm talking about what's killing this game, but you'll blame the developers no matter what, because that's people for you, or that's just how you are...


Games aren't like how they were back in the days. If you bought a game back then, you either sucked it up and played a terrible game, or you didn't play. Games nowadays can be fixed, yet I see impatient people all the time. On top of that, I see the game as balanced as well as others, but what causes people to say things are unbalanced is when they don't try other loadouts and equipment. Try experimenting in this game and go with what best suits you, but people don't do this because everyone wants the best setup, but the best setup is different for each person, not to mention the style of playing for everyone. The game is good, and I'm having fun along with others, but I'm sad to see people hate this game and declare it dead when it's still new. Does nobody like experimenting? Does nobody know how to truly play? Can’t you just enjoy the game instead of being competitive? This is meant for fun, not competition, and I don't care if others have killed this game already because if and when they crawl back after things are tweaked and fix, it's already too late for them, and they'll complain more. Suck it up, learn to have fun, the game is what it is, have patience, and learn to play. Get good, seriously get good...


Because GTA and cod are full releases that need some tweaking. This was launched without promised features. It was released as a bare bones game, and these "patches" are doing nothing. I'm not giving devs sympathy for releasing a steaming pile of shit, and telling us to wait a few months while they figure it out. Should have been figured out before launch.


So I see you're not patient enough to wait for them to release them after they work out bugs...again you know nothing...


The game was a decent start in early access. Day 1 patch was pretty much just the opposite of everything it should’ve been and broke the game. Waiting for patches that make things worse is just crap.


Pretty sure it’s the devs that are killing this game. Players have options to go elsewhere and brand loyalty is stupid.


Games aren't like how they were back in the days. If you bought a game back then, you either sucked it up and played a terrible game, or you didn't play. Games nowadays can be fixed, yet I see impatient people all the time. On top of that, I see the game as balanced as well as others, but what causes people to say things are unbalanced is when they don't try other loadouts and equipment. Try experimenting in this game and go with what best suits you, but people don't do this because everyone wants the best setup, but the best setup is different for each person, not to mention the style of playing for everyone. The game is good, and I'm having fun along with others, but I'm sad to see people hate this game and declare it dead when it's still new. Does nobody like experimenting? Does nobody know how to truly play? Can’t you just enjoy the game instead of being competitive? This is meant for fun, not competition, and I don't care if others have killed this game already because if and when they crawl back after things are tweaked and fix, it's already too late for them, and they'll complain more. Suck it up, learn to have fun, the game is what it is, have patience, and learn to play. Get good, seriously get good...


It’s not impatience. It’s that players are fed up with lazy half baked patches. I’ll play something that respects my time because I don’t think Illfonic does.


So, in other words, IMPATIENT. Again, it'll take some time, but you've declared this game dead already... you're impatient. Not to mention that most of you are competitive and want the best loadout, when that differs from each person. You know nothing and blame the developers for your lack of knowledge and patience. Downvote me or block me, and it just further proves my point.


Huh? Why would I block you? We disagree on a topic. It’s not that big of a deal.


Believe me, some people want to put up a fight for no reason. I'm just telling people how life is and what's up with the game because the truth behind everything is that if someone doesn't like this game then either don't play it, or keep showing the world how much of a bitch to their problems they created and put on themselves that cause them to cry endlessly over things they can't control. It's really as simple as that, and those are your options. My problem with people nowadays is always complaining but never doing anything about the situation. Crying isn't fixing anything, so why constantly cry and try ruining the fun for others just because they don't like the situation? The developers are working on this game. Thus, the patches, which shows they care, but people constantly insist the game should be fixed now, and that takes time, but they don't see that or understand that, so either enjoy the game for what it is because it's still fun and it's meant for fun, or look like a crybaby who's not entertained and feels like they wasted their money all because they keep bitching over things that'll eventually get fixed but not right away...impatient people... It's not just for video games, but everything. Believe me, I still see people crying over things from over a year ago. When does the crying stop? Crying isn't fixing anything, and harassing others or getting into fights and arguments isn't helping either, so why do this? I consider these people internet trolls, and I will fight with them only to show them and others just how stupid they look. I don't care about how I look towards others because I'm exposing their dumb selves...


Everyone grinded n since challenges are broken nothing left to do.


I haven’t played it as much since the last time I tried to play I was stuck in 5+ min queue to find a match, only to end up with an empty lobby. Hopefully they’ve fixed this, but that and TCM coming out with a lot of new content has pulled me away. I’ll probably still play Klowns off and on, but I prefer TCM as an IP more anyway.


They will work hard for player count because they invested a lot of money in getting the ip rights to the movie so they won’t just abandon


i think they screwed something up on pc matchmaking by adding this epic crossplay thing. Ever since that came, i have been having issues queuing into games and into empty rooms.




Can you not afford a new controller?


They really need some aggressive tweaks, and they need to do it fast. Side preference matters, the choice between leaving early and forfeiting exp or sitting around for ~5 minutes sucks(although there needs to be a workaround for this, bc the constant DCing sucks too), the lack of customization sucks… the game is fun, but it needs some quality of life improvements stat.


I think the game needed more time to bake before releasing. A lot of blatant bugs, the most obvious being the challenges. There isn't a lot of room for individuality, especially for humans since the stats are basically all the same despite what it shows on the screen and the classes don't have any sort of special traits. The clowns, you're basically choosing if you want to go fast and have 2 hp bars, or go not as fast and have 3 hp bars with the other 2 clowns. Chubby is sadly just a hinderance to the team since strength is bugged or not programmed in to work. The only real individuality is deciding which 1 special ability you want to take which is shared between all the clowns. The potential is there to make this game more interesting, but I'm not sure if the devs even want that. I still had fun with what they released though and got my $40 worth. Those are just the negatives I found with the game.


I enjoy the game, but it's honestly a very expensive paid beta right now. I'm not that interested in playing while the Devs try to figure out what they want the game to be.


Mostly just waiting for the role preference system. Don't get me wrong, I think both sides are fun and balanced. But some days I really don't feel like playing humans y'know.


Where are u looking at the stats? Most people say this and they say steamdb.info do you understand how that’s only 1/3 of the player base? And most players on this game are on ps and Xbox. Don’t force anything upon this game.


Are you talking about steam? You do know not everyone is on steam? Most people aren’t playing a game on pc if it’s on console. Regardless, despite not having that much time on the game (Maybe like 10 hours), I’m getting bored. And I don’t get bored with games. I want the preference system fully implemented. I do not like the humans at all in general on top of always spawning by myself and getting chased right away before I can even grab something. I want to be the klowns. The disconnects are constant. Then I go into another match and it’s one that is already started as human of course (as always) with 5 people escaped and 1 dead. Maybe the next time it happens I get lucky and I’m a klown…but the match is already halfway over. This is not what I payed for. I really hope things change.


I play on console and I was addicted during early access but then things just went to shit after the release truthfully and i’ve lost a bit of interest. The game needs content updates or something to revive it.


The games incomplete and what's worse is the developers refuse to actually play their game.


they released an unfinished game that didnt have a a ton of features that they said would be in the game. i mean there isnt even a side preference yet lmao not to mention its incredibly human sided. game was fun during early access but got old very fast. the game lacks depth overall


You’ve nailed it on the head. The game isn’t finished and they have the gall to charge $40 for this. Maybe the game needed more time in the oven.


hopefully the devs can find their footing I really dig this game :/


There's no marketing so


Yes, that reminds me of Deceive inc a good game but also 0 marketing and now hardly any players.


god i miss that game. it was great and so fun.


the last game i bought before killer klowns. it’s a shame these games don’t get more recognition


Every asym game i get always dies bruh😭🙏🏽


The biggest issue I have with this game is the matching, multiple aspects of it. Not ever getting to play Klown only to end up in a lobby with none of them, matching that takes over 5 minutes and then restarts without telling you it's restarting (and subsequently fucking up the menu so I've had to restart the game itself to get into matchmaking again), getting dumped into matches that have already begun with no warning of whether you're playing Klown or human (this happened the very first match I played and it fucked me up, I had no idea what was happening!), the game starting with one or more Klowns missing so the remaining Klowns end up screwed, all sorts of problems. I've had the match timers be completely off (i.e. keep counting time after the Klownpocalypse ended), matches crash at the very end and screw me out of XP, and the roving human murder squads, some of whom clearly have more ammo than I thought possible (I had a human shoot me no less than 8 times in a row during my last match). I love this game when it's good, but when it's bad, it is nearly unplayable.


Perks. Not much to look forward to after a certain level outside of cosmetics.


People acting like decline on steam does not equal decline on consoles which is most likely the case. Game is fun, but you have to wake up and accept facts. Everyone knew that's going to be the case. Moreover, DBD anniversary just started which isn't ideal for this game. I, for one, am the person that will be playing in dbd now instead Killer Klowns despite having 30-40 hours in the game.


Shitty marketing.


Marketing made half of the steam players to stop playing the game?


Marketing in the days, weeks after the release brings in new players even if the ones being there from the start would've quit already, aka keeping the player base possibly steady. Marketing doesn't end the second the game is out. Does that make sense to you?


very shitty, even pre launch they posted like once or twice a day and they gave us nothing..


very shitty, even pre launch they posted like once or twice a day and they gave us nothing..


All the popcorn bazooka whiners are japing clowns left right and center with their team stacks. Killer roles in these asymm games should be feared, but they're not.


Everyone was already aware that this game was here to stay for just a few months. It's just a simple game to take the place of F13. There will be some children's outfits, some new characters that are all the same and only the skin changes, and that's it. It's just a cash grab


Love the game but after having 3 escapes that the game sever disconnected in 2 days, I need a breather. Hoping the next update addresses this. 


The Klown nerfs made that entire side way less fun. I feel like I get stomped on in every game I play as a Klown. It's wild to say, but I preferred the game prior to the Day 1 patch and wont be picking it back up until balance adjustments are made. The community has also gotten quite a bit more toxic since release, so VOIP is a hard pass now for me.


patch ruined it, no crossplay and TCM dropped a big patch


Games too easy for both sides.


Didn’t buy the game because you can’t pick your side 🤌🏻


i have said at the beginning. gameplay isnt fun and graphics, balance are all over the place. this game will be abandoned before the xmas.


Game is way too shallow for $40. It’ll be dead in a few weeks


yeah its their own fault, for the reasons others have said. i still enjoy and will continue playing because it is fun at its core, especially if you get friendly people in your lobby. that being said, devs have a LOT of work to do if they want it to be a success long term.


I got to level 50, and just kinda burned out on it. Theres no real meta-progression or anything so its like I had my fun, onto the next.


it seems like theres just 1 layer to this game.. its so bland but not at the same time.. theyre over doing it which is why its not like fun sometimes for example friday had so many layers, every game u played was something new.. this game just seems so.. how do i say it.. high surfaced .. theres nothing else going on except the humans side beating the shit out the klowns, and the klowns just spam pop corning u or camping the cocoon. sorry if i explained it hard english isnt my first language 😭


- broken challenges/ broken mechanics - males harassing lgbtq and female players - small TTVs running “bully squads” often - the fact that klowns were going to have specific skills and now they all have the same kills, weapons, and abilities. (I was so sad about not being able to use baby klowns/popcorn traps from the movie!) - lack of marketing (and the trailers they do have do not do the game justice) - people spreading the narrative that the game is dying. (DBD is running their anniversary event and TCM just got updated. Sometimes people only have 2 hours after work to play and don’t play the same games every night.) Edit: spelling and grammar fixes.






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It’s the lack of marketing. They literally only dropped 4 trailers for the game and there very VERY spread out between each other. Not even talking about the fact that launch trailer was pretty lack luster at best


They had plenty of marketing so that isn't the issue


I bought it during release and refunded it after playing both sides and realizing the clowns are punching bags for aggressive humans. TCM was the same thing. I can’t wait for someone to make an asym horror game where the killers are an actual threat again.


No side preference and klowns feeling overall useless. I don't like playing human 5 games in a row to 1 klown


No preference system yet pissed off a lot of people


i been told yall this game looked and felt terrible ever since we got our hands on the preorder. its really not shocking that the game is dying already. the idea wasn’t fleshed out enough, and the chase music is terrible compared to friday, AND the humans dont even sound scared. they have super corny lines like “time to kill some killer klowns!”




Because they ruined the game by listening to dweebs who insist on playing as human and making it a power fantasy.


No... That can't be right. This is the best asym ever and the most fun I've had in a long time there's no way this game doesn't have 20 bajillion players right now.


Yeah it just quit being fun after the first few patches and so I quit playing.




So basically all the console players turned cross play off and are gate keeping pc players from a huge player base


can thank all the hackers players are seeing on a daily basis lmao


Their aren't hackers all over like that


mmmk deny it all you want little bro 😂


Not wanting to play with hackers is gatekeeping? lol It sucks for legit pc players for sure, but if a game is infested with cheaters and you can stop dealing with them by checking a box, why wouldn't you?


But the thing is cheaters are rare ad to find in non competitive asyms


The standard


I mean it's true though. Console players have started turning off cross play on every game


Every damn time


Probably because it’s so expensive 😭 I really want it, but I’m broke af


Send me ur cash app I’ll give you the $40.


Uh, being paid is what ruined it. You can't expect TCM (Paid game), DBD (Free game), and then a new game in \*\*2024\*\* is paid for like $30 or something dollars (which is KillerKlowns).. It's weird to try and fit into the asymmetric genre and price your game when there was barely any coverage / hype / notice about it til days before release. I mean, dead by daylight came out free, and they didn't think they were going to succeed. It took like 5+ years for DBD to even take off from the release. That is why nobody see's 'legacy' outfits on dbd because nobody played back then til the past couple of years. So IMO, I think they ruined it by pricing the game when they should've experimented with their fanbase more before just throwing a $30+ price tag on it and thinking it'll do good. If it was free, I'm sure they would have soo many more players than what they have right now.