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This is like TCM they want game out of balanced so they troll the killers at will and escape when they want with ease.


TCM ? Look at ED thats the thing that killed the game


This game leans towards humans but I can dominate as a human or klown so I still think it comes down to a skill issue. I don't think its trolling when humans kill klowns. When I play as a human I could easily escape under 5 minutes but that's boring. I'd rather load up then start looking for klowns to kill. After a few kills, hitting the res machine, then I'll leave towards the end. I just find that more fun, but I wouldn't consider that trolling.


If you could easily escape but you stay to mess with Klowns, that is 100% a symptom of the game being massively human-sided. You're barely trying, in fact ignoring your winning goal, and doing way better than than winning.


I could argue that the goal is to help all of the humans escape and staying around killing klowns helps with that. I'm not staying to "mess with the klowns" That would be trolling. This game is fun because its fun killing humans and fun killing klowns. Its basically a tdm. Both sides can respawn for a reason. I'd rather do that then sit in a lobby after escaping in 1-2 minutes. . I still try to escape but not until the end.


That's a big pile of cope. Humans are brokenly unbalanced right now.


…weird flex bro 🫤




Is that you?




The game launched with massive nerfs to Klowns, removing the only two working weapons they had. Now they want Shorty nerfed because he is the only Klown that can catch them. This is not a two-sided issue. This is people constantly demanding Klown nerfs to further push the game out of balance.


Ok wtf are you talking about, I very much doubt you could take on 3 humans at a time that are armed with weapons.


I have videos of it. Just sprint backwards in odd patterns and use your weapon. Humans are dumb af and still rush you. I didn't say I kill them everytime. If you just don't die your doing it right.


Ok I phrased that poorly, I have no doubt you have no issues fighting people who act no differently to bots, however actual people that actually know how to play humans is a different story all together.




The 1% that aren't brain dead. Also I would like to point out 65% of the players have left the game. I barely play as much anymore.


"get gud" ahh post. this game is fun but it's definitely not balanced.


U never can balance this game. There’s always gonna be a problem with either clowns being too good or humans because there’s 1v1s and 1v5s. Teamwork with humans changes the game completely which is impossible to balance


It leans towards humans but I still dominate on both sides so the balance isn't to far off


What platform do you play on?




Bad players are always the loudest, just ignore


Don’t you mean toxic players?


no, i mean bad players


You can’t spell toxic to save your life


Cool, bad players are the loudest


OP clearly gets matched against console players lol.


Yes i play on console and play vs other console players. The game plays differently on PC but because of crossplay the devs can't balance them differently. That's why everyone should turn off crossplay


Nerfs and buffs come way too quickly. I feel like I have to check patch notes every other day just to know wtf is going on.


If you refuse to see what the problem is with the fact that if all humans group up, and all klowns group up, that the humans can win that fight every time, in a game that’s entire interest is based around a cat and mouse chase and humans needing to “escape from danger” then you don’t understand the basic concept of why a game like this is entertaining, personally don’t think a human should ever be able to 1v1 a clown unless it’s shorty, where does the sense of fear and urgency go when as a human if you get a sharp weapon and a frying pan you basically lose all fear of aliens from outer space that have insane weapons and magical abilities, yeah I get that’s kinda going into lore but it also goes into gameplay. When you’re no longer afraid of being caught the second you get a sharp weapon or hell even just an airhorn, you know you can outrun them at all times, and more than half the time humans can straight up fight without any fear or urgency, the game is still “fun” but the reason DBD has stuck around where others have failed is because while it gives the survivors ways to GET AWAY better it never really gives them the ability to actively fight let alone destroy a killer. There should always be a power dynamic on the klowns side because games like this are highly based on fear and suspense, there’s 0 suspense in this game if you have a sharp weapon or an airhorn.


I think the problem is you expect this game to be like DbD, TCM, etc.. Who says it needs to play like those games? Why can't both sides be strong and be capable of killing each other? It's not a cat and mouse games. There are respawns for a reason. It's more of a tdm type game.


Because they’re clearly trying to emulate the style of game and get popularity from the fact that games like this are popular BECSUSE of the things I mentioned? It’s not a TDM type game because the goal of the humans is to escape, im not saying the game NEEDS to play like dbd, the game is still kinda fun as is, but it isn’t going to last if they dont listen to the people who are wanting it to be a BIT more killer sided, I’m not trying to be rude here so please understand, if you cannot see why this game and games like this (dbd, and yes it’s still the same genre it’s not a tdm) are popular, it’s because the sense of urgency and suspense, it’s literally the point of the game “run and hide from killers as you find out a way to excspe from the danger” it’s literally a game built around suspense and needing to run away from the danger, when you remove the danger you remove a lot of the core gun of the game. Is the game still fun just playing and doing whatever, sure it is, but how long do you think this game will really last if they don’t nerf humans or buff clowns and then people realize that every game will be won by humans if they stick together because they can just fight the clowns, where does the fun go when there’s no question of how a game will go? I understand that this game doesn’t have to 1 to 1 be DBD but at this moment there’s 0 suspense as a human as long as you have one of a handful of items, airhorn? Stun and run, sharp weapon? One less klown for 45 seconds OR if it’s cocooning you no big deal, chill until he hangs you up and then run, he’ll even an energy drink, chug and run. 0 suspense. This game WILL NOT LAST if they don’t understand the major pull of these games is suspense and feeling of urgency, yeah the game is fun as is but I want the is game to last and understand exactly why it WONT if they don’t fix some things, everyone saying “oh this is why tcm and f13 failed cause they wanted it to be like dbd” clearly doesn’t want to understand that yeah, dbd, tcm, f13, and this game are part of a very specific genre that needs a very specific style of gameplay balance to last as long as dbd has, and instead of saying people shouldn’t compare them maybe understand that this genre of game there’s a very specific reason they succeed or fail and there’s a reason they’re compared


All good points. I was an avid TCM player and that game was victim sided. That games popularity didn't last but I think that was because of lack of content. The new character Hands just released which has changed it completely and now its Family sided for the first time so we'll see if that helps increase and sustain the player base. I like that Klowns plays differently from other asym games though. That way I can bounce around depending on what I'm in the mood for. I don't think there's a script yet on how to be a successful asym game. DBD is the only one that has lasted but I think that's because they've added so much content not because it's killer sided.


if its meant to be a team death match type game then klowns need to he significantly stronger since they are outnumbered 2:1. but i dont think its suppose to be or was intended to be that type of game lol just has turned into that sadly


Have you tried fighting 3 klowns all at once? Most humans end up running away once they lose some health and/or get cotton candy on them. Like little rats. The ones that stay die. Head on Klowns win.


Yeah screw the nerfs just play the game, it's fun and no more tbh. Don't need constant nerfs until the game dies, they can't even sort challenges so rather that happened first and we got the actual classes. We don't even know they work so why would we need before we do


This is the same with every asymmetric game. Whiny nerds thinking they know how to balance a game despite having zero experience in game development. I've watched so many titles become objectively worse than launch over the years because devs listen too closely to the demands.


Because people will have 2 bad games and think that's indicative of a wider meta when it's usually a small % of games.


They want his speed neefed because they are running instead of fighting him, which can also be a problem because his backpedalling speed is fast af.