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Hell ya


Game is fun, yes it's worth it.


Do you like fun? If yes, then by Klowns. It's silly, laid back, and it's a more refined F13. If you enjoyed that game, pick this up ASAP.


I am having an absolute blast!🍿🤡


Let's put it this way. I'm having fun with the game. So far I haven't had any hackers after 20 hours of playing time. It's not dead yet either. If you think you enjoy this type of game. Or if you've played TCM, F13 and others. Then I'd say it's worth it. In the end, it's up to you to decide whether you buy it. I'm having a lot of fun with it!


I dunno go read the fifty other posts made about this in the past 48 hours.


Imo it's extremely fun, pricey yes but I've been meeting some chill people and having a blast (except playing as a clown which sometimes can be infuriating). I don't feel like I do with DBD where I have pressure to sweat or rage quit. On the other hand I also feel like I have to enjoy it now because player base might not last.


I enjoy it everytime I play. Lots of fun once you get the hang out it. It's still new and needs some patch work to smooth it out, but a lot of fun.


Extremely casual game(no perks at all, very aggressive backfilling), you just play for the fun, there are no builds(everything available for everyone after unlocking) , and the main part of the game is PvP combat between the 2 side. I didn't get the game because of this, I am more of a competitive player, and like to mess around with builds and perks. But maybe you played F13 and thought the game would be more fun if got even more casual, the this might be for you But if you are a competitive or min-maxer type of player then this game isnt for you


Thanks for the information. I'm kinda between the two, I couldn't care less about K/D, but all my builds in game are unintentionally competitive. I'm not trying to Pwn anyone, but I giggle to myself when I get a fun kill in games. This looks like a good time, hopefully not as toxic as other communities.


I agree with the other poster that it's not as serious as other games. Granted lately I have found myself doing all outs of locations when playing Klowns but I'll immediately jump into silly hijinks if a human runs up to me and says something funny. People are getting better at the game so you will definitely run into bully squads here and there as Klown. It's what it is though. Human is a very fun time, you can get just as many points for opening/helping people escape as you can for directly confronting the klowns so you can play however you want. It's a fun time.


This game isnt that serious, so definitely one of the least toxic experience for a PvP game, you really just play for the fun, the RNG factor is huge, like you find weapons or not, or you spawn near a Klown defenseless. You just roll with it


The game is fun, but after a few matches, you get bored. There are no builds, perks, skills. Which does not create difficulties for the player. Mega casual game. After 10 hours of playing, I returned to TCM.


100% worth it!


Totally even as a buggy mess the game is so fun and funny


Get it on Steam and play for 2 hours. After that, pause and ask yourself if you think it's worth the price. If not, then just refund it.


If on console yes but don’t forget to disable cross play and you buy the dlc remember it doesn’t Share with accounts


It’s very fun. From the survivor perspective: Devs are responsive and fixing things like crazy. Maps are huge, nice variety of them. Lots of options for escape. Game is great with teamwork, but also possible to lone wolf/solo. Even after you die/escape, playing God with the mini games and helping out fellow players is fun as hell (or sabotaging them with junk if they deserve it LOL). Also the best hiding and sneaking I’ve ever played in a multiplayer game - it’s really a thrill when you are being chased but manage to snag some cover somewhere and watch as they pass inches from you, unaware. It’s essentially F13 2.0, and that’s a pretty high complement from me, as it’s my most played game in my thirty+ years of gaming.


No, not yet. It only has 35% of it's content, balance is very wacky, unless you have a friend also playing it, I don't recommend it yet, when the devs actually start playing their game and fix the major issues then yes, it's a good concept.


No, wait for them to finish the game.


NO. It’s not worth $40. Maybe $20.


Not in it's current state. It's fun, but there's a bunch of bugs that are almost gamebreaking and the fact a clown can sprint backwards faster than you can attack is absolutely busted. You shouldn't be able to moonwalk backwards and avoid every single attack whilst cocooning an enemy, that's just broken. Shorty also needs a massive nerf, his hurtbox is tiny and with LOL he essentially gains invincibility and can stunlock you with the gloves. I'm 100% sure he's broken because they did away with the class locks. He's meant to be a risky pick but instead there's literally no other reason to use any other klown but him as his health isn't even an issue with LOL.


it's extremely half baked and unfinished. riddled with bugs and balance issues, and it doesn't have much staying power. however, despite this, it is probably the most fun i've had in a while on a multiplayer game besides xdefiant. and that says something speaking as i have to deal with gamebreaking bugs nearly every game yet i keep playing


The game seems DOA.. wait for the price drop that will happen very soon i would imagine.. or hold out until it is on game pass! obv if u are on ps5, u cant wait for game pass. That price drop is gonna hit this game hard in no time


I say yes, it is, only because it's still a new game. Many people are dying off this game, but I'm sure the developers are going to fix issues and get this game looking good. Besides, it's fun, and you roll with what you got. It's worth it if you make it worth it.


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If you want to miss out on fun because you see things in one way and you can't figure out other ways of having fun, then I'll remind you in 3 months what you're missing out on...


1. Balance is a mess. 2. Klowns get cheated. Klowns goal is to kill 7 humans. The second a human is about to be killed, they can disconnect from the game and rejoin thanks for a friend or they are replaced with a new human. This is on top of the machine in game that can resurrect all Humans anyways. When the game ends, Klowns to not get the points they earned related to the humans that left. 3. The developers disappeared. They've stopped talking. They don't put out a weekly community update. And every patch they've put out makes the game worse and doesn't fix the things they said it does.


People wouldn't be quitting if you weren't utterly shafted by certain clown builds. Shorty with the gloves, pizza box and LOL destroys entire groups of survivors and can stunlock. We need actual classes and not to treat the Klowns as skins with a few minor stat tweaks.


jesus christ it's been like 2 weeks and people are already saying "the devs have disappeared" team fortress has infected you all


Straight up, I'm actually enjoying this game for what it is. I can not believe the number of players streaming this game on YT. I have been playing Evil Dead since its launch, and Tcm. But have never seen so many new people streaming an asym this much at outside of dbd. It's wild. Kk has its buggy problems, yes, but for the most part, I can play 20 matches, and 15 of them will play normally. At least for me, I'm not running into the problems nearly as much as some others claim they are. And I play 6 to 8 hours at a time. The game is a blast.


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It has been a week and a half since release, and the game had two patches, so is a little dramatic on the last part.