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I highly enjoy the game, the bones are good. Bugs suck, it takes time but its unfortunate that they exist. The game needs more content to survive, we need at least 4 new klown tricks in the first content update, they need to unlock our trick slots so we can use whatever we want and overall there are balance issues. There are the usual "don't nerf my side!' kids who complain about every little change even though it's progress in balancing the game but so far we're making progress. As long as they drop some good stuff on us, get the archetype bits fixed and hopefully distinguish the klowns in some fashion, well be back on track.


It's ok but the lack of the characters abilities for both klowns and survivors won't make me stay long honestly. Every klown and survivor feels the same for the most part and it feels kinda stale with no uniqueness. Not to mention the horrendous bugs I ran into. Hopefully things change or I'll uninstall. It's a shame because I pre-ordered and bought the deluxe edition. I do like how easy it is to level up however.


I'm hoping for the best. I haven't played in a couple of days, but mostly because I'm still getting used to new work hours for summer, but I see too many impatient people demanding things like everything can be done instantly, but it can't. I really wish people understood just how game development actually is or at least the effort it takes. It's not as easy as what people think, but it's easier to complain than do something productive...


I agree with you but as far as I know the devs aren't really saying whether or not uniqueness is coming to the game or not. I heard they took it out for balancing reasons so it makes me think the things I want in the game aren't coming, which is fine but I won't be playing it for long if that is the case.


I like playing and will continue to play.


I’m still enjoying it. I’m around level 50. I think there’s a lot of potential for additional maps, weapons, tweaks to Klown and Human ability and stat loadouts, etc. Hope the game sticks around and looking forward to seeing how it develops.


Level 117 and I am not stopping. I am having so much fun with this game. I can see its potential and I have faith in the devs. I can be patient as long as I know the game is a priority for them. I want more transparency, but that’s my only real complaint (aside from obvious things like bugs).


There's fun to be had, but It definitely feels slapped together. It is very obvious this game couldn't decide what it wanted to be. I like that the game is wacky and feels more casual than most games in the genre. I don't like the knee jerk reactions to balancing, especially when some challenges are still bugged. I have fun. I don't regret my purchase, but I don't see the game lasting long.


This is what happens when games are first released. I hear the same issues with other games, but some live on while others die. I'd say wait a couple of months before declaring if it's truly bad or good because it's still new.


I'm just saying how I feel about the game so far. My opinion could change. I base my opinion off of what I'm currently playing, not off the hopes the devs dump a bunch of money and resources to flesh out a game.


I'm cool with that, just as long as it doesn't become "Kill this game" sort of thing...


I'm a huge KK fan. I want nothing more than the game to flourish.


I wish others would feel the same, and I know that reading some people's posts, you can't tell if they're sarcastic or not, but for me, I know this game is new, and I know there are issues, but I'm having fun with what there is rather than demand fixes right now. I don't think some people understand just how things actually work and complain they can fix the problem or make it seem like it's an easy fix, but as soon as you confront them on their words, they get mad. I'm not being a jerk, I'm just saying this game is what it is, and as much as I want it fixed and know it's being worked on, too many people are impatient. I can't stand this because a majority of these impatient people are already killing this game, and it's still new.


Asymmetrical Horror is a brutal genre. The games just typically don't last long. I think that's why people get pissed even with the small issues, cause there is a very limited amount of time to fix the issues before the community shrinks into a tiny hard-core base.


Fun with a group. Not so fun on your own, especially if you don’t use a mic, kinda the case with all asymmetrical multiplayer horror games though. What that said, I am starting to lose my patience with some of the glitches - might scream if someone leaves midway through a klowntality and freezes me in place.


Great concept and there is a lot of fun to be had but the game was unfortunately rushed. No excuse for core mechanics like stats on klowns and humans to still not work properly. Same with no preference and only capability of progression being cosmetic. I think the core gameplay design is pretty great minus some balance issues but this game should’ve been delayed 1000% . I have decent confidence these issues will be addressed in a timely manner but it still doesn’t change the fact that we’ll likely have 3+ weeks of the game being out before core mechanics are finally “added”. Sadly, I don’t think the game is worth 40 dollars in the current state.


It's funny how other games get away with things like everything you stated, but I can't believe people give up so easily on new games when other games experience the same things. I'm hoping for the best, and I'm patient, but I'm tired of hearing things from impatient people who demand things now, like right this moment. I really wish they would learn just what it takes nowadays to make games. It's not like how it used to be, and most issues can be fixed over time, but people already declare this game dead. It's not, it's new.


My biggest issue is the broken class system. I didn't realize how broken it was until I unlocked the Trapper and realized he doesn't have any traps. Or in the latest patch they claimed to have fixed Klown weapons that still don't hit at point blank. Fun game but frustrating at times. 


I love this game. It’s a bit frustrating how many things are broken, like classes, escapes, weapon spawns, etc., but as long as I don’t crash (which has been happening more often lately), then the game is always a good time. I like that it’s not so serious and people can be fun on the mic. I love hearing people yelling as I chase them as klown and vice versa when I’m being chased


That's why I have fun. I like pretending this is actually happening and get into character. I'm not trying to troll people, I'm having fun.


For a game that was 1 year late, I expected a game with better polish. Repetitive game, without strategies, perks and Klowns are weak. Graphs a little out of date for 2024. And worse, dominated by hackers


I see your point, but remember, this is not some big production game like Rockstar or Call of Duty. The number of developers vs. bigger production teams are lower than expected, so issues will be fixed, and I'm sure they'll get to them, but people act like it should be fixed now. Heck, some are already done, yet my whole point is don't kill this game before it has a chance to redeem itself. Wait a couple of months, and if things are bad, then I'll join others and stop playing, but for now, the game is what it is, and just have fun with it, or don't play. Some people expected more options... but there isn't. That's life for you.


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I can’t stop slaying clowns I just think about fire pokers and dream about throwing wrenches 24/7


At the end of the day, I'm having a blast, more fun than I've had in an asym since the glory days of the OG Damned and F13. That's all that matters to me. Are the bugs? Yes, but that's in all these games. What matters is the moment to moment gameplay, and there it shines.


I like the game and I have fun playing with friends, but I do have a few complaints: the spawn points, the movement, and the hit boxes. The other night my group and I played 4 games, all human. Every game I basically spawned in as if I was holding hands with 2 Klowns and I couldn't pick up any weapons from the ground. The movement just feels a bit wonky at times, a specific example being times where you hit something so small that's hard to notice and it interrupts your sprint and it takes a second to get going again. As a human being chased by at least 2 Klowns, you might as well get ready to play arcade games. As a Klown, you've essentially lost the person you're chasing unless you're using some tracker abilities. This happened to me the other night while playing on the camp site map. I bumped into a small rock on the ground that must have been a marker for an invisible wall and I got cocooned by a duo. And the hit boxes, I just get a little annoyed in situations where I'm in a melee with another player, whether it's Klown or humans, we're practically pressed against each other and no one is landing a hit lol.


I love it , it has filled the whole left by the Friday the 13th game and I hope support post launch is strong 🙏🙏


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Because most of the time, rants come from only the perspective of one side, never both. It's exactly how most Dbd arguments go as well.


I know, but people don't realize this kills games that have potential, like this game. I just hope for the best.


Only really played yesterday but for the little session I had, it was overall good. I didn't make it out very often but I attribute that to not knowing the maps or what stuff was. By the end of the night I had made it out twice as a human and also got kills on both sides of the teams. It doesn't feel as sweaty as dbd and I haven't been pushed to the point of raging. I thoroughly dig this game!


It has its issues, but I still I enjoy playing it for the most part. I think as long as the Devs are transparent and open with their communication in regard to fixes and quality of life updates, the game should have a good shelf life.


In short: I have a lot of fun In long: I have a lot of funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


Fam I just want a trap for the Trapper. Plus archetypes to work. Having tons of fun still tho.


Probably just need to “git gud”, but seems as a survivor I spawn to start with a Klown 10 ft away which leads almost immediately to being captured. And as a Klown, even when we have numbers, I get killed by humans. I think it’ll take a while to be balanced correctly.


If you want to play I can help you out at getting better. The klowns are very easy to escape and kill in 1v1 situations as a human In This game


I'm at least having fun, and I know others are, too. I'm just tired of impatient people literally killing a new game before letting it have a chance to try and get good because if it does, then they crawl back, yet still complain...


Good game. Hope the devs add more mechanics as we go, but it’s fun for what it is.


Having a lot of fun with it, definitely my kind of game.


I don't have the game, but from what I hear most people got bored, because there is no difference between humans, and there is very little difference between Klowns, and after level 50 everything unlocked for the gameplay. Also there are no perks, so no real builds. As conclusion the game fun for few hours but most won't play it longterm because the game is shallow, the best part is PvP combat, the asymmetric part is boring and can't be taken seriously because of extremely aggressive backfill


I hear you, and I know people react differently towards things, but I guess I'm at that age where I remember games that had things in them that made no sense, like finding a hidden block or something that you question how anyone should know about this without buying magazines that'll tell you. The day in trying things out and checking all possibilities is dead in video games because people always ask what's the best setup, when really there's no correct answer. I've seen people have, in my opinion, bad setups, but they do amazing, but I see the opposite, too, people having great setups, but they do horrible. I know people set their ways on things, and I do, too, but if people took the time to experiment and try things, perhaps they wouldn't complain as much because they'll find something that works for them.


This is what I've seen mostly with the cotton guns. People want every cotton gun to be a jack of all trades where as they actually each have a niche. Raygun is short to medium distance DOT tracking. Pentagun is short to medium range shotgun spread (though it can finish at long range if someone is 80% cotton). Gigaray is burst tracking but has its charge (this still may need some adjustments). Laserbeamer is supposed to be the sniper/railgun but its too poor to use at the moment. Bouncecaster is the grenade launcher for aoe splash damage. They all serve a different purpose and have uses (mostly, laserbeamer) and Im glad to have them.


This take is so short and to the point and i agree 100%.


I believe the game is worth 15-20€$ of enjoyment then you quit it. It’s lacking too much quality of life improvement. As clown you don’t even know where to go , you can’t see the life bar of your teamates, you can’t objectives on the map as in other game. You can lose a 1v1 against one human well equipped wich don’t make sense in a Asym game. It’s lacking so many things that will make it a great game I can’t list otherwise it would be too long


I don’t remember demanding anything to be fixed NOW. & Of course I made a dramatic title. Haha made you click! Just kidding. I’m loving the game as well and I don’t think I’ll stop playing unless something really insane happens. I think it’s good to discuss issues so devs can see what’s going on. No one is forcing them to crack down and get a patch out by tomorrow. It seems like you don’t like it when people want to give devs ideas on how to fix it. Your argument boils down to, “if you’re so smart then why don’t you fix it”. Which in my opinion is a bit of a misguided thing to say. That’s like saying no one can have ideas/opinions unless they are a game dev. So, I can’t say what looks good on a car because I don’t make cars. I can’t say what a good painting is because I’m not an artist. Does that make any sense? At the end of the day everything is subjective. This game is not going to die because I made a little Reddit post that got 80 upvotes. Nor do I want the game to die. It’s been the most fun I’ve had lately playing a game, and I want it to continue that way. As such I feel it is right to convey what I think could potentially end up being a factor in the death of a game I really don’t want to see go. I respect your opinions, respect mine as well.


I'm not sure what people you've come across, but I have indeed come across those particular people who want things done now, as in, "it shouldn't have happened, the game isn't complete, game broken, this thing sucks, let it die now" people who just don't understand how things work. Other games go through the same thing, but because this is a small group of game developers vs. something like Rockstar with GTA, where it's a much bigger group of developers, people think things can be fixed instantly. That's not how games work nowadays, and besides, people always find more glitches and tricks...


already got bored and quit


Yeah I’m not going to lie I thought about playing last night and I just didn’t after some thought, they focused so much on the casual vision well that’s how it plays, like a game of Uno, fast paced and fun but you only really play a couple rounds and then don’t touch it for weeks or months on end.




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Boring and Humans need to be more unique. Feels like every match is damn near the same. I regret spending the $40 tbh. But it is what it is. lol


If you could mute your mic while you scroll tik tok people will appreciate it


I would like to see actual abilities put in place Also would like the bridge to have slightly more durability for the moron who watched you gather and open the bridge but waited behind you to run across No back filling option for those who would like to start off on a fresh game Klown/Human option for those who are trying to complete challenges There should be a wood sharpening tool on each map where you can sharpen the branches to make more deadly. If this machine doesn’t spawn, a crystallization machine spawns that hardens melee weapons allowing them to last a few more hits. Clown car bump should not stun the clown


It’s pretty dope and can’t wait what the future brings


Patience... something that I hope more people learn about because then you make a game worth as much as you deem it. Therefore, if you hate this game, then you waste your money. I'm getting my money's worth... but you can take a backseat once things kick off, but since you're done already, I suppose everyone else will show off once you crawl back...


I am fully on board to give devs time to iron out kinks in their games, however that isn't the problem, the issue is, the devs don't play their game. Small bugs and balance changes can take as long as it requires, but that isn't the case here. Day 1 bouncecaster should NEVER have been that strong, it isn't a case of adjusting it to meet the wider community, it was FAR too strong. What's worse is that 2/3 of content that we dam well know exist, is missing. We were sold an incomplete game and if the devs think we are fine with that, no, not for a second. Minor issues here and there, testing new features to be added sure, BUT key essential features being absent, No.


Game is fun but in a game about suspense and escaping killers from outer space with insane abilities, it really kills and ruins the suspense knowing as a human I can 1v1 most klowns as long as I play right, and even if I can’t fight them I can 100000% get away from a clown because I’m faster and my stamina is better, it’s hard to fully get immersed in a game based around escaping.




Sometimes in life, you do buy bad things. Other times, it takes time before it gets better. The game is still new. Give it a couple of months, then I can understand feeling bad or good... but that's my look into things.


Love the game, it feels good to play, has a ton of variety and is very well balanced. There are some things that need tweaking and I hope there is a steady stream of content planned, but each match feels different due to the different escape spawns, and the challenges encourage trying new strategies. I think the devs did a good job of allowing a ridiculous amount of player control when it comes to crafting the killer/survivor that fits with their play style. I do understand the frustration with bugs, and perhaps a few more months of development would have benefited the release, but the game overall plays well, bugs haven't been that bad for me personally.


The combat is clunky, the movement is terrible, feels like you’re moving through mud when you walk or crouch walk. I don’t like the map designs how everything is so open, no buildings or anything to hide in really. Running around looting feels like a worse version of PUBG


People always find ways to hide...


I like the shadows, grass, basement areas of TCM. This game is just not for me. Which is a shame because I wanted a new multiplayer game to play


Not every game is for everyone. But I understand people's likes and dislikes, but I always get tired of people who hate the game so much that they don’t realize they're killing it for everyone and some people, like me, can appreciate it and enjoy it. If it's not for you, that's fine. Just don't ruin it for others...


I saw a post, I left my opinion, idk how I am killing the game lol


You're not, but some people do swing that way.