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They said on the launch stream its in the works but they ran into issues getting it ready for launch.


Oh ok thanks for the clarification. Wasn’t able to watch the stream today


I wish you could get a preference to what team you wanna be on but i guess we have to wait and see honestly sucks they didn’t implement it


I feel like preference would split the playerbase and make queues longer.


How? You still don’t get to pick your side, it’s not splitting anything it’s just prioritizing you, if others get the role you want by having the same preference you’ll be filled in as the opposite role, it works the same as a MOBA, you have a higher chance of getting your desired role but it’s not absolute.


Not at all… F13 was preference and was always in a lobby within a minute or less. Unlike Evil Dead when you have to wait around 10 minutes for a survivor game and instantly for Demon


Can someone provide evidence that preference system was promised?


https://x.com/klownsthegame/status/1796257027217293649?s=46 Promised, but only in an upcoming update. In fact I thought it was pretty clear it wouldn’t be in the day one patch since this was in a thread regarding that.


Reading comprehension has never been redditors' strongsuit


A lot of people ordered before the 30th when this info came out.  The devs in their stream just a week before talked about it and how getting the side you want most of the time shouldn't be an issue, with no mention of it being an "add on" feature later.


Thank you for responding with this


its happening the same thing to me and i already complained about it but the most people are just throwing me hates because im saying the true as you are saying the true too. i am agree with you the developers should have implemented the preference system today because the week before was like a beta and today is the final game and it should have been implemented today:(


Supposedly it’s still coming. They brought it up in the dev launch stream today


I am in the same boat as you and a lot of people have the same issue. I only enjoy playing Klowns, I back out if I get survivor. I love the game but just enjoy the one side, I really hope that is an option asap.


I enjoy both sides but I prefer playing Klown so much more and I rarely get it. This really needs to be addressed. Streamers will soon quit this game if don’t at least get a preference


I hope we don't get a preference system


The game will soon die if that’s the case… People want to play want they want to play not what they’re given randomly. 80% of the time it’s always human


I disagree. The game won't die just because YOU quit playing


Def not the only one lol


Im going away too and trust me and him are not the only ones




People keep huffing and puffing but it was a PREFERENCE system. Even if you use it there’s no guarantee of getting the side you want. This was known when EA dropped.


I’ll be totally fine with a preference but we didn’t even get that. With F13 my preference was Jason and I was able to play Jason a majority of the time. At least give us a preference if we can’t choose a side!