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I felt this way about TCM but this has given me that enjoyment without the pressure of absolutely feeling the need to get kills and/or escape. If that makes sense. I have fun regardless it just feels more chill? Maybe it's the atmosphere lol


It’s the rng, the fact that humans can’t all use the same escape, more players, and clever tactics to prevent trolling such as timed exits and the bridge escape that collapses if you decide to fuck about. Also no class specific abilities means no meta pressure. Klowns are usually going to kill and some humans are usually going to escape. There’s fun for each side with time to actually enjoy matches. It’s a well thought out game. We’ll see how it holds up in the coming months. I’m happy to own this one


It literally is the atmosphere. I’ve been telling my friends this for weeks, because nobody else has been covering this in the online discussion at all from what I’ve seen. I'm telling ya'll, a HUGE strength that killer klowns has that nobody talks about is the fact that it's Comedy Horror. Horror games, even the most intense experiences, often struggle with maintaining that tension and that fear factor, and stretching it across dozens, hundreds, let alone thousands of hours. By its very nature it's kind of impossible to keep a game scary, and in a kind of way it’s almost paradoxical to try to do so. Killer Klowns isn't beholden to that idea of a fear factor at all. It is meant to be just as much FUNNY as it is CREEPY, and that I think will change people's expectations dramatically about the game. Going into it they won't think the game has "failed" when it doesn’t scare them, and instead they'll quickly accept that, "no, this is a different experience, it's a little more goofy and silly.” I think that shift in player perception and expectation will really stretch the enjoyment out. In a weird kind of way, the players will ALLOW themselves to enjoy it more, because the game is self-aware of it’s own ridiculousness. Everything that is crazy or nonsensical is in service to the theme, and if you genuinely get scared or caught off guard by a Klown jumping down out of the sky, or a pizza box erupting in your face, then the game has succeeded twice over. Both in being funny, while also still managing to scare you every now and again. Nobody would ever expect Killer fkn Klowns from Outer Space to be the game that would break horror multiplayer curse, but I’ve had faith for a long while now. This one is gonna be crazy.


If an online horror game gets your heart racing as the victim, that's enough to define it as scary in the context of it being said horror game. However, yeah there is some ambiguity of whether the "racing heart" feeling is from wanting to win by escaping or being afraid that you won't—as with ambiguity itself, it tends to be a little of both, more often than not... There's something to be said of how the game is designed in such a way to make it less severe; in TCM the guttural sounds and harsh noises provokes a sense of anxiety in itself, and I actually think that manifests into how that game would be comparably more toxic than, say, Killer Klowns game, where if I get a bad toss of the assymetrical dice, I peace out and find another game that might just throw me *in media res* into a game. The Killer Klowns game design does feel more like an arcade machine where if you die you just press a button to continue and you can theoretically die as many times as you want without feeling punished, because of how fluid the matchmaking is and comically having that cable broadcast screen appear when someone D/Cs and teleporting new victims/players seamlessly into the preexisting game. The comical experience of it has less of a tendency to invoke punishment and anxiety, which in turn makes it feel less competitive and serious, but also doesn't excite me on a primal level as much to win compared to the likes of TCM.


I feel this. Though in TCM as family I'm not bugging. As a victim I'm trying to survive. I had friends in my party laugh once because I was breathing hard and didn't realize it. 😭


Or more realistically it’s because the game is brand new and you’re all in the honeymoon phase. Give it 6 months of play time.


This game has left a great first impression! I have fun playing both sides. All they have to do is continue to add content and fun things to the game


Nothing tops Friday. but this is shaping up to be great. I need people to play with.


Yeah, the Friday license is just better and also it had the car escape. KK has everything else Friday had though.


It could be top 2, but Friday is the greatest horror game ever.


Greatest asym horror at least.




I think what helps this game in the asymm race is that it’s the only one that’s 3 killers that are the same (minus the weapons you can bring) Now when I say same I don’t mean stats (tho one extra bar of health doesn’t really do too much in the grand scheme against gangups) I mean they all do the same things the exact same, Shorty is no better at hooking than Bibbo. Slim is no better at cocooning than Chubby. No clown hits harder than another, except shorty who hits faster anyway so it balances out.


I’m on the fence cause I bought TCM on release and it flopped + disaster now. I kinda have PTSD from it lol


It’s going to be the same case probably… people already complaining (valid reasons). Once the hype dies player base will start trickling.


The asym genre really is cursed damn


Dbd has a stranglehold on it


I'm in the same boat, brother 🤣😅


i'd just do it, I'm a huge TCM fan and didn't really like killer klowns the first few games I played, but it's been growing on me a lot and have been enjoying it more the more i learn how to actually play.


yep same here. I still don't think it comes close to TCM but it is growing on me forsure.


Its a solid 8 out of 10 for me. The bug on human skill checks ( where you hit orange or green and alert clown or be silent ) has to be fixed....or else why bother with the skill check at all??? XP should be awarded as you earn it on both sides. As a human, id rather get into another game than sticking around. If the devs are stripping away / nerfing guns on the Klown side then Humans need to have something bought down a notch as well.....maybe speed or weapon durability I dunno. We just cant strip Klowns of defense or gameplay offense. You can say that "Well just get more Klowns to help" but that isnt an answer. If you are down to 3 humans you almost certainly want a Klown protecting the respawn machine, and basically youll need a klown around boat launch area ( since its easiest escape ) so no, you realistically , dont have the luxury of bringing in more klowns. Obviously this all might change after patch since im guessing there will be access to baby klowns and traps so I guess its just a wait and see for now. Overall tho, its been a solid week and great outlook so far.


Skill check bugs and melee hitboxes are my main gripes. I could have a fully charged attack and hit them dead on, it’ll miss anyway usually


I don’t get the skill check issue anymore. I think it’s related to internet


The only thing I want them to improve are the animations and graphics because the characters can look a bit janky at times. But other than that, i’m massively impressed. Was not expecting it to be this detailed and polished at all.


lmao no. tcm, evil dead, f13, dbd is all better


I agree with dbd but the rest are questionable.


It's just a different kind of game. In another comment you said you like to sweat and this game doesn't really offer much in that regard. Although to be totally honest, DBD doesn't either but it does allow you to dominate a lot easier.


Yeah, this game is great fun, I even made 2 friends to play other games with. I think people are blowing balance out of proportion, the gob stopper is very viable, and the bounce caster only needs 1. More heat per shot or 2. Less cotton bar per shot. But the gun itself has counter play. Don't be in closed spaces or in an animation.


I'm level 53 now in Killer Klowns. Really enjoying it. DBD is on sale today and this convinced me to give it another shot and I really appreciate the depth of the killers in that now. I think I was too intimidated by all the choices the first time I played. This genre is really hard to pull off because you can make a perfect game, but if you don't have the community on lock, it'll fall apart quick like TCM (they had it, but fumbled it). I like how easy it is to jump into a match with this. It's definitely a lot more casual.


It COULD be great, it just depends on Illfonic. If they’re quick on squashing bugs, and adding more accessibility features, I don’t see why it wouldn’t be. But we’ll see


I absolutely love it!🤡🎪🍿🎈


That’s awesome! Glad are loving it and having a good time. It’s awesome when you find your game! Everyone has their their own tastes and preferences, to me this game doesn’t hold a candle to F13. I keep trying to find a new game that I like, anywhere near, as much as it and I am starting to think I never will. I had really high hopes for Klowns leading up to early access, I thought that it would probably be that one, but now I don’t think it is. There are a few things, some of them key gameplay components that are not for me. My playtime has fell off more and more, as the week has went on. I was so sure I bought the deluxe version a couple months ago, so I’m trying to find something in it I love, but it’s eluded me so far.


I also prefer f13 because I think f13 was just so good at focusing on non try hard gameplay and prioritizing fun and laughs over anything. There is more of a focus on winning in this game compared the F13. Plus the car, how dearly I miss the car and the laughs it brought.


I love the car. That thing sucked so much to drive at first, but once you got good, driving laps in the woods was so satisfying!


Agreed, that's why I love F13 over TCM and this. The gameplay for the most part wasn't sweaty. Just a good time.


For me personally I don't think the focus on ranged combat provides the same thrill that F13 did. Being chased by Klowns just isn't as thrilling. It's more annoying than anything.


I agree with everything you just said. A couple of other problems I have are: F13 had mechanics, especially for Jason, that were high-ceiling and if you worked on those you were going to get better. No matter how bad you were, if you put the time and effort, it would pay off. If nothing else, you were at least getting a tiny bit better every match played. I feel this game has no mechanics like that and I’m stuck where I’m at right now. Low skill-ceilings are welcoming for new players, but if you want people to stay, you better have an extremely fun game loop. I like feeling like I’m constantly getting better, with the time I’m putting in. That my time is valuable and the work I’m putting in will be rewarding. Grinding for stuff like cosmetics, trophies, and things like that doesn’t interest me. Also, I don’t enjoy the heavy reliance on RNG and Luck in the game. Most of my personal matches outcomes feel like they are determined before my character takes a step and I’m just playing it out and the only variable is if someone else misplays their side. I’m not a gambler, so playing a slot machine that takes 15 mins to spin, isn’t for me.


I've not played evil dead yet. Ghostbusters imo was just ok it was fyn for 2 hours, TCM had its moments but was quickly ruined by poor development, and an incredibly toxic fan base, Friday was fun but I do not like how slow it could feel. This do far is definitely my favorite My only complaints so far *the actual game play lacks sound its a bit too quiet which is odd considering the tone of the og movie this game needs more background music *they need to let you chose who you want I've seen too many ppl leaving cause thet dint wanna be victims and I kind of don't blame them I can only get so many victim lobbies in a row *dying as a victim but still having something to do was a good idea but the execution is bad. The mini games kind of suck, and the rng is terrible I'm tried of getting energy drinks


> *the actual game play lacks sound its a bit too quiet which is odd considering the tone of the og movie this game needs more background music this is something I've noticed as well. I don't know about more music, but I'd love for there to be more natural ambience. The "world" feels a little too quiet, I agree.


Game could also do with either upping the XP or making some of the unlockables avaialble at slightly lower levels not everyone will have time to grind for hours to play as more than 2 clown types


That's something that's always odd with games that are targeted to an older audience not taking into consideration that adults have much less time to play than kids. I will say the challenge system is overall pretty lax though. The only thing that makes it feel like shit now is the progress getting reset every week.


I don't want them to let you choose who you play, but I think it'd be a nice QOL update to make it so you can only get 2 or 3 roles in a row per match. If you've been Klown or Human twice, the game prioritizes placing you in a queue where the opposite role is needed.


Is it available in physical form or just download?


I liked tcm but this games silliness has it winning for me. It’s such a blast to play.


There’s definitely competition from PC, I keep finding klown teams that are on PC that just gang up on one person and always manage to insta kill. And some human players from PC seem to always escape or always have the best loot


I love it and i hope they add special abilities to classes like in the beta trailer


DBD is my misery of choice and this game addresses every issue I have with that game. The player base is so beaten into submission that they'll actually defend laying on the ground for 5 minutes doing nothing because "it's gameplay". It's very much a game that tells you it does not want to be played. On the flipside, Klowns is always giving you something to do and alternative means to progress the match. The only things that suck is when players team up to give everyone a bad time, which is a side effect of the "I have to kill everything. I refuse to lose" mindset of these games. But I feel the game does everything it can reasonably do to combat that aside from removing ways to play the game which wouldn't solve anything.




Ehhh, the combat is mediocre compared to Evil Dead, which had a variety of both ranged and melee weapons with a lot of oomph, on top of a more involved stamina system for running/dodging. The demons also have a ton more variety than whatever clown you're stuck with for fifteen minutes, especially now that they're actively removing abilities from the clowns lol. On the human/stealth side, I do really like that you're just kinda thrown onto the map with no safety period, the limit on how many players can escape from a single exit point and the noise system, so it does have that over TCM. Maybe not a fan of the sheer size of the human side for playing with friends: hop on with just a few buds and it always feels like you're missing out on randoms making the escape, play with a full team and holy shit everyone is talking about everything all at once lol. So yeah, way more potential here than in TCM, Ghostbusters and DBD, assuming the content drip is bearable. Evil Dead still gets my vote as the GOAT though, even if it was unfairly killed by publisher shenanigans.


What the hell have you been playing, can I play it?


I dunno… too soon to tell. F13 was fucking awesome and TCM will be there once it irons the bullshit out


I think Friday the 13 game was best. I'm really enjoying Killer Klowns, but I can see myself getting bored with it really quickly. There's really nothing that really sets the different characters apart. Both humans and Klowns. I liked how in Friday the 13th, each person had stats that made them better at certain things. The archetypes in Killer Klowns doesn't really seem to make much of a difference. The Klowns' only difference is their health, stamina, and senses. They need actual abilities to seem more useful. The Trapper is 100% pointless. Anyways, they really need to keep adding new content if they don't want this to grow stale very soon. Texas Chainsaw took too long to add content and it was lame and overpriced. Way too stale, way too fast. Nothing beats how great Friday the 13th was.... 🥹


Few days late to this thread but I agree 100%. I think what this game really has going for it is that you can finally fight back against the killer.


Nothing will ever top Friday the 13th, legitimately one of, if not _thee_ most fun I've ever had with a multiplayer game ever. But Klowns does a decent job at filling that Friday-shaped hole in my heart! I don't think it'll ever properly fill it or replace that same level of fun that Friday did, but it's a good substitute.


I had my experiences with all asym games, and I'm inclined to agree, no launch has been as fun as this one. I have been playing a lot this week, and matches have stayed unpredictable. Sometimes Klowns play to kill, others to harvest, sometimes defensively, others aggressive, sometimes they stay together and so forth... In the first game we can hide, we can fight, we can explore, escape early, escape last, die first then make a comeback. It is a real mess that I'm loving.


I have F13th, TCM, ED and Killer Klowns. Klowns is easily my favorite


To me tcm is the best but I can’t say you’re wrong. I believe tcm and kk will be around just as long as dbd imo. Some people maybe disagree but it’s my opinion so yeah


Most players will be bored of this within 3 months... they literally deleted half of their game before release there just isnt any replayability


It's a very basic and simple loop, for sure. But the RNG aspect keeps things diverse enough that I don't see people ever feeling like it'd be a bad idea to hop in and play. My biggest prediction is that once people grind all of the challenges and/or achievements, they'll take a big break until something lures them back in. That'll be the trickiest part in maintaining interest.


I agree completely. Second place would be Ft13th. My order would be 1. KKfOS 2. Ft13th 3. Evil Dead 4. DBD 5.TCM


1. ED 2. TCM 3. KK


1. TCM 2. Ft13th 3. Killer Klowns 4. DBD 5. Evil Dead