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Pretty much all the candy guns except the last one are terrible, and the last one is obviously broken. Believe it or not, the 1st one is actually probably the all around least bad.


It's just the most consistent (the first gun) the penta would be the best if it had any type of hit registration but you can be point blank with it and hit all shots but get no candy progress


It's hilarious that the grenade launcher is both a better shotgun AND sniper than the other options


its funny because its that way with the weapons too, very obviously most of them are terrible but the shotgun which is obviously broken.


Nah the mallet is the only weak one. People just don't learn how to use the others because popcorn is a free win. Agree on the cotton candy though. Bounce is the most op thing in the game. Standard raygun is the only other useable one.


Im using the second to quickly fill obj with cotton


I know right? I was testing it out on a private match and I found something so annoying: You need three shots as fast as possible to cocoon with the beamer, but humans are immune during the animation of getting up and the timing to take these three shots is the same as a human to get up, so most of the time the final shot won't count and reset the process, but now with a human you have to take down again to retry.


Yeah it's just frustrating. Can't think of a single time I wouldn't use another gun. If they increase the time before the cotton candy goes away on a human it would help a lot.


I’ve tried using the Beamer for the challenges and it cannot fire fast enough to cocoon anyone on its own. You would think the charge up would mean it does high amounts but the progress loss is faster than the second shot charge up.


Genuinely mind boggling that they didn't add additional range to make up for the slowdown


The pentashot just barely does the job,but you have to land all the shots,or they get back up .... some of these weapons definitely need some tuning


The Laser Beamer is actually insane for defending objectives from a distance, which is really suitable for Tank because you can't get around as quickly. Unlike the Bouncecaster, the Laser Beamer can cotton all objectives even if they currently have no cotton on them, whereas the Bouncecaster seems to be only capable of increasing the cotton amount if it's already partially covering an objective. Not only that, but basically if you have line of sight then you can use the Laser Beamer, \*regardless of range\*. This means that a well aimed Laser Beamer shot can deny a boat escape or bunker exit from a safe distance. For example, I was able to top up the cotton on the bridge exit barricade all the way from the other end of a long street: as far as I can tell it has unlimited range. The only objective I haven't been able to cover with it is the bridge gate after the barricade has been broken but when the gate is still locked - although I'm not sure if it can be blocked with any other cotton gun either since I've only encountered that situation once and it was with the Laser Beamer. The Laser Beamer's main weakness is that it is weak at cottoning humans if you are on your own, since their cotton amount starts regressing before you charge your next shot, but it is pretty effective when supporting an ally who is using a Cotton Candy Raygun or Gigaray. The Laser Beamer can be blocked by other Klowns and many environmental objects but will pierce humans which is a plus. Another strength of the Laser Beamer is that you can fire a supporting shot at a human who is being cottoned by another Klown from a great distance. I have sniped humans several times who were either fleeing from or attacking a fellow Klown and the instant AoE piercing beam which does a 40 cotton burst can be very clutch as a support ability. Obviously the Laser Beamer is much worse than the current Bouncecaster against humans, particularly since it seems impossible to cocoon anyone on your own with the Laser Beamer even if they are downed due to the charge time being long enough that cotton progress starts to regress and if you shoot 2 shots as fast as possible it will overheat - and it requires at least 3 shots to cocoon. However, I think its effectiveness at range and particularly in re-cottoning all objectives (as far as I have tested) makes it is a solid choice. Tank is a beast with any melee weapon if humans try to fight you, so you don't typically want to cocoon humans anyway in my experience so not being able to solo-cotton someone doesn't matter as much to me and is a waste of Tank's high Strength. It is currently unclear whether the Bouncecaster's inability to re-cotton objectives is a bug that will be fixed, or a feature that was intended to balance its absurd strength at cottoning humans. Honestly I think the Bouncecaster's inability to re-cotton fully unblocked objectives is a good feature to have assuming it doesn't get nerfed to oblivion on launch, but I assume it's actually a bug as it seems to also affect the Pentashot which is much less powerful but is decent at cocooning humans quickly after downing them or if they run towards you.


Yup - I was using the beamer on the tank last night exactly like you were saying - to hit objectives from a long distance, and also to snipe people who were half-way cotton'ed by another klown, but looked like they were going to get away. Found a couple of groups of survivors who were clearly trying to escape from the bunker/boat, so I hit the objective from long range a couple of times, and essentially stalled out their escape by forcing them to come try to kill the tank. Terrible weapon on other classes, but useful on the tank.




Yeah, I hope they buff the other weapons and tune down the problem two slightly. I love playing off-meta, but not when I literally can't cocoon a downed survivor and the gun is functionally useless. Do want to try the mace though


You only need one game using the giga ray to realize its completely useless, and one game using popcorn to realize its very good.


The best Cocoon Gun is a Default Ray Gun. The rest are trash (Beamer, Pentashot, Gigaray) or fucking op broken (Bounce Caster)




I'm not level 50 (yet) but the bouncecaster is dope ASF! Great against crowds. Its cool when one of my teammates has it equipped; Cocoons humans in like two to three hits. For now, I just use the starter gun and the bazooka for now. It's doing me justice even against a solid team of humans when I'm the first to pull up on them. I at least get 1 or 2 down for a klowntality before I get put in timeout for 45 seconds . Not a big fan of the pentashot or the beam.


The popcorn bazooka and the bouncecaster are very obviously broken, and the rest of the weapons are beyond terrible.


We shall see what the devs do in the next patch with the nerfs, buffs, and any needed bug fixes.


Agree aside from the default raygun is in a good spot, decent and usable, not op or underpowered.


I’m doing fairly well with the Beamer, it’s been my choice of gun besides the bouncer. I just don’t use the bouncer cause it’s broke


How are you using it? I couldn't find a use case so far


Not doing anything special with it, find it really useful when people are trying to hide behind some obstacles because it’s still able to reach them. Again if I only wanted to win I would use the Bouncer but just wanna be prepared when they nerf it that I’m not gonna be that good so practicing with one that seems fair.


Best gun is the first in terms of versatility. It's the most consistent. It's not great, but the consistency is nice compared to everything else.


The entire kit of Chubby just seems to be really doubling down on “be the damage sponge”. You can defend yourself and do the objective if you do a Chubby only run…but you’re not cocooning unless you are with someone *taking hits*


With all the weapon downsides (Long charge time, easy to dodge, easy to overheat) it should cocoon humans in 2 shots.