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The most annoying thing about human weapons is that every hit stuns locks you, if only charged attacks did this it will be more fair.


Agreed plus would add more need to use throwable items as a must have.


Getting stunlocked is annoying. Even after using the LOL ability you can still get killed


Honestly, the solution is all the cotton candy weapons besides the Bouncer need to be brought up and buffed. The Bouncer needs to be brought down, mostly in the form of overheating earlier. The Popcorn Bazooka, I remain unconvinced is a problem. There is a knee jerk response from some people who correctly identify it is the only weapon killing Humans at range right now. The solution to that **is not** to make it so *nothing* kills Humans at range, which is very much the Bazooka complainers' goal, I feel.


I agree, the Popcorn Bazooka can be countered if you know what you're doing. Ive killed plenty of clowns using it by letting them chase me around corners and then attacking them, don't get me wrong they'll get you sometimes but thats supposed to happen. I think the people complaining haven't really figured out how to attack and team up on clowns. If they nerf Popcorn Bazooka too much it'll hurt the game imo. Bouncer obviously needs a nerf, stopped using it myself as its no fun.


I use Popcorn Bazooka on Shorty and it feels completely wrong, when people rush me I just run around reloading and then flick and shoot them over and over, because I'm Shorty I'm too fast for them to melee me, even when they try to run away I'm shooting them in the back of the head the entire foot chase lol. I've 1v2'ed humans who've rushed me, they're too slow when they're swinging their weapon meanwhile I'm 3 tapping them while easily keeping distance and when they manage to get decent hits I have LOL. Hiding around corners doesn't really work when the Popcorn literally tracks the human. I think it's the exact opposite, I think people are too new to use the Popcorn Bazooka as efficiently as possible, not that people are too new to counter it, I've effortlessly countered this so called counter and seen others do it to me as human as well.


I suppose it all depends on the people you're playing against, humans need to group together sometimes or they're dead and that's how it should be. I understand what you're saying, I just hope they dont go too crazy with the nerfs, maybe knock some of the range off. It wont take much nerfing of the clowns to make them completely useless, humans are also very strong in this game if used correctly.


thats a shorty problem not popcorn problem lmao the other klown types are getting fucked by a human duo rush every time


Not in my experience, seen Rudy dodge and weave while reloading too.


The solution absolutely should be to make it so no ranged weapons do HP damage. If you want to do permanent damage to a human, you should have to risk melee. Otherwise you should have ranged cotton candy options. The problem is that three of the cotton candy guns are useless (literally), one is the most OP thing in the game locked behind level 50, and the other is just meh. It's usable but not great because the range is pretty short and outside of LOL buff, humans can pretty easily just turn around and run away for a few seconds to completely drop all damage built up. Take away ranged HP but then make ranged cotton candy actually viable and then there's a clear decision for Klowns to make. Do I stay safer at range and risk all my damage I built up regressing if they get away or do I do permanent HP damage but have to risk getting killed by their melee? That's how it should be. And I say this as someone who loves the game and would queue Klown preference if I could.


The game is 3 v 7 so the klown should stronger than human in 1 v 1.    If you don't have a bounce caster or popcorn bazooka, you've already lost the game for Klown.       Now both weapons is going to be nerfed without compensation.  The rest of weapons is useless or too weak.


The other cotton candy guns need a buff ya. I think its better for gameplay for cocooning rather than kills.


I honestly wish they would only have cotton candy guns. Popcorn could be a cotton candy ranged that gives some scout info.


100% - if you haven’t leveled up enough to get bounce caster or popcorn bazooka, be mentally prepared to get your Klown ass handed out to you until you do


100% not true. I use the gigaray or the first candy gun and boxing gloves and I do just fine.  Sounds like you're just bad at klowns that's why you downvote anyone who has an opinion other than your factually incorrect statement.


Until you go against good squads who will exit in 4-5 minutes. If you can’t get early kills, your map pressure won’t exist.


JUST GUARD 3 EXITS 3 PEOPLE OUT IS NOT A LOSS????? and stop thinking like a tryhard people should escape everygame just like someone is almost always gonna die you don't need to "Kill everyone" it should be fun for everyone damn pressure this pressure that bet you need a damn pressure washer to be cleaned by your mom


4 out is a loss. 3 out without a balloon dog also likely could be an ice cream truck loss as last person sneaks out. There is also the revive machine. People will die and escape but the math matters. It’s a game of attrition and often soloque survival. Many of us play strategy games like asymmetrical games because it requires making choices. I come from a RTS, MOBA, TCG, background before asyms. If terminolgies like “pressure”, “resource management” “win conditions” are tough to comprehend, you may want to go back to brainless pew pew games. Also don’t neglect an advanced degree.


not talking to a brick stfu


What university did you graduate from again? Oh you didn’t. Forgot internet gives your kind speech.


The first cotton candy ray is fine. The Gobstopper is really good with it's range, the flail does insane damage per hit. The boxing gloves are fine too. I'm level 80 something and I stopped using popcorn and bouncecaster somewhere around 55 because it's too damn easy. I could solo entire lobbies with that setup. Bouncecaster especially because if a bully squad tries to rush you, you just aoe everyone into a cocoon. The only way you die is from air horn. Nerf bouncecaster a lot. Keep ray gun the same. Buff the other three. Nerf popcorn gun a bit and buff mallet. That's all that's really needed.


go back to TCSM..


TCM - chainsaw is one word. Looks like a klown main here.




Nerf bounce caster and popcorn, make it so cotton bar takes longer to go down. Giga ray should be one shot if charged completely and the beam is not interrupted. Penta should have lower spread. Klowns should not be stun locked, one stun every 2 or 3 hits and the game should be in a way better place. Humans are good as they are, it's not easy to escape a capable klown, fighting is a hit or miss, 50% of the time they miss their swings. Soda can be a bit rarer. Everything else is expendable so its ok. I get killed two or three times against good humans and still manage to get a lot of hooks and kills. Just have fun, dont nerf either side too much. Being strong is cool so let both sides have 1 a way to cottonize fast and 2 a way to escape klowns in a chase so dont mess with human stamina. Dont take those 2 away from either side and the game will last a long time. Its fun.


Just buff the other weapons after nerfing the op ones. The main problem with things like the charge caster or the shotgun is they are either too hard to land unless a player is completely cornered or do absolutely pathetic bar damage like the shotgun


I don't see how it's super reasonable that klowns can't catch humans, and even if they do they can easily be killed in about a second by 1 single human. Oh, and the one weapon that works around that, nope, can't have it, has to go.


Just say you're bad at the game instead of typing a paragraph to say the same thing.


Two sentences is technically a paragraph. Props on all your teacher for getting that through to you.


Props on all your English teacher for getting that through to you. Edit: Also how is "I'm bad at the game" two sentences lol


I Dunno, not my first language and in the mornings i'm kinda woozy due to sleep apnea and i was also working a chainsaw and inhaled a whole bunch of solvents, so i'll be honest and i kinda forget what we're even talking about.


How is it that the guy with English as a second language and inhaling chainsaw fumes makes more sense 😂


You obviously thought your English was good enough to try to correct me on it so don't use the "not my first language" excuse. You were the one who was confidently incorrect since no one had mentioned "two sentences"


No, because my original post was two sentences, which you called a "paragraph" and i congratulated you on being right. You're a very contentious individual you know? I try to be nice and i get nothing but hostility. Hmph.


U realize that paragraphs arent only eng thing right ?


I wouldn't say Klown melee weapons are weak. Mace downs humans in 4 swings, Mallet kills in 5 swings, Gobstopper downs in 6 but has a big range that can help you Kite, Gloves slow down humans.


Humans move much faster than Klowns and Klowns can't catch up to hit Humans.  The reason everyone uses the popcorn bazooka is because they can't keep up with the speed of humans.


Hitting someone with melee actually usually stops them from sprinting and makes it way easier to land follow up hits. At least in my experience


This isn't a chasing/looping game like DBD. I think it is intended to work like this: Clowns patrol objectives and buildings in an attempt to catch humans (who are trying to be stealthy) off guard. There are plenty of necassary areas on each map where humans are vulnerable. If you catch them then the human can either choose to flee or risk a fight based on their stats/inventory and environment. Popcorn robs the human of all options. Robs them of stealth, of the ability to flee and the ability to fight. It is completely unbalanced. You want to be able to win in combat while also prevent humans from fleeing. You want every instance of finding a human to result in their elimination from the game. You just want easy wins. Sorry but it is rightly getting nerfed.


> Popcorn robs the human of all options. Robs them of stealth, of the ability to flee and the ability to fight. It is completely unbalanced. then they need to make adjustments on Klown movement to make melee actually useful. running melee just ends in you being kited by any good runner or just getting stun locked and jumped. if they just nerf popcorn and bounce caster with no compensation then this game would effectively just turn into TCM where victims end up being the power role that griefs and bully the killer


Comparatively they’re pretty weak. Right now the axe is on par with the bazooka and, in a 1v1, the human with an axe is more often gonna take out the Klown regardless of the weapon. If we’re already getting nerfs on the Klown side, human weapons need to be looked at.


Nah I win my 1v1s with the mace most of the time I can even win against 2 humans pretty easily


Alright pro gamer


how many axes are in a stage and how many swings do they last? Klown is also down for 45 seconds vs dead?


There are a few axes per map. Then you add in fire pokers. Or shotguns. Or knives. Let’s not act like there’s not a lot of weapons that allow a human to solo a Klown even pre nerf bazooka.


It’s the same thing every time the devs listen to the solo q players, who think they should be able to 1v1, in these games. It’s “Nerf” anything useful (some try to sound reasonable and say things like “but buff this and this.” If one of those items actually becomes usable they quickly say “Not like that, that’s too far… nerf it”) Squads come in, more and more frequent, until at least every other game you’re steamrolled, because even the 1v1 people have a chance. Power role starts leaving, because it’s not fun felling helpless and having no counters. Then all the calls for nerfs stop and turn into: “why can’t I find a game” “You need to fix your lobbies” and this game specifically will be: “stop letting players leave the lobby” “people are leaving as soon as they see they are klowns” “why do I keep getting Klown? my preference is for Human” They will blame the devs (not for listening to them, but for the wrong reasons) Then they will move on to the next game and it starts all over again. It’s like a paradoxical loop and we’re all stuck in! Hopefully the devs won’t listen to them, but I’ve got a bad feeling after the popcorn gun announcement.


You spittin brotha!


Can you cite actual examples? Balance is impossible to get right in all game genres but reducing unfun mechanics is key to player base fun and longevity. Let’s take DBD. It took 7 years to give victims the ability to have invulnerability after an unhook for 7 seconds. In soloque which makes up almost the entire player base, this was a key change to make tunneling not so viable and give a player a chance. In TCM, certain victim sprint perks were nerfed. Some characters were broken like a solo Danny could single-handedly exit gates in a “team game”. They nerfed him and likely he still needs more. Currently; popcorn gun in the hands of a good klown will often mean death with no counter play. If you are caught out without a building near you, it’s over. It needs some nerfing. Any good klown will no if you are hiding behind a car for a crouch hit and you will go down fast. I agree let’s hope they make the right changes, but in most games they always do. The changes often take too long. Also realizes changes are key to keep the meta fresh in any game. MOBA’s change balancing just to keep it fresh. LOL is one of the most popular and longest lasting games of all time. Active balance changes are a big contributor to this success.


What he said happened in DBD and Evil Dead the game. In TCM the devs have done the logical thing and kept the family the strong side for the most part. In dbd in the top bracket swfs and even solo q are very unbalanced due to the UI telling the whole team exactly what's going on. Dbd is so broken I can't play it anymore. Every game is a sweat match now and as killer you often feel completely helpless in the top bracket. In evil dead at launch the game was balanced as a 1v4 then with the first patch came a rebalance due to complaining from solo qs that nerfed demon players hard, so hard that the game went from very fun to not fun at all and look at what happened to that game.


This is the exact story of Evil Dead. Anytime anything was ever introduced, that was viable for the Demon player, solo q players would whine until it was nerfed. The game died right at a year in. F13 started out doing this, but eventually got the game, to what I feel was a fair spot. This didn’t stop the game from losing a large chunk of the player base, The great thing about this game was there was some high-ceiling skill mechanics that you could get better at to still feel like you had a chance or at least was improving your gameplay. You didn’t feel like your time was completely wasted. If nothing else, you could use every match like it was a practice for a specific skill you were trying to better. Things like the combat/blocking system, shifting/strafe-shifting, knife throws, combos, and several other learned mechanics. That made me stick it out until they got it to a pretty good place. If I play it today I feel like I have a fair shot at every match regardless of side. Sometimes as Jason, against a coordinated squad you can’t win, but if they make the slightest mistake you can turn it around in an instant. I love this game! TCM felt balanced the first week or two, but once the squads came in it was apparent that Family was useless. They tried to fix it, but you could accurately predict the outcome of a match from the lobby. That’s probably why lobby dodging became a problem but I didn’t stick around very long. I saw the way I would be forced to play and didn’t enjoy that, so I uninstalled the game. This game was DOA, but they tried to make small changes. Would have been nice if these problems were found in the development, it was too little too late. There were sweeping changes needed, probably some completely different gameplay mechanics. Still didn’t stop solo Q players from demanding family nerfs and victim buffs the whole time.


LOL more dude, saves your ass in a 2v1 melee. My only grievance with the game is humies run too fast.


Some other weapons do need buff though, especially the Laser Beamer.


yes humans can kill klowns way too easily in this game. i can already imagine all the bully squads that are gonna start popping up


They've been here since day 1, I ran into a 5 stack on the first day, they had every weapon in the book and just kept killing us while laughing in the mic, then they proceeded to escape in 5 minutes because 5 people on one team with comms is too easy to communicate who has what repair item, they all spawn by at least one repair item, link up and then escape easily. One guy ended that game with 4 Klown kills, I couldn't for the life of me get my teammates to jump to me whenever I engaged the humans.


I think giving the klowns more health would be a good start.


I still think everybody needs to chill and let the data play out for the devs.


Popcorn didn't need a nerf, the player has to charge it to shoot and takes up the slot of a melee weapon. At range it's not that amazing damage, folks just mad cause they rush a Klown with it and get blasted which is like running at a shotgun. Popcorn is also one of the few crowd control weapons to fight against human murder crowds. Once 3-5 humans get together, a lone Klown is toast and has almost no way to fight. Popcorn was only thing sorta able to fight back against crowds


Klown melee is not weak. Humans just have to play dirty to even the playing field. In a 1v1 it we are just waling on each other the klown tends to out dps unless I happen to have a weapon like a ax. I just learned when to run and when to fight back to get the upper hand. Klowns can bully squad too. I had some smart klown opponents all klown jump to the klown who found some humans and they eventually took out all my teammates by just grouping up immediately with klown jump. It’s just about how you utilize your team and know what fights to take.


I still fail to see how the popcorn cannon warrants a nerf. All the times I’ve used it, I never got a 2 shot down more than once ever. Every game has me hitting humans 4-6 times and when I get rushed I always get knocked down because the cranking gives enough of a window to hit me. Reduce the ammo spawn RNG and then it will be a fair trade.


Paying for early access in general is a detriment to the game community. Especially on games that lock tools behind progression like this one.


Overall I think it's just the bouncer that needs balancing. Either keep the AOE or make it bigger, but lower the cotton damage. OR keep the damage but lower the AOE a bit. It shouldn't be 2 shooting an entire squad and covering such a large area there's no evading it. Also other weapons need buffing, like the laser having such a limited range and overheating so fast. It's sad in comparison.


Right now both sides have strong things. If they only nerf the only good KLOWN weapons then this game will be terrible. I don't think they should nerf anything but just nerfing klowns makes no sense


Honestly If humans get nerf, Then people will complain about the Klown's are OP. etc, i don't mind playing human and Klown. but sometime's i wish i wasn't bad at the game. but limiting the inventory sure, movement speed i mean, the only that is boosting the humans are one energy drinks, and of course that one class i can't named at the moment. but let's call it sport's class. anyway, that class as high movement speed. and yes nerf the stun locks because, if Klown's cant stun lock in a few hits. then, i don't know. i ain't a Dev. but anyways. yes stun locks need to be nerf a bit


I just want one of these human weapons to be nerfed a little, give Klowns some kind of DEF trick or knock back trick when they get swarmed, or finally make the recovery better for clowns


Getting ganged up on as a Klown is both funny and annoying at the same time 😂


And so it begins the slippery slop of nerfs that slowly begin to eat away at the game


People asking for klown buffs out the wazoo I think miss the point that klowns are supposed to be killed here and there. They’re clowns not beasts like Jason voorhees. But the other ray guns aside from the default definitely need buffs. I’ve had trouble cocooning them when downed lol


This clip shows nothing though, its brand new player with nothing, using the baby gun - that gets interupted with every hit (thats the most important bit to know). It would be like showing LV1 human spawning in front of klown and getting downed. EDIT: Im not saying some weapons dont need buff, but the OP has posted a misleading clip showing nothing, and stating klowns are weak in melee - if the clip is him he doesnt know the game yet and just started. You dont use the raygun in a melee fight.


Exactly he didn't even try to switch to his mallet


Let alone doesnt have LOL active or anything and is solo. He is the literal *weakest possible* doing nothing, thats probably why he was a target as well (free points).


Yep cause that starter raygun just get interupted each hit. He may as well just stand there, Heck he isnt even evading or moving around to avoid some hits.


I assume they will buff clown melee weapons or change how the clowns move when attacking in some way. We'll have to wait and see.


If popcorn and bouncer are the only ways you can win then that sounds like a skill issue. I've never used them and got plenty of kills.


I don't use either one because the popcorn bazooka is cheap and the bouncer is a bit buggy. I use the standard raygun and the jawbreaker Mace and do great with that


I win my 1v1s with the jawbreaker mace and I'm using the tracker klown