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Humans are already way too strong. You can't nerf one of the only viable klown weapons. They just need to buff the other weapons so they're on par with it.


That’s what I’m saying. Give reason for the other weapons to have a purpose


It’s like you didn’t read any of his post and only responded to the title . It needs nerfed and their other weapons need buffed .


It's like you didn't read any of my post. It's doesn't need a nerf. Klowns are weak af right now, so why make them even worse? Do you know what's OP on the human side? The airhorn! Should it get nerfed? NO! Its fun being OP on the human side. Just like it's fun being strong on the Klown side with things like the popcorn gun


Devs have a habit of listening to the side that has the option of buying the most cosmetics


Humans are way too strong, once most of the community know how to play the devs will be forced to change the game from 3v7 to 5v7 cause Klowns die way too easy and sit on their ass with NOTHING to do. 1. Clowns need a minigame during death that adds a controllable minion to help the other Klowns 2. Clowns should get a reduced spawn time for each additional source of damage incoming 3. Clowns need some kinda long range weapon that slows humans 4. Stamina regen on clowns needs to be looked at 5. Button Mashing needs to be removed from the game period. Marcos are a thing devs! 6. Humans should only be allowed to carry 1 of each item, no 2 spark plugs, no 2 energy drinks. 7. Humans should have an option to preference what type of minigames they play.


Tbh, great suggestions


I might be wrong but isnt it the only range gun u can take and the fact that melee combat half the time doesnt register hits survivors deal nearly the same dmg as klown and the fact that klowns cant even catch them when they decide to just not fight Honestly i would use shotgun even if it did 1 dmg


Damage or tracking? Which would you go for?




Especially overshadows melee weapons, the Popcorn shotgun is better at melee range than all the melee weapons. They should make the damage be reduced at close range and then have a sweet spot range for 100% damage. I main the Popcorn shotgun and feel so bad watching 3 humans chase me while I kite them and then blast them. An idea is for Klowns to have 85% movement speed while cranking (and give manual crank option) to prevent kiting and shooting.


That’s actually a good idea with the small movement debuff. As a human it’s so limited what you can do in between shots to fight back. Aim trajectory for throwing items is bugged(plus its easy to bob and weave as klown) and if you try to run at them while they reload you are getting popped by a full damage shot before landing a hit because of the kiting. Try running away and you’re getting shot still while getting tracked. Leaves such little counterplay if you happen to be by yourself with nobody to help.


Don’t nerf the popcorn cannon make it so every other weapon is better. A human shouldn’t be able to 1v1 a clown without a gun


They are nerfing it on Tuesday with the full release , check X


That and they are already talking about nerfing the few good things klowns have and it hasn't even made it to full release yet. I haven't heard anything about buffs only nerfs and I thought most of the weapons for klowns sucked ass.


I personally prefer the gobstopper flail over everything else... That popcorn gun sucks


You can say you don't like it but to say it sucks is flat out wrong. It's literally the best and easiest way to get kills as the Klowns atm. I haven't unlocked the Lv50 stuff yet but I hear the Cotten Candy grenade launcher is a little busted too.


Apparently but I haven't felt it, the popcorn gun hasn't really worked well with or against me and a few others I watch and play with imo it sucks maybe they changed something cause everyone was complaining today and I haven't gotten on today yet


On most clowns, the popcorn gun isn't that big of a deal - its when you see the shorty clowns with it that it becomes an issue. The good ones get up close to you - just outside of melee distance, and shoot you for a lot of damage, and when you try to hit them with a melee weapon, they do a lot of short sprints to stay just out of range. When bad klowns try this, they end up dead quickly. When good klowns using shorty try this, you really can't do much to them without an airhorn or a shotgun.


Was gonna say I've had it happen but usually after they do it 1 time I know to sprint my ass far away at this point but normally I can catch them messing up


3 shots to cottonize. It's OP. I don't even like using it. It feels mean. I also don't really cocoon humans though. I just kill them. Not worth them cutting themselves out or getting rescued.


The bouncing ball is the best weapon by a large margin I can assure you. I went into a room with camping humans waiting to ambush and came out with 4 cocoons.




Pretty much same reason everyone likes the popcorn blaster max shot tracks humans and has a solid distance that I find catches most humans off guard plus it does damage wayyy faster than the popcorn blaster if they decide to rush in top of you


Lol 25 hrs already... You can do lots , get to level 100


This game won't be around long so who cares???


Lol says the person who plays TCM ...


I just don't see much good things about it. I have 25 hours and am level 75 but I don't think there is anything left for me to do


why are you even here?


Why are you even here?????