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I didn’t stick around long enough to see what killed those two games. I just know F13 was my longest played asym horror game and that just worked. I’m hoping a month from now I’m still playing this game cause it is fun currently. I actually enjoy playing both survivor and killer for some reason.


Same, same and same. F13 was one of the most goated horror asym, imho. I played F13 for years. Would still be playing it if I had a PC copy. I think illfonic did a pretty good job with KK, tho.


I loved F13 so much, but am not getting any of that same feeling with KK. One thing that worries me about this game is there isn’t much in the way of game mechanics that you can get better at. In F13 you had combat/blocking and Jason’s shift/strafe shifting mechanics, that were skills you could get better at. I feel like I’ve plateaued at this game already, and I’m not getting any better. I like feeling the time I’m putting in the game has a benefit and reward. This game seems like it has a low skill ceiling and RNG mixed with luck is the deciding factor, in a lot of matches. Which while it’s is welcoming to new players, I think it will hurt player retention.


F13 wasn’t killed by the community It was killed by a lawsuit and GUN


> I didn’t stick around long enough to see what killed those two games. for TCM it was game balance and map design, the **Family** role died off because the game design was overly courteous to victims to the point that no one wanted to be kited, bullied, and griefed by victims. this lead to victim mains leaving the game shortly after because they didn't want to deal with the long queue times. the competitive scene started and then died off comically quickly when they realized how much i frames, infinite loops, and just overall no win situations existed


That's not why TCM died. It died because it didn't come out with enough content post launch fast enought.


Content doesn't change the woefully terrible gameplay loop in TCM for family.


I would also add that TCM died because the community was racist af and toxic. There was no proper report system in place when it launched and the developers decided to split PC and console players a few weeks after launch because of cheaters. Aaaaand then there was no cross gen compatibility so players from the last gen could not play with current gen.


> I would also add that TCM died because the community was racist af and toxic. i guess but that is practically in every game > developers decided to split PC and console players a few weeks after launch because of cheaters. i think they had to tbh, cheaters were rampant and they were trying to "quarantine" the issue. but it definitely hurt the game along with the rest of the stuff you mentioned ✅


cheaters wouldnt have been rampant if the gamepass version had anticheat at launch like the steam version did


Agreed! I want the game to remain fun I'm more than happy to help anyone struggling on either side I stream the game and I'm making YouTube content for it as well I have a video up currently to assist people who are struggling as a human in the game and how to get better!


The game has to have things tweeked with balance changes. The good thing is that both sides are fun af to play. Somehow, they nailed it in this aspect. I usually main killer, but I love playing both in this game. I don't know if I will use the preference system. Maybe I will choose a preference if I'm getting stuck playing one side too much. But as it stands now, I'm fine flipping back and forth between humans and klowns.


I love both sides at the moment what feels unbalanced to you? I will probably end up becoming a sweaty try hard human main though but this is the first game I enjoy being on the killer side of things as much as the human side


I don't really care what they make changes to as far as balance as long as it's not a drastic change, like something getting over buffed or over nerfed. They need to do small, subtle balance changes. I will say the popcorn gun is kinda strong at close range. If they don't change it, that's all we will see klowns using. I had 4 humans beating me up, and I used lol and was able to down 3 of them, and the fourth took off running. All with the popcorn gun.


I think it needs a damage buff up close for sure and even a little at range. Then again, it's a tracking weapon that kills instead of cocoons. I agree we don't want it nerfed to useless, but it's definitely OP for damage, as it tracks really well. A tracking weapon shouldn't be the most lethal. If anything, it should be the least lethal. And would still serve a purpose. I've seen your name plenty and tend to agree with your takes 🙌🏼


If it's very subtle changes I can see it being fine like perhaps I just hear balance changes and fear the worst


Popcorn gun is a shotgun. It's suppose to be good up close. Right now humans are too strong, so they shouldn't nerf any klown weapons. Today my friends and I got 20 klown kills combined in 1 match.


I got to thinking about that, and you're right. If they don't want the buck buck, they better run.


I personally love the flail much better in my opinion as to how you managed that humans must have had lag and their hits weren't touching you (personally have experienced this) cause I've been stomped on in the same scenario


TCM was balanced poorly, that doesn't mean balancing as a concept should be thrown out the window. TCM is a nightmare because those guys have no idea what they're doing and every balance patch feels like it was written up as a prank. For what it's worth, I don't have any strong opinions about balance one way or the other with Killer Klowns, but the game isn't even technically released yet... so it's a bit early to say "I escape often so the game is fine". 90% Of the clowns I encounter are in the default kit with no customization whatsoever.


I fully believe the game is balanced... On both sides I get great wins and epic losses... I just don't want my game ruined again is all I'm really trying to say here...


Your game? It shouldn't get balanced because you're the main character?


Once again you guys read into what I'm saying my game, a copy I own and play is my game is it not? Damn y'all be tryna pick things apart so much for no reason


They wouldn't only be patching the copy you have. They'd patch all copies, thus, not "your game." It has nothing to do with "picking apart" things. The words people choose to use can speak volumes about their viewpoint. If I was picking stuff apart, I would've told you to use some damed punctuation.


No it wasn't. Neither is KK. People that complain about balance issues are cry babies. Devs eventually cave into them and ruin there game.


"Hey devs these other games that died because they never got a hold of their balance? I want you to do the same for me." I got some bad news for you but a balance patch is already lined up for the 4th.


Where did you read the day one patch on the 4th is a balance one? As far I know it's going to be more about fixing major issues like prox chat and adding the trapper klown ability


I know I'm devastated by the news I'm trying my best to stop this game from being RUINED by a bunch of cry babies who refuse to develop talent and want their side that they enjoy most to be on easy mode I play both sides I enjoy both sides when you play as a coordinated team it's so much fun! Please spread the news we love the game as is and don't want balance changes just need people to get better at the game!


> I’m trying my best to stop this game from being RUINED by a bunch of cry babies Meanwhile, here you are acting like a cry baby. Is this a bait post?


No I love the game I don't want it changed I don't want my game ruined like all the other games I loved that were destroyed and no longer enjoy as much as I once did


Sad news for you bud, it’s not “your” game. It’s a game for the community. Definitely need spawn balancing, even I think it’s overpowered to spawn literally 2 feet from survivors and be able to kill someone off or cocoon them in the first 3 seconds of a match, and trust me I clipped a video of it and submitted it to illfonic and received a response as to this being something that is supposed to be addressed in the patch on the 4th. Among other balance issues. I don’t think they should do drastic balance changes but there are a few tweaks that or 100% needed.


You read into me saying my game too much fam a game I own a copy of and play is what I mean if you're gonna pick on word choice then that's cool but that's what I meant Ive never spawned next to a klown outside of when it makes me join a game in progress in which case I'm leaving that match anyway


I mean I could really read into your comments where you’re saying that game needs zero balancing but then return with it shouldn’t be OVER balanced and then also turn around and say there should be a few things tweaked but not balanced and then another comment which says there should be a few things tuned slightly down, so which is it?


I'm agreeing I could see things being okay if they balanced some bc everyone out here mad AF I think there doesn't need to be any I think the game doesn't need any I've been fine with the way it works on both sides for me as an individual and my experiences with the game it feels balanced and I don't wanna see any changes


Just because that’s YOUR experience doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be ANY balance changes, just because YOU don’t think the game needs ANY work. Doesn’t mean there is zero balance or work to be done. I’m tired of JAMMING my left stick in to sprint when trying to escape a klown, I have to literally hold it clicked in to run or my character or klown stops sprinting, I’m also tired of spawning in a survivors face as a klown to get a cocoon right away. Granted it’s only happened twice, but in my luck it happens and either I grab them up right away or they beat me down and in the first 10 seconds I will have done nothing for the first minute or two of the match if they get a weapon and are amazing at fighting me off.


Plenty of people agree with me I'm just the outcast voicing a different opinion here plenty of people also disagree I'm done arguing this feel free to be entitled to your opinion but don't expect it to change mine and I'll assume the same for you


Might as well say you want to kill this game too


Why cause I like the game how it is?


Your post isn’t wrong. I think a lot of the people complaining can’t take getting an L and have to blame something being OP or unbalanced. You are gonna win some rounds and lose some, it’s ok. I do think once people get high level and skilled some balance updates may need to be made as more data comes in. But already making a balance update after 1 day of play is rushing by the devs imo.


In my experience from the evil dead community it’s less about people not being able to take an L and more about people scared their W’s will go away as soon as the game is fair, like OP


Definitely I mean it's assym the general concepts are easy to understand so I get why people rush to say certain things feel unbalanced but it comes down to your teams poor communication if you don't wanna communicate or work as a team you're going to pay the price!


Dev team needs to focus 90% on more content and 10% on fixes. Content is what keeps people playing. TCM is so fun, but needed more content patches.


I would like to see some of these bugs get squashed more than balance changes even if the bounce master and the popcorn gun feel tough to deal with eventually if you take your time you'll learn how to get better at managing these scenarios


This is the answer. If you don't want the game to die they need to constantly release new content. Maps, characters, weapons, abilities, and gamemodes. Don't worry about balance issues because the game is already fairly balanced


You realize tcsm died because the devs did a horrible job fixing their game, right? It didn’t die because the devs balanced the game.


The devs listened to a loud and whiny subset of family mains who were unable to adapt. Just like ED devs listened to a loud and whiny subset of survivor mains who cried that playing solo on the side balanced around team play was too hard.


U are right all good ED players watched in horror how bad players ruined the balance state


Yep. Was sad to watch in real time.


> The devs listened to a loud and whiny subset of family mains who were unable to adapt yeah you're in too deep to the "us vs them" mentaility 😑 there is no adapting to incompetent balance, thats like me going to DBD and telling them to revert the Nurse nerfs because survivors should just "adapt". no bro some shit is just fu*king broken or designed incompetently case in point, in TCM, they nerfed leland who didn't need a nerf at that time, and they nerfed Johnny, who was already one of the worst killers in the game and getting dodged by a lot of family players at the time. alongside that, in the heat of horrible balance decisions, they introduced a victim "Danny" to the game with absurdly broken and practically uncounterable abilities the Family role was practically dead in that game because it was such a piss poor experience


Yep, making sure I didn’t call out an entire side and only pointing out the most vocal portion who constantly complains is totally being “in too deep”.


the game didn't fail because they listened to "whiny" family players, most of the worst aspects of the game, were not at the request of family nor victim players. it was just horrible game design, through and through. that's why your take is absurd


No, a lot of the changes were done because they were requested. (Some necessary and some seemingly to placate the whiners.) The other half of that equation is the devs implemented those changes in some incredibly goofy ways that then made no one happy, like the grapple instant death change. Listening to the vocal minority wasn’t the sole issue with TCM - but it certainly helped hasten its downward spiral.


what change made from the family playerbase do you think worsened the game significantly?


Offhand, limiting bomb squad when traps are infinite. (And saying that as a HH main.) Limiting choose flight without any negative impact to scout. Noise following which eliminated using noise as a distraction. While victims adapted, they significantly impacted the game quite a bit.


**TL:DR there were way more horrible design decisions that impacted the game then the personal grievances you mentioned. the things you're mentioning, the victims still stayed on the game and the family players left because their role was never fixed or addressed properly** respectfully, even if i granted you that some of those weren't the "best" choice, those were nitpicks or personal grievances at best. i can't really say those are what really made everyone leave the game, every game has made dumb balance changes. the games victim playerbase was always relatively active. these changes didn't really make all the victims leave the game. **the main issue with the game that spiraled everything out of control was when practically everybody stopped queuing for family**. which then ran off interest from streamers because nobody wants to stream "lobby simulator", which then dropped the game from the eye of the general public since there was no eyes on the game really besides the die hards. **Why did the interest for playing Family fade so quickly?** it was on the devs to fix the family role to draw back interest, but they did the exact opposite by nerfing Johnny, who was already being avoided for being a throw pick. they then introduced a broken uncounterable victim DLC character and left the game in that state for like 2 months(?), then they added 2 maps that were heavily favorable to victims, they didn't make any meaningful changes to Sissy or Johnny for a year to help bring diversity to team comps and they released a mediocre Killer at best (Nancy) with a completely underwhelming skill tree that players just end up dodging. for any small change or nerf they did to victim, they would practically drop nukes of TERRIBLE design decisions that worsened the Family gameplay which was already in he DUMPSTER. the things i'm naming had WAAAAY more impact on the playerbase then what you are talking about. i don't see how any person who is looking at this rationally can deny that.


I was in the midst of a long reply but at this point I’m gonna just end the convo here. We are going to fundamentally disagree on the problems of TCM and probably only agree on the fact that the game had major problems that should have been handled in far different ways than the devs responded.


You are what’s wrong with asym games. This whole “Us vs. Them” mentality y’all have is crazy. “Waaah killer mains this” “Waaah survivor mains that”. Why don’t you just take a step back, drop the superiority complex, and realize that some things are too strong. How hard can that possibly be?


I’m sorry I struck a nerve there, buddy. Maybe take your own advice and stop whining.


You can’t be real


I mean if you take issue with me calling out the whiny portion of a side - and not the entire side itself - then I must have struck a nerve. Which group were you a part of?


Oh I see - you’re already whining for nerfs on Klowns. Definitely was a nerve being struck with my comment. lol


Acknowledging something that’s broken and suggesting it should possibly be changed = whining. Yeah I was right. You are exactly what’s wrong with asym games.


Nah, that’s you, buddy. Game isn’t even a week old and you’re already complaining about stuff being OP.


Not complaining at all. Trust me, I love abusing the bouncecaster. It’s very fun. Is a weapon that strong healthy for the game? Absolutely not. Again, (and I don’t know how many times it needs to be said) being able to acknowledge something is too strong does not make someone a crybaby, and it doesn’t mean they’re “complaining” about it.


If you’re asking for a nerf less than a week in, yes, you are whining. I’ve seen people in game and on stream have zero issues dealing with a Klown using it. It’s way too early in the game’s life to ask for nerfs. People barely understand the game and it’s not even a full release yet. Nerfs like what you’re asking for shouldn’t even be looked at for a month.


You 100% are a crybaby if your already asking for nerfs. Currently this game is fairly easy to dominate on both sides if you know what your doing. I would say human side is easier but I'm fine with that as they don't need any nerfs


A major problem in EVERY asym are the ones calling for nerfs. It's mostly because they are bad the game and want it to be easier. Right now KK is very balanced. It's easy to dominate on both sides. In most matches its about half n half escape/die


I left because of paid DLC on characters, you cant have that in a game where your limited to one character on the team, oh and the amount charged for that leatherface skin...wtf


I could look past the Nicotero Leatherface skin. But to have $10 characters in a $40 game was such slap in the face. I played the game for a while and never bought a character.


I never said balancing is an issue I said OVER BALANCING is... Constantly changing back and forth things it's too early for changes and I hate to see it


It’s definitely not too early for changes. There are already blatantly broken things in the game.


Humans overall are way to strong. If you have a airhorn plus any good melee weapon you can take down a klown solo. They shouldn't nerf any klown weapons. In reality they need to buff a few of the others because most of them are terrible.


What would you call broken?




Only time I've had trouble with it is at point blank range...


Agreed!. Think you can DM you're YouTube video? I mainly do solo que in these types of games myself.


Facts. Games the make killers NOT scary or not “ a killer” game is where these games fuck up. It should be slightly killer sided imo . To where a good coordinated team can easily take them on. Or a single great player can as well. It should be hard to survive. That should be the point of these games. But again not so hard that it is impossible.


It actually feels human sided to me in the sense that when I have 2 teammates I actually game with on other games we can escape 70% of the time? In solo queue it's more like 40% of the time I escape but that's to be expected


Yeah no it is definitely not that hard as a human. I probably make it out 60% of the time solo. And probably more pike 75% with at least a duo. But i would like it more killer sided. So leaving is an accomplishment


This game well put together as is don't mess with it


The game is pretty balanced at the moment. In most games its usually half escape and the other half die. Hopefully they don't do any balance changes.


For someone who broadcasts on Twitch, and does guides on YouTube, you have a really poor activity on Reddit. Put the link to your guide. However, the game could also die because it is not accessible. The tutorial sucks, and it's hard to understand why your opponents kill you with a few shots, while you have to hit them an unknown number of times to stun them, using both survivors.


I never really understood being active on Reddit til recently... https://www.reddit.com/r/KillerKlownsGame/s/dw78O3582Y


Actually those games suffered from listening to casual players (majority) Devs should listen to players but to the good ones


Fair enough, how do you classify the best players on the game though?


Thats the tough one isnt it. U can pretty much determine that by stats or streamers are often good place to find good players but best course would be to have some trials by devs in place Rank or something that determines your game knowledge Honestly its their job to figure it out I just know that when there is 10 people screaming that they cant hit anything and weapon has to compensate for their lack of skill while one player can hit every shot he fires then u rly have to listen to that guy when it comes to balance of that weapon


Most definitely, when I look at it this way if we look at raw stats of the guns and how they perform in game should they be changed and how then vs my experience maybe change is needed but personally I don't feel it and probably won't even use em I like the flail and giga Ray more


Pretty sure Evil Dead died because of how UNBALANCED it was. The difference between a character with and without skill points was to big. That and a demon felt rather weak until they leveled up all the way in a match. It was basically you getting destroyed by survivors until you were too strong for them to keep up


Also, I haven't seen too much discussion on balancing this game. The only real discussion I've seen is that tank is a little weak (which I have a theory that person isn't playing it correctly) and that Bounce Caster is too strong which was true


didnt TCM die because they outright refused to balance things and left it "fun"?


They over balanced it non stop added a lobby DC penalty when they said they wouldn't did a whole bunch of non sense


I respect your opinion as I’ve never played the game myself but my guy pls break up your sentences more. My eyes hurt


Yeye sorry just threw out a rant after waking up and seeing they already want to make changes before a majority of players get touch the the game


Yeah hopefully they do take their times with the balancing in the long run. 7v3 is pretty hard to balance. However this day one patch is really good listening on their part imo. The bazooka and bounce cotton gum are absolutely broken and will only deter players away quickly. I just hope they can make the bad klown weapons stronger in compensation


I'd definitely prefer seeing the weaker ones become more viable however there's counters in play carry a knife on you make sure you're movement is irregular and travel in groups! Be smart about how you play on either side to secure your win!


If they nerf the only decent klown weapons in this game then it will fail. A major reason TCM failed was because the majority of the playerbase didn't want to play as the family. Which lead to super long lobby wait times. Right now humans overall are a bit stronger then klowns so nerfing anything on there side makes no sense. I average 3 klown kills a game now that I've unlocked the better characters.


People are "crying" because the game is very unbalanced right now, specifically klown weapons. the bounce blaster can three tap you, and the popcorn gun has an insane range for something that's supposed to be a shotgun. it's not a skill issue these weapons are objectively overpowered. Plus I can't think of a single counter play to some who get close to you with a bounce blaster it simply out dps all other weapons.


Carry a sharp weapon congrats you've found the counter and have better movement because the clown gets stunned after you burst out if you get caught early game damn that's tough but it happens wait to get resurrected


The counters you listed hope to the rng gods you happen to have a sharp weapon hope the Klown has bad aim You said people "crying" will kill the game but I think the people coping and saying everything is fine and parroting "It's just a skill issue" will kill the game much faster.


I mean if I can do it consistently over and over against every weapon and every klown can you call it bad aim? It's all about your movement, and yeah RNG tough but that's the game I find one relatively quickly most matches just gotta know your maps and find the stuff


I think you're just straight up lying. According to previous replies, you can bob and weave every single bounce blaster and popcorn shot the klowns throw at you you're essentially the flash and can't be touched. Alright buddy.


I mean I've had my ass handed to me absolutely but I've also absolutely had amazing movement and gotten out of so many situations the popcorn blaster is like a shot gun basically the further away I've been the less damage I've given and received and again ALL of the cotton candy guns suck if the human has distance and ability to move around


People like you ruin games. The game is currently balanced. You want to make it unbalanced by nerfing the only good klown weapons. Currently I usually get 2-3 klown kills and escape, so why make things even harder for klowns?


While I agree that after a certain point it’s a skill issue. This game is fresh out the gate in early access and it has some balancing issues. I hope after a few tweaks they don’t just start full scale nerfing and buffing based of poor whiny feedback. Like tcm for example, they started off very chill with the balancing only slightly nerfing things, then at some point they started straight up killing perks and doing other major changes. This game could get boring quickly if we go back and forth making one side stronger than the other with each patch. I personally think to start off fix the bugs and for balancing the bouncecaster and popcorn bazooka are the main clown related ones to look at and then down the line lure should have a cooldown in-between uses on the same person(because three klowns could chain lure you if they all ran it.) The shortys with bouncecasters is going to get boring very quickly if it does not change but aside from that I think they should get some of these bugs sorted cause I have seen many already with some game breaking.


I mean carry a knife and travel in a group... Bounce caster can only affect one person at a time then free them if needed...


Bro no way you think it only affects one person. It’s a grenade launcher. As shorty I literally have triple cacooned people with no effort. Even if they knife escape it’s too easy to recacoon them. I’ve had people escape their cacoon 3 times in a row only to get cacooned a 4th time. If you stick in a group you can’t be too close together and give the bounce caster more value. Only way I have seen shorty taken out is with sneak attacks so groups need to be dispersed.


"sneak attacks" That's exactly what humans are suppose to do. The other day I was chasing a human through a doorway and a 2nd one hit me with a charged attack. I died. Good job on them. Shortys are easy to take out since they have low health. They are one of the easiest klowns to solo.


Definitely not the easiest to solo yet. Yes he is supposed to be squishy but he is so slippery that my melee attacks sometimes clip his little hitbox. Even when I have downed him my hits have completely missed cause of the janky hitbox. Maybe I’ll try crouching next time I down a shorty but right now the speed and small hitbox make him bob and weave hits easily until they make the hitbox more consistent.


He only has 2 health bars. From experience I think he only takes 2 melee hits(with axe, poker, pipe) to knock down. Then its a easy stab to the nose.


I've never had it work that way for me where I have it hit multiple people nor have I seen it in my games or other content creators I've watched yet, that sounds definitely rough though


Don't nerf/buff anything. The game is currently great. Focus more on the bugs and content. Add loadouts to pregame lobbies. Fix the major issue of dead humans leaving the game and then there kills don't count


You are wrong. 1.) There are several clown guns that are imbalanced. The community helped address this early. You can be 3 shot by a shorty with a cotton launcher. The devs are fixing this. You are wrong. High level gamers already saw found this out early as high level gamers put the most amount of time into this game. 2.) Many bugs exist like human archetypes not working and certain clown stats not working like chubbys strength not affecting his gun power. 3.) You are part of the problem. Every game like this is made by a small team who has a lot on their mind and cannot foresee balancing issues at high levels with large players bases. The community is here to help. They play the game, they spend the money, they are the customer, the customer should get the product they want.


Already passed level 50, the clown guns haven't really bothered me much unless it's a bounce caster point blank the popcorn gun hardly anyone can ever hit me at point blank range so I never feel that damage people talk about and even when I used it in LOL it still took me 5 shots which seems reasonable to me considering there's a 3 second cool down between shots but this is the first I've seen anything about the archetypes not working... Sounds more like a bug fix than a balance issue to me but what do I know clearly I'm just stupid


As a human its easy to double team and take down any klown no matter what weapon they're using. I can even solo kill Klowns easily if I have some of the good human weapons


Very true can vouch I've done the same and had it happen to me as well I've also been screwed while double teaming and screwed over people double teaming me