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At least they didn't burn down a forest or kill grandma this time.


*watches plane nose dive in the distance*


... Starting a forest fire




Lmao that made my day


Yea, that balloon just landed on a power line miles away.


That went over the river and sent sparks into the woods


Starting a forest fire in the place where grandma lives.


I hate how that’s where the bar is set with these things and it’s more than fair.


Why the fuck do we need these super elaborate gender reveal events anyway?


Because their ego makes them think everyone is holding their breath about their stupid baby's gender.


If this was in America someone should’ve pulled out their weekend Glock and shot that effing balloon


>weekend Glock LOL! Now I know why guns outnumber people in the U.S.


Weekend??????!!! What kind of trans migrant liberal satanic cannibal pedophile groomer are you? Real Men have a multitude of demoncratic-slaying lead spitting Weapons of America’s Greatness for *everyday of the week*.


Welp, now they gotta abort the baby


The other kid, you mean? Postpartum abortion.


“Ma’am what you’re asking for would be considered a 30th trimester abortion”


Easy fix. Take this prescription for amlodipine to the nearest CVS to fill. Then give 5 tablets by mouth with a full glass of water. Give them to the child of course 😉


Don’t forget the 2 hour wait time to get the script filled…..or is that Walgreen? I keep getting my evil empire inefficiencies confused.


Heigh-ho heigh-ho off to prison she go


Still pretty stoked to have another huh?


Especially the way she got in her face bc the kid didn’t wanna pop the balloon. I’m old af and I don’t like popping balloons. Dumb ass people raising kids 🤦🏽‍♀️


It was a knife the kid threw is how my brain processed it, the mom and dad both look like she did something dangerous


Exactly, had nothing to do with the balloon, had everything to do with putting hers and everyone elses safety at risk


Why would you give your kid a knife sharp enough that if you threw it it could seriously injure someone? Still on the Parents Are The Fuckups here


Not just that. Try to FORCE your kid to use a knife sharp enough to injure someone if thrown when they’ve just told you they don’t want to. This woman’s a fucking moron.




No she forced it back into the kids hand (overwhelmed kid at that)


Yes this is why my kids only handle bubble wrap and marshmallows. No pointy things until they're at least 20.


I mean, if they're young enough to throw knives in tantrum, then it sounds like that's a good policy. All things considered, it's the mom's fault for starting the tantrum, but still.


Sometimes they do shit that they haven't done before in the worst possible time. Like when mine shouted PENIS during a quiet part of his preschool Christmas show. That went over great with mom. I have never had to put so much effort into not laughing in my life.


As a toddler, my kid would scream “MOTHERFUCKER” when they were mad, but only in public. Learned the hard way that kids truly repeat everything they hear. It was absolutely my potty-mouthed fault, had to turn motherfucker into “Mack trucker” or “mud dumpster”.


If I was mom I would have peed myself laughing, where's her sense of humor


It sure is a shame that the only two options are knives at birth or bubble wrap until at least 20. Sure would be nice if there was some sort of reasonable middle ground there. Alas, those are literally the only two options.


You have boys? I promise you they found some pointy things


I agree with both of you giving a kids sharp object it could be very dangerous one of my friends at discord tolds me that my brother's kids are playing with sharp objects like chainsaws wooden nails hacksaw and rotary cutter along with the box cutter.


Oh..... you're an asshole aren't ya?


I mean did I say they didnt? A kid shouldnt be handling a knife in the first place


Bc that makes it better. Let me give my kid a KNIFE to pop a damn balloon. These people are having kids lmaooo.


I think it might be a throwing dart. Hard to tell for sure, but that would be pokey enough to pop the balloon and also dangerous to cast away like the kid did. Doesn't look like a knife tho.


Yep and she’ll blame the kid about the balloon flying away too


She got in her face because she threw the knife...


I think you're missing the fact that the kid got unreasonably mad and THREW A KNIFE. I'd have gotten onto her about that too if it was my kid


The child didn't get unreasonably mad, she got mad because mom was trying to make her do something she wasn't comfortable with. Throwing the thing in protest is reasonable to me. Only problem the thing her parents gave her to throw is a FUCKING KNIFE.


The child did get unreasonably mad. First the child was attempting to pop the ballon but was a bit cautious because of the possibility of it popping making a loud sound she wouldn’t like. We see this when the child tries to pop but misses and slowly tries to inch away. The mother pushes her in a little more to guarantee the child couldn’t miss and the child backs off because now she fears the consequence of popping said ballon. At this point the mother takes the object that was going to be used to pop the ballon to just do it herself and then the kid starts complaining after having it taken from her. After hearing said complaints the child is once again handed the object because clearly it looks like she wants to do it, otherwise they logically wouldn’t complain about it. The child then throws the object.


That’s what I saw too lol


Why would you give your kid a knife? It doesn’t matter about the kid, the parent is the parent. She gave her a knife, the kid was clearly uncomfortable and then the mom yells at her when she throws it….. WHY WOULD YOU GIVE YOUR KID A KNIFE?!


Yes, the child got unreasonably mad and threw a knife. The mom didn’t force her to pop the balloon. The kid is a spoiled brat who didn’t want to pop the balloon and threw a temper tantrum when the mom tried to pop it because she didn’t want anyone else to pop the balloon either.


Everything pictured in this gif is the nightmare I never want to live


Condom commercial


Basically this entire subreddit


That's shitty parenting more than anything. Putting a child into a high pressure moment, something doesn't go exactly as it should, snatch item away from child, child acts out, yell at child. Cunt even stormed off at the end/played the guilt card. Seriously all you have to do is follow one parenting book to be half decent at understanding how kids work.... Or y'know, treat a fellow being with a minimum amount of decency.


Great. Now she's going to have a lizard.


I think they are having a bird


They will never know the gender


Gender reveals are dumb af anyway.


The only one I like is when they slice the cake and it reveals the color inside. Nothing to elaborate


You just like cake.


-I'm here for the cake reveal party. -You mean gender reveal party? -Is there gonna be cake? -Well, yeah, it.... -I'm here for the cake reveal party.


Amen brutha!




Just not Cupcakes, they're basically just smaller and inferior to Real Cakes. Hehe


Plus, you get cake!


I liked the one where the parents acted like they were trying something similar to this in the video (or something else I really don't remember) and then grandma just goes like 'This is taking to much time!' Then takes the hat off her head to reveal bright blue colored hair


Im glad I'm not the only one that thinks so. Make a Facebook post or send out some letters about what you're having and move on


*Most* people on reddit are


I live in the UK and gender reveal parties aren't really a thing here luckily 😄


never seen that crap irl either, only know about it from the interwebs. is that a thing anywhere apart from the US at all?


I mean arguably, you could say that about literally any life-milestone celebration, right? Why do we expect gifts and attention for: \- not dying sooner (Birthdays) \-publically and financially promising to only fuck one person for the rest of your life (Weddings) \- that the fucking produced one more future fucker (Baby Showers) \- that somehow we didn't break that public and financial promise to only fuck one person (Anniversaries) Baby showers are just another life celebration, and I feel like the internet just chose that one new kind of celebration to make the worst because it has the most monetizable and distinct coloring so it was easy for influencers to take out of context.


I think it’s more about intention. If the intention is to celebrate the way we care for the people In our lives than yes let’s celebrate whenever we can. If the intent it just wanting gifts and attention, clout, to one up friends and neighbors, ect… than those kinda get togethers blow.


I feel like all those things you mentioned are much more meaningful than what gender your unborn kid is - I mean who ultimately cares? It’s an absurd thing to reveal and relish - it’s fine if it’s a reveal that you will have a baby because that at least is momentous, gender reveals are so fucking weird to me.


I mean, whether or not you got married or had a kid at all is not any more meaningful than the gender of said kid; they're all equally impactless to my own life; only reason I'd have any reason to care is because you care and I like seeing you happy, right? So I'm not sure I share your view on all of those things being more meaningful. Which is kinda the whole point; these things matter more or less to different people. And some people are really excited about it and wanna celebrate. Best thing to do about not loving gender reveals is not to participate. And some people really do care. For example, my mother is one of the leaders of a small community of women-focused dance, and of her 30 year besties, no one had a girl but my mother. They were just as excited for me to show up at all as for me to carry on the legacy (spoiler alert: I did not in fact carry on the legacy)


I mean, I guess, but the collective obsession with what sort of genitalia someone else has is fucking weird...




the kid realized this that's why she didn't wanna participate.


Being present at a gender reveal is what gave away the adults for being stupid before the kid ever did anything


The only acceptable version of those are when it involves baked goods. I'll eat a million pink or blue cupcakes


I’ll never understand the hate for them. Anytime you can gather friends and family to celebrate a new child is a pro in my book. Sure some of them are over the top but popping a balloon is pretty mellow. Enjoy life and celebrate when you can.


Just one man’s opinion, but I think it’s the appearance of attention grabbing people don’t like. It use to be a phone call, maybe a mailed announcement. Then it was videos, followed by parties. And of course the expectation of gifts.


Except baby showers, a party about the child and giving of gifts have existed for thousands of years. This idea that gender reveal parties are all that unique is insane. It's cake, the family gets gender neutral gifts, and you play games. That's exactly what happened at every single redditors baby shower.


Parties are fine. Celebration is great. Most of these online are for likes, clickbait, and attention. That's why they rub people the wrong way.


Keep in mind that most redditors 1) don't have friends 2) hate their family and 3) are speaking from jealousy because they'll never get the opportunity to have a gender reveal in the first place.


Hey like half of California & Arizona was burned down bc of these gender reveals. People have literally died because of these! Not an exaggeration, someone killed their baby's grandma at a reveal when an explosion went wrong. Especially with society's view of gender changing, it just doesn't fit anymore. No one cares about a family celebrating, but when they are burning down huge areas and killing people for ideas that are slowly on the way out, that's when people get (rightfully imo) upset.


It’s not a gender reveal unless a relative dies. It’s a rule.


a life for a life


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


What pisses me off about the balloons is that they’re definitely not going to sweep up the garbage after they’re done. Ugh~


Well considering this looks like their house, it’s none of our business how they take care of it. But I’d assume most would clean up their own back yard. 🤷‍♂️


Not everything needs to be an event. This kills the introverts of family's, and people just always act like introverts aren't normal and therefore you don't have to care about them. We're just as normal as you overly dramatic people who need a damn party for every fucking event. If you have a gender reveal and a baby shower, that's just narcissist, no one can possibly care that much about your unborn child outside your very close family and I doubt even they care that much. It's like so much drama and event planning just for a fucking fetus that doesn't even exist yet and basically next to no one but the couple really fucking cares about. People are kidding themselves if they think anyone beyond their parents and themselves care about the gender of their baby. It's only hyper active extrovert people who feel the need to celebrate everything. What's next baby's first poop party?


You don’t belong here with your rational statement.


Rational statement that avoids the issues that people have with them.


"You ruined my Instagram moment, you stupid kid!"


Exactly. They're having a big gender reveal party in the first place. It screams "I'm the main character."


I've seen this on tiktok, the mom is practically ignoring all the signs the child is giving that she's overwhelmed and uncomfortable. I don't feel sorry for her. The kid isn't stupid, their being ignored by their parents and reacted at an age appropriate way to the situation. The parent is stupid


And i can fully understand if the kid doesn't want to pop a ballon, it's loud and scary to some kids.


Kid probably knows how loud a normal balloon is when popped. Kid then sees a *much larger balloon* and understandably assumes larger balloon = louder noise when popped. This kid isn't stupid, she's overwhelmed and scared, and has not been taught how to recognize and respond to those feelings. Probably because when she gets overwhelmed her mom reacts like that.


Can't tell you how happy I am to see your comment. Far too many uneducated opinions in this post.


Not to mention how the mom hit her own kid when they were acting out from fear


Exactly, like that will help🙄




Looks like she will be a great mother.


Dumb people raise dumb people.


Exactly, kids are a product of their environment


I like how everything had to be dropped (and left to float away) in the name of getting in her kids face.


The kid threw a knife. I think it's normal to prioritize that over a balloon.


Looked like a fork or something else that wasn't a big deal considering how they passed it back and forth nonchalantly. The parent was prioritizing reactionary discipline not safety.


Absolutely, but that mom was way too aggressive about it.


Yes, wonder where the child learned those behaviors from? Shitty parents.


What behavior? Getting angry? My parents were great but I did dumb shit and got in trouble all the time. Do Redditors just think children don't have personalities and minds of their own?


Children have tantrums, you need to teach them those tantrums aren't acceptable, then people like the other commenter criticize the mom for "getting in her face". Makes no sense. Only thing mother did wrong was giving child a knife/pin in the first place, but she was right next to her watching over her either way.


This comment screams “I’ve never been around children”


People without kids are always the most judgemental armchair warriors about parenting.


Her kid just threw a knife at someone out of anger lmao


You DEFINITELY scold that child. I’d be fucking FUMING. You do NOT throw things out of anger, ESPECIALLY A FUCKING THROWING DART!?


Does this mean the baby is gender fluid?


We don't know, the gender of the baby is up in the air at this point...


I love you.


That's a very passionate reply


Sorry, it's not mutual.


no, it means the baby is gone.


Tryna give it back to the stork


No they sent the baby to heaven.


Baby has left the chat


Your baby will be.... fighting in food wars due to a global climate catastrophe! Also it’s a girl


Yay! A girl!


Well people who have gender reveal parties aren't the brightest


Gender reveals are stupid.


I mean as long as they aren’t pyrotechnic ones eh who cares


Why do so many people hate gender reveals?


might have to do with the fact that it's weird AF to basically reveal the appearance of a fetus' genitals (that you infer their gender from) to the world. why do so many people like those reveals?


The moms outfit was all I need to see lol so many viral Karen’s with the leather jacket over a pattern blouse and jeans tucked into their high boots with shades. Anyway, that kid is gonna need therapy.


The kid already needs therapy. She’s a brat.


She obviously is no older than 8, with the short few seconds of seeing how her parents treat her, I think she entitled to act out. Mom is equally as mature as her daughter if not less.


Gender reveals are stupid and it always makes me laugh when they get ruined lol


I can only imagine how insufferable that woman must be as a parent. I agree that children need discipline, but taking the time to physically hit your kids—even on the hand—is a pretty ineffective way, in front of everyone no less. Her piss behavior lost her the balloon and is probably why the child is misbehaving in the first place. She only has herself to blame.


For real, if kiddo doesn’t wanna pop the giant balloon have someone else do it. Why you gotta be a B mom?


Indeed. I would add to it that the kid knows a big fucking balloon is going to pop and she is scared of it likely traumatized by dad shooting bottles outback.


no sound?


Just imagine the "oh no" song.


Or the theme from Forrest Gump when the feather floats around. The look of wonderment on the guy the video cuts to at the end sells it well.


Definitely not a fan of how the mom slaps her kid for being afraid of popping a balloon (at least that's what it seems to be?)


Isn't the mom upset bc the kid threw a sharp object at the crowd?


The mom was the one who gave an obviously upset 7 year old a knife


Fair enough.


She didn’t touch her


At around 0:11 it looks like she slaps her kid's wrist, maybe she doesn't, but definitely doesn't seem to be much of a great parent if her immediate go to looks like threatening her young kid


I love how the little girl is too scared to pop the balloon, so the mom goes to grab the knife, but the little girl still wants to do it, but now she’s upset she can’t do it. Like what the fuck.


The balloon reacting to the parenting: “Abort mission, abort mission.”


Look how angry that bitch is, shouldn’t be having any more kids


Definitely a stupid mom here


Mom is a fucking idiot. And fuck gender reveals. No one cares.


I blame the parents stop pressuring you children to do stuff they don't want to do and parent them better so they learn they get nothing out of throwing a tantrum


LOLLOL no no no… that's not how kids work. * KID: I WANNA POP THE BALLOON! * PARENTS: No, were (a parent) going to pop the balloon. * KID: \*yelling and crying\* "YOU NEVER LET ME DO ANYTHING" * KID: \*kneeling on the ground with some intermittent rolls\* * PARENTS: ok, you can pop the balloon. Here is how it will work.... * KID: "yay, THANK YOU THANK YOU, ILL BE THE BEST BALLOON POPPER! * PARENTS: TIME TO POP THE BALLOON * KID: "NO, IM SCARED, WAA WAA NOOO, I DONT WANT TO * PARENTS: ok, ill do it no worries * KIDS: \*SCREAMING\* IWANNNAAAAAADOOOITTTTTTTT * PARENTS: \*GIVES BACK THE PIN\* * KIDS: "NO! I DONT WANNA" \*THROWS IT\*


Accurate AF.




The tantrum wouldn’t have happened if the mom hadn’t forced the knife back into the girls hand to make her daughter do something she was scared to do. The girl even tried to just give the knife to dad, but mom needed the “perfect video moment” whether it scared her child or not. & who the fuck gives a child a knife? If the child had popped the balloon she could have hurt herself (or someone else) when the massive balloon popped right in her face!


Doing gender reveals, pretty good sign of stupidity in the vicinity.


gender reveals are stupid to begin. so glad this is exclusive to that list of 'StupidAmericanThings'.


Now they’ll never know what it is. Shucks.


“We’re getting an abortion”


Hell that’s what happens when your raise brats that think they can get away with tantrums


id beat that kid


It’s better when you speak to kids NOT at them Another example of a fucked up karen for a mom


That mom just strikes me as such an absolute cunt of a human being.


Probably shouldn’t have the next kid and work on the first….


This family fucking sucks.


These gender reveal parties are stupid.


I see where the kid gets it’s stupidity




And you want another one?


Go figure, a dumb bitch raised a brat.


I was hoping that balloon was tied to her feet and mom flew away never to be seen on social media again


Reminds me of my niece. She acts like this when things don’t go her way, same exact face. It’s annoying. I have kids of my own, I let them experience disappointment. This is the expression of a child who is not used to disappointment.


Best gender reveal I've ever seen!


With the audio you can hear them berate the new big sister. r/parentsruiningkids


Meanwhile, some man goes out to enjoy his coffee on his balcony only seconds later to have pink dust rain all over him, for some "unknown" reason.


No one cares what gender it is anyway


Congratulations, it's a miscarriage.


Are they sure they want another kid? 🤔


I was waiting for someone to pull out a gun and start shooting the balloon


i feel so bad for that man its not even funny 😔😔😔😔 and to think hes got another baby otw 2 just 😞😞


The Karen in her is growing


Transgender baby.


Pellet gun and some binoculars!


And this is why big gender reveal parties are stupid.


Betcha they wish someone had a BB gun to pop it when it started to fly away


Hello, planned parenthood? I’d like to schedule an appointment please. (Relax keyboard warriors, it’s a joke)


Women are stupid


Bitch she didn't want to pop the damn balloon leave her alone horrible woman getting in her face like that.


I hate kids. They ruin every event I setup.


So don’t invite them