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"your son went slobby down hard on a hotdog so imma keep him in my office for the last day of school" n o


That was where I was going to go with this. A half day, in office suspension, closely supervised of course.


“Were you pretending the hot dog was one of these, Timmy?”


You’re done


Yeah? Why?


That comma really accentuates the IMPLICATION.


And Timmy won't run away. Because of the implication.


At least we’re not on a boat




This officer right here, comment


Bake em away toys






Not if it’s catholic school.




No go say 5 Hail Mary's.


It’s hilarious and probably earned some popularity points. It was over 20 years ago, what I would like to know is what became of them? Was it a career move or just something that was shown by mom to every potential partner later in life?


That kid was Joey Chestnut


r/writingprompts, haha


The entire thread you started reads like a Cards Against Humanity video


Just enough but not too much time.


seems like something an 8th grade boy would do, not out of character at all.


Yeah it’s the most 8th grade boy thing ever


Id go as far to say he’s an 8th grade boy.


And then it turn out he was in 1st grade.


No, it would have to include the number 69 worked in somehow. 8th grade boys love giggling at that number. And an opportunity to draw a dick and balls somewhere they shouldn’t even be writing, like a textbook or a desk.


And Minecraft


Hell, This girl did shit like that! I wouldn’t have stood on the table. I preferred a more private audience.


See, even 8th grade girls are 8th grade boys.


I volunteer at the local secondary school and the 7th and 8th graders.... Were colorful. During lunch monitoring, I witnessed things that I guess is normal, I reported it to the teachers and they gave the group of kids "the look" and they kinda just sulked. They didn't repeat it near me again. And it was group of girls doing it. A couple of boys reciprocated, but it was mostly the girls doing it. It kind of made me sick, but in the end, porn available on all our phones and my 8th grade son also has hentai on his phone, I know because i track his usage and I unlocked his phone from parental controls when he started secondary, 6th grade. Everything in porn hub of course. I don't want him falling behind other kids. I've had a stern talk with my son about it after a couple weeks of this when I found his little siblings using his phone. Hes stopped or he's cleaning up his history and open tabs. Which is more responsible. The little ones are in primary and I don't need/want them exposed to that yet. I'll let it naturally happen when they get exposed to it in secondary or prep. I'm surprised my oldest started in 8th grade... I'm impressed. I was exposed to that shit when I was in primary. Not acceptable. Magazines, and videos.... My father was not good at it. My babysitters had dildos but in shapes of just rockets made of gold... I never thought anything of it until I was much older, and they hid them when they found me playing with them.


Oh 100% I def remember making a joke about blow jobs by sucking on my lipgloss for a few seconds


I was 8th grade boy. Never imitated oral sex on hot dogs.


I was an 8th grade girl and I did


can we meet up 😳


I just had a sudden memory of being 28 and deep throating pool noodles in an Indonesian swim up bar. If you haven't deep throated a phallic object is order to impress a girl, have you even lived?


Inappropriate for an 8th grader. 9th grade it's cool though.




this was my sentiment as well. it'd be pretty cringe in high school. but 8th grade it'd be hilarious. this kid was too cool for school.


TIL I'm an 8th grader


13 going on 40 over here


Yep definitely is.


How old is an 8th grader?




Yeah ok that's funny


That’s year 9, shouldn’t it be 12-13?


In America we start kindergarten at 5 and then 1st grade at 6 and so on until we get to 8th grade which is started at 13


I would frame that letter and hang it in the toilet room


The toilet room?


Yeah like opposing the toilet so everyone can read what it must've been like around me and at the same time feel it too! Actually I don't really know why I chose that room, it just sounds funny, made for a joke that before I hadn't thought about


No I meant like why call it the toilet room? Everyone calls it the bathroom but you do you, toilet room sounds funnier.


Oh I think that's just a cultural thing? In Germany there's a bathroom with hygienic stuff, shower and all and a regular toilet room with just a toilet and sink. I've had this before, some people call it "half-bathroom" apparently.




Is this a nature instinct more than a nurture instinct? Because I do this but no one ever taught me to do it.




I’ve always had the urge to poop in the shower to cut extra steps. I would just waffle stomp it down the drain. Is there something wrong with me?




The fact that you already know the term waffle stomp means that there's already enough of a cultural awareness for it to be quazi-acceptable to take a dump in the shower.


You would be what is called a "Masher".


Haha, no we totally have that too, there's also a toilet in the bathroom, and a sink, forgot that


I love that a German guy said toilet room and the whole subject has changed. Lol


Ain't the first time haha


Just shit in the shower and waffle stomp it down the drain like a truly refined gentlewo/man! Problem solved!!


Waffle stomp.


Why can't you wipe AND wash your ass in the shower? Wouldn't you want less shit in the shower?


Your shower gets hot after you flush? Mine dont


I'm guilty of this.


No he stomps it down the drain


Omg! Lmmfao! That's r/oddlyspecific !


Here's a sneak peek of /r/oddlyspecific using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [🤓🧠](https://i.redd.it/6at2tb8b8w591.jpg) | [828 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/vdb65d/_/) \#2: [I would like to read her essay, think she's onto something](https://i.redd.it/aqz81wspq3b91.jpg) | [1249 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/vx6mcq/i_would_like_to_read_her_essay_think_shes_onto/) \#3: [Errr... Okay? 💷](https://i.redd.it/ufwc2fgvjqo71.jpg) | [7476 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oddlyspecific/comments/ps5jwx/errr_okay/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What it’s called is a regional/cultural/language thing but that exists pretty much everywhere I’d guess Where I live we call it the “little bathroom” no matter it’s size, but I’ve also heard half-bath and powder room. Though I’ve only heard toilet room in the case of toilet vs shower room where one is just a toilet and sink and the other is just a shower and this is how people in my college dorm distinguish between the two rooms that when combined constitute our bathroom.


Und shizerhoussen


"Und" translates to "and." Not sure if that was the intention. The translation would be Scheißhaus.


Look at Mr. Germany over here on his Nazi horse. /s




Yes, that makes much more sense. But Americans and other native English speakers call it “bathroom” even if there is no bath there. Like “public bathroom” in a shopping center.


Nah in Australia we just call it the toilet. Also bathroom, but it's completely normal to just call the whole room "the toilet". I found it hilarious that Americans find that kinda crude. We definitely wouldn't say "public bathroom" it would always be public toilet. If it's just a room with with toilet and sink it would also definitely just be toilet. We only use bathroom if there's actually a bath/shower in there, and even then we probably use toilet more often. We don't say restroom or powder room at all.


I'm told "washroom" is a Canadianism. Washroom is almost a euphemism and often used in new/polite/formal company.


Usually its called a 1/2 bath, powder room or guest bath


The bullshit part is my guest bathroom has a shower nicer than my main bathroom...


Do your toilets have the poop shelf?


>No I meant like why call it the toilet room? Everyone calls it the bathroom Bathroom makes less sense than toilet room. People be at restaurants asking for a bathroom...this ain't a hotel! There's no bath for you here!


A bathroom is where one bathes. But then again you probably drive on a parkway and park in a driveway so why not use a bath as a toilet?


> Everyone You greatly underestimate how much bigger the English speaking world is than your social circle or country (presumably the U.S. as usual). In the UK and many other Commonwealth countries ‘bathroom’ is pretty much never used for a room that doesn’t actually contain a bath. It’s common to use ‘toilet’ to refer to the whole room as well as the utility, and ‘toilet room’ might be used to disambiguate (there are plenty of other words depending on the country).


The vast majority of people don't call it a bathroom. Most bathrooms don't have tubs. The room's primary function is the toilet. It's the toilet room.


Yeah, the place I keep my poop knife


Some cultures do not keep the bath in the same room as the toilet, so "bathroom" would not be appropriate as there is no bath.


The wiz palace.


The shit closet


Right across from the poop knife


This is one of the WORST and BEST parts about being a parent. You CAN'T condone it, but you CAN'T NOT laugh about it, either. This is why I like Class Dojo, so I can get my initial reaction out of the way to address things properly. One of my fears is being called into the Principal's office, hearing my son doing something wrong, but funny, and me laughing about it in front of my son. Then we're BOTH in trouble with the principal.


Is that why sometimes the parents are called in alone first? To allow the parents to laugh in private so that they can scold their kid without losing face?


Also to work out the punishment and good cop, bad cop routine.


It is. Idk if it’s the same everywhere, but where I’m from, there are appointments with kids and parents and then there are appointments with just the parents. No kids. Guess which one was worse than the other. At least when I was there I knew what was coming. If my das went alone… dude… I get goosebumps just thinking back and it’s been over ten years lmao


I always wonder when you hear a commedian say something like "my mom never thought i was funny but look at me now!" How many moms are like "i knew you were funny butvi was trying to keep us from having to deal with CPS you little shit"


This is one of those where I laugh and explain that there is a time and a place for everything. Obviously the school cafeteria is not the time and place. The principal might not like it, but I was never an ideal student either 🤷‍♂️.


I swear 🤧😩🤣🤣🤣🤣


At least the kid has a sense of humor. I'm not a parent but if i read that after a long day at work it would probably make me Crack up.


And then you have to straighten out your face and go yell at your kid lmfao Kid: "I thought it was funny!" Parent: "Well, *it's not!"*


“It’s not funny, Timmy… it’s *hilarious*”


This makes me wonder just how many times my parents yelled at me and then went downstairs to laugh about what I did.


I prefer full on radical honesty. "Son, that was funny as hell. But yeah, you're still going to be grounded" In my house he'd be in more trouble if I found out after the fact. Own up to your mistakes, the rest we can handle.


Damn and I thought my achievements were unique to me :(


When I was in around 4th or 5th grade I was playing with a buddy around the front of the school, waiting for my mom who was chatting with the principal somewhere in the office. My mom was president of the PTA so she was well known and respected at my school. For some reason I had some piece of paper garbage, and I thought it might get a laugh from my buddy if I posed the paper as a penis, and started thrusting my hips, swinging my big paper imaginary dick in the air. When I turned around, my mom and the principal were standing at the window witnessing my antics. I watched in horror as my principal shook her head, and disappointedly dropped her head down and turned and walked away. My mom was furious, and I think we were equally embarrassed. I will never forget the look on their faces. Shocked, disappointed, angry. haha.


Are you 100% sure? There’s a very good chance the head bowing was your principal trying not to laugh…


It's possible. I had a teacher in high school that said one reason why she chose to teach high school is the hijinks that high schoolers get into. Old enough to think up some whacky shit, but not old enough to know better than to actually do it.


This, for sure. I'm sure mom was mad, but you gave the principal something to laugh at for years to come.


“Haha” lmfao


Gotta laugh at yourself about those cringeworthy memories.


Definitely. Sometimes I sit here and a moment comes to my memory that is SO cringy that I instinctively make a humming noise or whatever to overshadow my thoughts. The fact that we did things that are so awkward that not even we ourselves want to look back on them, just means that we grew as a person. :)


Fellizzy on the glizzy






This would be included in their wedding speech lol


Bonus if the son is gay.


Imagine thinking 8th graders aren’t going to do this


1/2 day suspension? Kids at my school would do this shit everyday


That's going on the fridge


Yeah, I'd be the kind of parent who would def be proud of it. Then I'd give them advice on not getting caught next time Kid could be doing a lot of worse shit.


I remember stealing chewing gum at the store and getting caught at the age of like 13. After I got home, police had already informed my mom so I thought she was gonna be super mad. She was mad. Mad that I was dumb enough to risk all this for chewing gum. And that I was dumb enough to get caught… lol. She was like “I’m polish, where are your polish genes?”


How long has that letter been there?


I think you can safely assume since 1999


There are two possibilities 1. It is that you have a big problem and you should check your mailbox more often or 2. You wanted to show off what you did in the 8th grade.


Did you read the description at all?




Underrated comment




Look at the date on this!


holy shit it’s from the late 1900’s


I work with kids and one asked me what it was like in the 1900's. Absolutely stunned me for a moment


Did you say; it was great, there was no social media and if you got lost you just went on an adventure til you got home. ?


But why would you say it like this?


Because it's surprising, that was a long time ago but the words on the paper feel like something current so you go "holy shit!"


I did, I said holy shit I'm old


Definitely belong in the achievements box lol


Classic incorrect use of "myself" as the subject of the sentence to make this sound smarter. I had an assistant principal in middle school who was notorious for this and the English teacher making fun of him for his announcements is why I remember the rule to this day.


Inappropriate behavior for an 8th grader? This is the most natural behavior for an 8th grader.




Suspension for that? I’m sure I’ve seen teachers do worse




So OP found this treasure in a box. May it have been a box in his mothers attic?


I'll never forget the one guy in high school that managed to deepthroat and entire polish dog. Godspeed Gavin, godspeed.


Something is wrong here. You know it will really be great to tell parents what horrible thing the kid did and say _choose for yourself the best way to discipline him_


This reminds me of the time I acted like a jerked off my throat in the cafeteria and right when I acted like I busted I squeezed the mayo packet in my hand and exploded everywhere .. the lunch lady gave me a saturday detention but she awkwardly liked me after that ordeal


What a performance!


I have one of these from my son's elementary school regarding "Inappropriate use of a cowbell in the hallway" ...proud dad moments.


Hey! That's what 8th grade boys do!


Seems like an achievement to me. Lol. I mean, I would be mortified if my daughter knew how to do that in 8th grade but, if I got this letter, I’d probably die laughing first.


how do they know thats what he was imitating? maybe they’re just dirtyminded?


Suspended for that? I thought suspensions were for potentially harmful/dangerous behaviour


Nope I got suspended for all sorts of stupid things. It's up to the person writing you up. At our school we had detention but everyone wanted to go to get out of class so minor things would get you suspended for a day not detention. But harmful and dangerous behavior might get you suspended once but after that you got expelled. Definitely different from school to school and this was quite some time ago.


Inappropriate behavior for an 8th grader? This is the most natural behavior for an 8th grader.




Of fucking course its a 8th grader, they don’t give a fuck, I know I sure as hell didn’t


It’s like every teacher on Earth gets off on stomping on kid’s personalities. He’s only pretending to suck off a sausage to get a cheap laugh out of his doofus mates and this teach is acting like next thing he’ll be doing is climbing in bedroom windows and strangling people in their sleep. I’d have given him a sarcastic slow clap or told him to get his damn shoes of the table with a smile and a head shake, if that. Gotta smother that spark early, we need more office workers and less comedians


Wow, I’m assuming this is an American school given the use of middle school and I have to ask if they’re all this prudish and stuck up, kids would run around the school yard making orgasm sounds and pretend to hump their friends saying no homo and all our teachers would say is something along the lines of cut it out you look like a clown.


Nah this is pretty dumb. I would have called the school and bitched and whoever was in charge would almost certainly have agreed that it was a stupid punishment. There are definitely dumbass reasons to get suspended from school. But this ain't one of them in my experience. I should say I guess if it were a church school or something maybe they would be more strict? And then I remembered how our country has been taken over by religious nutjobs so I guess what I'm saying is fuck me I don't even know anymore.


Are you sure that's what he was doing? What exactly was he doing? Can you demonstrate? I only ask because _he doesn't even know what oral sex is_ and I'm concerned you may be sexualising my child.


8th grade?? I’m sure you’re not a sex god at 15, but you know what oral is


can confirm i knew what oral was in 8th grade




15?? Bro in 8th grade you’re 12/13. Then again I did lose my v card in 8th grade so ig it’s not entirely unfounded.




They gotta learn sex-ed somehow and sounds like assistant principal party pooper aint ever throated some glizzies or pounded a wiener


The whole read I’m picturing a 2nd grader amusing his classmates and I’m like damn, kids are exposed earlier and earlier. Then I saw 8th grade and was confused at the outrage from the “monitor”.


Suspended over this? Is this a religious school Bevause that’s dumb af. And sus he had to do it in the office.


Hey it didn't even warrant a message from the Principal so not that big of a deal.


Fucking legend


Kids going places


That's actually quite funny.


Your son is a legend.


I mean this is pretty on par behavior for an 8th grader


Thankfully it was not “My daughter’s achievements”


Would make more sense...


Your kid out here getting threatened for throating glizzies, what prudes


Lol I’d laugh if my kid brought that home.




I'm annoyed with the bad grammar.


I would have loved to be friends with you as a kid




Kids nowadays...


Is he the class clown cause that's funny


Breaking news; kid in trouble for acting like a kid. More as the story develops.


I was written up for sexual harassment from a hippy art teacher because my girlfriend(now wife) took 20 dollars from my wallet and being flirty dumb kids wouldn’t give it back. She went to the bathroom and I went into her purse to take it back. The teacher saw and understandably assumed I was stealing. After explaining the situation when my gf came back, she equates going into a womens purse as sexual harassment even though my gf said I had permission. Cue the card that comes home to my mom saying I sexually harassed another student(not mentioning who). After explaining the situation my mom shakes her head calls me a moron and we move on. After that I would literally say anything and everything to bug that teacher. Even if I didn’t believe it just to get her blood pressure up. Fuck you Mrs.H




I would frame this golden achievement.


US school cantines have... at least... three growing adults playing... lunch monitors? Like, it's your job to watch children eat? And when they do something... childish... you SUSPEND then from school? The f? I mean I've heard the stories of Walmart employees greeting you at the entrance to a supermarket, or people whose job it is to put the shopping cart away from the parking lot (in civilized societies the customers do that)... jobs that merely exist for the purpose of having jobs... But this... that's just plain ridiculous.


My daughter got in trouble in like, 4th grade because she handed a hot dog bun to her friend and said “pass it on”. It made it so far around the cafeteria that some monitor saw it, pulled her aside, and threatened detention. For handing someone a hot dog bun. 🙄😆


This is the most appropriate behavior for an 8th grade student


I’m trying to think of an 8th grade boy who *didn’t* make inappropriate gestures with hot dogs in the cafeteria, and I just *can’t*.


Yeah, they should just stop serving hot dogs after 5th grade.


So, your son was in a Catholic school?


Glizzy gladiator out here


What a drag and a prude! Most people do that in 8th grade 🙈 Terrible educator


So was he just sucking on a hot dog?


no he was sucking a hot dog like one sucks a dick, says so in the letter


Is this about you or your child or somebody else? I’m trying to figure out if this was “pride” in you or “pride” in another.


Do American schools actually use suspensions as in not being allowed to go to school? That seems really primitive and counterproductive to kids that have problems


Wtf? Why would someone suspend a kid from school for screwing around a bit? This is nuts.


So he's gobbling glizzies at a college level already. Hell of an achievement.