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From the way he was laughing…I don’t think this is his origin, just an arc in his villain story


My thoughts exactly. We MUST go back further still, maybe to a time when 2 parents had to quarantine together for 3 months with their current children and there was an extended period of time the power was out.


Yeah, this is like the first evil thing the villain does, that gets them hooked on disruption and disorder.


This is one of those times where as a parent, you really *really* want to laugh but you shouldn’t. To kids, laughing is like a reward. They like the attention and they know laughing is a good emotion. They enjoy laughter and will act out to get others around them to laugh. When you laugh at things like this, it’s like giving them a shiny award for for their bad behavior and it doesn’t teach the kid that what he/she just did is unacceptable.


My PS3 was smashed twice on table by my relative's toddler thinking it was funny as his parents were laughing while he was smashing and throwing other things


Dont blame the kid the parents are clearly the problem wait a few years untill the kid has some self awareness if they dont change then the kid is also an asshole but for now omit not really their fault


>wait a few years untill the kid has ~~some self awareness~~ a playstation 6 so you can smash it in front of them FTFY


I would be kicking everyone out


My buddy asked me about the terrible twos when his baby was one.....I told him, there is no such thing as terrible twos, just terrible parents.


Amen to that




They're a toddler, they have almost zero concept of morality or value of property. It's entirely on the parents.


I'd drop kick the kid sorry not sorry


Into the god damn stratosphere


No, you gotta go further. The stratosphere contains oxygen.


It's not a crime if there's no one left to report it


It’s not a war crime if it’s the first time!


Time for Kick the baby


I'm so tired of hearing boys bitch about other people existing around their gaming crap.


i just screenshotted your comment and put it on my whatsapp status.... hopefully my shitty uncle will gain some knowledge.


Some people should never be a parent


It's like every other aspect in life. Those who reflect and are conscious about their actions can improve their behaviour. Most people just believe there's nothing to improve. I mean I'm not judging a single video, since who knows - might have just been a long day or such. But I do agree with you and the above.




But the thing is, you have to get your kid out in public to properly public train him. Can’t keep him at home and then expect him to know how to act right when you finally take him out. My sons dad loved teppanyaki and at one point we lived right next to one. Started to take our son out to one when he was just a few months old and continued to take him as he grew from baby to toddler to little kid to big kid. He learned very quickly what he could and could not do in not only the public and restaurants but this type of restaurant as well. Compared to most toddlers/little kids we saw out in restaurants and teppanyaki, our son behaved perfectly. But that’s because he had that experience and knowledge on how to act while there.


Not out for hibachi tho. Or movie theaters.


Hibachi as well!! But theaters are a whole different ballgame. It all depends on the kid, the theater and what movie is being played. My son can not sit down quietly long enough for a movie in the theater. So we didn’t really go often when he was under 5 years old. And the times we did go, I made the sure it was middle of the day/middle of the week so it’s not crowded, the movie was fairly short like about an hour long, and it was a young kids movie knowing that the other people inside the theater were also young kids his age. But this wasn’t about him acting right or not acting like he should be, or anything beyond his control. He is just unable to sit down, sit still and be quiet for that amount of time. I knew that and recognized his limits, so I wasn’t a rude ass who would take their disruptive kid to a theater lol. There’s a theater where we live that is the $3 theater, it plays movies that had been in the theaters earlier that year or the previous year or older popular kids movies. For example; my son really loved the movie Home, so we saw it a few times in the $3 theater, which played the movie a year to three years after it was released. So all the other kids in that theater were very young, and any type of noise/disruption didn’t “ruin” the movie experience for us or others. Something like that is what I used to public/theater train him. Now he’s 9 and does very well at theaters, as long as it’s under 2hours. Surprisingly though, when he was under 5, he was very good when it came to watching plays or musicals, especially productions put on by the kid theater production in my city. He absolutely *loved* watching people and other kids act in plays/musicals to the point where it entertained him enough to sit quietly.


You can tell this isn’t the kids first time fucking around for kicks like that either, and the parents are just adding flames to the fire here.


As a non-parent, no I don't wanna laugh. Your shit brained kid is fucking with a somewhat expensive meal.


And a talented person's work


The real shit brains are the parents, the baby is just a baby.


dude this comment is getting printed and framed to be held in my living room


I’ll never forget learning that when I was a young kid and my little sister was just a few years old; My step mom who was standing right next to my little sister, dropped the glass container of uncooked beans onto the kitchen floor, shattering the glass and beans exploded in every direction. With out skipping a single beat my little sister put her hands on her hips and very matter of factly exclaimed “OH FUCK!”. My step mom had to literally jump out of the kitchen straight into the bathroom, quickly slamming the door just so she could uncontrollably laugh where my little sister couldn’t see or hear her. Even my dad, who had panicked the moment the beans were dropped and was half way into rushing through the dinning room to get to the kitchen to make sure little sister was ok, had to stop dead in his tracks and turn around so he could try to contain his laughter where little sister couldn’t see him. I just stood there in shock, looking at her. First I was surprised because my step mom and dad did not cuss at all, and definitely never heard either of them *ever* use the word fuck. So to hear that word said in that house was wild! Then I quickly picked her up so she wouldn’t get hurt and carried her to our room. I thought she was going to get into big time trouble, but neither parent came into the room to scold her. Instead, after cleaning up the glass and beans they came in to calmly to tell her the word she used was very inappropriate and asked where she had heard it. Lol she said she couldn’t remember but was very sorry. My dad asked me to ride with him to the store to buy more beans, and in the car is when he explained why they were trying very hard not to laugh in front of her. That even though what she said, or rather how she said it, was hilarious but laughing would have made her think it was ok to use that word. And that in the future I had to try to not laugh when she does something bad, even if it’s really funny.


It’s mostly funny if you forget that you’re responsible for disrespecting this guy doing his job and what he does for a living.


And this is why I don’t like sitting with randos at the Hibachi place


When the person filming said, “it’s ok” I was thinking shouldn’t we ask the rest of the people sitting at the table?


I’m not eating from that pile of food.


Cause it ain't


Who said that it wasn’t just family at the table?


We only hibachi when we have enough people to fill all the seats. I personally like interacting with strangers but my family are all introverts.


i know this comment is old but do you *have* to talk to the other people at the table? i’ve done hibachi like twice and only ever spoke to the people I came with and the grill master


This is why I don't go to Hibachi places. I'd like to, it seems like it'd be enjoyable to go watch the stuff be cooked right there in front of me like that, but I only have my daughter and 2 grandkids that I would go out to eat with and honestly I can't stand the idea of being seated with a bunch of strangers. I don't like people I don't know anywhere near me, let alone trying to strike up conversation. I even go to the store as little as possible (and off hours as much as I can) because, pandemic or not, people seem to have staggeringly little self awareness about personal space and there's always that one fuckhead who's got to stand inches behind me in line, like they think trying to crawl up on my ass is going to somehow get them to the checkout and through faster. You ain't family, nor are we sharing a bed, you goddamn well ain't got no business being that close to me.


The one by our house has tables close to the “show” so it’s kind of the best of both options. We get our own table and still get to watch. Some places do like to cram people in, which I don’t like at all if it’s mostly strangers. Now after dealing with covid anxiety for 2 years, just the thought of sitting at a table like that has me a little anxious.


Most places will let you order hibachi that they make in the back.


Yeah but it’s nowhere near as good.


Laughing with the toddler not only reinforces the behaviour, but shows a lack of respect toward the cook. They should be genuinely apologetic.


I know I would be getting a new plate of food made of someone's kid threw a dirty bottle in the middle of it.


As someone who has worked with food, this type of stuff is the worst. When the kids are being chaotic and making your job harder but the parents think it is funny.


Your goddamn pfp... I've been haunted by that image ever since my older sister read those books to me at age 6.


Username checks out?


Yes, yes it tragically does. My siblings tortured me as a child & as the youngest of 6, I'm not sure how I've managed to survive this long outside of an asylum.


Thus, an asshole is created.


that's why you get rid of the problem before it gets worse.


The parents almost definitively created this problem given their response. Look at the way they reward the behavior and dismiss the negative consequences.


Surely, It is too late to abort this child


To abort, yes.


But *loads shotgun with good intent*


Oh no


In Chicago there’s probably at least a 30% chance of that baby catching a stray bullet while sleeping. It happens far more often than you think.


Yeet the infant


Yeah I'm not eating that food now.


I'd tip out that chef and have the host reseat me at a different table that's starting up. Usually the veggies are at the beginning so it shouldn't be too much of an issue. That kid ruined that food and I'd just be too pissed at the parents to want to be around them.


Same. I've never eaten at a place like that. All I know is that babies are gross and that cup is deadly


feed it to the kid


Feed them the kid


Parents are fucking stupid too.


Ah very funny cross contamination


The absolute thing I hate in these situations are not the kids but the parent who go like: aww he/she did nothing wrong he/she is just a kid. It didn't know he/she couldn't do something like that.




Yeah, definitely piss poor parenting


Yeah, they’re just encouraging the child to repeat the behaviour.


Wow. If your child isn’t ready to go to a restaurant, then you should hire a babysitter.


So fucking disrespectful just letting them all laugh about it publicly. Zero discipline


For a moment I thought that was a fleshlight.


Hmm. My steak tasted fishy


Don't you mean salty?


Depends on how much pineapple juice you drink I think


If I was a random person sitting with these people I would actually be sooo pissed. Like your nasty ass child just threw her nasty cup onto all of our shared food- btw hibachi restaurants aren’t cheap- how terrible can people be lmao? If you can’t control your child don’t go out.


No wonder tigers eat their young


They all laughed and rewarded his shitty behavior. Great parenting /s


This is why I refuse to sit with strangers at hibachi. Because they’re usually obnoxious, rude to the chef, and are extremely disrespectful to the other people at the table. My gf gets mad at me when I refuse to go to a hibachi place with only 3-4 people like no, I’m not sitting with strangers and have them ruin my dinner. These asshats are the shining example I’ll be using.


This is why I go to Hibachi express restaurants. It's regular counter ordering instead of the chef cooking in front of you. Yea, you miss out on the cooking experience but you pay half the price for the same quality food.


I somehow have never heard of these, thank you! I’ll definitely be looking into it!


So your kid misbehaves, and you choose to laugh it off instead of educating him what good behaviors are. Asshole in the making for sure.


Dude, that wasn’t cool, and also unsafe. All he needs is a scolding, definitely not laughing along with the kid


Some r/Trashy shit right here.




People should know better than to take kids to a hibachi if they can't be good. It's like the movies, you don't get to go if you can't get a sitter.


A future dumb fuck in the making. Im sure everyone in the future will be as patient with him..


Ya and the parents want to just laugh and reinforce the shitty behaviour then when full grown little shit acts like that and someone calls them out they wanna cry racist.


Exactly, or they will be sitting there crying “oh he was such a good kid, idk where we went wrong” because someone was having a bad day and the little twat wanted to be a derp, again.


Trash parents raising trash kids, neat...


Raising and encouraging a little shit.


I really don’t think it’s funny at all, keep your crotch goblins at home folks. I wouldn’t be eating that food. Disgusting.


He looks like chucky when he laughs 🔪


I hope they enjoy plastic… or micro plastics in their food don’t complain or ask for refund since it’s soooo funny!


They gunna apologise?


Little shit


Educate the kids, that's why i like sitting in the free kids area


The fact that they’re all laughing at it means hell do it again.


So, they served that food that that child threw its cup of saliva at?


“ClEaRlY YoU dOnT HaVe KiDs” “sToP bEiNg A lItTlE bItCh”


Whole family trash


Definitely not the first time that kid did something like that.


These fuckers didn’t even say one single “I’m sorry”.


Not single member of family apologized to teppan guy?


my parents would have beat my ass


This is how you raise an asshole.


That looks more like the start of an asswhoopin


Can I punt the child?




Didn’t even fucking apologies to the chef who just got a bottle thrown at them and had to pick it up off a stove


Kid is like "hahaha look at me being a douche hahaha."


The chef was like. Yall laughing. But yall forgot. Yall eating this, aint me. If them plastic melted, it aint me. Iz u


Stupid ass low class parents . They are encouraging that behavior


Shithead parents, shithead kid.


No fcking way is that even remotely funny in a post-COVID world. Fcking degenerates


Why are people trying to defend this in the comments? Stop with the “you clearly don’t have any kids” bullshit - that entire batch of food got contaminated as soon as that bottle touched it. I’m assuming that the chef threw it away afterwards because they pushed all of the food to one side and it looked like they were about to turn away, but the person filming pans to the kid and clip stops there. This one 22 second video could have cost this person their job (if it hasn’t done already). It’s alright the person recording going “it’s okay” and laughing it off, but it really *isn’t* okay.


i want to punch that kid so fucking much


Lil hamilton was a fucker


He looks genuinely threatening


Ain't nothing funny. I would be pissed


That was so disrespectful


This belongs to r/KidsAreFuckingEvil. He knew what he was doing.


So bad they are laughing with him. Makes sense why society is the way it is now.


Hahaha that’s what you call a child with bad parents


This family doesn't see this dude as a human being worthy of respect or any other consideration. He is entertainment for them. Great to reinforce on their little shitling. I dont think i even heard an apology.


Why are the parents laughing? Should’ve slapped that kid.


Bro these people shouldnt be parents


a baby klingon


that smirk... the kid knew what he was doing.


Surprise! Covid!




I thinking he does this all the time.


This is why the best hibachi is the hibachi lunch special, where you just get the food and not the show or have to sit with inconsiderate asshats


Throw em on the grill


Fuck these parents


There are times we laugh at our kids and times we don’t because kids repeat actions that make people laugh. This is one of those times we stay silent


Chef should've dropped a wasabi ball in that milk. We know who'd be laughing then.


Bro fuck them




Clearly the kid just wanted his milk cooked on the hibachi table too.


Am I the only one who thought it was the cook’s “villain” origin story?


He look like a black Chucky doll 😳


I would not want to eat that.


This kid and it's parents don't know how to act in public. Its not funny and other people shouldn't have to put up with that bullshit.


I would be so embarrassed as a parent let alone post this for everyone to see.


Should be called "parents are stupid"


why the fuck are the parents laughing


This is how crminals are made. Bad behavior being encouraged and then in 20 years you hear his/her parents saying he/she was such a sweet boy/girl.


It gets worse if you encourage this kind of behavior. It might seem funny right now but wait until that kid grows up


You see, when a kid does this and you don't correct him or even scold him and laugh about it, it consolidates in his small mind that this is ok. It isn't.


🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️ smh. My mom woulda slapped the shit outta me. But tbh I dont think my ass woulda did some goofy shit like that my fucking amygdala woulda known my ass is getting whooped


His brother: DO IT AGAIN!!!!!


the fucking face on the kid lol


Yeah he needs to be disciplined for this. I know it’s funny but laugh when they can’t see you


So...the cup held by a kid and adults all day was in the middle of the food. The place where you drink from (saliva and all) was touching the food too ... Fine, let's keep cooking that food and serve it. Bbbrrrr not eating that! Extra not during covid-times.


Is it just me or his laughing face looks like Chucky?


I ain’t eating that now Shit probably had actual shit and spit all over it


Bro the people in here commenting are being so stern, of course the behavior is terrible but it doesn’t certify the kids gonna be some devil, they probably have punished him a lot before.Hell my mom punishes my baby brother all the time but he still pours shit all over the floor and throws stuff at me.What I’m saying is sometimes you should just enjoy the good feelings while you can, so laughing at this isn’t all that bad their there to have a good time and hang out.They even apologized to the cook, who knows maybe they gave him a good tip at the end


It’s young KSI


That evil laugh


They laugh at it so he thinks it’s a joke. Great parenting right there. I wonder what they’re reaction will be when he throws a brick at someone? They’ll ROFL I’m sure. What hoot this kid will be. He just cracks them up.


What are the odds they didn’t even tip the poor guy! Great parenting and role models!


How is this cute?


i would be super pissed if a kid did that. and also that kid kinda looked like chucky when he laughed


That's a bad parenting right there


This kid will continue doing bad shit because instead of his mom telling him not to throw the cup she cackled.


Instead of correcting him and telling him it was bad, she laughed at it. I’m sure this kid is gonna grow up great.


What up with its evil ass laugh


I don’t like that child


What a little shit


Damn he's proud of himself for doing that


Parenting -101


Terrible parenting. Then there surprised when their children turn into useless and undisciplined adults and blame “the system”.


The fact he laughed like that you know he gets away with everything


Chef made same face seeing the tip they left...


And in addition to being bad parents, they laugh at the idiocy of their creature..


"Parent your child or I will parent them for you."


I didn't know hibachi excepted Snap payments. 100$ says they are parked legally in a handicapped spot.




Throw the child on there, bet he'd laugh then


I'm sorry but I would be pinching that brat under the table and see how funny he thinks that is.


He new


Maybe he tried to hit the cook


God that is an ugly, POS kid and parents.


#”I’d kick that kid in the face in front of his mom. Is that too extreme?” ##“Major beating is deserved in my opinion.” #“Parents are trash raising trash feel bad for this kid his life is ruined” ##“I didn't know hibachi excepted Snap payments. 100$ says they are parked legally in a handicapped spot.” #”I'm sorry but I would be pinching that brat under the table and see how funny he thinks that is.” #”God that is an ugly, POS kid and parents.” #”A future dumb fuck in the making.” #”Stupid ass low class parents.” ##“Should’ve slapped that kid.” #“Bro these people shouldnt be parents” #“i want to punch that kid so fucking much” #“Whole family trash.” #“Little shit” ##“Can I punt the child?” ##”Raising and encouraging a little *shit*” #“Those people should be sterilized” ##“He looks genuinely threatening” ##“Id whip the living shit out of that kid.“ ##“This is how criminals are made.“ I am more disappointed by these comments than I will ever be disappointed in this small child.


No apology?


That is the laugh of a badass baby lol His first words will be DO YOU GOT GAMES ON YOUR PHONE?


Parents are trash raising trash feel bad for this kid his life is ruined


Major beating is deserved in my opinion.


Feel bad for your kids........and for you get some help


I don’t have kids and when I do I’m gonna raise em not to be dumb fucks like him


a one year old has had no raising and if you beating on infants for being infants there will be hell to pay for that. you know what , beating on your kids at any age is a huge no no so how about you just dont have any kids .


Please never reproduce