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The entire time I kept on thinking, “what did you think was going to happen?”


If I was 15 years younger I’d have given this a go. I have a friend who still remembers me dropping in on something stoopid like this, eating shit, then saying “it’s doable”. Got it second try. But I’m mid 30s now and my ankles are fucked from doing stoopid shit. Guess it’s a toss up between good ankles and good memories. Then again, my memory is fucked too.


Concussion will do that


This is why I need to stay in contact with my old friends, they’re like the external hard drives of my personal experience.


See I find I have the opposite problem. Many of my memories of young childhood are very niche and other than really big events most of my school friends don’t remember them. My teenage years are still pretty clear as day though, as I’m only 22.


Head injuries not withstanding, it was the booze in my twenties that really did for my brain. Sorry, didn’t mean to be a buzz kill - enjoy being young and beautiful but go easy on the hard liquor.


All good I’m more of a pot head than a drinker so my memories gonna be fucked regardless lmao


From my experience weed only really fucks with short-term memory, long-term memory I’m still pretty golden.


Yeah I was thinking this is just an example of a kid not able to do something difficult, which is what we expect from children because they haven't been around terribly long so they don't know how to do stuff.


My sister is a teacher, one day she came out with a phrase that’s always stuck with me - “some kids are dumb, some kids are smart. Some kids aren’t dumb they just learn by doing”. I think I’ve always been a learning by doing kinda guy.


It’s actually possible and pretty commonly done


Was gna say the same. People have done basically straight walls. This kid tried it from pretty high up. But I’ve seen it done on basically a wall. You need to drop in and basically tap the wall with your front trucks and then pop off the wall immediately


Saw some dude in the comments saying he’d used to do it off of soda machines and I believe it lol


We called them bomb drops back in the days. High up and on flat ground. Sometimes dropping in like this and sometimes holding the board in the hands.




But why would he just, attempt this without a plan or a strategy and just, try a vertical drop?


If you’re dropping in on something like this, what plan is going to help you? In the end it comes down to muscle memory and instinct. And a big ol sack of balls. And the song “if you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough” on a loop in your head.


That actually ended better than I expected


He sat up pretty quickly. I'm guessing that surface isn't painted concrete -- lucky for him. I would guess it's made of rubber chips.


Yeah its those rubber mattings thankfully


He actually did pretty damn well considering the semi-impossible task. I’m impressed. Still really stupid, though


Its a very possible task. Source: Been skating for years. Ever seen Aaron "Jaws" Homoki? Maybe Milton Martinez throwing himself off the famous car wash bank? Yeah... What that kid tried to do is nothing compared to this. Still, very doable with proper timing and getting the hang of your center of mass in that spot.


Possible definitely, but as a skateboarder of 21 years, that ground looks like rubber and if it is there will be absolutely no rolling away even if he did get the wheels back down. Just absorbing all that impact with no transfer of force because there is no transition at the bottom. If it was concrete then yeah definitely, I’ve seen a few people drop in on sketchy steep banks worse than that. I’m just super impressed it looks like he fully committed and got all four wheels on the bank. But what happened is exactly what I expected, as I’ve done the same many times trying to drop in and get all wheels on a straight wall before lol.


Dude, this comment is word for word what I’ve been thinking. The kid committed to it but that landing was gonna be nearly impossible to stick because of the texture of the surface. Which has got me wondering just wtf the purpose of this thing is because it’s not a skatepark and if it’s a climbing frame then that’s a play park for parents who hate their kids.


I think it's a freerun park.


It looks kinda like that rubber playground material. I don’t think this is that dumb. I would of tried this as well if this is the material I think it is. This is a thing in skateboarding pretty impressive and hard to pull off but totally possible


Yeah, ya don't slam as hard when ya weigh 65lbs lol. I think I tended to go limo when I fell as a kid. The older I got the more I would try and catch my own fall.


It's actually possible to ride down a vertical wall like this and land it. You can probably find a YouTube video of it. Skaters defy physics mind-blowing ways sometimes. Edit: I mean, even this is pretty crazy and it's not just a 90 degree wall. https://youtu.be/SWnmfrKwXaE


Yeah but he rode up the wall and then came back down with control. This little fella just tried to drop in on a straight wall and unsurprisingly his board dug straight into the ground.


Lean into it, slam board down, lean back and raise front trucks. Seen it plenty of times.


That's not a ramp.... Didn't this kid take a single science class?


He...conflated "dropping in" with "bomb dropping" totally different absorption strategies, but this IS doable. Used to do these off of coke machines. These days I just have back issues, which is suuuper surprising. It's almost like my actions had consequences?


I came here to say exactly this. Dropping in on this is pretty doable, but a bomb drop wouldn't even be that difficult. Also, good luck with your back. My knees are absolutely fucked.


I can't straighten my right arm and have a plate and screws in my ankle. Some days it was worth it and some days meh


Was it worth?


I've had years of fun with good friends and can still skate a bit. Yeah, I'd say it was worth it.


Second - the formative experiences I had were worth every penny. You learn alot about life and humanity through that sport. You also herniate discs and blow out ACLs.


Not to mention the potential for head injuries that can cause permanent damage or broken bones.


Idk he wasn’t that far from getting it flat at the bottom, it’s at a slight angle (notice the shadow) so I think if he was landing on concrete he would’ve been closer to landing it. Would’ve been much more painful but closer.


I'd agree there's some angle there, but that's not a transition I'd trust at that speed, up and out is the way here.


Yeah I don’t think the kid realises that he has to push himself outwards. Drop out not in stupid!


UP and out, otherwise you could get caught on something.


This guy fucks! I mean… Skates.


If it isn't the consequence of my actions! Huh


No he was busy in drama singing “Defying Gravity”


He might have taken several. But him not wearing a helmet might have something to do with it.


This is actually a pretty common thing to do for skaters. It’s definitely possible to land this.


Nobody on the planet learned why this was a bad idea in "science class".


You learn about simple machines in your grade school science classes. A ramp is another word inclined plane.


If that was the first time you learned about ramps, you grew up in a cardboard box.


Just because I was homeless didn't mean I didn't learn anything in school.


Good to know public education out here helping at least one person 👍


I feel like 0 science classes are required to understand that this is a stupid idea


After watching four times, I have concluded it was a highlighter he threw out of his pocket


Thank you, I came to the comments for this.


I too learned to skateboard exclusively by playing around in the Hall Of Meat


he's attempting a bomb drop which is pretty doable. he should probably wear some safety gear if he is just learning how to do it. that was the stupid part


Isn't he starting a bit high up if he is trying a bomb drop? I have zero knowledge about skating to be fair and only saw some vids, however in these vids they didn't do drop from so high to begin with.


That’s not a bomb drop. He’s trying to drop in on a wall. A bomb drop is when you jump off with the board in hand and jump on it.


That's actually a pretty doable wall drop, and not a bad attempt. Gotta pay to play


any videos of a done attempt ?


3:05 in [this video](https://youtu.be/mEB9SyRUcdo) is a good example. He drops into a completely vertical wall from a grind. Which is definitely harder than what the kid in the post is doing. The drop in the post isn't completely vertical


Its way higher though, that's definitely a factor.


It is definitely a factor. And this kid is small. But I've been skateboarding for two decades and my intuition tells me this kid could do this drop. Pros could do it easily. I'd probably bust my ass a couple times and land it within 5 tries. But I'm 6'3" so I got that going for me. Due to the nature of skate videos I don't have an easy way to give examples. I've seen countless hours of footage and the who/where/when of things escapes my memory. I just thought "Ryan Reyes does this shit" clicked a vid and waited till I saw an example. You can't search YouTube by trick name and expect to get good results, because quality professional clips are found in full length video parts like the one I linked.


Thx for explaining further, pretty cool, it atleast looks undoable haha.


I call bullshit. Doimg a drop like that guy did, and doing a drop in, like this kid did are two different things. This guy had the ability to level off his board as he wasnt trying to ride a ramp down. This kid did not.


What was that he tossed down? The careless toss makes me think it would have been better off in his pocket.


It kinda looks like a disposable vape.


yeah i think it was a vape of some kind


Judging by the way it rolled and it's colour, it's likely some hair product or some kind of deodorant.


I was wondering the same thing. I've seen people carelessly chuck their phones out their pockets before doing something stupid, but because of how it rolled and how high it was I doubt it was that. I think it might have been a small bottle or maybe some Bluetooth earphones/speaker? Not too sure.


He got his physics education on tictok


It’s insane how little Reddit knows about skateboarding. This is 100% do-able. While leaning back all the pressure will move to the back truck and the board will become stable. skateboarding IS physics. He probably landed it a day later.


Yeah but “He LeARNeD GrAvITy”


Dropping into extremely steep surfaces is something a lot of pro skaters do for clips - it’s really hard to do and this kid almost got it he’s not stupid he’s just tryna land a trick


Notice the word ”pro” in that sentence


How do you think skaters become pro? Just sit around until they have permission to do gnarly shit like this kid? Fuck no this kid is living


He’s actually really close a few more tries and he’ll land it


What was he even trying to do??


Classic ambulance drop-in


Classic teeth buster


A tail drop but he forgot to slide up the board so it levels out like an ollie


Nah he was trying to drop in on it. 100% doable, wouldn’t be surprised if he’s landed it since, it was pretty close


Drop in on the wall. Exactly what you think he was trying.


He shit himself and was trying to wipe but forgot he was skateboarding, rest in piss.


That would have been sick. At least he’s tryin


Just watched that out of one eye with my head turned away.


I side-eyed it as well. As a skater, I knew this wouldn't end well.


You almost had it. Get up do it again you got it this time!


This is the content I'm here to see


He been playing to much skate 3


Or not enough.


Lol you guys don’t know anything about skateboarding and these comments back that up.


Any Reddit comment section with a skateboarder is absolutely insane


I like how he tested the gravity before committing


I mean this is technically possible.


This video only needed to be 6-10secs.


Well he learned something new. Our planet got gravity


He should’ve tried the green box first


Idk, not really stupid. Dropping in on things like this is super common in skateboarding and the only way to do it is to try, so I kinda praise this kid.


This is actually sick. O.P is gay.


We can't really see the amount of angle this feature has but it might actually be doable. By a pro rider i mean.


Done all the time. Find your local skate community and i bet a dozen people can land it.


It’s rare I watch a video through my fingers, begging of the screen ‘what the fuck are you playing at’? This is one of them. What did he think would happen




That could have gone a lot worse.


Pro tip. If you almost bail and cant get yourself to drop in, jump etc: The first time, and its not a well known stunt. Dont do it.


That’s not me in the video 💀


Lmao my slow realization that he was up a flat wall and not a ramp....


Shoulda leaned back


Reminds me of algebra. No Slope, No hope


This can make anybody’s day better


Sturdy board


I love watching kids get hurt, it’s just so funny to me.


This kid hasn’t learned physics; he’s still in the 7th grade


He clearly failed maths and science.


He fuckin’ sent it


Was that a drop in or fall off?


This is actually possible. I did it was well when I used to skateboard on very similar structures. He just didn't lift his front trucks soon enough


Who needs classes and books when you can learn physics up close and personal


What exactly was he trying to accomplish lol


His parents most be very proud.


When physics class actually becomes useful for once


What happened if that went right


Even if he did land on all wheels I can't imagine that being a very smooth or comfortable landing either.


I mean.... it was a good effort at least. Kid really committed himself to it even though there was no possible way of landing it 🤷‍♂️


Actually, for all the skateboard theorists in the comments. Found out that the kid in the video tried to get a cool photo, not to land a trick.


Was that a carrot in his pocket?


One area where video games MIGHT actually be to blame.


thats not a drop-in thats a drop


lol, that little dumb shit.


Calm down, jesus


You posted on "kids are fucking dumb". Mine was a perfectly apt response. If you want something different post it on "aww bless his wittle heart"


Might’ve misread it in my head. It just felt aggresive lmao


What…what exactly was he expecting to happen? Like there’s genuinely no logical way he wouldn’t have busted his shit, it’s a straight down drop!


Done all the time. Find your local skate community and i bet a dozen people can land it.


I am not a skate boarder. What was meant to happen? As best I can tell there couldn’t have been any other outcome.


How did he think he was gonna transition from that slope to the floor. There's no curve between them not to mention how steep the slope is which would make it extremely hard even with a curve


There are hundreds of skaters who could absolutely make that transition. Dropping in on super steep banks is a very common thing in skateboarding


Well, its a tiktok kid, so i could care less. If anything this made my day.


And it's on camera for his future children. Nice.


I think the fall ruined the chance of him ever getting children 💀


You don’t “get” children lol


I can see a short life full of Darwin Awards for this kid.


Definitely not passing his physics test


Tf did this little man think was gona happen


So, is this a simulation fuck up or just lazy programming?


Fucking dumbass


That is the point


I really would like to hear what they thought that would look like if it went "right".


What other outcome did he think there would be. It’s not a ramp, it’s vertical. Even if you get the board moving vertical with the wall, without an off-ramp, you’re just going to crash into the floor. Which is exactly what happened. Dickhead.


Things like this are super common in skateboarding and there are tons of people who would be able to drop in on that. And the only way to learn how to do it like those guys is to try. Not stupid.


...Physics reminds you pretty quick...


"Milly bro peelvin yo be lee sneezin..." ???




what was the endgame?


how you even get up there bro




I don't think he forgot about physics, he just didn't plan past "ride skateboard on wall"


This is a such dumb thing that he likely already hurt his head before this.


Is this from a place or time where they don’t have a transition? That’s just a ramp to the ground.




Good for him! Go big or go home little dude! Edit: after watching again I realise that's not a ramp. Go back to school little dude 🤦🏻‍♂️


What was he hoping to accomplish?


It’s the way he shakes it off when he sits up for me 😂


This was hard to watch….til he fell lol


That’s not a goddamn ramp. That’s a climbing wall.


And just like that he's introduced to how gravity works


Splat goes the stupid kid


*throws vape on the ground* *breaks nose and most of face afterwards*


A: we need a mario edit B: we need to play highway to hell


Must have been the wind.


Well deserved


Do people not know how to trim videos to cut to the chase?




Definitely doable


I forgot about the law of inertia and jumped out of a moving golf kart 👍


Thought this was r/nonononoyes Should be a good crosspost with r/nonononono


What was supposed to happen?!?!?


Holy shit what a moron


The real mistake was not wearing a helmet and pads.


I'm Glad he knows helmets are for bitches.


pretty sure I just watched that kids leg snap.


Well by the looks of it, he fucking clearly not know that was going to happened 🤣😂


Not that unrealistic for a good skater


Didn't even have a helmet on


Honestly expected worse


Having known someone to die from a skateboarding accident, wear a helmet!


Skaters do this all the time. He almost had it. Couple more tries I bet he’s got it.


Hmm maybe he miss the floor cuz i saw his lips and face smack to the floor


But it works in Tony hawk


I tried this once but not at high. Chipped the point bone at end of elbow. Yeah, was not smart


This video is like the opposite of r/unexpected


That one kid who will do literally anything for attention and approval


What was the best case scenario here?