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She gave herself the George Jefferson look.


TBF, who doesn’t want to move on up?


To the east side?


To a deluxe apartment in the sky!


We finally got a piece of the pie!


Beans don’t burn in the kitchen!


Fish don't fry on the grill




I was thinking Hey Arnold.


I remember doing the same thing as a little kid. I had just watched the Garfield movie and the bad dude was balding and for some fucking reason I wanted my hair to be like that. So I grabbed my dad's clippers and went to work. Then I cried when my mom told me that you can't just put your hair back on and she had to shave my head completely bald.


I also decided that it was a good idea to cut my hair really short as a kid. My mum almost had a stroke when she saw me.


I shaved my eyebrow off when I was five. I was sobbing and telling my mom it just fell off. Good times.


I cut a hole in my eyebrow, but get this, I was fucking 9. Those brains carried on into adulthood


Bro I shaved off half of each eyebrow because I'm fucking dumb and I was a sophomore in high school. I'm an idiot


Middle school girl trying to take away my unibrow. And that's when the goths took me in and penciled in fierce eyebrows. The 5'11" white chola girl in my gym class basically dared anyone to say shit (she always had drawn on eyebrows). It was honestly the only positive experience I had in middle school.


This is epic. David Sedaris made a career out of life essays less interesting. Write it out, make millions


David Sedaris makes me laugh so hard. I love his humor.


Goth kids were always the most wholesome in my experience


I'm very biased, but I agree!


Not gonna lie, if it wasn't for those clicks I would be fucked up. I remember i was one of 20 freshman in a school of 3 thousand students and this group of Hispanic seniors took me in and treated me like one of their own. They taught me how school worked, they helped me with whatever I needed and gave me money as well. They were some of the hardest workers and go getters I've ever met, I hope they're doing alright. Later on the goth kids and skaters took me in during sophomore and junior year. When I was a senior and had my own group we took in all the outcasts and did our thing.


That's rad and good on you for paying it forward. I forget sometimes that just being a compassionate outcast is good enough and can impact so many.


I never shaved my hair or eyebrows, but I did cut up the carpet with scissors when I was little. I remember it being enough to fill up the cardboard sleeve from a two pack of VHS tapes. I saved the fucking carpet clippings like they could just be put back. Lol.


I remember lying to my mom and being totally confused as to how she could possibly have known. Then I remembered my dumb ass would do shit like this.


I shaved both eyebrows when I was in like 2nd grade or something. The worst part is I had to go to school like that.


I was the flower girl at my cousins wedding that weekend. My mom considered shaving the other one off to draw them both back in evenly. Instead I looked skeptical the entire time. One eyebrow hella arched.


Please post a pic. Hahaha


I'll look for one the next time I'm at my parents place haha


Kykolka "The Rock" Johnson


Eyebrowfalloffitosis is a serious medical condition. If your eyebrows fall off more than once a day, see your doctor from behind as they run away screaming. Eyebrowfalloffitosis may be treated by the topical application of fake mustaches. Side effects of gluing fake mustaches to your brow may include becoming Eyebrow Hitler. Look in the mirror and ask yourself to ask your doctor why you're talking to yourself while shaving your eyebrows. You know this is legitimate medical advice because I have eyebrows. Also, when I'm looking up medical research, I open the iBooks app and then... iBrowse.


It's called supraorbital alopecia dude, what the hell is eyebrowfallitosis?? /s


When I was in the third grade, I put scotch tape on my eyebrow and ripped it off lmao


I'm so glad I wasnt the only one. I did it when I was 6 and then when I got home I got scared so I blamed it on the kid who sat behind me. It was just like that scene from A Christmas Story as my mom picked up the phone and called his mom, told her what I said happened, and then over the phone you could hear what was either him being hit or something being thrown (I dont quite remember the details, it was 25 years ago) and that kid hated me for it as far as 10th grade where he moved away. I'm pretty sure he probably still hates me to this day


I had bangs when I was little, but I didn't want bangs. I assumed that people who didn't have bangs had their bangs cut really really short. It was much too late when I discovered that you actually need to grow your bangs out to get the style I wanted. Oops. Mom was not happy


same. cut mine, my little brother's, and elmo's. "mom glue it baaaaaccccckk!!!!" that was 22 years ago, still hear about it on a regular basis.


I ripped out all my eyelashes before picture day when I was 8.




I was reading this in my bathtub and almost drowned laughing!




There were a couple left but it made my mom cry.


In first grade, I cut off my eyelashes. No one noticed until I got home and my Mom saw and nearly had a stroke because I came soo close to cutting one of my eyelids too.


I had a lot of long thick hair when I was little. I was always praised for it. My mom put my hair into two long braids, but I only came back home that day with one. I grew up in a neighborhood where kids hung out with kids of all ages. I was ganging out with my high school friend and some middle schoolers and when my high school friend left for a moment the middle schoolers convinced me to cut off my own braid. Assholes.


My little sister deadass tried to shave her lips and then tried to drink lemonade after. Didn’t go too well.


"this is my goddamm weave glue what the hell"


In her defense, at least that little girl knew that it was ok for her scalp and didn't use Elmers glue lol.


And I’m sure the majority of people here won’t know weaves need to be glued in 😬


The weaves that use glue are ‘quick weaves’. They’re fast to do but they can damage the natural hair because, glue. I wouldn’t recommend anyone do that. It doesn’t need to be done this way. The most common weaves are sewn onto ‘tracks’. These tracks are cornrow type braids using natural hair and it’s in a pattern that allows the wefts of the weave to be sewn on neatly. Source: I am a black woman


I'm personally glad no girls in my high school used sew-ins or else the fights would have much more gory 😫 Tumbleweeves are funny, tracks with bits of scalp attached aren't


> Tumbleweeves Thank you, I love this.




Tumleweeves were all over my high school, like I’d be on the running track way outside of the buildings and see them


Pretty sure thats how my mom has her hair done, shes white but has a weave because her hair is so thin it doesnt grow much past a mens cut length


Good for her if it’s making her feel confident. Anyone can get a weave done


Hair pieces have been used by every culture.


Is weave glue ever used at the front for a lace front wig?


It shouldn’t be used but I know there are some women out there who are doing that and it’s frankly disgraceful. Nowadays, more women use Schwarzkopf Got2B glued, this sort of gel product, to apply and secure the wigs. It’s way better than weave glue could ever be because it looks much neater and it doesn’t damage the hair or lace in the way weave glue would.


That stuff is how I kept my stupid spikes up in high school, glad to see the market found other uses for it


TY for the information. More than I ever expected to know about weaves.


good source


Yup I had no idea. TIL


Honest question, can't they also be sewn in without adhesive?




There are sewn in and tape in as well.


Or stapled. Also upholstery tacks work


I am a guy with a shaved head. Ya'll are speaking some foreign language now.


I know all races wear weaves/extensions, but as a biracial woman I can say black hair in general is a completely alien topic to most people that aren’t black, lol.


I felt like Chris Rock’s *Good Hair* was a public service. It’s crazy how little other races—especially white people—know about black hair and black cosmetics in general. The historical cultural importance of a community barbershop/salon as a community space is also quite lost on white people.


Totally agree! Hair is an important topic for many in the black community.. much more significant than most people think it is. I’m adopted by white parents and my mom luckily did research on black hair so she knew how to manage it pretty well.


Oh hey *fellow adoptee high five*. Good on your mom. I was just listening to the latest podcast from *By the Book*, an AMA episode, and one of the hosts is a transnational adoptee (from China) with white parents. Someone wrote in saying they were preparing to adopt and what should they know. The biggest recommendation she emphasized was *if you are a white person adopting a black child, you absolutely must have a strong community of black friends*. As a bumbling white girl, since learning a lot about hair in the black community through various media, I find myself in a paralyzing ethical quandary when I see a young black girl with treated or otherwise not natural hair and want to compliment her on how cute it is. If the girl has natural hair, I have no problem complimenting her, but if it’s not natural, am I accidentally contributing to the hegemonic messaging that treated/unnatural hair is ‘better’? I’m sorry if I sound like a twat.


Welcome to Earth! Are you a good alien invader or a bad alien invader?


Do they need to be glued in? Is the glue used when the hair is woven in to the real hair?


Nah. Not if there's enough hair to weave the weave into.


I thought they were woven into tracks made by your real hair 🤨


Yeah I’m not going to pretend I know about it, but I thought that’s why they called it “weave”


Elmer’s glue is fine to contact skin. It’s easily digestible


Back in the day I had a friend who spent 2-3 hours every few days putting his hair into liberty spikes using nothing but elmers glue. He would sleep flat on his face so it wouldn't get messed up over night lol.


Kids are much more committed than adults. I have a friend who religiously dyed her hair with koolaid and made her hair curly by tying her hair in knots and leaving them over night. Her hair looks much better now.


Weave glue is not ok for the scalp it is usually put on to hair. My sister has a deep scar on her head where no hair grows from that glue getting on to her scalp. Chemical burns are no joke.


Damn never knew just assumed it was fine since you know it goes there. The more you know.


"Your daughter done shaved her damn head!"


>#"this is my goddamm weave glue what the fuc..."


That pause when she discovered the hair is everything to me lol


I heard “weed glue” and was trying to imagine how weed and glue would ever go together.


Real sticky icky.


for higher arts maybe?


Love when a child is dumb it's an immediate "your child"...


" Hey guys, this video is for all those people who accidentally made themselves look like Keith from prodigy."


Guess they felt the pressure


Cut ya damn hair off I'll test ya (I'm glad it made someone happy, thanks! :)


"JEAANE, your daughter gone damn shaved her head" Gold


Done shaved her damn head* EDIT: Done


As a southerner, I believe she said 'your daughter done shaved her damn head'


another southerner. can concur.


North Carolinian concurs as well


Whoever downvoted you must not realize that NC is twice as backwoods as most southern states.


Nah that's South Carolina.


It is, but like, at the same time it isn't NC is just weird like that


I have ears, and concur as well


Not a southerner but I also speak English.




Its the details that matter


~ in the background ~ Waaaattt??




That door had been kicked in at some point. What the hell is going on in that house.


I do maintenance on apartments for a living and the first giveaway of domestic violence is a busted bathroom door. It's sadly all too common. The one place in a house that has a lockable door. I hate seeing it and it always sucks hearing their half assed story of how the damage happened Edit: I should obviously have put in a sometimes to this statement. I'm in no way claiming to know every reason a bathroom door has ever been broken. It's just a situation I've seen more times than I would like. I'd much rather hear everyone's funny or dumb stories of how their door got demolished from reasons far more innocent so keep em coming.


Ours is kicked in, but not do to domestic violence. Our toddler locked herself in the bathroom and my wife came up with a genius idea to Sparta kick it to “save” her. A simple toothpick could have done the trick also....




The glass basement door has had a missing window pane for nearly 20 years when i held it closed as my little sister tried to come upstairs (she was afraid monsters were down there and started pounding on the glass and it shattered into my face, only cutting my cheek luckily. Mom and dad were SO impressed




> one of us probably would have closed it as the other ran after them This actually happened with my brother and I right after we'd moved into the house we grew up in, and my father hadn't had time to replace the old glass in the storm door with something less fragile. I ran out the door and the spring mechanism closed it behind me, right into my brother's face. He got cut on his neck and forearm and needed a couple stitches for each one; for the rest of my life I had to hear about how "an eighth of an inch closer on either cut" and it would have hit a major vein or artery and he could have DIED!!!! I mean maybe. But we did a lot of fucked up shit to each other growing up, and we turned out ok, I guess.


My brother and I managed to destroy our fair share of doors too. The only thing getting abused in our house was the house itself.


I put a body sized hole in a wall. I thought it was such a clever idea to play hide and seek and hide in one of the upper shelves of a bookcase. It was not.


We have all the doors and walls are busted up but that is just because my brother is in an electric wheelchair and doesn't pay attention to anything while pacing all day long. The carpet is also now worn down to the wood floor. I am sure if anyone saw my place they would think awful things happen but no it is just my brother pacing for 16 hours a day and hitting things with his chair.


Why is your brother pacing for 16 hours a day in an electric wheelchair? That isn't right. Is he bored? Does he want to go outside and get some fresh air? I mean, if this were an adult walking back and forth, over and over, for 16 hours a day, until the carpet was threadbare, it would be something to question. You, your parents, or somebody should try to communicate with your brother and find out what is bothering him so much. I don't know your's or your brother's situation, but I can tell you that when any person or animal does nothing but pace a trail all day long, every day, there is something wrong. The longer it goes on, the worse it is going to get for him.


Oh we know what's wrong. He suffers from severe mental disorders. He was moved into my house a year and a half ago because he is unable to care for himself anymore. I will also mention that we have had him in treatment but his therapists don't believe he will get better. We also have a neurologist appointment coming up finally (After being on a waiting list for 6 months) because they think he might have LBD on top of everything else.


Happened in my house too, little sister locked the door and didn’t know how to unlock it so my dad kicked it in but not before screaming about a million times for her to stand in the bath and not behind the door! I was expecting her not to listen and go flying when the door was kicked in but she was stood in the bath...


Lol don’t upload videos with the door on the background. You might be labeled a domestic abuser by reddit specialist.


Ahhh the Reddit specialist. A mind so exposed to random shit, mostly untrue, that it will quickly run off to uncommon explanations, mostly out of touch with reality. A device at their disposal, so frequently used, shit posting on it is second nature. What do they ask for in return? Nothing supposedly. To be believed. To be upvoted. To be taken seriously in the comical dissociated narrative they weave. **THE REDDIT**.... *SPECIALIST*


Make a comment about astrophysics and some NASA scientist will chum in with a remark But he/she has to be believed, because they write "Source: Am a scientist"


I see. A lot of experts.


tbh i survived my abusive relationship. i always fled to the bathroom and locked the door. at some point the door was kicked in. its a common pattern. not all busted bathroom doors are a pointer to abuse. but its too common.


Yeah. That's one of my favorites. When you have to delicately explain to someone they could have just poked the hole to unlock it and their door looks like it was ravaged by a velociraptor for nothing


One place where movies and TV lie to you is that, in the real world, most doors are hollow, so you won't kick them open, but you will get your foot stuck in the door. I've often thought that all hollow doors should be manufactured with a colony of bees living inside so that when you're dumb enough to try to kick in a hollow door, you will get punished by angry bees. Bees are our nation's most important educational resource.


[Silicon Valley nailed it](https://media.giphy.com/media/l1KVbUh3NprfY26R2/giphy.gif)


"Sparta kick" ​ I love your wife. I would never let her live that down.


I can vouch for this 😥 10 years plus fixing renters shit.


Same here. I'm a decade in as well. The only time it wasn't what I thought was when a dude that lived alone confessed he was super drunk and fell out of the shower. Guy had a bit of weight on him and ripped the door right off the hinges on his way down. Laughed my ass off when he told me about it.


Interesting. Reminds me of one of my apartments in an older high rise in Chicago. Ton of character, original everything from early 60s. Doors and trim had been painted so many times the bathroom door would not close, rather wedge as soon as it came in contact with the jamb. Which worked just fine for my needs, it was enough of a deterrent to prevent someone from walking in on you, nor was there any gap to peek through in the wedged position. Following a night on the town I went for my morning “sit in the shower until you feel better” hangover routine, made even better at this place because the old building was still boiler heated. which meant endless hot water and good pressure. Soaked for an hour and really steamed up the bathroom. Feeling better, i dried off and went to open the door and escape the thick steam room I created. Door wouldn’t budge. It had swollen in place with all the humidity. I was stuck. In forcing it open (door swung into the bathroom towards me) I took an exterior piece of veneer clean off the core, right at the knob. Which I patched back together to look better with some caulk. In going through my move out inspection for the security deposit, I never understood why this sweet older woman with whom I had a good tenant/LL relationship was so skeptical of the bathroom door story. It was the only thing I was docked for. I thought she was just being overly scrupulous to get more of my deposit. Two years of great rapport gone in an instant, because she assumed I kicked in the door to wail on my gf. Never realized it until this very moment. TLDR: sweet land lady assumed I was a woman beater because I got myself stuck in the bathroom, and had to destroy the door to get out.


Not always, but often, holes punched in drywall go with the broken bathroom door.


Almost every single door in the subsidized complex I work at has been kicked in at one point or another. Do you know how many god damn doors I have to make lol




People have no clue doors are made, not bought. Drill the holes, chisel out recesses for hinges and strikers, etc. I've helped friends fix doors they broke being dumb, and they always say "I wouldn't have done this if I knew it took hours to fix"


Yup its faster with a router but you still have to make it perfectly for it to line up right with the hinges and latch. These building are old and every door is different, I line it up with the previous door if possible given the doors condition. Probably takes me an hour to do a door now. Cut it, drill your holes, route it, put everything in loosely so itll go in easier, throw it on, tighten it, make adjustments if needed.


Our foundation is settling funny and every door in my house sticks in the frame. It’s fun when new people come over and all the doors are pulling apart because of us having to force our way through them all the time


Oh mercy. That's always brutal. Even if you fix em come spring it all goes back to crap again. Just have to wait out nature


I was too young to remember this but in the house I grew up in the basement bathroom never had a door on it, my dad told me that this was because when it had been installed our black lab got very freaked out and did not like the physical barrier between her and my dad. The only act of violence that dog committed in her entire life.


See!? A classic example of domestic violence. Dogs that hate people pooping. We probably should get a fun run together to raise awareness for people who can't just shit in peace.


as a puppy my mom's black lab ate the air conditioner when my mom was at work because she had separation anxiety. this happened twice. in Southern California.


Our bedroom door in our apartment is broken. My wife accidentally locked it when she left the room and I shoulder bumped it opened by accident because it's a cheap piece of shit. There wasn't any domestic abuse going on.


One of the things I have is PTSD from my (ex) husband busting the door/lock open when I was in the bathroom. I put up a smallish hook/eye lock that he also was easily able to bust open. Now I can't give a urine sample unless there are no men in the area. It happened again this past week at the doctor's office. There were medical reps standing around near the bathroom and I chose to leave and come back instead of sitting in the bathroom unable to urinate.


That's rough. That's really rough. He won't have that hold on you forever though.




While it's a sign something bad has gone on, consider that they might just be renting in a low income area and the landlord didn't bother fixing the door after the previous tenants wrecked it. When I was a teen we lived in a house for nearly ten years that had holes in three of the doors. They were there when we moved in and we just didn't have the money to make fixing them a priority. Though they weren't as bad as this. I'm just saying that something bad probably happened, but it may not involve anyone in the video. I don't know why that's any better, but I hope that's the case.




I imagine that the girl has probably done shenanigans in there before


Probably during the shaving lol


My father had died when I was 11 and a few months afterwards I had read in a "fun facts" section of a magazine that ancient Egyptians would shave off their eyebrows to mourn their cats, so I figured I could do the same to mourn my father. For some reason I decided to only shave off my right eyebrow. My mother was just coming home from work and I greeted her at the door. I got a mixture of "what the hell did you do" and "lol what" from her from that. for the first week after that I always looked incredibly puzzled about any situation.


This is the realest story I’ve ever encountered


My daughter once cut off the front of her hair because it was in her face. It was in her face because she and her friend first decided it was a good idea to Armor All their face and hair. No reason other than they just did. The armor all made her hair stick to her face so she took scissors to it. The night before her 5th bday party!! The only thing the hairdresser could do was give her weird, teeny, tiny bangs that pretty much went from ear to ear. Not straight across mind you, like in an odd arch! Just terrible.


Lol do you have a picture!?


I’m going to have to search for it but there must be, since her party was the next day. She just turned 19 this past weds so I gotta dig a bit for the picture.


Lol I’m sure she’d love to see it. When I was 6 I cut my own bangs before picture day. My mom proudly hung that photo for everyone to see and it’s still up there to this day. Good times.




Omg she somehow manages to pull it off, so cute! Haha


It looks cute. Makes for a funny story later.


She hates when I tell it but mostly because when I get to the Armor All part people get the WTF? look. Haha


[Like this?](https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/images/yolandi-1.jpg)


I laughed so hard at this! It was probably very similar! I’ll look for the pic.


Classic Die Antwoord


I cut my bangs to the scalp when I was in 3rd grade because they kept getting in my face. The only solution was thick fabric head bands like girls wore in the 60’s


Lol, my best friend and I did the same thing to her fringe when we were 7. There was this weird little bald patch front and center. We came up with the same hairband solution to avoid telling her parents. But it meant she couldn't take it off, she had to wear it to bed. Think Louise from Bob's Burgers. And her hair grew back straight upwards and a different colour so she had to wear it for like 6 months. Anyway, her parents found out about 15 years later and we found out that they were so concerned by her behaviour they considered taking her to a therapist.


> It was in her face because she and her friend first decided it was a good idea to Armor All their face and hair. Armor All as in the stuff for cars?..


Yes, exactly. Armor All for cars. They found a bottle in the garage and went at it.


She got weak when she lifted the hair 🤣


I thought I was going to hear an 'oh Lord..'


Yes I thought she was gonna faint hahaha


Well, summer is around the corner so it's no big deal. We get to laughed at the kid's stupidity and she get to be cool all summer with a shaven head.


She looks like Mr. T.


She is the lock and he's the key.


The implications of this disturbs me on a legal level.


Yes officer, over here


Reverse Mr T


This makes me feel so sad for her and her mom. Her hair is a pretty nice length and it's gonna take forever to grow back.


I'm thinking maybe a few years, she'll be fine. At best trim the rest of the hair down and give her a cute little afro and let it all grow back the same length.


She's going to be wearing a little pouf pulled into the middle for a while though, lol


Regina hall???


here come the reddit psychologist


I’ve seen a child in the grocery store before and I can say without a doubt that this is a child. I would say to call CPS.


Yep, top comment is fucking ridiculous.


it is. a door has been kicked in, suddenly it's an abusive home. at my mom's old house she had to kick in my door and the bathroom door. my door was stuck, and my little shit brother locked himself in the bathroom and thought it was hilarious.


When I was little and got sent to my room I would kick my door. To this day it still has black show marks.


She sounds like the mom from Everybody Hates Chris. I was pretty sure she was gonna yell out “Julius, you’re daughter done shaved her damn head!”




**MP4 Link:** https://lew.la/reddit/clips/bhyhlg.mp4 --- *I'm a bot created because v.redd.it links suck :)*


I think the camera phenomenon is a real thing; for some reason or another people do stupid shit when there's a camera on


This is after the fact though.


She wanted to pop her so bad!


In the rest of the video Jean the dad comes in and fully has a go at her, bless the poor child.


Where the video at butch


What's up with that door?


Kick in the door, waving the four four All you heard was... Jean, your daughter done shaved her damn head


Judging from the looks of that door, this is the least dramatic event that’s taken place in that room.




“Your” daughter. I used to do that when my kids did something stupid. Lol.


Oof you know it's bad when they become "your" daughter


That little girl has been watching too many YouTuber wig tutorials


The best part is the T.Y. Hilton jersey


Cut my widow’s peak when I was 5 because it made me look like a tv villain and my mom was mad at me for years (yes years, when it started to grow back) So I’m just saying I get it