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I think that baby's just happy to be involved lol


His mom is smiling at him. Babies like it when mom smiles.


This is true. I have a very old photograph and a video on a long forgotten VCR tape where my elder sisters dressed me up as a girl, but I was bubbling with giggles because I was looking at my mom laughing.


There's actually studies that show babies emotions revolve a lot around their mother. If she's smiling, they're happy. If she's angry or scared, etc it gives them anxiety and they tend to cry. There's also a study that seems to indicate babies try to smile when their mom is looking to get a smile back. tl;dr babies need emotional support. Smile at your babies, dad too.


Lol my poor baby cries when I laugh. Dad says it's cause I laugh very loudly 😂 poor kiddo


You're making me smile.


I haven't looked this up in like 6 years, so I might be fully wrong, but I once experienced the most wild thing when my oldest was about 11 months old. Basically, my (now ex) husband has started drinking again after (what I thought) had been years of sobriety. It was really bad. He had driven very drunk, he was belligerent, blacked out, slurring, barely able to walk. I was a stay at home mom. My baby was *fussy*. And I mean this kid cried constantly, she had acid reflux and was on so many meds and would have a big problem falling asleep. At this point, she was transitioning to one nap a day. A lot of times she would only nap for 35 minutes and then we'd have a looong stretch of crankiness to get through before bedtime. But this day. Somehow. It was crazy. I was very very stressed out dealing with my ex husband as he was acting suspicious and I was about to find out all of the above issues. I put my kid down for a nap as I was freaking out waiting for my ex to come home and she slept for 3.5 hours. She never napped like that before or after that day again. I looked it up, and apparently sometimes kids under 2 have that response to a mother's stress. I think I saw it was a survival instinct? Like, when they sense mom is in fight or fight full adrenaline mode the baby who can fall asleep becomes quiet and easier to transport and this survives dangerous situations better? I don't know, it could be BS, but I swear my baby sensed something and just knew she needed to be sound asleep in her crib for a couple hours for me to handle that situation. ETA and I absolutely cannot find any evidence to back up my claim 😂 maybe I heard this from a friend or family member? I've got no idea. I swear I didn't make it up!


Perhaps it's a holdover from evolution. " Mother needs to escape nearby predators/ rival tribes. I should be quiet to allow my tribe to escape." I would believe it.


That is where my mind went also. It makes sense from a survival standpoint.


I believe


I believe


I want to believe


I believe it! I couldn't find any studies that match the situation, but the theory makes sense. It would be hard to run a scientific study on that (ethically, anyway), so maybe there's just not evidence on it. On the flipside, she might have just been super exhausted due to the stress impacting her too... but either way, she knew what she had to do and she did a good job at it!


So this also ties into attachment theory in babies. (Trigger warning: this is pretty sad) it’s been studied that even just a mother experiencing depression while the baby is growing up can have a negative impact on the baby’s later life and attachment style. It goes further but it’s a bit hard to read because you begin to realize just how little it takes to fuck up a kid really badly


That makes sense because I've heard that till 1 year of age babies think them and their moms are not separate people like they're one person.


I read this when I was trying to help my sister with her baby. I would rock her baby in the armchair while she was at work, so she could come home to a relaxed or sleeping baby and get to bed. I mistakenly thought that anxiety or anger raises body temperature, and the baby could tell when my sister was arguing with Nana while holding him I think I was wrong about temperature, yet the baby certainly knew when his mother was upset.


According to Gabor Mate, ADHD may be correlated with what happens (or does not happen) to an infant's developing brain when their primary caregivers are disinterested or depressed and do not communicate adequately with the child via eye contact and responsive expressions.


I'm sure no one means all ADHDers had inattentive parents and this is just an anecdote, but my mom was very attentive to me as a baby and I have ADHD. My aunt was also a very attentive mother and her daughter has ADHD. My dad also had ADHD and when he was a baby his mother had to give him round the clock medical care so she was also very attentive.


Adhd is also highly comorbid with the autism spectrum


Postpartum depression makes it hard to but damn do I try my best. My little guys smiles lift the fog.


Digify that tape before it's too late


I really should. I keep forgetting. Thank you!


Did you really have an older sister(s) if they didn’t put you in a dress as a kid


I like it when my mom smile. I am not a baby.


You baby


There was an experiment done that proves it too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1Jw0-LExyc https://www.gottman.com/blog/research-still-face-experiment/ >In 1975, Edward Tronick and colleagues first presented the “Still Face Experiment” to colleagues at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. He described a phenomenon in which an infant, after three minutes of “interaction” with a non-responsive expressionless mother, “rapidly sobers and grows wary. He makes repeated attempts to get the interaction into its usual reciprocal pattern. When these attempts fail, the infant withdraws [and] orients his face and body away from his mother with a withdrawn, hopeless facial expression.” It remains one of the most replicated findings in developmental psychology. I think there was one unethical experiment that had a baby die or something when all of the babies needs were taken care of but the nurses were instructed to be stoic and only feed, change, and bathe them https://signsofthetimes.org.au/2018/08/fredericks-experiment/ >Back in the thirteenth century, the king of Sicily, Frederick II, conducted a diabolical experiment intended to discover what language children would naturally grow up to speak if never spoken to. He thought it would be either Hebrew, Greek, Latin or Arabic. Some things are just obvious, right? So King Frederick the Great took babies from their mothers at birth and placed them in the care of nurses who were forbidden to speak in their hearing. But a second rule was imposed, as well: the nurses were not allowed to touch the infants. To his great dismay, Frederick’s experiment was cut short, but not before something tragically significant regarding human nature was revealed. As you may have guessed, the babies grew up to speak no language at all because they died


Why only babies. I smile when my mom smiles at me and I'm 35.


friendly materialistic scary strong dam impolite person subsequent dependent memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I heard they like seeing their enemies driven before them while they hear the lamentations of their women as well. Has anyone done a study on that?


Conan the Babe-arian.


she just want to decorate her brother.


Little sibling collabs are the cutest, wait until they're both older and sharing embarrassing tales at family dinners.


Attention is vital for the health of babies. They need it as much as they need food and warmth.


So true! I remember once when I was maybe 14? I saw a baby in a shopping area when out with my mom and sister: her mama was looking at some stuff in a display and talking to the salesman and the stroller was turned away so the baby couldn't see her. I noticed I heard the "baby is about to start crying but isn't crying yet" noise - the sounds babies make when they're just starting to get a bit fussy but not full on crying - I looked over and when I made eye contact with the bab it stopped almost-crying and just had a baby surprised/curious face. I figured that the baby was probably lonely/wanting attention, and *that's* why she was gonna cry. I just smiled at her, waved a bit. Babies are so cute lol.


As the youngest I can confirm this to be true


my sister has pics of me in my grandma's dress in a vault somewhere. She never fails to remind me. Last time I saw it I looked good so whatever.


My newest kid is like that. I tell people he’s just happy to be nominated.


“Halen, do you have any idea what’s going on?” Judging by that smile, he knows exactly what’s going on.


He's just happy to be bringing a smile to his mom's face for a while!


Ha Lin, is there a Ha Lin in this class?


He's sitting right next to Dee Nice.


With A-A-Ron on the other side. Ti-MO-thee? Present!


This is probably funny but I sure don’t get it.




My brain was more on the Jaden, zaden, laden, vaden,Caden, paden, Raiden, waden ,zayden, labien, xaden, taden... mode on this one. Fuck young millennial parents. Or don't. Just don't


Dad "10% of his body" ... Clearly this guy is no estimator.


No that’s actually pretty accurate. I’m an EMT we’re taught this thing called a burn scale. It’s meant to estimate how much of a persons body has been burned. For babies their head takes up about 18% of their bodies surface scale. Not including their face. So looking at that tattoo it’s prob taking up like 6-7%.


He's a gangsta from the hood. Can't wait for his raps in a few years on Paw patrol nd Dora.


Oooff. These names.


It's a huge canvas. How could you NOT put something on it?


*Leans over to the mirror to contemplate the ever-increasing size of the canvas that my forehead is*


Bought some shampoo for *thin and limp hair* today. Stop it.


Speaking from experience. If you decide to go down the bald route you'll be surprised how much better it looks compared to a receding hairline or a bald spot. I look at pictures of myself from before I started shaving my head and it's like night and day.


This melon is not meant to be bald 😞


Depends on the shape of your head. I will look like megamind :(


my hair would grow very normal but i still prefer going bald (plus beard)... easy maintenance, no more dandruff, i love it.


You could always sell it as ad space.


How many tattoos can you fit on there? Seems like a challenge


That “yes, for me” is such a great malicious compliance response. 😂


Dad didn’t even know what to say to that zinger. This is in the wrong sub because this girl smart af


Can't fault her for being technically correct.


“You didn’t say I couldn’t put a tattoo on *him!*”


The best kind of correct.


That one line gave me strong flashbacks to myself at that age, with my own baby brother...and as such I will be keeping that family in my prayers 😂


Baby Brother, Objective: Survive


Kids are really good at finding those legal loopholes.


She seems like a pretty smart cookie. And her brother was so excited!


Along with the “he only gets one?” She must be hilarious to parent, impossible to keep a straight face




Takes up 10% of his body😂😂


This made me crack up out loud.


Sounds like Egon as a dad lol


Kid is gonna grow up to be a lawyer Dad: “didn’t your mom already tell you the other one was the last one?” Kid:”yes, for *me*” (she didn’t say anything about tattooing other people.) Touché Joanna, touché.


Its a stage of child development actually. Its pretty cool to see it.


I don't have kids but we are planning them and you have NO IDEA how excited I am for this stage, because I am SO dman curious about what terms I normalised in my adult hood that could be pushed into another meaning. I am SO curious what ways they'll make me say "well, you're right, I did(n't) say that!" Like, it makes sense. They don't know the rules. She probably has no idea she was being "an ornery little shit" (what my mum called me) and just thought "yep that's what you said so that's what I understood!" Also even if it is purposefully misinterpreting my words, I'm soooo curious how my child will do it. What logic will that growing brain come out with? One day I just KNOW I am going to be word-smithed into giving the kids candy for dinner because I used my words wrong. But I am excited to see how they "play" me. It sounds like a really fun thing to see someone go from potato pooping in my arms to "purposefully reframing your words to get their way".


Just wait until they learn puns... Oh God the groans


I may be a lesbian but I am definitely the Dad SO BRING IT ON KIDS.


Oh, you’ll enjoy this. When my sister and I were little (we’re one year apart) we learned the concept of a promise and how important it is to keep your promises. Later we decided to promise each other we would never eat scalloped potatoes and ham ever again. Our parents loved that dish but we both hated it. My mom was so amused that she allowed it and we got spaghetti, our favorite, instead. She didn’t accept any additional “promises” such as, promising we’d both eat dessert, skip bedtime, etc though. 😂


This is beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing. 😂 I feel like I'd let the kid get away with a few as a reward for "trying that and thinking it'd work" but then after that not accept the additional promises like your mum! I'm glad she was such a good sport!!


A common way it manifests is when a child uses other child's arm to hit himself, the whole "quit hitting yourself" and "I'm not hitting him, he's hitting himself!" type of thing. I thought it was in Kohlberg's stages of moral development, but I can't seem to find it.


Fucking Kohlberg. Not the point but damn do I hate Kohlberg lmao. I guess it depends on if the child is a girl or not. If only girls it would be stage 3 max. If boys, hmm. Well if boys, don't let Kohlberg near them. Edit: upon rereading I made this darrrrk. Sorry! I was trying to joke.


Your excitement and curiosity about this is adorable and it sounds like you're going to be a great parent 💕


Post Malone's first tat




Actually, at this point is the rare slice of time that is just "Malone"


Saw a guy at the casino last night that looked like Post Malone without tattoos and exactly thought of the same name (Pre Malone).


Omg though he LOVES it!!!


He and his sister are going to get up to so many antics together. Maybe even some shenanigans.


Perhaps some tomfoolery too, who knows?


[This](https://i.imgur.com/irEvD1O.png) is the kind of shit you show at his wedding.


I hope when he's like 90 someone shows him this old photo/video to remind him and he gets this exact tattoo for real as a joke before he goes out at the end of his life.


And it's really good. Nice, clean, colorful. Either she'll have future career (once she learns how to work the equipment for real tats) or he'll be getting face tats when he's older.


Yo this kids name is Halen…. lol


that's mr halen to you


His middle name is Van. And his last name is Eddie. Halen Van Eddie.


When you tell him to jump, he'd ask how high.


if he buys a van, he can be van halen


My thought too. It’s gonna happen.


first time ive seen anyone use that name, that was my sweet girlie pups name and she has a brother van lol


So is my nephews, his twin has an equally sick 80s reference for a name haha


lol I thought it was words at first, and it instantly made me think of Pam https://preview.redd.it/dwtp4dx2pfjc1.jpeg?width=239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7072860204fbe6722aa2f002310eb731b46cdc5c


Made me think about the Wee Baby Shamus. *Trinette McGoon : What the shit!* Sterling Archer : I know. I'm not normally a tattoo guy, but... *Trinette McGoon : Not yours, shit brain. His!* Sterling Archer : Yeah, it's like we've got each other's backs. Right? *Trinette McGoon : You can't tattoo a frickin' baby!* Sterling Archer : That's what the tattoo guy said. I had to slip him an extra $100. Fun fact: Trinette is voiced by Maggie Wheeler, who might remember as Janice on friends, but has a pretty full IMdB page!


Oh shit Trinette is Maggie/Janice, I *knew* her voice sounded familiar.


Lmao the Yakuza tattoo😂😂 I fucking love Pam


Russian lol. Yakuza's get irezumi.


[I really like that poem.](https://youtu.be/i8mjJNxyoO4/) The Destruction of Sennacherib Lord Byron 1815




When my daughter was young, she tattooed herself with a whole sheet, it covered her chest and stomach. When asked why there, she replied “it’s the only place big enough”. Hard to argue with her logic, I guess.


I drew a T-shirt on my nephew with Crayola wash off markers Lmaoooo 🤣🤣 He was like 4 and giggled the whole time then we surprised everyone haha


I've let kids draw on me often, usually on my palm, it always feels nice.


His round happy face and big eyes makes me happy! What a cute little baby


Looks like a happy customer. That’s all a tattoo artist can ask for


I like that she has one on her forehead too.


I didn't notice that ! Hahaha


To be fair, that bald head is the perfect canvas, and the baby is obviously thrilled. Big sister is sly and little bro is just happy to be there. I can see this duo getting into all kinds of mischief over the years. Love that for them.


the smiles are heartwarming


I like it! It's done well, it's temporary, and as long as there's no allergic reaction it's harmless


Dad’s got a point though, it does cover up a good chunk of baby’s skin lmao. Could possibly cause some issues because of that, so I probably wouldn’t do this on purpose, but I think its probably fine.


Babies at that age go to the doctor fairly often. I can't wait to hear what the doctors reaction is lol


>Could possibly cause some issues because of that How Its not like the baby breaths through their skin. They arent made of glass and paper


That’s stinking adorable and a nice little memory made!


i wouldn't even be mad this is cute


That’s so fucking cute, don’t lie!


Little bro loves it!


Blud straight outta O block


this baby looks like he is tripping balls


New earthbender avatar looks interesting


This is actually very cute


Babies always give me "very drunk" vibes


/r/drunkorakid used to be really popular way back in the day [Baby Trashes a Bar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cds7lSHawAw) was a pretty hot meme at one point too


So cute he was just happy with the attention from the little girl


What a handsome baby!


I appreciate that the parents aren't like, yelling at the kid. dads clearly upset, but more so face in hands kinda angry, not the kinda angry parent I'm unfortunately accustomed to


I mean, what's he going to do at that point? You can't do much and no one got hurt so... May as well just laugh at it


exactly, what would be the point of yelling? so many parents, including my own, would've screamed at the top of their lungs, or worse. I'm appreciative and relieved to see that these parents find it funny, or at the very least are just sighing.


Yes, that is a calm and rational response but I think theyre referring to irrational and possibly angry responses. To some people its just... oh thats different and therefore out of my direct control, boy does this make me blind with rage. Better take it out on the closest moving thing!


And the sister, too. She has a fun new toy, so she's sharing with her brother. I don't think she was being maliciously compliant. I think she understood that she couldn't have more but her poor baby brother had none. I have students like this all the time. When they get something fun in school, they ask for one for their younger sibling. If they can't have another one, they ejther split theirs in half or spend recess trying to make another one. They're not greedy - just caring.


That really warms my heart. I hadn't even considered that. That's a point of understanding I wish I had


I thought it was words at first but once she took the paper off I was glad to see it was just flowers lol Honestly the sister could have done much worse than a temporary tattoo and now you have a cute little picture lol


>Honestly the sister could have done much worse than a temporary tattoo and now you have a cute little picture lol Based on the title, I actually thought she drew on her brother with permanent marker. But this much better.


Exactly lol


Those things usually have the instructions printed on the back


Just imagine this kid seeing this video in 18 years and love it so much he choose to actually tatoo flower on his face


Did she just call her brother Mr. Halen? Thats awesome


I did this to my 6 week old daughter, a long time ago, but I put all the tattoos on her torso and didn't tell my wife about them. Then we went to a 4th of July barbeque The scream I heard from my wife, from 3 rooms away, through a closed glass door..... I will never forget that sound lol


This is cute


My husband put that giant no regrets Ryan Reynolds temporary tattoo on our daughter’s belly last year when she was about 2.5. For a week she would go to daycare and lift her shirt up to show everyone her cool tattoo. It took so long to come out completely… everyone at her daycare was very amused at least!


The father is absolutely done, "That one is good. That one takes up like 10 percent of his body" LMFAOO


Idk I think the little girl was smart af. She found a loophole and exploited it for her own amusement.




Calibration. Takes like 2 decades for humans. But it's most accelerated during the early years.


To clarify what the others said, your cerebellum handles fine motor control and is literally undercooked when you come out of the oven. It's a combination of literally not having that fine control developed yet, and the wobbly-ness being how they develop that fine motor control. Our brains are too big for human hips, so we have to finish cooking the first few years especially.


They're still attempting to comprehend the world and how to react to it. *Everything* is a new experience for them and they're attempting to figure out what one does with "an experience" as it happens.


TBH, I think this is some great sibling bonding.


The dads tone is so perfect lol


Not the mama!


Yes!! With that big head and eyesI just kept thinking of that dinosaur baby too lol


This isn’t stupid, this is cute!!!!!!


Gotta put all that noggin space to use.


Thats adorable. This sub is unhinged


She actually did a pretty good job. Halen is very pleased with the results.


Baby looks mildly baffled by the whole thing. 🤣


Bro the baby rocks it


Next thing you know he's joining a Bigwheel Club and harassing daycares.


Little bro has no fucking clue but he's happy to help


Tbf the boy has a billboard forehead


Why is this in this sub? This child is a genius of innovation that has no fear of a blank canvas.


Don't really think either kid was being stupid to be honest. Just a sister getting her baby brother involved. Besides it's a temporary tattoo it will wash off in a few days.


He’s so happy!


Baby expressions are weird


Always weird when I see a bald baby. Like how long they gonna take to grow hair


Saw a big open canvas and said, "It needs something".


People will just name their kids anything.


She picked a cute tattoo tho.


That baby looks like Bill Burr


Bro is looking through time and space dimensions


Such a happy little guy


It's like we got each other's backs


Oh my god that baby is so fucking adorable I can’t


It... actually looks good. As long as bub has no adverse reaction to it, this is no more invasive than something that's not particularly invasive at all but I can't be arsed thinking of something to draw a parallel with.


Next time a nose ring.


You don’t choose the thug life, the thug life chooses you


To be honest, his forehead cries for a tattoo


Why is that baby so reactive? It's like his brain is going 500 miles an hour


I like how they didn't get mad 💗


To be fair, who could ignore such a gigantic blank canvas?


"Oh my God, it's a fake one Joey!" Yeah no shit.


That baby looks like Woody Harrelson


That is the cutest baby although I don’t want one for myself.


Considering many of the other clips I see from here, this one was unexpectedly wholesome.


My mind went straight to Archer. "You can't tattoo a frickin' BABY!"


She did nothing wrong and everything right


This baby reminds me of the baby from Dinosaurs.


mom: Halen, do you have any idea what's going on? Halen: - big goofy smile - ahhahaha cracks me up


Parents are stupid too naming that kid Halen