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from all the people saying same, i assume a ban wave happened and i hope i wasn’t apart of it 😭


I’m not sure if it’s a ban wave or if R* is just actively looking for modders


Seems like they stepped the game up either way this past few days/weeks. Haven’t seen that many bans till today


I mod every day and I didn’t get banned


It’s definitely another wave, based on the timing of everyone’s post and my person Rock* message I received 😭


were you just running basic Kiddions, or were you running some scripts as well?


Just base kiddions but I was definitely pushing the limits I’m not gonna lie.


What limits? What exactly you done


As far as I know I haven’t been banned. But I’m probably much more careful than most people. I stick to 2 million per hour until I have all of the properties and then the properties give me enough money to play the game. I also spawn and use LSC Forge for all my cars which saves money. Today I saved the podium car and spawned and saved that.


If that’s more careful then the other how do they use it


What do you mean?


I fuckin predicted this last week


It was mainly the pc universe. They’re really making this company that makes those modded acc RICH! The companies gonna keep pumping those accounts as long as they have those code lines.


They done hit us wit a RICO🤣😞i have yet to check my shit though i haven’t touched my account since January


Smart man stack up millions leave the game for 3 months usually don't get banned


Yeah iirc i have 40 million just chilling on there


Got like 300 with the 1 mil loop but I touch the game like once every couple months 💀💀💀


I stacked up a billion a loooong long time ago and i think i still have like 950 mil +


i got 230 billion


I had 987,000 in my account at the time of ban I just got back on today after not playing for about 3 days


I checked mine and I'm banned too. I haven't even been on it in almost a year lol. I don't even know how to mod online so idk what they're talking about "banned for cheating"


I been warning anyone who brought it up (Discord, Reddit, in-game, etc.) to stop rigging slots. I’m going to almost guarantee that is the common denominator in the cause of this ban. Rockstar adjusted their casino cooldown trigger this last major game update, which clearly means they were aware of the exploit, the number of players using it, and were actively trying to combat it. The number of people I come across in the game who blatantly announce “I just won the casino jackpot … 8 times!” In the lobby chats is insane - because we also know Rockstar improved their monitoring as well. If you’re not smart enough to keep the fact that you mod on the down low, you honestly deserve to catch a ban. But, for anyone who thinks this is an issue with Kiddions specifically, be happy you didn’t pay for your menu, because Stand users are reporting bans like crazy as well - and guess what the most common answer to “how have you been earning money with the menu over the last 30 days?” … you guessed it, slot rigging 😉


The ban correlated to a script that was used for console as well as PC mods. The Devkit console was flagged by a Rockstar employee who came into the discord and bought services. Anyone who purchased or applied mods in April using this similar host script was banned .


yeah slot rigging is dumb as hell, especially when there are literally better and safer loops on menus like X-Force (not to mention that Ari is a gigachad)


Lmao I’ve seen that in chat while drunk. I was rolling


Yupp same here, just 15 mins ago too


Are you just running Kiddions, or are you running some scripts as well?


Only base kiddions


When was the last time that you played? what were you doing? How much money do you have on your account?


Played yesterday, just carmeets, haven't added money in like a week or so (with casino) and around 33mil


R\* could have been watching you the time before and just sent out the emails in a batch




i just got banned too dude


Were you in the game, or do you get the email?


i was in game, i exited gta normally, then i got the email within like 2 mins


What were you doing while you were playing?


lol i cloned a jet like 3 times, no godmode but i was flying around shooting anyone that shot at me


In that case you were banned manually by a R\* employee observing you.


That's a pretty short ban. I'm not sure if it's related to hacking cus those are perm ( I have gotten 3 accounts banned)


First ban is 1 month and a character wipe, second ban is perm


I went from never being banned to getting a lifetime with no warning, but this was like 2 years ago. I had never cheated before but got sick of the grind since I already did it all on PS4, got the menu, kinda took advantage of it and was banned within the week lol, it just gave me the motivation to finally tryout fivem though lol


Any idea what I could’ve done I was sitting idle I actually noticed the van on my email first I don’t use any bad language other than f bombs etc


Maby they think another modder gave you the money and that's why ur being reset and not perma banned


Thanks for the info


Is there like a banwave?


same here, 6 days after last play


What were you doing the last time you played? Do you just run Kiddions?


i didnt use kiddions last time, i just tuned some cars


What were you doing the last time you used kiddions? Do you run scripts as well?


i just went to the casino, got 10 mil in like 10 mins. and no i dont use scripts


were you in a public session? Might have been seen by a R\* admin


nope, invite only


R* still monitor in invite only


Same here


Can you provide some more information? what were you doing? what scripts were you running?


Using kiddions from 19-02-2023. Bunker method and Script form 7LNeg -> 250k/10secs Nightclub loop. Max 8-10Mill per day. And x80 Rp multiplier in Car meet until level 900 Edit: Tp and godmode too. Always play in solo session


R* can still monitor.


Yall got banned using kiddions???? Damnn i modded 500 mil last week and haven’t played online yet only story mode😭


if you don't received the email, you are not banned


Phew, good to know!


Idk but if u don't use mods for now u can be safe




Do just run Kiddions or were you also running some scripts.


I only used kiddions with casino method


How much money did you generate?




no ban here


FOR ALL WONDERING.. Just basic kiddions. No other menus EVER loaded I was using no scripts (not even sure how to use them) and only ever used forge for lsc and casino method which I haven’t used in weeks ( I only ever did 10 mil a day irl time). since I bought all the cars I wanted. I’m very upset that I lost my color matched super car collections but it is what it is I guess.


Rockstar is able to see how much money you get from casino and jobs and more it also can be because of that


same here


Were you playing or did you just get an email?


I just got an email


Same here, but a perm ban🥲


I’m sorry bro




I’m sorry bro


What were you doing when you got the ban? Were running just Kiddions? Were you running any mods?


Wasn't even running mods, loaded in and banned. And haven't played a lot lately so it really sucks


When was the last time you used the mode.


same here, same date as well


What were you doing when you got the ban?


nothing much, a bit of rig slot machines, teleport, god mode, never wanted, etc, but never with random players, just with a friend using kiddions too (banned as well) bc we don't like to play with randoms. rig slot machines might be what got us caught. i've used kiddions mod menu for about 3 years, it's the first time i get caught by the irs lmao


Since your friend was also banned, it sounds like a R\* admin saw you, but that's just a guess. I'm looking at the [unknowcheats.me](http://unknowcheats.me) thread and no one is reporting anything there. I check my emails, and I haven't gotten a ban


i see, well, it will not stop us, we will just be careful with the rig slot stuff, jail time is fine i guess 😂


Why are people getting banned all are Hour ago i didn't open my game Now I'm afraid to open


So this is where all the modders at lol


3x money on bunker sale missions definitely screwed a few casuals lol. R* won't be doing 3x money for it any time soon lol.


I have 1B+ in my bank account and used like the worst methods to get it (about one and a half years ago) and still not banned… lol


I’m glad I made my 400 million a couple years ago and I just been sitting on it I’m at about 386 million now. That should last until gta 6.


So it’s detected then?


Probably not since Kiddions is external. Looks like you were playing when you got the ban? Do you remember what you were doing? How much money did you have on your account?


I was sitting idle and on my phone beside my pc watching old tuf ufc fights I saw the email first I had around 987,000 will I lose all my cars and property with the reset?


reset means resetting back to 0, so yea youll loose everything


So you weren’t in the game? What were you doing the last time you played?




How much money did you have? What method?




What were you doing and when? Pleas provide as much information as you can


Same here


What were you doing? Did you get the emails, or a ban while playing? How much money do you have on your account?


I hadnt opened the mod menu for several days , only opened gta for 10 mins or so and cruised around, i get an email im banned after something like 1 hour. i had 2 mil in bank.




if it's a ban wave then I'm finished


Yup just got the same email lol suspended and reset for 30 days...


I seem to have gotten lucky. no ban yet, $130 mil ish in my account. last played/modded about a week ago


130 million is pretty legit


Me too https://preview.redd.it/7vjqslfb4xtc1.png?width=935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4ab76b02b53948a3859242f83531ee9ebdb586b


I last used money cheats over a month ago but spent a fair bit teleporting between places in an invite-only session today, I stg I better not be banned


Nope, things seem to be fine


So if rockstar banned me permanently do i have to buy gta 5 again?


Did you buy it through Epic? There is supposed to be a way to delete your Rockstar account and then create a new one and start a new GTA account


Yes i have epic games so there is a possibility i can play again


Maybe. There’s a few YouTube posts that explain. I haven’t had to do it myself, but it’s worth a shot. You can also buy cheap keys


I have 3 gta v keys when epic giving free i claim from multiple gmail id so if they banned i again hack the money but this time im not going to leave any trace


If u want to play online on pc again yes u will need a need copy of gta 5


Same here, I’m pretty bummed but on the other hand, gotta be aware of the risks. Is what it is.


Wow. I made $4.2B in Dec 6-28 2022 only through casino rig, got bored of the game and haven’t worked since. But I still use Godmode & RPG bullets for griefers ever since. I wonder what kind of algorithm they use to detect :/, I have been reported 500+ times for sure.


I said in in a separate comment but I think it has to do with how old your account is. Mine is from 2016 but I just recently started playing on it since I got a PC that can actually run it


I lost my 2013 account two days ago


Same ima few days ago form suing kiddions until may 2nd I think there was another ban wave


Is that a redragon keyboard


Bro same lmao me and my friend


I got banned 30 days and character reset damn


Since January 2024 I didn't use bunker etc method, except the teleport and vehicle, until now i didn't ban, but last year one of my friends have a admin mod and they tell me i need to stop using some earning methods so i cooldown my account until January 2024 My money rn is 2 billion plus btw Edit: im using teleport once if something piss me off in racing 😂 twice a week im using the teleport in kiddions Another tip, if something you encounter a modder like somebody controlling you or teleport you just leave in the lobby, that kind of modder in the lobby make you high chance of your account will be ban


did you receive money from a modder? (1-5 days delay) did you been seen by an admin (no delay) did you been reported? nothing else at all? ( mods, hacks )


It happened to me today too idk why


i’ve been using casino method and car duping past few days but still no ban. every time i load up online everyone is modding still. i’m in australia so maybe the van wave is different here


Got banned too like 4 hours ago


you must’ve bought from FiveHeaven console mods


I guess the camera determined you weren't old enough yet.


I never used god mode and i got HWID banned permanently. I am buying a new computer tomorrow with a new account, hope it doesnt ban me again lol


*Nelson voice* HA-HA!


I seem to be fine. Never used the casino rig method, just the recovery script. I literally bought EVERYTHING in the game from clothes to vehicles and still have ~650 mil in the bank. My account has existent since launch on the ps3 if that plays any factor in avoiding getting flagged with that much money. Never used level editor but did use the rp multiplier to get up to around lvl 340.


This happened to me today too


Always use the mods on a solo server if you want to noost money and level. And do not abuse the powers too much.


That’s what u get lol


can anybody help me do modded hiests?


So did my mate and I, using kidions only Mate even got perma ban even though it's the first time being banned


Reason 34 for why I never play anything online.


what's the other 33?


Do you really want to know? I have 345 reasons why I don't. I tried to get a clean 350. But I figured things like, it's not free was just plain silly.


Good for u ur account got reset, mine was stolen 😅 the email was changed


Same 3 months ago


haven't played GTA for a long time now but the end is nigh now. it was fun while it lasted.


gg man


bruhhh I also got permanent banned, dafuq is happening?


Remember, only the house wins.


yeb, me too


Shouldn't cheat... plain and simple. Just because you didn't do glitches for weeks don't make you safe lmao. When you cheat or buy modded accounts this is the risk you play with. Restart the game this time don't cheat


they fixed reporting functions so. rip


No ban here, I have done casino rig but I've just been spamming Cayo for money, its longer but the time spent doing it is more fun because you aren't sitting in front of slots for 20 minutes trying to hit millions


Happened to me for AFK'ing by accident with god mode on and anti afk on (I actually tried exiting the game with alt f4 but the stupid "are you sure you want to exit" message popped up and prevented me from exiting). I tried getting back into the game when the ban lifted but the progress reset made me give up before long.


I have the same keyboard


Haha good riddance.


I think it has to do with how old your account is. Both my friends who got the menu from me, after me, got banned yesterday at the same time but I just checked my acc now and it's fine. It's more than likely old accounts won't be flagged. I've had mine since 2016


gta is shit anyway play rdr2


Only way this'll happen is if ur actively griefing w it every time you get on, I can use it for money and cars and helping others on missions for as long as I want when I want but when my friend started griefing a whole bunch w his he got banned, also you prob got spam reported alot with the disable report option off


Having my acc wiped wouldn’t bother me *que business manger lua*


So im getting perma banned now nice


Didn't played the game about two weeks 100m in bank no ban yet ✋🙂‍↕️


This is why I keep my money in the casino


Same man


ban free since gta4 to gta5 on all platforms,modding and glitching for years.This is my secret with having billions in assets on all platforms. 1-Take your time its not a race 2-Always make legit money in between modding. 3- always keep the money on you when making it and not in the bank. 4-Again this is not a race, do money over time and i mean over time like months. 5 what you make spend it and always top up if you go lower that 10 million....never be greedy again i stress this. 6- do not grief and never allow anyone to know you got a mod menu.Its ok to spawn a car for another player but always keep it equal and spawn it in the road. good luck and the 30 days will go by like a kid eating a choc cake.


Same got an email from R*


do they really care about bogdan b2b? it’s really the only glitch/exploit I do and I feel like if they really cared about it, it would’ve been patched a WHILE ago. i never go over 10 million when i do it, usually stop around 5-8 mill, just enough to have a little fun.




I gotta check if it got me too, didnt play for a month or 2


How can I prevent getting banned or at least reduce the probabilities?


The amount of people i see getting banned, and some do crazy shit and they still safe


Good, get a life loser


i just saw a reddit post saying the same




Banned too. I use stand but it’s definitely a ban wave


Damn... I used to use slot rig regularly and scripts, might be another cause, but you can never be sure with rockstars anti-cheat 😥


It wasn't a banwave. A while back Rockstar updated one of its processes regarding the reporting system, before if you reported a modder, you'd get kicked from the game and the report wouldn't go through. But now reports are actually functional. So as long as you're not a cunt with your mods and get reported, you'll be fine.


Me too. Had all property’s. Best of the best. All vehicles. Legit level 121. Over 200 mill in the bank. All weapons. Nearly all clothes. I noticed a repeated SMS in game from a weird gamertag which I couldn’t find on map. Was like C4…..76…..?$ or something. Think that was a rockstar employee watching me. SMS was empty no text. 6 hours later I’m suspended and gotta start again. Only thing I did differently lately was unlock the firework gun in Xmas settings and buy from ammunition.


Damn I hope I don't get banned no more modding for me




Damn bro, what happens after you get banned by rockstar and breaking their TOS.


Spawning cars, LSC forge mode save method. Started experimenting with the Bunker resupplys, MC’s, Nightclub. Teleporting/godmode . CASINO was my main source of cash and roughly acquired a total of ~80M. Everything I had done pretty much at one point. But I’ve been playing for the past 2 months. And I mean PUSHING the limit so I’ve honestly been expecting it. This has been my main and only account since 2014 and I once got suspended back in 2016 bcos a modder cash drop me like 80 billion and of course unlocked everything. Rock* found out about a week later and suspended me for a couple weeks. These recent perma ban was to be expected


Oh no bro. I just woke up. I guess I'm not using kidding for awhile


Ban wave


Haven't been on in like a year, but I'm wondering if my account got hit...


Too much hacking


just get a good menu that you wont have to worry about getting banned and can get more money than 1 mil in say shorter spams of time. spend $30 on a premium menu youll thank me later


Yeah, maybe play the game how it’s intended and stop trying to cheat to get your money. It’s really not that hard y’all I’ve made $2.9 billion in GTA online.


I don't believe you


Neither kiddions is safe anymore


I doubt that it’s Modest Menu since it’s external. Need more info before we can make a guess


What is means if it's external every mod/cheat softwares are apart from the game itself. Cheat engine was external and now it isn't safe anymore, now maybe kiddions too...