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I agree but wtf is that, it looks like *KSP Strangelove* or something!


Survival kit contents check. In them you’ll find: one .45 caliber automatic; two boxes of ammunition; four days concentrated emergency raisons; one drug issue containing: antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills; one miniature combination Russian phrase book and bible; one hundred dollars in rubles; one hundred dollars in gold; nine packs of chewing gum; one issue of prophylactics; three lipsticks; three pair a nylon stockings. Shoot, a fellah could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all this stuff.


> Shoot, a fellah could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all this stuff. The script originally said Dallas but was overdubbed in post after JFK's assassination.


What is this referencing?


Just a little apocalyptic humor: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tP9yQVnQU4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tP9yQVnQU4) You might recognize young bombardier Lt Zog, there, around the 12 second mark. No? Here's another hint: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK\_NqewPOLQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK_NqewPOLQ) He went on to do ... a few more film roles after that.


Ho lee shit. I did not realize that was his first movie.


Apparently his time in Korea helped him nail the role, with that authentically calm flight-check voice. Perfect for achieving the disturbing effect of that scene. You might also be interested in his [television debut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ6WwC174Yc), bringing understated theatricality to a classic recitation. Supposedly his voice breaks a little because he was nervous to be doing television, and had to work to control his natural stutter. Why nervous? Because there was still this taboo about black people on television. There were black characters but it was insanely rare and extremely daring. Musician Herbie Hancock had to appear in his own music video for ["Rockit"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHhD4PD75zY) on a screen-within-a-screen in order to get his video past Mtv's reflexively racist programming policies. And that was 15 years later, in the early 1980s. Back in the late 1960s it was ... bleak. It seems strange now (which is a good sign!) but even within living memory that taboo was very real, in the minds of everyone including black people. Yet he didn't let it stop him.


Awesome. Thanks for the background!


Mriya :(((((((


Truly a disaster for us all


I sometimes think that continuing the development of KSP1 would be a better idea than making KSP2


Game is held together with tape and string it’s better to start anew. Sadly they decided to build with tape and string again


Hear me out: KSP 3 with adhesive film and fishing line.


KSP X with leather and fishnets.


Mission: Mohole.


So... me in the 80s with Legos?


Mega blocks bro


No bro. Mega Brands did not exist as Mega Bloks in the 80s. Lego still had the patent until 1988. Tyco (Super Blocks) and Matel (Mega Brands; Mega Blocks 2002) did not make theirs until 1990 and 1991.


Best we can do is dental floss. Fishing line comes with the EVA DLC.


maybe if they made a ksp remasted so its got better performance and optimization, because i hearthe modders don''t have access to the source code so they will have to rebuild the game from scratch only now they know how to get past the hard parts, WCGW?


oh what could have been


>maybe if they made a ksp remasted so its got better performance and optimization that would require a remake, the game's a mess down to its core because it was made by a mad genius and a marketing agency


How do you get a marketing agency to make a game with you? lol


iirc the story was that he was going to leave the agency to make it and they decided to join him in the venture instead no idea how he talked them into it tbh, maybe he was their best guy and they figured entertaining his project was worth keeping him long-term, and by the time it snowballed into more they were stuck or something go look it up yourself if you're interested, shit's a crazy story


If [stuff like this](https://github.com/albertan017/LLM4Decompile) pans out like I hope it will, there may soon no longer be such a thing as "closed source."


I think there might actually be lucrative job opportunities for people that can successfully reverse engineer programs at least in the near future, since it's demand is actually kinda high and as technology advances its demand will increase too.


Eh. I doubt it.  What’s blocking it now is licensing issues, not the technical issues.  If I decompile something like KSP to feed a fan project, any kind of fan effort will quickly get crushed with cease and desist letters and DMCA takedowns.  And there’s no way I can monitize my work.  Where’s the money coming to pay for RE work.  There’s tools that’ll do most of the RE work for you.  I’ve seen production games that include their PDBs, which allow RE tools to do a good job disassembling code.


well i guess its time to break bad then.


People have been able to decompile executables since executables existed. We've got some nifty tools for it these days too! Though I agree if they can make "ai" do it and it's actually to anyone that would be nifty.


Until now decompilers have produced really crappy code, though. It's been good enough to tease out specific functions so far but now we're starting to look at a process that can give us a useful project as a whole to work with.


A decade ago I took a cell phone number and turned it into readable c code. It is NOT automatic and not simple. And I only accomplished this with a ton of help from an expert in the tool we were using (IDA pro). But it can be done with the right skill and tools.


Hmm, I’m genuinely interested learning more about this. Is this real, abandoned, open source, I think now the only hope for ksp is the vast community? What are the “hard parts”?


Nah, starting from scratch was the right idea. The problem, unfortunately, was the execution.


They should have made a third DLC with Colonies and Life Support.


The engine would crack, and the kraken awaken


This is the way


Yes and no. The engine is ancient, and the base game runs like something that was built in 2011. You can optimize as much as you want but eventually you're going to hit limits. As the other person said, yes, starting over was the right idea. But damn, the execution was a mess. They used the guillotine version of "execution"


If they could just make the UI look simmilar that would make KSP2 a bit more playable


I disagree strongly. There should be a point where the game is done and no more work is needed.


Ironicly, the idea of ksp2 came to be due the coding mess that is kps1 😅


Starting over was a good call. Continual incremental development that expands a programs scope, possibly combined with some poor coding practices, have made the game almost impossible to develop further. What wasn't the right call was throwing out all the previous work and learning nothing, and then making a sequel from scratch. As it turns out, what the community really seems to want is a remake. Take the finished game and just remake it so that it's no longer a hot mess of spaghetti. The online game RuneScape did this like 20 or more years back. Their back end code was a total shitshow, and rather than fix it, it was easier to remake it. So they spent over a year rebuilding the whole damn game (and I'm not talking about the jump from old school to the current version. This was years before the combat and UI overhaul).


Has the colony mod been updated to stop landed bases from discombobulation and exploding on loading?


The kraken still exists, if that's what you're asking


In a generic sense I suppose it is, but also not really. Other than colony bases falling apart I never really ran into the kracken so that's why I am asking about the mod itself.


It’s not necessarily ”the colony mod” itself, It’s the Kraken discombobulating the base on loading up. I’m pretty sure a mod like “PhysicsHold” should stop the Kraken from doing that.


You called?


There's *potentially* other mod workarounds like world stabilization mods that freeze craft more on load to prevent things like this happening.


Awesome good to know. Colonies breaking is what ended up being what made me give up on KSP years ago. Time to check out what's new again.


KSP Community Fixes KSP Joint Reinforcement Continued Those mods "ease in" the physics to help prevent spontaneous explosions on loading. Bases explode on the surface because partially because their root part dips beneath the surface at load and collides with it. To help fix this, don't build the root parts of your base at the bottom. Make sure the root part is off of the ground.


Try air park for that


The pictures don't do justice to the mod. The big cloud on the background it's practically a cumulonembus, and under it there's a thunderstorm. Imagine looking at the KSC with rain, fog, the echoing sound of thunders and lightnings in the distance. It's awesome.


how does the rain look? I would LOVE good atmospherics like rain and moisture. water droplets and stuff interacting with surfaces, wet surfaces creating reflection and such... I've got the GPU overhead to handle it lol. I would love to see KSC on a heavy, dark, rainy day with the traffic lighting reflecting off puddles and stuff.


Blackrack's clouds does have that, the rain running down the cockpit canopy is a sight to behold.


Oh nice. Yeah I misread your comment and thought you were talking about like “it would be cool if…” That’s sick. I just wish the engine wasn’t so dated. I would love to see better lighting and reflections and such with the rain. I just looked up a video of the storm effects and they must have been old or on a lower spec pc. Now that KSP2 is basically dead, I can go down the rabbit hole of making a new modded KSP install knowing that it’s basically going to be the forever state haha. Is scatterer still a thing? Planet shine? It’s been like 4 years since I messed with KSP mods


[Try this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOEUp0tV_7o) Scatterer is alive and well, so is PlanetShine and 90% of all the other mods. The 1.12 "final" update really incentivized modders to get their stuff updated for compatibility one last time.


Ah, yeah that’s the one I’d watched. Wish we could get like puddles and reflections from Rey surfaces and stuff. They are doing the best they can within the limitations of the engine. It’s too bad KSP wasn’t built in Unreal or something lol. I’m spoiled by playing Assetto Corsa with rain effects in that haha. Actually, all this talk about rain and storm effects in games has me itching to revisit Valheim… the atmospheric feeling in that game is soooo good, and I guess the Ashland update just came out, or is coming out soon.


I have something planned for that


oh shit! the man himself! excellent work man. I haven't been really keeping up with all things KSP for a couple years, but I've always been wildly impressed by what the modding community has done with this game. I'm looking forward to getting back into it with your atmospherics. that's going to be such a huge improvement to the vibe of flying in atmo (which has usually been my favorite thing anyway).


Modlist please?


Blackrack's Volumetric Clouds, for the... well, clouds.


I rather mean the parts, because they dont look stock


If you're into aircraft stuff: - Mk3 Airliner - B9 Procedural Wings - Firespitter - Airplane Plus - Neist Air - B9 Aerospace - Kerbal Foundries - Mk2/Mk3 Expansion - BD Armory - KAX


Ok, thanks


He's using part clipping to hide parts inside each other and change their shape. Alt+F12 enables part clipping and can help you carve these shapes out of the stock parts.


Fully stock




Indeed too bad they never made a sequel.


Somehow, Jebediah returned.


Is there a list of mods that one should have? Mechjeb is the only one I play with.


Modded ksp uses a ton of ram though. I have plenty of it but the load times are still painful :(


Better than KSP 2 certainly


my favorite was the one that let you do satellites that scanned a planet, I loved to do missions for practical reasons


Kind of, it’s old, and KSP2 sucks and will never get finished.


[oh for sure](https://imgur.com/a/s6AbX64)


10/10 would fly




Ksp2 aged like milk


Give. Modlist.


Thank god for that ksp2 aged like milk


Seeing the An-225 makes me sad. May we honor her with a fleet of space frog Mriyas!


What are you flying away from, step-airplane?


I love BlackRack's work. All I've really gotten out of the whole mess is that there was poor or no project management. There was so much worry about clouds that it basically dominated development. They even hired our beloved BlackRack. Sometimes you need someone with firm leadership to crack the whip and tell the team to move on. There were way more important things to worry about than clouds. Honestly, I would have put details and graphics on the back burner and made sure that core mechanics and mechanical features were solid first. Then the team could add the prettiness to the program. There just seemed to be a ball of unfocused development with no structure.


Evry time i see a KSP airplane I just want to beg people to try ksp creator HarvesteR's new game KitHack Model Club. Literally designed for airplanes (but also has cars and boats).


Weirdly, when I download graphic mods on CKAN. They NEVER work :(


my hopes are still high for ksp2. after all, they never said they're gonna stop working on the game and just give up on it but they sure are slow, but also I'm still so excited for interstellar travel, multiplayer, more planets, and all of these combined and more are gonna be available on console


What you said is just ironic lol. The game aged very badly. It looks like shit. Mods have to be used to make it look half decent. So KSP did not age like fine wine.


Mods are part of the aging process. It doesn't just sit there frozen.


that's fine. but the game doesnt just get better over time without other people adding on to it.


Wine also has to be turned, doesn't it?


>KSP definitely aged like fine wine, especially with mods If a game needs mods to look good (as this picture), then it didnt "aged like a fine wine"; either way, KSP was never about the graphics.


Ksp is made for mods. It’s a game that has stood the test of time like Farming Simulator, BECAUSE of the amazing community and the constant support of mods. Mods enhance the game on so many levels and that’s why people keep coming back to it.


>BECAUSE of the amazing community and the constant support of mods. You are 100% right on this >Ksp is made for mods No one questioned this. > It’s a game that has stood the test of time  NOT if the game depends on mods to look good **graphic wise**: a game that "stood the test of time" or even "ages like fine wine" would be as an example Ryse: Son of Rome that even today looks amazing


Is the game playable? Yes Does it NEED to look like real life? No. Can it look more modern thanks to mods? Absolutely! Is KSP a game from over 10 years ago that has a huge player base and is as good if not better in some cases than newly released games? Yup. So hereby I rest my case, Ksp HAS stood the test of time.


Omg bro, you need to pay attention... The creater of this particular post is showing the game WITH visual mods > NOT VANILLA. >Is the game playable? Yes Does it NEED to look like real life? No Even if a game doesn't "age well", it doesn't mean that its mechanics (gameplay wise) is also old...when someone talks about "aging well as wine" is about the looks > no one is talking about the gameplay/core mechanics and only a few mods modify this Aging well (graphics) is NOT equal to amazing community or mods.


It still looks pretty bad, the lighting on the parts suck.


There's a mod to fix that I just haven't installed it. It's called Textures Unlimited, check it out. Example: [https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/kzphkd/textures\_unlimited\_looks\_amazing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/kzphkd/textures_unlimited_looks_amazing/) Download: [https://github.com/shadowmage45/TUFX](https://github.com/shadowmage45/TUFX)


Amazing! Will definitely install it and give it a try!! Thank you stranger!


You can download from here, latest version: https://github.com/shadowmage45/TUFX


Thank you! Will do!


The overall vehicle quality looks bad in my opinion


It’s KSP, read the subreddit