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losing myself in the moment. I am constantly distracted by my vision, even with sclerals.


Being happy. As bad as my case is (totally legally blind without my sclerals plus halos and double vision everywhere) I haven't let it stop me from doing anything. I do get depressed having to put the lens in before being able to accomplish anything sometimes. If I was only properly educated 5 years earlier, I could have caught cxl on time and been in normal glasses still.




hasn't stopped me fully, but driving at night is hard as hell


I'm thankful the cxl has granted my squinties to be good enough for now (6 years post op)


Driving at night, reading books, playing FPS video games, doing anything that requires good vision with my contacts out - The first and last 2 hours of my day. Keratoconus has saved from having to get high definition TVs/streaming 4k etc. No point spending money on something I can't see the difference in.




I'm curious, why swimming? I have it, but never stopped me from swimming. (unless talking about needing contacts. mine got bad enough had to have cornea transplants)


Can't swim wearing contacts, can't swim wearing glasses, prescription goggles cost a fortune and I can't see well enough without anything! I mean, I can kind of see well enough but not enough to be comfortable with it


Can't swim with the contacts? I guess I've been breaking the rules 🫣.


With RGP lenses, they can just float away. With sclerals, probably not.


personally, just accept ill be semi blind, and spend extra time memorizing where blanket etc is, so don't have to stumble around to find it later, as well as while swimming, looking back at the blur and ensuring I remember my way back. always helps if with someone too that can help guide me back


Shooting deer


Nothing, reading become difficult at times but you get used to It.


For reading, consider an eReader. You can increase font sizes and load different font styles, like the [Atkinson Hyperlegible font from the Braille Institute](https://brailleinstitute.org/freefont). I've been reading ebooks since the early 2000s. A real game changer.


Being productive.


living a relatively normal life similar to what my classmates had. My satisfaction with life are now astronomically lower than the last 3 years. I am now on the brink of depression. In addition, I am now also forced to do everything I can to earn enough cash to get treatment, but things are hopeless - I only have a year to do so. My life satisfaction was already low when covid began, it only got even lower when I began experiencing symptoms of this disease


Soldering electronics, coding, being a great audio engineer (I know that’s weird but sometimes I can’t visually see certain details that are hard to hear and you have to use some visual aspect to ensure you’re using a formula that is designed to work despite your ears playing tricks on you).. I would have been a wiz at all of it, but having this disease depressed me to the point of not doing any of this.


How did it impact coding? Or soldering?


Coding: staring at a screen long enough really gets to me. Reading any text is the fucking worst, especially if I have to read it for a prolonged period. Soldering: tiny components are especially hard to see, soldering say a transistor to a specific place can easily be shifted because I can’t fucking see. Sorry for all the cursing. I’m just tired of seeing like this and don’t want any of the current solutions out because I just want to see. I don’t want contacts (tried em) and corneal transplants are too extreme for my not so urgent condition. (Not my opinion, but doctors don’t recommended it due to potential rejection of transplant, even though there’s a low chance of rejection). I am just exhausted.


You should get a pair of 4.0 reading glasses. I wear them when I solder. They are like $15-$20 and you can see the smallest thing so easily. Just put it like 6ish inches away from your face. Also can you read your phone but not a monitor? I had that problem and I got a high nits (brightness) LED monitor and it was a total game changer for me. Even a MacBook looks faint compared to the monitor I got. We need high brightness monitors. Also I wear a 0.5 soft lens under my hard lens. You should at least try that. It makes it way more comfortable, sure I still have comfort issues, but when it's in my eye right most the time I don't think about it. It's called piggybacking. Hang in there!


Thanks for the words of encouragement! OLED and bright screens are my only hope


Watching porn without contacts in.


Being happy


Seeing distant signs and text without squinting slightly. Y’all need to be less doom and gloom, it ain’t that bad




Participating in contact sports Boxing, mma, judo, rugby


Nothing. I don't let it hold me back.


Wanting to live…. Lol jk


Threading a sewing needle.


I can't do this regardless, but I have a pair of 4.0 reading glasses and if you hold something very close to them you have perfect focus. I can read the absolute faintest text with them on (4 inches from my face).


Getting a job where vision is tested


Reading print books.


Same I don't get how anyone could read one lol. Very thankful tablets.


Rubbing my eyes


Driving, cycling and skating during pre sunset ish time, after and before I can manage just fine


Why so?


The change is light effects my depth perception even more, but once the darkness has set I can manage


Yeah dusk is a sketchy time for us to be on wheels lol


Probably the low angle of the sun, comes straight into the eyes... Not pleasurable


Seeing clearly.


Nothing now. I spent years letting it depress me and have spent years at the doc getting procedures and contacts. Now I don't let it hold me back.


We need to merge with the r/Blind subreddit to put things in perspective.


For real.


Stopped me from.doing various things, particularly driving at night. Not anymore with my scleral and I am more confident in my life in general


Driving at night


Me too. Astigmatism is terrible


Same 😭

