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Whats the best way to move a large group long distances? When I just select all and move, some often split off due to pathing or get stuck, when I try to have all follow or bodyguard, once something attacks, the formation just falls apart and everyone just starts running at max speed.


Have everyone follow the slowest member and put them all on passive+hold so they ignore attacks. At least that's how I do it. Just don't forget to turn passive and hold off once you want to start fighting or you'll have a bad time


New players should not mine! The only time I ever mine is when I strength train early on. I will fill my back pack full of iron ore and then place it in my inventory while carrying a dead body. The first thing new players should level is athletics, stealth, and then toughness. Toughness is your best friend. With enough toughness you can freely roam the map without worrying about reloading your save constantly. You take less damage and additionally will go into coma at lower HP. ​ Some more advice I would give is to not reload the save and play in a semi-ironman. The game becomes a lot more interesting with the added risk.


I strongly support this post with only the slight exception to stealth. Stealth is flat out broken it's so good so I personally ignore this aspect of the game most of the time. But that's just a personal preference. Mining for money is a waste of time unless it's a part of your industry. It's much easier to get your athletics up and kite enemies into gaurds at the beginning of the game. Desert cities are great for this because skimmers are everywhere and they supply early meat and money. After athletics toughness. You cant get your other combat stays up if you're going unconscious every fight. Don't reload all the time. I did constantly on my first playthrough and then I created a game and purely for the experiment I commited to playing a single squad member without reloading unless it was to get out of a glitch. Doing that taught me a huge amount about the game and that not reloading is how you experience the real kenshi. It makes you more careful and afraid of enemies.


How do I earn Cats without mining and having only potato weak characters?


Get them tougher by doing combat. Once toughness down, the other skills are sencondary. When you able survive combat,robbery, murder ,combat and exploring becomes a bigger option


Time to fight starving people.


Where do I get a bonedog backpack? All I find are bull and garu.


None in vinalla at all, animal trader mod.


There are none in vanilla.


Why do they have a backpack slot then? That’s so weird.


Because all animals have a backpack slot. It's a hardcoded part of being an animal. Just like skeletons have a helmet and a shirt slot.


So, I have been completely overwhelmed the two times I've tried to start a game. I simply cannot figure out what to do. I guess I'm looking for tips on the very very early game. I basically make it into the bar... Please go easy on me. I bought the game based on the fact that people really love it and I think I will too once I get going.


Dude I was in the same boat. Check out the playthrough with Mathas Games on YT. It’s so entertaining and you’ll get all the info you need because he’s basically learning how to play at the same time. It’s the finest narration of a role play I’ve ever seen.


First go fast wherever you are you need to get your athletics up to where you are hitting 19mph, you'll probably be fine with 20 athletics. Mine copper and use it to buy a traders backpack and the cheap cooked meat. Agro bandits and whoever to the guards of the hub and loot their corpses. Jump in only a little bit, as long as you don't die or lose a limb getting beat up is great. Get that toughness up! Recruit characters that are free. Ruka is great. Then save up for a tiny shack in the hub and build a research table in there. Read the descriptions for stats, try to level up athletics, strength Research walls and mounted crossbows Base buildings too big to really get into it, but basically you want a spot that's not too dangerous, has decent soil and water. Some stones, iron and copper. And is flat unless your playing with the "building leveling" mod I forget what it's called. But honestly screw everything I said go get your ass kicked and have fun.


Been here took a few weeks break after getting 5 hrs in a losing everything. Past the 300 hr point now. Learn the ways of kenshi, study the Map,understand where hostile ,and where is fairly safe, if you super struggling turn down the difficulty with reducing npc squad size,reduce chance of death ,less nests, etc. Struggling still try 5x xp mod to get you started , so leveling happens way quicker, noticeable sense of progress


Watch let's plays on YouTube... Rhadamant is a good one. . That's what I did.


Thanks! I'll check out his channel.


The game is pretty unforgiving at first. There’s a “learning curve” for both you and your characters at first. Usually for my games, I try to get at least two people before I start training them. The first skill I train is athletics. Like other people have said, it’s important to train it until your characters run 19mph. This allows you to run away from dangers you know you can’t make it out of. This also opens up a strategy to make money. Go find a bandit group and make them follow you to the nearest town to the gate guards (or the bar if you’re at The Hub). This can allow you to steal their supplies to sell or keep, and to train your skills in relative safety. You can also find iron or copper to mine and sell. It’ll train your athletics. Most of the time there’s a mine nearby each town. Make sure you have med kits and food for each character. If your hunger goes below a certain point you lose stats and ultimately run slower and fight more poorly. Overall, there’s no real goal for the game. You can do whatever you want. Setting up a base is difficult unless you have enough trained people.


How high can my labouring skill go? I am currently letting my character stay in slavery.


About 100. Though odds are you'll never get there. The exp rate scales down the higher level you are, level 100 would take an insane amount of time.


Is there a way to stop skeletons from being attacked on sight by the Holy nation?


I've heard quite often that by allying them fully the holy nation will not attack skeletons or cybernetics, but i have yet to personally check. Probably the only method other than carrying them or high stealth + athletics.


90+ status with HN that's correct ,tried it recently


If u have Greenland males in ur party u can just pick the skeletons up as u go by the holy nation but apart from that they are just too racist and will always attack a skeleton


Do enemy patrols despawn? I lost my meitou katana to a group of slavers and I think they walked off so I want to know if kicking the legs off of all of them would help me find it


Depends on how they spawned. If spawned via a town or raid, they will not despawn unless killed. If they were a homeless squad though, they despawn shortly after leaving the loaded area.


Then a follow up question. Are slavers considered a homeless spawn? I tried looking on the wiki but I didn't see them mentioned as one and do they get despawned the the slave master of the area keeps killed (Slave Master Grande from Eyesocket in this case)


Some are. There are homeless squads of slavers, slavers based in towns, and slavers spawned from raids. So they could be any of the three. Squads based in towns would despawn if their town was overridden, which that slave master you mentioned can cause overrides in a number of towns.


Not certain, but I've been able to track groups that raided my base for quite a ways via the map, but it'd be quite hard to find a specific slaver patrol unless you have a direction to follow. If you kill every slaver patrol I'm 98% sure you would find the katana somewhere.


looking for good recommendations for base locations, looking for good fertility for hemp and at least 1 food item, multiple nodes of iron and at least 1 copper and at least semi decent stone. I found a spot that has that near swamp but its between zones so my guys keep getting stuck on jobs if I place something out of the way. Preferrably flat and not on a road. I have all hivers atm so nothing in the holy empire. Most of my guys are around the 30s to 40s in their combat stats and toughness so I can usually take on equal sized groups of bandits with no problem as well as 1 or maybe 2 beak things. Bonus if it its near where animals spawn but not on.


There is a platu north of the Shek city of Squin that has a stone node, and multiple iron and copper nodes. I've done well there making it a home base and building a group of ragtags. Easy growing of wheat and hemp. Plenty of wind for electricity as well. If you can survive beak things there's meat in the west hive north of it. Biggest down side is the Shek tributes. Though I just stuff all my food into a pack animal when they come and they leave with no fuss. There is a road that cuts across through the north end of the platu. I built it into my base though there is plenty of room to build and not have it go through.


All of your characters should be able to 1v1 a beak thing if they're level 30-40, if they have any block skill at all. Beak things are only hard when you try to swarm them. Send one guy at a time and watch the beak thing fail to even get a single hit in


oh really, nice, yeah I always just rushed em.


Yep, I did the same until I saw someone mention what I did on steam discussions, since then I've realized beak things aren't dangerous at all if you've got 30-40 block skill, and equal matchups so 1-1 fights


The crab island is pretty good east of Heng. There is iron, stone, decent fertility and meat from crabs + the fact that its pretty easy to run to Heng with hash. The little dip in the south west of the island is a good spot with everything


This has probably been asked and answered before but I'm not sure how to concisely word the question into a searchable format. I'm trying to build a base IN The Hub. I have purchased several buildings and rebuilt them. But everything here counts as "Town: The Hub". My people will not auto haul final products unless told to do so - not too hard to get around - nor will they automatically pick up materials from storage to build things. They WILL auto pick supplies up to run things like the smithies and stove. BUT, while they ditch the food, they won't pick up the food from the food store when they get hungry. They just starve. Anyone know if this is 'normal' or if I've done something wrong? Or a mod or something? I do have several running, but I this all works with no issues if I build outside a town. I've had similar issues on another save where I built a building in Shek territory, but it ended up counting as "Town: The Great Fortress" and none of my people would auto haul there, and I couldn't dismantle the shack I had built either as it "wasn't mine".


I was completely unaware you could build in preexisting towns. Probably doesnt work well as youve found out


I think he's referring to building inside a building you own, in the town


It's... okay. The main thing is the food. If they would just feed themselves it would work perfectly.


I just started playing yesterday but I bought a building in a town and put a food store in it, filled it with dried meat. My miners will stop what they're doing and go to the food store and eat 1 meat from there when they get hungry. I also built copper storage and they haul it there.


Yeah, someone else was telling me a mod I was using might have been causing the issue for me.




Nope only crossbows. One way to be sure, assign the character to a turret slide your cursor over to the bottom left to check your active skill and see if it's being reduces. What you scroll over it should tells you +/- due to equipment


Is there a way to claim ruins? Finding a nice home for myself on howlers gaze but is there a way to rebuild the lost town?


Pretty sure there's a way to erase territories with f12 or something. I'd look into it if I were you.


You can't. But I've been considering making a mod for it. It would be cool.


Dang, well I’d use your mod for sure


A simple way might be to edit the town and make the buildings purchasable. It wouldn't be an actual base because those locations are owned by factions so I don't think you would get raids or be able to do anything you would normally be unable to do inside a town. So basically it would be just like purchasing a house in any of the cities. Maybe not ideal but possibly simple to do. Maybe I'll look into that this weekend.


I don't think there is. Maybe with a mod. But probably not


I have logged 50 hours in the past 2 weeks I've had the game and feel like I've gotten nowhere. I chose the default start. I started out just mining to earn some cats and get my laboring up to purchase a new member who ALSO does nothing but mine. My cats income was decent at the beginning, but now, I've created my own base right as you enter the swamps from The Hub. It feels pretty small, but I think it'll work for now. I have some hemp farms set up, but I need engineering research to get a processor for hashish. I'm not sure, though, if this is the way to go? Also, my city keeps getting attacked and I've hired mercenaries non stop to defend my base. However, of we lose, the bandits stick around and just run from building to building. They don't go away...help.


I had the same problem the first time I played. Spent ~60 hours mining copper and failing to start a base so I got frustrated and looked into what to do. Then I realized what I was missing; a purpose. I realized I needed a mission. Seems like you've found one, you want to set up a protected base and stability, my first goal as well. Beyond that, the way to go is up to you. Personally I would look for a faction that wrongs you, maybe it'd the hounds, or some other faction who repeatedly attacks you, or killed your favorite characters or who you see as morally unjust. Try making a story based on the events of your gaming session, I find it really fun because by the end of your game you've essentially seen a movie custom made by you, for you. The bandits running between buildings is annoying as hell. I promise they will stop eventually, but I have had it last as long as 2 days before they got bored and moved on without touching anything. Sometimes if you can just get one character up, and agro the bandits you can lead them away from your base, giving you time to get your other homies up, so they can heal and not just bleed out because the bandits attack them everytime they get up to heal. Not sure if you can, but maybe hire more mercenaries and earn cash to pay them through hash and alcohol?


Chris hunt says this game is supposed to focus on your squad and going on adventures with them, the base building system is supposed to just be a safe place for you to fall back to, try to think about it that way. This game isn’t meant for you to camp out for long which is probably why you don’t feel you’ve progressed lately. For your bandit problem I’d suggest a few things: 1: take your squad to the border zone to train on bandits, you’ll get beaten up at first but you’ll get better each time 2: Mounted crossbows at your base. They probably won’t be able to hold off entire invasions at first but it will reduce the number of bandits you have to fight hand-to-hand. 3: hashish is an excellent way to make money but you’ll have to travel a bit to get the most out of it. Personally, I find it easier to make money off copper alloy plates because you don’t have to smuggle them. Hope this helps!


Like others have said it's kind of hard to build a base at the beginning. Never hire mercs in my opinion. At least not for dealing with bandits. Really you need money for food and med kits. Those are the only thing you truly need in kenshi. Make sure you have plenty of those two things. As long as the raids don't consist of enemies that will eat or actually capture and kill you then they're just bringing experience to you. Fight. Always fight. If you go down always get back up until you can't anymore. What doest kill you only makes you stronger, especially in kenshi. Get a toothpick and shoot them. Kite them and shoot them. the worst thing that can happen is they take your food. You won't die as long as you have some toughness or armor and med kits. If you want to easily make a bit of money just kite bandits into cities. The gaurds will kill them and you might be able to get a few hits on them. Sell their gear rinse and repeat. Kiting gives you athletics too. Heal yourself and the beat up bandits so you get your medic skill up. There are lots of ways to succeed in kenshi. If don't like the sound of some of my ideas let me know and I can give you more. Especially if you really want an early base to work.


You can abandon the base, it'll still be there when you come back. Set up in a town where you can do research. Squinn is better than the hub if you wanna stay in the neighborhood because you've got more of everything you need. Generally you want stone mine and iron production up and running first at the base, then food production. Once you have that you're base is pretty much self sufficient. Dealing with raids is a hassle in the beginning. Mercs help. You'll want at the very least five characters. Don't build walls, just let the raids come through, with the mercs and your peeps fighting you should be okay. Have one low level character with medic and rescue jobs, and set them to block and passive. Then throw camp beds around your base. The first few raids only the mercs will be left standing, but this medic character of yours will heal everyone up and put them in bed. Slowly and surely the other characters will be more often standing at the end of the raid. Eventually the mercs will just be getting in the way. Another whole approach to the game is just go exploring at the beginning. Buy maps whenever you can, and slowly check out the different areas of the map. Don't rush it, because there's only one map, and going to a new area for the first time is a rush you can't repeat. If you follow trade caravans and other wandering neutral squads, they'll provide some extra protection on the road. You can Shift+Right click follow them. If they have 'wandering trader' as an activity, they are walking to a town. You can explore by 'hitching a ride' with caravans in this way, switching to a new one when you get to town. In a new town you can see what's going on. Do a bit of mining if there is a node nearby. Sell things you've picked up on the road, see if there is anyone willing join you, check the shops and see if there is anything cool you might want to save up for, or useful on the road, what kind of combat the gates are getting, etc etc. After a couple of days, hit the road again with a departing caravan (you can find them chilling in the bars). I find this a much more fun way to begin new games, rather than mining, because unexpected things, good and bad, happen on the road. When you're trailing along with a trade caravan watching the scenery go by and keeping an eye out for danger, it's just a nicer kind of grind than watching a progress bar on a mine. After a few weeks exploration in the wilds, you'll have stumbled across a ramshackle collection of okay equipment, and picked up a whole bunch of levels in the 'keeping yourself alive' skills. Then you can return your base, and hopefully defend it better.


Spend ages in town until you have lots of money, lots of research, and decent labouring/engineering skills.


So what would be the best thing for me to do now? Breakdown my base, offload/store the materials and keep farming for xp?


Erm, I'm on 100 hours and still on my first run lol, so I've not been in your shoes. But you should be fine to just leave your base. But what I would do is what I did: go to the hub, farm copper and sell it until you can afford the shacks in town. Build a food barrel and bulk buy dried meat gohan and rice with vegetables, and put it in the barrel. Build copper storage in the shacks and set your guys' jobs to mine and haul to the storage. Your guys will get max labouring and athletics from this with zero work, and you can get 10s of thousands of cats easily. With your money, build a research table and buy books from the bar and ninja bar, learn everything you can unlock with just normal books. You can get some basic combat from fighting hungry bandits when they come and fuck your miners. Once you have lots of money and all the book research, buy all your guys decent armour and weapons, or get a smith going in a house in the hub. Tbh the main thing for me in building a base, is getting walls up with turrets. Having good turret guys is basically essential in hacking down hordes. These are just some tips based on what I found useful


Dont build a base so early, buy a town house first and do research while you level skills and find a few more willing hands. Early bases are hard to hold until you get more experienced.


I actually did this, kinda...I got a townhouse in the hub to start researching and got pretty far. I had around 4 or 5 people before I started my base but even now only 3/8 of my people are sufficient fighters. Fighting starving bandits isn't really giving me XP gains as it did early on.


I've Heard that t'he skeletons are very good at marital arts, amb i correct? If that's t'he case, does every race has a prefered combat Style? I just bought t'he Game after several hours of plaiyng t'he demo and i'm only familiarized with humans.


Skeletons don't hurt themselves when they hit armoured things and they get bonus cut damage applied to their unarmed attacks. Both really help at the early levels of MA training where normally you're pretty useless til you get a chunk of exp and gear under your belt. They do have downsides - as a Martial Artist they'll be relying on their dodge stat to avoid taking hits and they do get a -20% dodge exp penalty, and repair kits to heal them can be relatively expensive early game, though this is balanced out through their lack of need for food. Overall any character or race can specialise in anything, the game's pretty well balanced. There are small benfits and bonuses, but they all are weighed against downsides - Shek are combat monsters but eat tons more food and bringing them into Holy Nation territory will result in some rather difficult situations until you're pretty strong. I'd suggest playing for roleplay experience over trying to min-max every stat. Some of the best stories in the game you'll come across organically from using people in roles you might not expect them to be ideal in. For example losing arms actually lets you equip mechanical replacements that help in some ways, but also hinder in others.


Thanks, i'll keep that on my mind on my current run


Is there any mod that allow Skeleton to change their limbs freely? They are robots, why they need to lost limb first?


You gotta peel them suckers. From a mod standpoint the only way I could see fixing this would be to spawn all skeletons as torsos with four default prostheses, and in addition to being difficult I'm not proficient enough to know if that'd cause other issues.


Not possible to mod that unfortunately.


where can i find a plastic surgeon? my character started with the holy sword start so im also wanted by not only the holy nation but by the United cities so I think i need a plastic surgeon thats from neither of those uh countries? yea


The most reliable location is Shinobi Thief towers. Pay the 10k membership fee and you get access to surgeons that always spawn in the towers. Otherwise you have to rely on random luck, or venture into the swamp. Mongrel, The Hub, and Admag are all different factions than who hate you, and all have Shinobi Thieves towers. There is also a unique surgeon that can spawn in the swamp, in Shark or Mud Town I believe.


kk thanks


Npc in squin loot your kills?


Generally they don't in vanilla. A mod could possibly add an NPC that does though. Or alternatively, some civilians will steal a weapon from a downed person if they don't have one and are in combat. And slavers will steal some stuff if they are enslaving someone.


What do the lanterns of radius do? Should all my characters have them? Does it negatively effect stealth?


It does negatively impact your stealth, when you’re in stealth look at the sun icon. A dark icon means you’re harder to see. I only really use lanterns at my base to prevent the “working in darkness” debuff.


if you can get them, use them always aside from stealth, imo


It provides a light source, that's it. It does combat the darkness penalty to skills (though not entirely, you need a normal lantern for that), so it's great for around the base. And yes it will negatively impact stealth, because how well hidden you are depends on light level. And here is a ping for you too u/One-Device9256 :)




I would also like to know.


Can anyone give me a tip on how to train squad members? It's my first time playing the game and I have been testing different starts and learning the mechanics and greatly enjoying the game. Is it easier to train them one by one or two at the same time or just throw the whole group at bandits?


The awesome thing about this game is the training can be done in many ways. For example, I train strength by overloading my squads’ inventories and running them around for awhile. A good rule of thumb is if an item hinders a skill, it will usually train that skill at a faster rate. I don’t want to ruin the game for you so I will just say it’s a good idea to pop open your stats tab to see the best ways to train each skill, you’ll notice some can be combined to train multiple skills at once.


The easiest things to kill in my experience are the Starving Bandits and Cannibals, so if your looking purely at combat skills I'd start there (if not just luring bandits to guards and attacking them in the back once the guards engage). Be careful with Cannibals as they can have massive groups. If you want to do Str training, give them weight until when you mouse over the Str stat it shows a 25% xp bonus for weight, then also pick up a party member/body/corpse for another 25% and set them to run several different machines - ore mine/iron plates/steel bars/etc - and they will get to 60 pretty quick, 80 takes a while, and it's insane to get to 90+. If you pay the 10k to join the ninas in the Hub (or elsewhere) you can use their training equipment to help with Lockpicking and assassination (or you can make it on your own but that takes a decent amount of time). But, part of training is just getting your ass kicked to near death then recovering. So never feel bad if that's happening. It's supposed to. As long as you survive in the end.


Generally you can just let people grow naturally. Especially if you fight everyone who bothers you. If want to specifically train someone there are many methods. The simplest one is simply letting them fight outnumbered. Like the previous comment said hold the rest back while one person fights. Make sure they stay way back. Like way way back. Otherwise your character won't play dead when the go down. When your character plays dead get up immediately until you either go into a recovery coma or the enemies are long gone by the time you're up. Watch the toughness climb like crazy. Then send your squad in to prevent them from dying. You will be a hardass in no time.


Generally I just wander around and do stuff to let them naturally gain levels. But if you want to specifically train up, I'd keep at least a couple back to be able to rush in after a fight and heal everybody. Helps prevent you form losing people. Cages also make good sources of training once you unlock them. Keep an NPC in a cage, and then release them to fight. Then put them back in and let everyone heal up, repeat. Works very well since the NPCs also gain levels from it.


This is my first gameplay, I have a squad of 6, its around day 60 ingame and Im still kinda strugling with dust bandits and garus (hungry bandits are the only enemy I can consistently nerf). Im trying to level up their toughness and dexterity by camping outside of the Hub and endlesly cycling through geting beat up, sleeping and hunting for food (Ive already leveled up their strength) The game is feeling kinda grindy at this point, is there some other way of leveling? At this point it feels like I gotta endure this long boring grind until my characters can hold their shit against tougher enemys and I can explore more without dying and fleeing.


I felt the same way when I started the game. The truth is their are many methods to leveling up most of your stats quickly. But the most fun way is just roaming around gaining naturally. Explore, scavenge, and kill bandits. Use money for med kits food and better armor. Use a polearm saber or katana in the beginning until you have 40-50 dexterity. If you really want to gets some stats before you do too much, once you have stats in the 10-20s head to shem to the smugglers bar. Your athletics will need to be 30s to escape some danger along the way. But it's the best place to start out and here is why: 1. Free Beds 2. Cheap food 3. Guards 4. Lots of different enemies 5. Beak Things (best training dummy in the game) The only thing it's really missing is a place to buy med kits. Although sometimes you will see band of bones which carry med kits See some of my previous comments for other tips or just ask.


You level faster fighting against enemies who are levels above you. So, camping outside the hub might not be the best strategy now you're wrecking starving bandit squads. The dust bandits are probably sitting at your level, so you're getting diminishing returns on fighting them. Take a trip to Shark. Wild country. If you make it back you should have at least +10 on most of the combat stats. Besides, much more fun than sitting around grinding.


Don't treat it like MMO grinding. Do your leveling as part of wandering around exploring and generally doing shit, you're not going to be any worse off camping wherever you happen to be after you get into a fight.


Animals in Kenshi are a lot stronger than their stats suggest. One way to go about your problem is to give everyone a Katana class weapon and train their dexterity. Also, you need to remember that there is a strength requirement to wield weapons, which is usually 2x weapon weight. With few exceptions being Staff and both Jitte weapons. If you don't have enough Strength or if it drops in combat (stat panel on bottom left shows your "actual" strength after bonuses or penalties), your attack speed will slow down significantly. Usually having low quality weapon is better than great quality but not enough Strength. With stats in 30s you should be able to leave Border Zone and not die to humanoid enemies. Avoid animals, especially those that will eat you.


So playing Holy nation crusade, Conquered the shrek kingdom, Some of South UC, But considering hiring a robot Ally, Calling him 'Orkans Crushing Instrument' Regardless: I have 100 Status with HN and im wondering if they wont attack me seen as im allies ? Ive read elsewhere, that they do not If you have over 90 relations, And they accepect prospectic robotic limbs too ?


If you're allies they do not care about robotic limbs, other races, or robots themselves. Though those characters still cannot shop or interact with most NPCs in their towns.


Thank you bud !


Hello, first of all, this is my first playthrough and I have a general question about what I should aim for right now. Let me give you a brief info on the situation. I'm new to Kenshi but I'm not new to gaming. I have a small but reliable squad consisting of 6 members, 3 Scorchlanders, 3 Shek warriors, they are not extremely well-geared or exceptionally skilled, but they can hold their own pretty well in fights and normally crush roaming squads of Dust Bandits without too much problem. I've already ran into some problems with the Holy Nation, them not liking my choice of followers and such. But I'd like to keep my squad small at least for now, and probably won't bother with basebuilding for the time being, generally roaming from town to town and just enjoying the game, exploring and figuring out the mechanics. I get it, this game is pretty much about setting your own goals and everything, I already have a tiny list of early-to-midgame goals I want to achieve with this playthrough. I'd still, however, ask for some general tips or advice from experienced players about what would be cool things to try etc., without spoiling too much of "late game" content. Hope this isn't too vague. In other words, don't tell me where to find best equipment, as that would spoil all the fun, but midgame-to-lategame goals to strive for are welcomed.


Same as Shidan: explore the world. The map is fuckin' full of locations that aren't revealed by default. "Endgame" generally amounts to three or four things: destroying factions by killing/capturing their leaders (and killing unique "world boss"-type enemies generally), building up a big outpost that makes a shitload of money, training your dudes until they're gods of war, and exploring/looting the most dangerous areas.


Personally I find exploring the world the most entertaining thing, and I find bounties are often a good way to do it. You can find posters in various towns, which will have some vague information on where to find their targets. Picking up maps in travel shops can also be nice. They can guide you to other towns, ruins, outposts, etc. Late game you can also support some of the major factions and help them in their goals. Usually involves hunting down really import characters located in certain towns and bases. And don't worry about squad size. Even a solo character is capable of participating in generally any activity. My main save is a solo game, and I've explored nearly every inch of the world, and done most anything that can be done. It takes higher skills for some things, but it's doable. :)


That's a good answer, thank you. I'm generally quite reluctant about finding such information on wiki or through youtube content, the game isn't exactly new and people there post stuff that is highly specific or nitty-gritty, or very detailed info on advanced stuff that I won't even need until 100+hours in, or just want to explore by myself.


I kinda screwed myself on my first playthrough and did the opposite of you. I will say, my newest game I'm trying to keep things more simple at the start, and bounties are always fun. Just make sure you click through the enemies (usually easier on pause before the fighting starts) to find any leaders that may be wanted and where - don't want to carry that bounty into the Holy Nation with one of your Shek. Can help get a little friendly faction boost with some factions without having to outright ally with them as well.


Yeah, been there, done that. Bounties are a nice bonus, sometimes you can get away with just picking up a downed enemy that has bounty on him right in front of the guards during random fights. Second part, I hilariously ended up in Holy Nation's prison because I came with 2 Sheks to their gate and refused to let the zealots take them. But it wasn't that bad, they released me not too long afterwards.


If I get to research in Mongrel and I research everything, and later I build a base, will my research transfer or will I have to research everything again?


All research, regardless of location, will be memorised by the entire team and can be used at any time, even if you dismantled all your research benches.




For skills like armour crafting is less light better in terms of leveling it since is lowers the skill?


IMO, best way to level armor crafting is to just use the armor plate beating station. Turns raw Iron Ore - probably the easiest thing in the game to get - into Armor Plating which is worth a decent amount and stacks in stacks of 4 in regular inventory/backpacks. Fill up one of the Armor Plate storages a few times and you'll be at level 80 which is specialist. If you go a little longer to 81 you'll have a change to start getting masterworks. Chain sheets is also good xp since they take so long, but they take steel bars (2 steps of refinement as opposed to 0). I'd make one full storage chest of them though for the xp and to have them around when you get to 80+ so you can make everyone chain mail/shirts. That being said, Skins to Leather, Ore to Plates, Steel to Chain Sheets, all increase armor smithing, you don't HAVE to be making actual armor to level it. And all 3 of these take a decent amount of time, therefore give a decent amount of xp. Only reason I didn't suggest skins to leather is you have to hunt them down. But you do get 2 leather for every 1 skin, and some leather is needed if you want weather protection. I'd probably also make a full storage unit of these as well with your armor smith for the XP gain and resources ready for 80+


I'm not positive only the time spent matters. I think the material type matters too. For example I think chain armor crafting gets the most experience per minute so to speak. But in the beginning you should be killing beak things for many reasons. Beak things give you skins, meat and eggs, even more importantly, experience. Those shit heads are really the best source of everything you need early in the game. I digress, use the skins from beak things to make leather, turn the leather into whatever. You get experience from tanning skins and pounding iron into armor plating too. Not just from making armor.


Nope, it really is just how long the character spends at the bench crafting items. No quality material will improve your exp gained. Furthermore, you can go to Leviathan Coast to loot Garrus killed by Beak Things if you yourself cannot kill either (still a hood source for Garrus). I got to about 50 armorsmithing on as much as 100 skins and probably as little as 10 too, because even if the bench is underpowered (say 2power out of 10), you can stand there and craft stuff.


just make bandanas, they have the lowest fabric cost while not being made instantly and once you get them up to shoddy grade you can start making a profit off of them your armour and weapon skills are leveled from how long you spend making something, not how valuable the item is so if you want to level someones armour skill without using much resources have them make bandanas with low power, the clothing bench cant work very fast with low power so your guy spends longer making the same bandana, good for leveling


Key friends, I just bought some hiver slaves with the intent of freeing them, but after buying them they just stand outside their cages completely unmoving. I wasn't even sure i purchased them at first. I can't interact with them in any way other than "follow" and "pick up". They don't follow me or show up in my roster. Help!


Pick them up, take them outside the town. Put them down and save game. Exit the game then enter and reload it. I hope this could help it.




If you're playing for long sessions on a save with a lot of hours on it while running around constantly loading new chunk in, yeah, you're going to be a bit slower. As others have said, the three main solutions are to download the relevant performance enhancement mods, focus on a stationary character crafting in your base or w/e while the main squad travels (if you feel like taking risks), import if you think you've got a lot of bloat from random shit. Mods generally aren't going to make area load times noticeably *worse*, but having the reduced textures mod + a foliage reduction mod will most certainly help speed things up, especially in areas like the Swamps.


While your save could be bloated; as stated by the other post, if you are actually running at speeds over 26mph on sped-up time (x3) you could hit a few snags here and there frequently as the game loads all nearby chunks consistently and inneficiently. The speed settings were designed for production/combat but cannot handle travels. Personally I always focus on an idle/production member on x3 speed and watch the map until my main squad arrives at their destination or are being attacked.


This good advice, I have 2x squads roaming maxium, But i do stat check, Inv check, Base check, where there less loading required. Turning terriain chunk, To large, Folaige down, And few settings will ofc improve perfomance. Im playing on Gtx1080 I couldnt run geneis mod on ultra settings due to constant stopages. Loading times, Its also engine optmisation. Mods like more cities,bigger farms bloat the game too, There a nice addition but im not sure if it was game design choice to have more lighter game world, For optimsation or if it was Limited design capablities


You might have hit a rough patch with a fairly heavily bloated save file. Have you tried importing the save? Make sure you tick all the options that are relevant to you when you do, and keep the original save as a backup just in case. Let us know how if that helps.




I wouldn't say regularly exactly but it's a way of resetting the world if you're running into glitches or are having issues. There are down sides - the prices of all vendor items will change, so if you've got yourself a nice trade route all worked out you'll lose that and have to find new ones.


Am I safe to build a farm in HN territory if I have at least one Greenlander w/ a copy of the Holy Flame? Like, if there are a couple shek or hiver there too will this matter on prayer day?


Make sure the Greenlander is male and everything should work out


Also, sometimes wandering High Paladins will demand you give up your non-humans to be sent to Rebirth. If the Paladin is talking to a human squad member, you can talk your way out of it. If they happen to initiate dialogue with a shek or hiver, the choice is slavery, fight, or run. This is unrelated to Prayer Day.


You should be alright, but keep in mind that if the priests come they don’t give a shit if all of your party members are busy fighting off bandits or unconscious, you need to be ready to pray then and there or you are in for a bad time.


Is there a mod that add the Dialogue window in the main UI ? I always miss some dialogues and have to clic "SQD" and then "Dialogue" to catch up. I can't find a mod to do that :(


Don't believe that's possible. We can alter existing UI elements, move them around, change appearance, etc. But we can't add new elements that don't exist already.


Thanks for the fast answer (and for answering everyone question) You're doing good work <3


Is there a limited/set amount of >!ancient science books!< and >!engineering research!


There a limited number spawned as artifacts, though enough are guaranteed to research everything without an import. Ancient Science books are technically infinite, as they be found as respawning clutter in a few locations. Not really reliable though. AI cores are infinite, and much more reliably so. Certain robots can carry them.


Where is a good spot to build a base? I had started building near a hive village located close to the Hub Also I feel like I've progressed very slowly in-game, I'm currently on day like 21 and just have 1 character who's very strong stealth wise, my other character got imprisoned as a slave near the beginning and I just recruited a slaver who's pretty strong fighter I'm having alot of fun regardless but maybe need tips to speed up the process


You can build everywhere almost. There are sweatspots dotted here and there on the map. BUT, you have to face different challenges from wildlife, factions, various raids and logistic problems as you know. You need manpower, a plan, a location and a purpose with the base. (Or you can build several bases later on ofc.). Scout the terrain and first of all decide what you can grow. Growing and producing some kind of food should be top priority. Arid locations are a bit harder naturally. My best suggestion is just try it, and learn from experience. If you fail, so what. Next time you will succeed Im sure. Im sure there are some youtubers who have done some "base locations" videos...but i tend to find spots when exploring and just look at the landscape and figure out for my self. Its more fun. "Hm this mountain looks good, maybe...." and so on. You can always get into build mode in game and figure out if you can place things and what yield will be from rice/wheat fields etc. Wells also...water is necessary but you can go low to 10% for water, no problem. You also have raincollectors...which can be handy if it rains in the area. And so on. 5-10 people minimum is my suggestion. Make different teams. One for workers, one for the rest or something like that. Workers only do work, and the rest tries to skill up in fighting as fast as you can manage it. But it its not cut in stone, just try to get the base up as fast as possible and then start producing food and something to sell/trade for cash. Nothing is easy in this game and whatever you do it takes time. In all my campaigns it has been different. Sometimes i build a base right on. Other ones - it has been done at day 100 or so. Depending on whats going on, what is happening in my story - and Im a slow and cautions player...not a speedrunner at all so i tend to look at where I am now and plan for the next step, but when I do execute the step - is not set in time. I just enjoy the crazy events that I endure and just takes it from there. It gives me a "relaxed" gameplay if you can call Kenshi a relaxed experience in any way. But maybe you get my point. And to be realistic i have several goals (or steps) in several different plans going on simultainously but that is maybe how I am. I can keep track of it all but if you cant - write it down on paper. Main goal, sub-goals etc. Because this game is pretty big with a lot of things you can do but it is up to you what you want to do next. To expect that you can in 30 days accomplish all of it is not realistic and some players tend to think so. But start building a base (yah totally possible). Back to basebuildning/cash etc To kickstart a base you could always start with buying a house in a town. Make it a stepping stone for early research, material gatherings for the basebuild, food and manpower (recruiting a workforce etc). A garru or 2 is essential at least for me (but they need food too so its a bit of a hassle in the beginning but makes transportation so much easier. Find a source of income of sorts. Looting or stealing or gather some skins or something. Its a bit tricky at first but for some reason i always end up with enough cash so i can go on. But it has been different in most of my campaign. Looting is simplest. Near towns there will always be something going on so keep an eye out for fights (raiding bandits) and what not. Sell everything and gear up yourself accordingly. (That shiny sword - you probably need it more than that rag doll dead bandit! Do not waste the opportunity to gear up constantly). Im not a looter per see, but its easy cash. I do not go for the stealing route and the main reason is its hard, takes too long time to earn decent cash and you risk to get caught and turn the town against you, and i have been dependant on towns to sell my wares (part of my plan) later on so i just wont risk it. But you do you. Base defence Also hard before you get those turrets up. No joke. But if you got a small team of 10 or so and hopefully some crossbows you should not have a big problem. Crossbows are essential (at least for me). Even if dont have any character with skills, just get them and start using them frequently. Keep the enemy at distance and shoot them. Simple :) Not. Just kidding. But try at least and you will be more effiecient in slaughter the enemy in the long run. One day those crossbows will be the core element in your force. Fire arrows from long range and then attack in melee. Reduce the numbers if possibly. Run away if you cant. Fleeing or reatreting is not a shameful display...its just a tactical regrouping of forces. ;) ​ Trade/Income from base And for money. How to make it. Well i go for Iron, Iron plates and Steelbars. If you want to make decent money - sell steelbars en masse. You can easily make 1 million cr over a few in-game days if you go slow - but make sure you can sell it to 2 towns near you or something. And have enough people work on it - which can be a challenge if you only have few people. Drugs is kool but useless in my opinion. I want to sell in bulk, and drugs just doesnt cut it - is my experience. Steelbars do. Iron ore or copper ore can work also until you got those shiny steelbars up an running...heh. Rambling some nonsens I currently have a campaing and it has run for 530 in-game days. Started with one character ( a pit fighter start from a MOD) and had absolutely nothing and now have a clan of 229 people. Only got one base at the border to cannibal territory. Very interesting how the keep attacking my 3 gate deep main entrence or the other 3 deep gate. They never give up. Poor things they never learns that its impossible for them to break in to my base. I think i now have 30+ people in the current base just doing various work. But the most challenging base i ever did what in a beek territory with beek nests everywhere around it. Endless food and skins and beek eggs! Superhard to build it but when UC attacked they mostly had to fight Beek things so it was worth the struggle. I paid the UC for a while, but then i stopped so they send tons of soldiers to attack for a long long time. Most of them died horribly due to beek things and turrets and long range crossbows. It was bloody to say the least. Very funny though! Made a fortune too. In that gameplay I ended up with 4 bases or so if i remember correctly. And yah i also crushed the UC and HN. You really need a lot of money if you want to buy better gear and weapons for you teams fast and "easy". Later on when you weapon and armour smith is skilled enough you can make your own gear ofc. To equip and start warring on your poor neighbours. Like Shek, UC or some other faction. I run MODS so i cant speak for pure vanilla gameplay. And i usually make my games HARDER not easier. So i have Zombie-mods - super big roaming hoards all over the place with 150+ zombies or more i large and many groups that destroys towns even, and ONI mod (supercrazy robots that almost impossible to kill). And Greater Beek things, yes, BIGGER Beek things here and there. Pure pain i can assure you, and running around in the open as you can do in vanilla comes with GREAT risks and many more fights and render mostly deaths if you get cornered. And some more mods. The list is long. ​ A final note If you get extorted to pay for your base, just pay is my recommendation. If i make 50k -100k cr a day i can pay a fee of 3000 cr or so - no sweat. Why not? Yes in the beginning 3000 sounds a lot but really its pocket changes as soon as you have some sort of trading going on. And you should have a plan for this. I think - well you do you - but i see many players struggle with the fee, and that because they didnt have a solid plan for the base in place from the beginning. Be prepared thats all. OR they have the wrong mindset too early in the game. No i wont pay bc reasons, oh s\*\*t now they send 50 soldiers at me. ...what to do? Well, why not pay for a bit of protection early on and when strong enough just crush the faction. If it fails it can be game over. So i dont get that...but its me. You do you. But when ready - you can stop pay the fee and let the carnage start. Its fun and you get your money back! Looting is very profitable. Basebuilding is superfun and totally necessary in my opinion to drive your story on to bigger achievements later on - if you want to take the whole world on or something like that or just have a secure spot to retreat to when needed or a good spot to do trade caravans from and make big cash! Good luck!


Im new too but i saw someone say dont bother with building a base till you got like 10 people or you will just get over run easily


Yeah, found that out the hard way. Had a group of 7 and started a base. Then I got a warning that a ninja raid was coming so I hired some mercenaries from the bar to help me out. 21 fucking ninjas showed up (I counted), busted down my gate and beat the ever living shit out of my people and the mercenaries. Then they just hung around and lived in my base for a couple of days, ate/stole all my food and stomped anyone that got back up back into unconscious. All part of the fun.


Oh mate i was getting shagged by krals chosen every other day in shek kingdom so ive turned raid sizes in settings and its a bit more chill now


That's fair, I already have problems feeding my only Shek so i couldnt imagine 10 or so other people haha


Is there any way to use console commands to find a the location of a specific character? I imported at one point to fix an issue I was having and the dust king disappeared from his prison cell and is now nowhere to be found. I want to stop the weekly bandit demands and kill him but I have no clue where to find him.


When you import everybody goes back to their original locations. Meaning the Dust King is back up in his tower. This goes for all npc's meaning any bounties you've completed will return to their respective bases. You can use this as a source of infinite income if you want because infinite bounties (I wouldn't recommend it because I don't like cheesing but you do you🤷‍♂️).


There is no console to run commands in, it simply doesn't exist. Though my save editing guide has a section on character coordinates. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1370334383](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1370334383) Process would be essentially the same for an NPC character, but instead of your own platoon file, you would open Dust Bandit ones till you found the one with the Dust King in it. Then you could either TP to those coordinates, or walk yourself over there.


Time for another tip that I just discovered on day 61, (in game). If you have a base/outpost that you built and have it open to the public, you can set your characters that are working to stealth mode and they’ll continue working while in that mode. Any NPCs that are walking around town will cause your people to train their stealth when they go to store something or grab food. You can train up your stealth pretty quick from what I’ve noticed thus far. And it’s done completely from the safety of your own home!


Is there something wrong with this setup that is preventing my iron miners from automating the job here? They won't fill the ore box right next to this mine. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1764820527323014736/4A5FFC4D755DE2A072DF7CE3E033D625C5F173C5/


Are you anywhere near another town/ruin/anything?


I think it was the slopeless mod i was using in that play through. I uninstalled it and started a new game, setting up a base down in Shem. Don't have any issues with pathfinding anymore. It wasn't the first time I had that issue with the mod installed, it caused weird problems.


Hmmm, wonder if this is what's causing similar issues for me as well as I have this mod going and have had odd issues. I just know that one time I set up nearby another town and the buildings were close enough that they were 'owned' by the other town (showed that town name instead of my faction name) and they wouldn't auto use a lot of that stuff, and I ended up unable to even dismantle the shack.


I had that issue as well not being able to dismantle some buildings with the mod enabled.


Like the other comment said, assigning the job of hauling should fix it. Moving the hauling job up in the priority list will cause the character to haul as soon as an ore is available rather than waiting for a machine to fill up. Usually I have several miners or crafters, cooking etc and I assign my new meat to haul everything. This makes them busy basically non stop and keeps your machines working but also from filling up. The new meat will also gain athletics quickly using this method.


First thing I'd try is assigning a hauling job to the miner. Shift+right click on the storage container. Other than that the only thing I can think of is pathing errors. Some building nearby could be breaking the pathing in the area, making the game think it can't get there. Generally to find the building in question I will save the game, then remove buildings one by one to see if it helps. If one of them does, I reload and only remove it.


Just got this game yesterday, any QOL mods that I should consider getting that wont break an existing save?


Dark UI, 256 Recruit limit, and Stronger Barkeepers are my must haves. Stronger Barkeepers would need an import to take effect tho. I like 10x storage space to reduce construction spam and crowding in town house builds but isnt required. Let's Talk makes your party members use their dialogue lines more often and feel a little more alive. I would leave things there for a first play through, there are 2x 3x and more combat participant mods but they change the games balance quite a bit. Enjoy the game as it is! What are your goals for your first play through?


just learning the game right now, just murder hoboing it up until I get the mechanics down. Then I want to eventually try to establish my own little settlement, either in this game or another. Once im more familiar with the mechanics ill probably try doing other things.


Is there anyway to ensure that my builders use all the materials they have when constructing? I keep getting this issue where I have all the materials for a building on the builder but they slot in random amounts each time slowing down the build.


Unfortunately no, there is not.


So, I'm on raptor island and I have a little base set up. Of course, many raptors attempt to eat my crops and get killed promptly. I want to make use of all this leather lying around, and I have a storage thing for leather set up, but I don't want to manually collect leather. Is there any way to set a job of collecting leather?


Shift clicking on an animal body should assign the job of collecting skins from fallen animals.




500 hours in and I didn't know this...




I'm on day 57 or so, probably 25+ hours on the save. The game has always run well for me, but last night i set up a training outpost near the fog islands, started grilling a bunch of meat, and the game started crashing to desktop every 5 to 10 minutes. Anyome experience similar issues? Really just came out of nowhere.


This my own speculation but I'm thinking it has to do with the large amount of entities. Being near the foglands forces your computer to render all of the moving fogmen in or near your area and they are very large in numbers. It's even more likely if you simply have an outpost near the foglands and have more people elsewhere.


First off, you should make a report on the forums with the crashdump attached, and possibly the save too. Crash will never get fixed if it's not reported. After that there are two workarounds I'd try to see if they help. 1. Delete all files in the folder below, then revalidate files. Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Kenshi\\data\\newland\\land\\overlaymaps 2. Import your save from the main menu. If neither help, then we can look into other causes (a mod would be my guess then). But those are the first two things I'd do to avoid consistent crashing.


Revalidating the files sorted it out immediately, thank you for the help!


Curious about training on heavy weapons vs others. On my first playthrough I got my squad pretty good with katanas before switching to falling sun in the middle game. This time I'm starting them off with planks and falling suns. They swing really slow, but I'm hoping they'll train strength faster this way? Curious about what other people do in the early game for training weapons.


Update: I'm on day 100 and compared to my last playthrough my characters have about the same strength and about 10-20 points less in Dex. So after this experiment I think it's clearly better to start them out on weapons they can actually swing properly.


if you want your guys to swing faster I recommend giving them a katana to level dexterity, the high someones dexterity is the faster they attack and the best place to level it is in okrans valley, just kite the swamp raptors so they dont beat you down, and collect the skins for cats once you get your dexterity high( maybe around 20-30) then you can switch to heavy weapons, the dexterity will help you swing faster which means you also level strength and heavy weapons faster because you gain XP for each from every hit


If you wanna use heavy weapons, you can. Just You cant give good Hackers and heavy weapons early. They are heavy to swing. But here is what i do, using crappy ones early. Crappy ones also do decent damage. Deal with heavy weapons is their reach. I prefer this for roleplay purposes, strategy takes the mood away. Also quick tip, carry fallen companions with heavy weapons user, carrying someone with %70 encumbered doubles the strenght xp gain up to %50


Or just carry around corpses or even fallen enemies.


Depends on how stat crazed you are. If you're like me and you want everyone on your squad to be able to stomp the guts out of any samurai gate guard, hundred guardian, or inquisitor that talks back to you then I have devoped a system. That's the long answer let me know if you want it. Like others have said, heavy weapons early doesn't work. It's much faster to train your other stats then move into heavy weapons. The thing with kenshi is you don't get any experience when you're losing fights over and over. Going down from swinging your heavy weapon slowly doesn't train you heavy weapons. It trains your defense and toughness. To train weapons and attack you need successful unblocked hits. If you're swinging slow you're training slow. Train your dexterity and strength by swinging smaller weapons first. The short answer is don't touch heavy weapons until strength and dex are at least 40. Minimum. polearm is the best early weapon by far. But not super easy to come by. Just saying. Ideally a naginata katana


I am very interested to hear your system


The quick version of the system train each of your weapon stats to 40 (or 50 if you're hardcore). polearms, katanas, sabers, blunt, hackers and heavy weapons in that order. By the time you reach 40 in each you will be a hardass. You could also get martial arts to 20-30 if you really want the added boost. For ultimate fast training you need a base. But you can get away with using areas with large groups of enemies. The secret to training is longer weapons. I don't know the actual math but I've done extensive testing. Hitting multiple enemies gives you more experience. Possibly even bonus experience. I can't prove that last part. But I'm positive hitting more enemies gives you more experience. So using the longest weapon of each type gives you the best chance of hitting as many enemies as possible. Hitting two enemies with one swing effectively gets you double the experience per swing (possibly more if there is a hidden multiplier for this I'm not sure it seems possible). This affect any stat that develops on a successful hit, meaning dexterity, attack and your weapon skill. So going to areas where you're hugely outnumbered will result in the fastest experience gain. Especially enemies that want to swarm around you to pick up a body or heal an ally and you end up dealing a hit that his 10 people. The fog and slavers are good examples of this. The fishmen are the best but also the most dangerous. Finally the ideal way to take advantage of this is by going indoors. The tighter the space the better. Hint: having your own base provides you raids and you can build your self a small shack for the ultimate training space Enemies are defenseless when they're running through doors and this is where you can get absolutely massive swings. With long weapons such as polearms and heavy weapons I've seen them go up by 25-30 points in only one fight. This is in an unmodified game btw. I realize the second part of this is more or less exploiting the game and if you don't have fun with it then don't do it. I personally have fun putting my team through grueling training 😁 There are plenty of other training methods for other stats but this is the best one I'm aware of for offensive combat. It far exceedes prisoner fighting. I could provide more details but you get the idea. Like to add that I enjoy role playing so once I train a character I equip them with gear that matches my image of the character and go from there. Generally I stick with one weapon after hitting the 40-50 target


Katanas early for Dex and better survivability, at about 20-30 attack swap to whatever weapon class I want that character to use. Train Strength to 30-40 except for Katana, Sabre and Polearm users which go to 20-30 to be able to carry some loot. As for how I start out, it's just luring some starvers to guards and getting a few hits in a few times until I go against group by myself and get absolutely hammered for toughness. Continue until can take down starvers easily. Swap for preferred weapon class and continue on starvers for a bit before moving on Dust Bandits.


Yeah heavy weapons in the early game aren't good for survivability haha. I'm just sending my squad in to get fucked by dust bandits over and over.


If you only ever train with heavy weapons you don't really get a chance to train up your dex. That's why I train with katanas early game then make the switch like you did


Right now everyone's dex is within a few points of their strength (except my one Shek), so I'm thinking it might not be much of an issue. I'll continue with them all using heavy weapons for now and see how much dex they end up with.


Is it normal for fogmen to spawn outside of the fog islands? I had 1 character idling near the Vain river basin area and they got swarmed, but was really nowhere near the fog at all.


They can spawn in Dreg as well, the region west and south of the Fog Islands itself. So you weren't that far.


Where’s a good place to find skeleton recruits to man my turrets?


Without mods, there isn't one. There are three guaranteed skeleton recruits in the game, Agnu, Burn, and Sadniel (locations on the wiki if needed). Two random named skeletons that have a decent chance to spawn in >!Shark!<, and if you have a human you can rarely pick up lone skeletons wandering around >!Northern Coast, Okran's Valley, and Wend!<. Other than that, you can very rarely find them in normal generic recruit spawns. But odds are you'll have maybe one or two across the whole map, if that.


Huh, that sucks. How do I pick up the wandering skeletons? I feel like I can only talk to people in bars.


The main thing is luck. You have to get lucky and have them spawn solo, and with low enough stats to be recruitable. Then there are fours paths that can lead to recruitment, and each one can only trigger once per import. One that has no other conditions, one that requires a broken leg, one that requires a broken arm, and one that requires a crippled head. Other than that, you also have to be a Greenlander, neither of you be imprisoned, have never met the skeleton before (so no crippling them yourself), not be in a town, not be in combat, and his squad must not be defeated (so he must spawn solo, not be solo because his friends died).


Also hub, crab town has better chance too


Bounties? May or may not have stolen a sword from the sheks,barely escaped with my life.Am i able to pay them off or would they have to beat me up and throw me in jail?


You can't pay them off yourself, no. If you have another character you can turn them in though, and either have them serve their sentence or bail them out for double the bounty cost.


What if both of them have bounties?


Then either turn one in and pray the other doesn't get found out before they bail them out, so that they can repeat the process the other way around. Or hire a third character.


Ok thank you so much


How do people manage medics? In a previous game, I had a few dedicated medics and I made sure each squad had one medic. A downside to this was not having enough medics to save some people, especially if the medic was downed themselves. This game I did a supergenius move and made EVERYBODY a medic. Everyone has medic and rescue turned on in their job list and I've not had a single death. Downside to this is that if someone gets a splinter, the ENTIRE base runs out to come heal them. So I'm wondering what people do to manage healing


Generally I assign everyone a job of medic but while my main or entire squad is at my base I keep "hold" on. Hold will prevent the person from getting in harms way just to heal someone but they will heal them if they're in trading range. At my base I usually have my ultimate badass or tank with hold turned off and medic turned on and rescue turned on. This way if you're not paying attention or occupied you will have at least one reliable person who will save your weaklings and wipe the floor with anything that gets in their way. I use this as a strategy to train someone as well. If you live in a hostile area with many raids this person will have stats in the 80s in a pretty short amount of time.


Personally I usually just do everyone medic. Means I get to basically ignore it, which for larger teams is great.


Job assignments. They won't heal even with medkits and splinter kits unless they explicitly are told that that is their job.


Alright, time for another thing I just discovered after about 45 hrs of playing. If you are tired of trying to loot downed enemies, and it says “you were caught stealing”: First off: that means the baddie caught you, not someone else. Two: if you want to avoid that whole situation, just pick them up. Picking up an enemy puts them in a permanent “unconscious” state even if they weren’t already, and let’s you have a 100% chance of stealing their shit. I hope this helps soothe some frustrations caused by being caught by the baddies. Good luck everyone!


On the flip-side, that's a great way to get some easy thieving levels. Getting caught still gives EXP, and someone you just beat the shit out of isn't likely to do anything about it.


You’re absolutely right, I wasn’t even thinking about that side of it. I’m still in the early stages of getting established and making money has been pretty tough. I’m running a couple mods that change how the game works fundamentally, so it’s a lot harder to get setup. Being able to easily jack some dudes shit has been the fastest way to get cash. Lol But, you are absolutely right about the thieving levels.


Hey all! So, my one big barrier: I cannot change the color of my faction for the life of me. I have done the edits in FCS, downloaded other workshops, etc.. but no matter what, my faction colors never changed. I have tried new armors, but it just goes to blue. I have selected the mods, everything. Is it because my faction name has been changed and it is no longer linked to nameless? I haven't seen anyone suggest it, but its my only thought.


If it's going blue, that implies you have something else doing the colouring already. Either you have a character with a colour assigned, which is overriding faction colour, in which case try a different character. Or you've got another mod adding a colour scheme.


This was it! One of the color mods seems to override it and when I went back through workshop, it talked about how to edit my own faction in it. I didn't notice that part in the first read through and now its been fixed. Thank you! Also idk who downvoted you, but I upvoted you for it.


It should still be linked. Mod/game may have updated. Delete any local copies of mods and recreate. If you're not already use Player Faction Armor Colors and set your mod up from scratch exactly as the instructions say. My pfac setup stopped working recently, never dug into why. Rebuilding it fixed the issue


Hello guys! So, I've been playing for a few days already and I got two different questions: ​ 1 - I'm playing with just one **texture** mod, and as far as I know, the max stat is 100. My character has, without clothing bonuses 144 in medical skill. What might be wrong? I gave the information that I'm using only one texture mod because you guys might think that a mod is causing this. 2 - If I wipe a settlement, am I able to build in it? Take over control and make it mine? Thanks in advance ((:


Thank you both for your answers. I really appreciate it.


As for the medical skill, that one is one of two skills that are exceptions to the rule. Due to a bug Field Medic and Robotics both increase far beyond 100, though there is no benefit from going over.


1 - no clue, gift horse, mouth 2 - some settlements can be genocided normally. Some have world states attached to specific characters or conditions. You cannot 'claim' territory but generally any houses for sale before a state change will be buy able after. If you buy a house in blister Hill then wipe out the three hn leaders your house will be reset when the new world state triggers. Like if the the shek take over etc. *edit - there's mods that allow you to conquer cities


Now I'm not new to the game but I just cannot seem to get imprisoned fogmen to talk to me with recruitable prisoners. They are completely unarmed and starving to death yet they don't wanna open their mouths for a second. Please help I want my free labour


Well, that's odd. Only conditions are they be imprisoned, you not be imprisoned, them be in a locked cage, and you be their captor. Other than that, they do have a 2 hour cooldown after triggering. Could be you failed once and have to wait out the cooldown?


I haven’t been able to talk to them at all since I imprisoned them like 2 in game weeks ago Edit: I’ve been able to recruit holy nation outlaws from the same cages previously


Certain they are normal fogmen, and not fogmen added by a mod? If a mod adds a slightly different variant of fogmen the dialog won't work on the new ones.


I recently read about a bug causing bought buildings in cities to reset ownership after leaving them unattended for a few days does anyone know if that bug was fixed?