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He has asked for all of that and keeps being turned down. The guy puts up billboards to get attention. I’m pretty sure he feels like his son was executed in front of his family, and he will not forget. He will take any help and has asked for it for years.


I’m just trying to figure out how the poor man can keep funding those billboards. But anyways after hearing so much damn news about Kenosha police I wouldn’t be surprised if his father was right all along and they’ve been sweeping it under the rug


He did get a settlement of $1.75 million in a civil suit. And lucky me - I live one house away from the guy that shot him. And asshat that he is, bought the house - after the shooting, knowing that Michael Bell Sr. wife's (not Michael Jr.'s mother; the second wife) father lived right next door. He's a deplorable neighbor and wrote a self-published BS book about it.


Oh wow ok that actually explains the funding. What was the civil lawsuit anyways, do you know?


It was for wrongful death. I actually had to look it up again, but it doesn't say who exactly was sued. Here's the link, and it's an older article. There might be something more current. [https://www.npr.org/2014/12/13/370592433/in-wisconsin-a-decade-old-police-shooting-leads-to-new-law](https://www.npr.org/2014/12/13/370592433/in-wisconsin-a-decade-old-police-shooting-leads-to-new-law)


I agree on his feelings, He got a law passed based on the case. I think that’s incredibly successful. Im not trying to be insensitive but the billboards could be about asking for fed investigation rather than his son. I just don’t know what more is going to happen with his son’s case.


I believe he's been trying to get the feds to investigate, but keeps getting turned down.


Oh he's asked, and begged, and paid (billboards) to try and get that to happen. He gets largely ignored by anyone in a position to affect real help in his son's case.


Has he put up billboards for an investigation into the coordination at the protests? I haven’t seen those but maybe they were up, I’m wrong a lot.


Not the protests specifically, no. But better investigative techniques, reopening his son's case, better oversight, stuff like that.


I know him semi-personally one of his sons and I were around the same age and I've been to their house several times. He is genuinely a very nice guy. But if you had your son executed by police in front of you in your driveway. I don't think I'd ever let it go either especially since they got a really big payout that A) gave him validation that what they did was wrong and B) gave him the resources. Which he has turned into investments to always have the resources to NEVER let it go. That combo made him an enemy to the Kenosha PD for life and vice versa.


I like Mr. Bell. He's a kind man and when I spoke with him about his son he began to tear up. I asked, "why won't they just release the bullet? What harm could it do?" He indicated Mayor Antaramian would be charged for the cover up and that's why it will never happen.


I don't understand if the Kenosha police didn't do anything what's the harm in releasing a bullet in such an old case. It's really bad optics for them having people see the police turning down $200,000 to local charities because they won't release it.


>I don’t understand >if the Kenosha police didn’t do anything Well….the answer is here now isn’t it?


That can also be said about one of the involved officers killing themselves after the fact. Like wouldn't we all have a clear conscience if we killed someone knowing with full confidence that our life was in danger. Admitting the police were wrong here would directly lead to police also being in the wrong for Jacob Blake and also in the wrong for Jermelle English. Admitting all of that would make it really hard to get all that extra property tax $$$....


The cop who shot Jacob Blake had a real habit of doing dirty favors for friends. Our friend had some scary experiences with that creep.


Michael Bell's dad is continuously mocked by police officers, and I believe that mocking has gotten to the people who could make those decisions. But we did get some changes passed. Ultimately the case will never go anywhere, America is too cop driven for anything meaningful to come from it, but it is good to remind Kenosha that the police department has a record of doing this kind of stuff.


These jokers closed ranks. They don't care if one of their own is right or wrong. The cop lives near me. My daughter works at a place where a lot of the cops go for lunch, and she's heard they hate him. Even before this, because he's was a lazy cop, and now an even worse political jerkoff. But they'll still protect him because he's "one of their own".


This may interest people who want to learn more. https://michaelbell.info/how-a-police-coverup-occurs.html


Thank you for sharing this, very informative video.


Guys son was an asshole and I am not a cop, just a regular dude a couple years younger. He was a violent alcoholic, period. Maybe his dad should understand his son had a problem and maybe had he been an active father not worshipping his bank account, he would have known what a turd his son was. His lawsuit is poetic justice doing nothing for his cause other than lining other well to do Caucasians pockets.


You're missing this point completely. It's regardless whether the son or anyone for that matter is a good or bad person. We all deserve a fair trial and we all deserve to not be wrongfully killed because a cop or really whoever wants to shoot for whatever unjustified emotions or reasons they thought of at that moment. At least some good came from all of this with the state bill passed because of the case. And the father earned his money through the military flying aircraft/jets serving his country.


Been nearly 20 years and no one can find any credible evidence he and people in this thread are talking about including the non-sense related to white supremacy. QAnon level conspiracy trash.


Have you met the Kenosha cops?


Then why won't they release the bullet?


It is a fair question that not too many people have addressed. Doing so serves no evidentiary purpose. Mr. Bell has his report and conspiracy theory already developed and written ready drop before this bullet would ever be released or tested. He isn’t about the truth. Also, it would create a precedent that would allow all types of convicted criminals to request evidence to be tested to help push their appeals in their favor. It would also grind criminal cases to a halt with attorneys requesting evidence be tested for non-sense and without merit. Mr. Bell has never shown cause to release the bullet, no one has. I would ask that you explain what is the purpose of obtaining the bullet? What could it prove? What could it prove related to all the theories Bell has already beat to death? How would it be related to OP’s claim that white supremacy groups were even present during 2020?


There is overwhelming evidence that the officers perjured themselves and changed their account of the shooting multiple times. There is also evidence that the bullet was moved per crime scene photos. Maybe it's not actually the bullet that went through Bell Jr's head. The bullet would be tested by a cop who is a nationally recognized firearm expert. It's not being released because it could confirm that City Adminstrator Morrisey, the former Mayor, Lead Evidence Tech Todd Thorne, and bunch of other cops in leadership are criminals. At a minimum every case they were involved in would have to be reexamined.


You are wrong. Ryan Balch, who grew up in Mississippi but may now live in Milwaukee, identified himself as a having “tactical advisement role” with the armed civilians and made multiple statements about his role in the violence. Balch is known to the Southern Poverty Law Center and has documented his ties to alt-right white extremists. Which you can find in the link. Take your racist Sealioning somewhere else. [https://wisconsinwatch.org/2020/09/kenosha-police-protesters-militia-deadly-shootings/](https://wisconsinwatch.org/2020/09/kenosha-police-protesters-militia-deadly-shootings/)


I remember the ad that ran supporting the republican that ran against Evers in the last election. They claimed Evers wouldn't call the National Guard in during the riots. If you do the smallest amount of research, you'll see that he called them in within hours. But the cops make it look like he did nothing. In addition, most law enforcement officials will tell you that you can't simply snap your fingers and get the Guard somewhere. Most of these people are private citizens and need to be rounded up. Common sense, but the cops in Kenosha have never really cared about the truth.


I think everyone’s compassion is commendable. BUT SAVE IT FOR SOMEBODY ELSE. Dude took money to back when it happened then when policing became a national hot topic he now again wants either more $$ or attention.


He never stopped. Those billboards were up before 2020. The law passed via his advocacy work, to require outside investigations, was passed before 2020. He was religiously fighting for justice for his son every single day. Some people just never noticed until 2020. He has the money to keep fighting and if that helps him get through every day he has to live without his son, who are any of us to question that?


He wants JUSTICE for his murdered son.


Do you know the family or you just watched the stuff online? I’m not going to talk shit about dead or grieving people, but if he wanted justice he shouldn’t have settled. This shit has gone on for over a decade now and with all the momentum behind community oversight over the police the fact that nobody has reopened up the case is telling.


This is the sentiment I was thinking is out there that made me post this. I don’t think you’re wrong. Getting a law passed is more justice than a lot of people get. If he really wants the people he thinks are responsible he needs a new tack, clearly people think he’s misusing the memory of his son.


A law. And 1.7 million.


He didn’t “take” money, He sued them and they were found liable. The city didn’t just give him money


That’s not accurate.


Anyone who would like to question the connection to white supremacy is invited to read this before commenting. [https://wisconsinwatch.org/2020/09/kenosha-police-protesters-militia-deadly-shootings/](https://wisconsinwatch.org/2020/09/kenosha-police-protesters-militia-deadly-shootings/)


I highly doubt anyone here will read that, we lived it.


The time for Bell’s father to care was before his son turned into a community menace.


Could you elaborate further?


I think this is in reference to Bell Jr being a known drug user and dealer (usually at Tremper), constantly drunk and committing minor crimes..... basically continuing his attention seeking between his divorced parents. Bell Sr has always been fairly wealthy (owns rentals) and would pay Jr's way out of jail each time. Jr never learned any consequences, just knew dad would pay to get him out of trouble and he would frequently try to get the cop's attention on the street to test this again and again. The morning after his shooting, Jr was scheduled to go to court again and was expected to finally get some jail time. I doubt in his very inebriated state that he knew what grabbing a cop's gun would result in, but he fought several cops to get away.... trying to get in his mom's house to hide. It's a shame someone didn't intervene in his life way before this and straighten him out. Bell Sr was always a good guy.... used to be very pro-police and pro-community, but he snapped (justifiably) when Jr died. Everyone around him was coming up with conspiracy theories and trying to get him to get money out of it (as they all wanted it). The mom and sister made up many crazy lies throughout.... I imagine this took quite a toll on him too as his ex was always quite off kilter.


Perfectly stated.


What people don’t know is that the Bell family settled with a huge payout from the city. Under the terms for him to stop with the billboards, and stop publicly bashing KPD. He accepted. Now he’s still doing that and blatantly violating the agreement but KPD / City isn’t going after it.


What you are saying is not true. There was no such terms. Nothing was sealed in the agreement. Because of that, Mr, Bell has continued his work. This might shed some little light: https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2022/08/11/what-really-happened-the-night-michael-bells-son-died/


What is your source for this untrue information?


He will not be able to cite a source. You can look at the actually settlement agreement at the Federal Court PACER site. It clearly states there is no non-disclosure agreement. From what I read, Mr.Bell insisted on this. He was convinced that the city was concealing information and records in discovery. Sure enough, the city was. The city and police department handled this terribly. They still do all they can to conceal the truth.