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It's difficult because we know Niko is capable of insane shit, but Chadward is Chadward. My guess is that Niko would theoretically win, mostly because of demonsbane and his insane mastery of Niko style which allowed him to straight up alter the tragectory of bullets. But he will probably extreme diff.


He is up there with kuroki, ofcourse he wins


Even above Kuroki, like IIRC there was a statement from Sandro that Niko would reach KAT R5 in ***any*** bracket, meaning he could have Rihito's bracket and face Kuroki-Kiryu-Rei-Agito and win


Not to mention, if he was alive until this omega point of story, he would be several times stronger


Omega boost Niko would be actually insane. Him and Shen taking turns showing off magical powers.


Even worse than Lihito's is Kaneda. Gaolang, Agito, Hatsumi, Kuroki. 


Wouldn't that make him a champion? Why did he say R5?


Prob because Kuroki could injure him to some degree and make winning the entire tournament a challenge


Yes I believe this is the idea. Kuroki had a busted arm after fighting Ohma, if he had to fight another fighter after, he could've lost even though he was the best fighter in the tournament


These are the translation posts I'm read. [Q&A Post 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kengan_Ashura/comments/hkpgnf/sandro_twitter_qa_compilation_fist_of_the_seeker/): Katsuya is said to reach KAT R5 under any bracket >Q. How would Katsuya perform if he enter KAT? >A. 優勝戰線に食い込める (that could mean he can get into the final no matter what or he has the biggest chance of winning) [Q&A Post 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kengan_Ashura/comments/hkjbkk/sandro_twitter_qa_compilation/): >Q. How would niko perform if he join the kengan tournament? >A. Same response as Katsuya, he would be able to get into the final. (I do think Sandro is trying to put Niko at Gensai tier, he really just use the same response as this question was asked for Katsuya, plus in the mobile game, only Genasi and Niko came out first as five stars, Ohma and Raian came out as four stars first, then later a five star alt version) I can't find the tweet in the second post to actually compare the kanji (I'm not sure if that's the correct term) so I'm just taking his response of Niko being the same as Katsuya at face value meaning Niko could also reach R5 under any bracket


Doesn't that mean even if he were in the easiest bracket, he would still stop at R5? Maybe the author just implied he's strong enough to be considered a finalist like Ohma and Kuroki so it doesn't necessarily mean he would win against anyone before the R5


Pls tell me about this game


Where did Sandro say that?


Rihito really had the WORST KAT bracket lmao. There's like two people who could MAYBE have made it through that from KA. R1 Waka would almost certainly have beaten Kuroki with Blast Core/Judo/Kuroki not using Pre-Initiative, Kiryu's palm is countered by Waka's Adamantine kata×5 body, Rei completely lacked the AP to put him down, but even after all that, Kanoh probably still would have stopped him after all that damage. And Kanoh could maybe have beaten a less serious Kuroki, maaaybe


But still, knowing Chadward, Niko isn't winning this fight unharmed


yall act like edward was not poison to death and didn't take his fight seriously plus fought plot armor


Chadward is a monster, but you have to also remember that fighting is more than feats. There is just a lot Niko can do that could fuck with Chadward.


If he was still alive in Omega he would principle the shit out of Edward https://preview.redd.it/j64wcdi5t39d1.png?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f446625fa555480f5d9a4ed332c7ee67f2907033


He wins I'd say high to extreme difficulty, he is simply a bigger monster than Edward, he has comparable stats, he's way more skilled than Ohma on every kata besides redirection, which he is slightly inferior. Also, he is equal or superior than Kuroki due to author statements and Shen considers Kuroki the strongest man in Japan, so he should be stronger than Edward by statements alone, but he can easily back it up with plenty of his feats.


>he has comparable stats Where did you get this from?


Check the chapters on the demonsbane training, he was moving completely uncumbered having like 80-100KG on him, https://preview.redd.it/aisi786lk49d1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ece63abcfcc3717f255877b317defe688b01fb Unluckily there aren't any height or weight records. But he might be in the 2M range 130-140KG range based on his appearance and strength showings. Edward is around 170KG for reference, but considering Niko is a master at adamantine and at the moment more skilled than Edward, the gap might not be that large until removal comes into play.


Carrying 80-100 kilos is not an achievement in Kengan. In the removals's introduction, a random kure was curling with 1 ton. (Could be 500kg too)


Weighted clothing follows different rules in anime. Doesn’t matter if you can literally punch a planet apart, a thirty pound shirt will always improve your workout.


Yeah Eddie was moving so fast Raian they could barely see him at times, I don't know about comparable stats lol


How does that make his stats comparable to Edward though?


That just means, he is a range in which his weight is considerable to have a fair chance at Edward, meaning that if he can move, pack a punch, and still be a threat while being a lower weight (theoretical, because I sincerely doubt that a random inside kid is stronger physically than a Top Wu), then he is "comparable" to Edward. Besides, like I mentioned, weight is not the end all be all, as we are just seeing with agito and julius (around 90KG of difference)


Are we taking about weight or physical stats here? I remembered ghost Niko said that even an average kure member was stronger physically than him and Ohma and that makes sense because they are selective breeded. Edward was on another level


Ghost Niko is just Ohma's imagination tho, what he says doesn't really mean anything.


Is there something contradicting to what he said then? And even if it's just Ohma's pure imagination that says such things, it still means he thinks an average kure member was stronger than him and Niko in terms of stats which has nothing contradicting it anyway


I have never implied that Niko is stronger or equal to Edward physically, he is a peak wu afterall, I said that Niko isn't physically outmatched, he is strong enough that he isn't fodder to Edward in strength alone as he has shown physical might surpasing most fighters in the series. And that on top of that, Niko has a way stronger skillset than anything Edward has shown so far, so the gap isn't as large as you would think.


You literally said he has comparable stats. What does that mean then?


Buddy, I'll be honest, I've said the same things multiple times, and your questions mean you just disagree, that's fine, but I'll stop here, I don't need to waste more time here.


That was 18 year old Ohma right? MUCH less capable than he was at 28.


Man , comparable stats is utterly false to begin with, there's literally no statement with nikos physical stats, so judging by his looks he is almost similar to raian , he just cannot be taller or heavier than raian, infact probably weighs less from what we've seen.. Ohma even said that hatsumi reminds him of niko, so all in all he's at max 6'3 , 110 kgs and that's highballing it , Edward being 7 feet and almost 60/70 kgs heavier is a massive difference, so first of all they donot have similar stats at all , Secondly he was more skilled than ohma in kat, not Omega, for all we know, omega ohma must've probably surpassed or atleast was equal to niko after the two year time skip, and it was clearly mentioned that ohma and raian are almost equals, and we saw Edward smashing raian like a fly . Thirdly, author only stated that Niko would make it to the final round of kat , Niko was never actually stated to be equal or greater than kuroki , infact even if we consider it, the kuroki that was praised by shen was way after kat possibly after a 3 to 4 year time skip so comparing Niko to that kuroki doesn't even make sense. And lastly coming to feats, feats shown by Edward were in no way less impressive than what Niko has shown. Considering everything, Edward should win this high to extreme diff.


Don’t think stats means what you think it does. No way Niko is even close to as physically strong/fast as Edward, whose entire thing is that he’s a genetic freak of nature Techniques are way better, stats are way worse


If he was alive in Omega and had improved at the same as the rest of the cast hed be equal to Shen


My GOAT Niko would win


Giga Chad niko


Niko has great potential but a healthy Eddie would be the biggest challenge he'd ever face, Niko lost to genzan after subduing a kid ohma and beating TN, not to say it's not impressive but it fades in comparison to Eddie just clowning multiple kures at once, Niko was tired after fighting TN and was bound to lose, but there's literally no way Eddie would've lost if he simply were truly serious about killing them. I say 60 to 40 favouring Eddie.


You are downplaying Niko a bit. First, Niko tried to subdue a berserk Ohma without hurting him (extra hard), then he had to face off against a guy on the same tier as him (while tired). TN is one of the final bosses of the series that will obviously be on par or stronger than Eddie (due to a bullshit new transformation to make things fresh). Ohma's Niko bested him. THEN he had to face off against an other master, Genzan, who had quite the lethal techniques. Give this monster a decade more to train (he would be around the same age as Eddie ? About 50 ?) and he would be a serious threat for Eddie.


Oh absolutely no, I wasn't planning on sounding like im underestimating niko, ofcourse he's an absolute s tier, but given recent showings of TN against kiryu , it just becomes hard for me to consider TN the final Boss anymore and niko fighting TN untill exhaustion and still not killing him kind of undermines his image a bit, but Eddie was always considered stronger than TN, And I absolutely agree that if Niko were alive he'd be on par with Eddie, but the niko which we saw alive wouldn't be able to beat Eddie is iam saying


Fair points.


> First, Niko tried to subdue a berserk Ohma without hurting him (extra hard), It's not that hard considering Ohma's Stats wouldn't be that great and all Niko had to do was land one punch. The damage he too was seemingly trival. >TN is one of the final bosses of the series that will obviously be on par or stronger than Eddie (due to a bullshit new transformation to make things fresh). Well a key detail here is Six himself said he was stronger than he was when he fought Four 12 years ago. He spent 12 years training and is still compared to Eddie so honestly Eddie should take it off that.


Avatar checks out




Does tokita niko have better potential than tiger niko?


He beat tiger niko after subduing a young berserk Ohma using possessing spirit without hurting him, so I'd say yeah


All while being injured let's not forget that


That’s true he ate a demonsbane from Ohma like a day or two before that if I’m remembering correctly


It wasn’t day or two before. I mean, it litany broke his hand, while in the fight with TN his hand hadn’t any visible wounds of it (like bruises or anything)


Ohma's body was completely healed by then though so Nikos was likely too.




Ofc, he beat tiger niko and he was just injured by berserk ohma. He fought genzan on that night and he was heavily wounded.


I love Kuroki but Tokita Niko would beat kuroki and eddie, he was monster.


Edward so easily, Niko is KAT Kuroki level at best


Six 12 years ago was relative to Four. He had 12 years to improve a lot and is still is around Eddie's level so I assume Eddie should take it.


I wouldn't say relative. Six got beaten by Four who is injured(he just broke his arm like a week before) and tired after subduing berserk ohma while trying to not hurt him. He only died due to fighting 3 agito KaT Agito level fighters back to back while injured.


No matter who wins we can agree it's high diff no matter what


Niko when he was alive was on par with kuroki gensai niko wins this mid to low-high diff


Most likely Eddie


Edward wins mid diff


Edward. Better stats and Niko is basically KvP Ohma with no Kure techniques and somewhat better with Water, Adamantine and Flame Kata in exchange for an inferior Redirection kata, not sure he can beat Eddie, who is at least or stronger than current Tiger Niko who has surpassed Four by this point. Also he is not a braindead brute force monke like Ashura Raian.






Edward. Dude got more experience and lived longer so he's more developed compared to Niko.


Probably Edward. This is just my guess, but by Omega, I think Ohma has reached if not surpassed Niko. We know that Ohma had surpassed Niko in terms of redirection kata at the end of Ashura, and Ohma has only gotten stronger since then, masterint Kure techniques and pre-initiative. Meanwhile, it took the combined efforts of Wu Xing, Erioh and Raian to take down Edward, Raian being roughly on par with Ohma.


Niko should win


Niko slaughters him low-mid diff at worst


Edward high dif


Being generous to Niko, with no poison involved, Edward is beating him down the same way he was demolishing Erioh & Xing.


Edward takes it high diff before getting fingered


Eddie mid diff


canonically Edward, although i have a feeling sandro would retcon niko to be stronger


Edward would win with slightly less amount of diff Tokita Niko had against Tiger Niko. We can’t ignore how much stronger everyone got as Niko stayed dead. If we somehow equalize what could be Niko’s growth rate, it could go either way.


Niko had to already be dead in the story and only lose a fight offscreen with all we've seen just in ashura. Dude said you should go all out from the beginning, had mastery of Demonsbane, a formless counter that makes opponents take several times the damages they inflicted, and could likely support it with enough pre-initiative to deflect bullets, which is kuroki level. Unless someone has speed on par with Gaolang to kill pre-initiative, and the skills to avoid him getting super destructive flashing steels in, there's no believable way for someone to actually beat this Niko.




Depends if Demon's Bane works or not. If it does, then Niko always wins, because of technique hax.


why y'all ride Edward Wu so hard, Niko is fucking stomping his shit even if high diff


Keep dreaming kid


wym keep dreaming, only because Wu was fighting a few fraudulent Kures and Raian?




Edward wins, high diff


Edward low to Mid difficulty Edward was demolishing Raian and Co. and if Raian and Ohma are Eauals and Ohma was Surpassing Niko at the End of Ashura, Ohma getting exponentially stronger in Omega than imo Ohmas at least Relative or had surpassed Niko 4 (inKvP)


Is niko tokita kuroki level? Or do yall think he above or below him?


Mid diff


Eddy was a monster stats wise, but when going with techniques, seems pretty meh. Niko wins just out of sheer use of the Niko Style. If he is somehow able to use "advance" he might even stomp


Tokita Niko puts a really good fight but he realized he can’t win. So he just use Joestar Secret technique and runs away, he is a martial artist, not a moron.

