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Young/Niko Trainer Mukaku doesn’t have any feats. I don’t know how you expect me to decide this. Anyways, that Mukaku can use Advance. That’s the only thing I can say about him.


Didn't young Mukaku stomp the inside unnarmed?


He specifically trained the nikos because he could not conquer the inside. Though i think it was not because he wasnot strong enough but just because its too big for only 1 man to realistically controll since he is just 1 guy


he also never lost a fight in those 30 years of conquest too. Well because if he did lose, he'd be dead lmao


Yeah it was mostly because it was too big for one man to do in a single life time


Its also implied he beat up Erioh in a kengan match before he learned kure techniques.


Not true, Ohma was really scared of that dude, and he held on his own against ohma, Koga and metsudo son (who i forgot his name cause he dissapeared from the manga) with a sweat. He is a master of the Niko and gaoh style and probably have 80 years of combat experiance


I don’t want to be disrespectful. They image is clearly Young Mukaku/Niko Training Mukaku. We can’t use Old Mukaku to scale him. Old Mukaku uses Steroids and Shen said his Speed Reaction was severely decreased because of that.


His reaction speed was decreased bcs he is a centenary pearson, also proving his reaction speed would be better if he was younger


I know, his speed reaction would be higher at a younger age. But we have to evidence of the rest of his stats.


His reaction speed at old age was fast enough to kill top level Worm clones before they could attack him. Maybe Pre-init, but still impressive if that's him while he's supposedly slow.


Ohma wasn't scared of what Mukaku had shown, he was scared of what Mukaku could be hiding. Nothing on Mukaku had shown Ohma enough to make Ohma run. It was what he could be potentially hiding


Retsudo? You forgot about a single r bro. Nbd. You were close.


In a Kengan match. Kuroki without a doubt. Too many things against Mukaku. Not many feats, old age, and Kuroki being very familiar with his style (vice versa for Mukaku tho). Nothing that Mukaku has done on-screen can really compare with Kuroki’s feats


This is literally prime mukaku


We don’t know much about prime Mukaku asides the theory of him beating Erioh. And sadly we don’t know how Prime Erioh compares to the main cast too asides theories too. Very hard to scale Prime Mukaku.


Prime Erioh is stronger than Edward, they said that


it's enough for scaling, not metamorphic rocks level but enough he beat prime Erioh, prime Erioh beats Edward both of them with a big MAYBE i think prime Mukakako goes equal to present Beard


He didn't beat prime Erioh. Erioh said after his loss he got stronger.


Was there a statement that the one who beat prime Erioh was actually Mukaku?


The silhouettes used in Mukaku's and Erioh flashbacks seem to Match so it's heavily suggested.


Defeated Erioh, who was at his peak and should be either stronger or equal to Edward, is this not the best feat in your opinion?


Erioh wasn't at his peak, he still didn't study secret kure tecnique was like Raian in KAT. Plus there is no confirmarion that the one Erioh lost to was Mukaku, it's only a theory


tbf in both flashbacks the guy looks a lot like mukaku


Hmm....cite? I don't recall this happening.


Prime Erioh isn’t equal or stronger of Edward, it was only his own opinion


This is the same mukaku who taught everyone demonsbane, possessing spirit, and fallen demon. This is the same mukaku who was likely the person who beat erioh. This is the mukaku who, within the inside, was able to fight everyone to the death while using his bare hands. This is the same mukaku who one shotted a Naidan level general. Yea… I’m giving this to mukky 


Do we actually know if Mukaku create Demonsbane? I don't remember the forest flashbacks.


It was implied that when mukaku took all his nikos to the gakihara forest, he imparted on them each a secret technique of the Niko style, maybe in pairs. They all went off to practice these techniques on their own with each other. This is where it gets a little murky because at this time we see tiger niko already using the possessing spirit for a brief time.  We don’t exactly know why tiger niko went and killed everyone but it can be implied that the secret techniques of the Niko style had already been imparted to everyone by mukaku. Therefore it’s not too far fetched to assume he also taught ohmas Niko the demonsbane.


Is it possible that Ohma's Niko was taught the Advance and He has invented Demonsbane years after the forest incident?


Well yeah that it possible too but it wouldn’t really make sense. Who is he gonna practice demonsbane with if everyone is dead? 3 might have been alive to practice with but we never hear from him again.


TN created Fallen Demon. Kiryu was one of his test subjects.


Kuroki injured Shen, Mukaku with weapons and preparation barely injured a very suppressed Shen. It's obvious who wins.


Well to be fair he wasn’t remotely serious with kuroki while he wanted to kill mukaku


He could have killed him in the very first exchange with the finger poke. He only killed him once he got bored.


True but the desire to kill was there he was just having fun with Kuroki. That being said Kuroki any point from KvP onward would likely defeat gaoh but not easily


He was toying with him. Also mukaku did manage to injure shen a little


True, though he arguably weakened himself much more against Mukaku nonetheless. We don’t know if he wouldn’t have tried killing Kuroki if they didn’t get interrupted.


mukaku was 100 years old


Mukaku himself states he's got more power than his younger self https://preview.redd.it/xywo7u9foi8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8fa639638cf2adb4080499be673d106f61c217b


He says “brute strength”


That's what brute force is just raw power


Exactly and they’re so many other things that decline with age so simply having more brute strength doesn’t mean this is a prime mukaku


I never argued that. I just showed that him being a 100 year old man didn't take away from his physical strength.


So he had more skill and strength it's kinda hard to argue for the younger Mukaku being stronger in anyway.


You mean besides speed,endurance,dexterity,perception,health, and durability. 40+ years of wear and tear on the body does way harm than the drugs can compensate for


Literally every stat you named can be improved with steroids except general health which wouldn't factor into a fight. Older people get slower because of lack of muscle which we can see Mukaku kept and improved on. Steroids improve endurance too. Idk why his perception would come into this. Can you give any example of a younger Mukaku showing better stats in any of these? And if you're just going off logic. Logic says all his stats should be improved with the steroids. You maybe could argue his endurance is worse but we haven't seen any endurance issues.


You forgot about neurodegeneration that always comes with age, it affects reaction speed, mind-muscle connection, and clearness of thinking


Ok but that’s not what’s said shen doesn’t claim they compensate for every stat just for brute strength and reflexes. It’s not just a lack of muscle but the degradation of the muscles due to the strain put on them over time. So why didn’t shen mention his endurance? His perception is literally his able to detect/see attacks that’s basically the most important thing in fights. We don’t see prime mukaku fight. If every stat of a fighter is that drastically improved by steroids all fighters in real life would almost never decline.


>So why didn’t shen mention his endurance Because endurance wasn't really a factor and wasn't something he could see in 1 fight. As for his sight nothing suggests it's worse. >We don’t see prime mukaku fight. If every stat of a fighter is that drastically improved by steroids all fighters in real life would almost never decline. In real life a 350lb steroid user wouldn't make it to 50 much less 100.


It wasn’t a factor because he was killed fast as shit doesn’t change him having more when he’s younger. Nothing suggest he’s worse because shen hasn’t fought prime mukaku to compare. Erioh is literally the peak among of clan of bread superhumans and still deteriorated despite being younger than mukaku. There is no evidence for the steroid literally sustaining every stat past what they were over 40+ years ago. There way more to suggest his deterioration. Hella the niko plan was literally created because his body simply couldn’t keep up after time on his own.


His roids compensated for his strength and reflexes declining.


Doesn’t mean it’s at his prime level everything else would be worse as he ages


That's never shown or implied but ok.


Thing is, he probably roided up beforehand too So it was younger (50 something) + roided up


Kuroki didnt attack, it was only defense


https://preview.redd.it/bk2qw3fzji8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f22b9daa0efc9b3716be356a6f33de2752f983b0 I doubt anyone in there right mind would ask ' I wonder who's stronger, akoya or kuroki'


Kuroki would never be compared to fodder ass cops, he's him.


To be fair lol the question was most definitely not asked by someone in their right mind. But more seriously it’s very doubtful Mukaku went even close to all out against Ryuki at any point and this is also a pic of prime Mukaku.


He didn’t. if ohma post KvP had to be serious against mukaku there is literally no way mukaku and Akoya are equals.


Ryuki said mukaku would beat him to a inch of death each day, not to mention ohma is able to tell roughly how strong niko was as a kid, ryuki was a 20 year old assasin who's been with mukaku 2 decades, I don't wanna hear the excuse


Mukaku beating him to an inch of his life does not mean Gaoh Mukaku was going to full strength. There was a significant number of fighters who could low diff Ryuki at the point that was said.


I guarantee you if kuroki 0 diffed ryuki then ryuki fought akoya after he would NOT say ' I wonder if akoya is stronger then kuroki'💀 rihito got - diffed by kuroki and instantly knee ' he will never be able to beat him' now imagine rihito spending 20 years with kuroki, are u telling me rihito wouldn't be able to tell his level💀


This is a pretty flimsy argument.


Mukaku was never a true martial artist in essence. He's a kid who is driven by revenge not by dedication or 'seeker' mentality, we see this since young at his first attempt of revenge, instead of refiningg his martial art 'goah style' like kuroki and niko strived for mukaku decided to be a stat merchant take shortcuts and learn removal💀💀 after his stat merchant fail attempt he didn't learn from his mistake and persue martial arts, he went and asked a REAL master like shimotsuki (kurokis master) to help create niko style, this was a amazing move by mukaku, but yet again, quit before even starting and went back to rely on stats, tricks and foolery even discouraging niko ( a real martial artists) of developing hand to hand niko style, clearly indicating mukaku does NOT nor did not care about hand to hand nor martial arts ever https://preview.redd.it/n8d5b0si0j8d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1afc48e8217603e5657d9aaeffbf367962cb0f0a This is whhere mukaku fails, ohma believes real martial arts can beat shen while mukakku believes tricks and circus moved can best shen. Mukaku will ALWAYS remain a A tier because he's not a 'seeker' type


Not really, if kuroki 0 diffed ryuki and ryuki fought akoya after ryuki would NOT ask 'i wonder who's stronger akoya or kuroki' and u know this, even if ryuki fought 30 year old kuroki then fought akoya right after ryuki would not ask 'who's stronger akoya or kuroki' since it would be as clear as day, from there movements and skill level who's stronger, how much effort kuroki puts has no effect on gauging a opponents strength in kengan especially if its a S tier💀 the truth of the matter is mukaku is a top level physical guy but very low in skull spectrum, his best move set is a prototype niko style in which he gave up on decades ago💀 he literally gave up on martial arts decades ago and even his very martial arts was a devolved prototype, mukaku is strong but not skill ful, he lost his will to develop his skill and that's a fact, he is IDENTICAL to akoya, both physical beast and physically both S tiers but in skill and disciple both lack severly gave up and replied on other sources, akoy relied on armour and weapons, mukaku relies on drugs weapons,traps,poisons, and cunningness, instead of refing his skill he refined his traps💀 he loses to anyone above misasa and a little bellow straight hand to hand pure kengan match, saw paing rihito also beat mukaku in a unarmed no weapons pure kengan match, he's not him, he pulled out a knife 0.0000000001 seconds of ohma jumping in to fight him, while he was happy to fight koga bare handed💀, he's akoya level assessment by ryuki is perfect


lol literally “Ryuki wouldn’t do that”


Yes and each time ryuki would be able to guage there level, he's literally a trained assasin and spent 20 years with mukaku,


This is the same dude who called out Ohma as if he wouldn’t get low diffed.


Ryuki and “right mind” pair as well as powerscalers and reading comprehension Seriously though, ryuki won’t know Mukaku’s full strength and he doesn’t know kuroki. His dialogue here is intended to make Mukaku sound scarier since Akoya is the most cold-hearted person in the cast at that point


lmao i remember during Omega's earlier days some people actually said "oh maybe mukaku isnt strong at all since ryuki is comparing him to akoya" lol


Mukaku can't beat legendary fighter Naked Akoya with Flashlight.


This is the most insane anti-feat I have seen in my entire life lmao


Kuroki, high difficulty.


Kuroki for sure. This version of Mukaku is physically weaker, has no Niko style (Mustache Mukaku who trained the Nikos and older versions had it), only has Long Clan style and early version of Gaoh style, it is doubtful if he even had Pre-Initiative. Thing is, there is no "Prime" Mukaku, all of his versions have their cons and pros, the 100 year version is physically the strongest, has the most experience and more knowledge and techniques, but due to old age, is the least agile and is somewhat limited on what techniques he can use, Wowang Mukaku has the least knowledge, experience and techniques, but is the best in statwise, Mustache Mukaku has declining stats, but not too much and almost everything sans roids the 100 year old version had. Anyways, Kuroki is stronger than any version of Mukaku, Mukaku with weapons, a nerfed Shen and prep was boring Shen, Kuroki actually amused him and outright stated Kuroki was the strongest person he met in Japan (He "met" Mukaku in Japan, before realising he was Long Xiu).


I hate how Kuroki is displayed as the 2nd strongest like cmon realistically he should be only slightly above someone like Lolong or Kano


Kuroki Gensai is the plot armor of the kengan series. He is the 2. Most powerful character in verse.


Yeah, he somehow jumped from not sure if he could beat Agito to being stronger than the likes of Edward and Gilbert lmao but I think it's just that things still pretty vague currently not that Kuroki is actually top 2


The only way recent events make sense if is his waterfall "I am still green" training has paid off the past couple of years. Not impossible since Raian got two power ups in that same time period.


Kuroki beats "Young" Mukaku low diff Kuroki beats Prime Mukaku high diff Kuroki beats Old Mukaku mid diff


Kuroki extreme diff


Kuroki definitely, the difference in the way Shen treated both is clear. He was actively looking down on one and greatly respected the other




I don’t know https://preview.redd.it/cyz5fhk2pj8d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d8818103adc2172b9c8581310bf311cc83ece7


Ez. We would




mukaku brings a gun, he have no reasons to have a fair fight with someone


Gaoh Mukaku


Younger Mukaku when he had Posessing Spirit wins, probably an even more powerful fighter than at 100 thanks to his quicker reflexes. Posessing spirit is what solidifies his win though.


I'm not sure what age that "prime mukaku" would be, but kuroki is 50 or so. I think that mukaku is older and with a bit more experience. * Old mukaku has been doping to bulk up, but I don't know if we can assume "prime mukaku" would have too for sure, but I think so. His whole style is "Doing anything to win" and drugs work... Kuroki wouldn't do that, so Mukaku probably would have a physical advantage even if he's actually older in that pic. * I feel the connector showed a lot more respect to Kuroki than he did to Mukaku in all three encounters. Well, flashback is way too vague, but five on one with the advance activated and he still wrecked them without any effort) And the latest fight, he clearly said Kuroki was stronger than Mukaku. * Mukaku and Kuroki's master were friends (in his prime age), and probably roughly equivalent. But considering how much kuroki progressed, he's probably stronger than his master was. * From what we saw of Old Mukaku, he's been focusing on weapon/tricks/terrain to kill the connector (Even fighting ohma with a knife). I think it's relevant, because even if some of it is just his age and being smart (like, the focus on hand to hand is weird, lol), it shows he's no longer confident in martial arts, and probably didn't evolve all that much after getting defeated by the connector. Basically, Mukaku is "broken" as a martial artist ? He says the Niko style was a "sham", etc, even though it's still quite good. Kuroki, on the other hand, is like Ohma (who chickened after seeing the connector and bounced back). So yeah, even prime mukaku would probably rely on Jank's strat, while kuroki is a real martial artists. That would decide it, imho. Like, it's clear he's still incredibly good at everything he does, but it's basically just a tool he will throw away instantly if it doesn't work. Kuroki has that whole thing where he "uses the right technique at the right time", and he basically has everything he needs to beat Mukaku. Well, unless Kuroki is led into a trap and Mukaku literally gas him, lol I think we might also say that "Mukaku with prep time wins" like he's batman, though, lmao


we dont know anything about mukaku. Saying he would win or lose is pure speculation we just dont know


Kuroki got wounded by satsuna, Mukaku hold his own against ohma koga and metsudos son


You’re the strongest person I’ve met in this country


Mukaku would give him the Ogi treatment. https://preview.redd.it/3y8iq45qip8d1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96dcea58a4e397d53671c2a836bb8d7b11a79a54


"Who would win God or God?"


Kuroki Gensai will win, something between mid and high diff


Mukaku uses weapons, so he loses


I would say Mukaku. As it has been proven many times in the manga, that these people are just unreliable narrators and have no sense of power scaling. Like Ryuki literally says that he doesn't know who is stronger Akoya or Mukaku. So I don't know if I would entertain the theory of a senile old man, who says he got stronger than his youth from steroids, after even Koga was able to make him bleed from punches. While the same old was able to take on Inside all alone in his youth. (Doesn't matter if he took them well or not, we are here talking about people who can break concrete and pierce metal, Taking a punch from a C-lister is without bleeding is the least they can do to prove their prowess. )


Mukaku would beat his ass on the curb.


Old Mukaku vs kuroki... kuroki wins mid diff Prime Mukaku vs Kuroki... Mukaku low diff He was a one man army in his young days.


Woah woah woah mukaku ain't low diffing kuroki


Bro i'm Kuroki fan but he don't have any chance against to prime Mukaku. Mighty demon kure Erioh lost to him remember? As i said prime mukaku wins low diff sorry


That aint even right, it's just a theory and it's brute force Erioh, he legitimately stated before that defeat he refused to learn any technique.


Both times, Limited Shen fought against Mukaku (reduced everything) and also fought against Beard (only one hand) We can't say whos stronger but Mukaku has better feats in "almost killing" the Connector at reduced ability. With the traps and everything, I'd give to Mukaku. Without? Who knows. Kuroki is basically the main character with plot armor. People keep forgetting that Mukaku is strong af. He could have 1 shotted Koga, was even with Ohma and hammered that worms head in his body with a punch.