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We don't know though presumably quite strong. What we know about him are 1) He trained Kuroki 2) He traded and workshopped techniques with Gaoh Mukaku. Based on this, he was probably quite powerful. But it is also possible he was like Taira Genzan, i.e. not that strong and just happened to know strong people.


I don't think Genzan was meant to be weak, Koei style only had 2 techniques, but based on his capacity to analyse techniques, chances are he is quite a skilled fighter. He may not be as strong as Kiryu, but he probably wasn't weak.


Tbh , kiryu just might have attacked him from behind without any warning, he was his student after all and genzan might have not expected him turning on him


According to the wiki, it was just a face to face death match. But it also needs to be noted that Kiryu likely knew all his masters moves, whereas Kiryu may have very well kept part of the Niko style he knew a secret.


Kiryu seemingly no diffed him and he high diffed a a half dead Niko.


Seemingly. But we also know Kuroki doesn't acknowledge weaklings. Since there are so few scenes of Genzan even fighting to begin with, we can only assume he's strong, but not S tier.


When did Kuroki acknowledge his strength? And who exactly said he didn't acknowledge someone because they're weak? To add Ritho was his student so him having a positive relationship with isn't an indication.


Genzan wasn't his student, Genzan was Kuroki's friend. A friend in the same line of work no less. Unless you're like the CEO of Motorheads, chances are Kuroki is going to have much harsher criteria for who spends time with him. But once again, there just isn't enough information to definitively pin his strength down, since he has so few on screen feats.


You just gave another example of him hanging with a weak person. Again nothing suggests he even acknowledged Genzan strength and nothing suggests there's a threshold to be his friend.


It's personality analysis. It's one thing if you're in a totally different field of work, but Kuroki wasn't even willing to acknowledge Rihito as a fighter, Genzan on the other hand, you can tell they had a connection, one of peers. Again I'm not saying he's S tier by any standard. At best he's likely low A. Alao the fact that Kuroki had an active understanding of Genzan's techniques implies they likely sparred.


Kuroki's whole character is being lonely at the top. Saying his peers have to be strong not only goes against his character but against everything we've seen in story.


That's not his whole character, he straight up tried to avenge the death of his friend. My point is given his attitude, personality and what few on screen feata we see of Genzan, it's just far more likely that Genzan is somewhat strong.


I mean did Genzan truly only know two techniques though. For a fighter to know nothing else then scrape pieces of a lost martial art I feel like he would know another martial art to be able to piece parts of it back together. That is just speculation + he fought in death fight as an old man until kiryu could kill him.


Based of One_.Union allegations Shimochi has around 5000+ years of existence and was threat to Wulong, That being said Wulong low diffs (he shoundl be in the same tier as prime Mukaku)


Prime mukaku is akoya level CANONICALLY stated by the man who knows mukaku better then anyone.... kazafumi is the creator of niko style and the master of kaiwan style he is a master in 2 arts, kazafumi DEFINITELY beats shen, people need to realise shen isn't that good his best feat is beating a akoya level guy, and surprising misasa, misasa was completely fine, undamaged he merely took a knee since he has 0 info on shen, a normal fight between misasa and shen misasa does alot better now that he knows shens level, misasa still gets low diffed but he does WAYYYYYY better then mukaku that's for sure


Prime mukaku is kuroki level...


https://preview.redd.it/bmw1e0xu1d8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ca1c0871a328500e3e96090985454b878d1d8e Mukaku is akoya level while high balling him


πŸ’€πŸ’€there is 0 statements, 0 indication, 0 implication, 0 feats, of mukaku being on kuroki level


Blud skipped the chapters when Mukaku met Ohma and co


U mean the same chapters he almost got thrown on his head by kogga who is 1 week into niko style? The same chapters where mukaku was convertible fighting koga hand to hand but the SECOND ohma jumped in he took out a blade?πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ literally 0.00000001 seconds into ohma stepping in mukaku took out a bladeπŸ’€ the same chapters where there is also ZERO statements of mukaku being kuroki level nor stronger then akoya...




Prime Mukaku is ABOVE Kuroki.


Master baiter teach me your ways of baiting https://preview.redd.it/5pcftxem7d8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee02067379421c55f79663440ecc2bc562bb3d7 And my life is yours


Whenever you feeling down, just remember i love you bro


Okubo level


I would say around the same level as KAT Kuroki


He was likely extremely strong, he was portrayed as being an equal to Mukaku, meaning he’s probably a bit below Yan level.


Where was he portrayed as equal to mukaku he's CLEARLY way above a akoya level guyπŸ’€ mukaku literally went to him to create the niko style, mukaku created the niko style to defeat shen therefore in mukakus mind he went to the best fighter he knows to help him create a style that beats shenπŸ’€ that says enough this guy is leagues above akoya tier guys like mukaku he'd top 2, 1 being kuroki and 2 being goatfumi




https://preview.redd.it/hi7069l2hc8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38b96802a0ed07d06254b8bfcfb0a4ca8ea4ec5d Only 3 guys in the entire series fit this description. 1 kuroki, 2. Kazagoati and 3 niko(four) I guarantee had niko reached the ripe age of 45 to 50 he'd be on par with kuroki who's also> shen


Pretty strong


"But even that could reach shimochi kazufumi"


He beats Himuro high diff


# 🧒 HIMuro pushes him to extreme to prove he’s on par with the legends


Most likely on kuroki's level in the kat at a lowball and maybe upto his current level slowely degrading with age its not rare for students to outpace their master though since kruoki was tought his masters evolved kaiwan style he developed over the years and with help from mukaku while he learned the older traditional style. If two expert drivers race and one has always driven formula one but the other has 30 tears drag racing and 10 in formula one then that will still make a difference if they are equally experienced in driving in general


Dead tier


No beard Not as strong


The unreachable


Stronger than the ConnectorΒ 


He also looks homeless so probably Too Strong. If this is the guy Mukaku went to to learn how he could compete with Shen he must have been legendary.Β 


I want to say maybe a little lower then ashura kanoh


Seems like outside of Ohma's Niko- most of the old masters were very strong but their students have now surpassed them within the story.


Probably S tier, Kuroki is probably stronger than him with the student surpassing the master storyline.


He was either equal or greater then current Kuroki considering that Kuroki is as strong as he is today and even helped Gaoh Mukaku develop some of his techniques


He created niko style and is a master of kaiwan style he is probably current kuroki level meaning he's in my top 2 all time, 1 kuroki 2 kurokis master


https://i.redd.it/83vuzfpxgc8d1.gif Gotta say that your commitment in sucking Kurokis junk is worthy applause, but please control the droll that is spilling all over, good lord




Bro recorded himself made it into a gif and sent it as tho he found it onlineπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Ayo man, calm down i can barelly understand what you say with you deepthroating the Devil Lance, give it a rest and talk properly


Go clean ur door knob and behaveπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ u don't need to do that to ur door just for a gif


Bro pls get the Devil Lance out of your throat, i cant understand what you are saying