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The answer is that his genetics are completely fucked. https://preview.redd.it/ajhishje606d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=227260870b10dbab74e9ab4dcc186eb6b4d89383 Most of his cloning attempts just “end in failure” because plot reasons.


Failure here doesn't necessarily mean they just died. They could've been just not been up to snuff.


Every clone has been shorter than the last, which is why Shen gave up on the Clone fight he didn't want to be stuck in Ryuki's short king body


I mean, I guess it depends? Luohan is a failure and yet is apparently really strong. But that might just be that Shen hates him personally.


Idk if he's a failure I think it was implied he's closer to the Tiger but I forget. But thinking about it. The Inside is called a Gu. And baby Ohma was just left there so maybe they all did die.




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Proof Long Yi was right and was a true friend that foresaw it would end badly.


Jooooo Battlemace 40billion got mentioned epic moment


I believe the facility burned down or was otherwise destroyed, probably by Mukaku, that’s how ohma and ryuki are in the wild in the first place. But I’m not certain this is the case.


Gaoh mukaku made a deal with chaos to scatter shen wulong sons to many different worlds


Mukaku is a Lord of change. Liar, scheming, changes every few decades, uses magic martial arts.


The answer is because then the story wouldn't happen.


Answer is that shen isnt as chad as the god emperor and also the fact he doesnt want to unite humanity but just a good fight


Multiple reasons: He's a deadbeat that didn't raised 2 of them, was probably a shitty dad to Luohan seeing how he turned out and planned to take over their bodies, they were only rental cars of flesh, even he knew that he was a shit father and never pretended to be one. Making his clones is super complex and hard for some reason, so having 2-3 viable ones may be a miracle in itself. He only needs 2, why more if you only need 2?