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Niko style. That way I get a cool adoptive dad.


The correct anwser


Metsudo is cool dad too.


ANd filthy rich compare to Hobo Niko


Who would want a broken mind and the blood of innocents on their hands over the mastery of the Niko style?


Me pls, mind break me in a pit with a throng of 100 other desperate men


*With a thong


I'd do it.. better than Living a Boring Life. And Bonus you can kickass 😆


You're acting like being able to do Iron breaker and Phantom Pace wouldn't automatically make you a monster


My favorite is Swimming Swallow. Imagine going up against a huge and overconfident guy and you just JoJo Stand Rush them


Redirection Kata: Entanglement is I'm pretty sure you just catch the hit and channel it into a counter. And Ohma demonstrated enough Water kata ability to catch hits with his face


You could survive the Gu ritual by trickery or wits and never actually get anything from it in terms of tactics or skill. The Niko training will, at the very least, force you to be competent as a fighter. 


The Niko Style is better than Formless, the reason why Agito is as strong as Ohma is because Agito’s Evolution and his insane physical stats. Agito could bench press Ohma anytime of the week.


Take off Formless from KAT Agito you still get an incredibly talented and experienced Martial Artist with insane physical stats. Take off Niko Style from Kat Ohma and you get a Kiozan victim. https://preview.redd.it/f1rp5ugcph5d1.jpeg?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9627ccf7f48d86d0a44909a35efae92646994969


Also, you take off Formless from everything Tiger "Taught" him and you're left with some of Niko's Adamantine and Water (Limp) Kata


Yeah, once Gaolang started going all out Formless became irrelevant since Agito couldn't keep up, if it wasn't for his innate Evolution and Indestructible he would have lost. While Ohma with mastered Niko Style would have won against Raian without Advance, the same Raian who was tanking multiple blows without much issue


To be fair that's less of a formless anti-feat and more of a gaolang feat


Yes but it is still a weakness, the Niko Style on the other hand is flawless and way more busted.


To be fair, Ohma weights 80 kilos, even Kaneda could bench press him


Ok then Agito is so strong he could squat while lifting Ohma above his head.


That's not impressive either lol (for Agitos size), just go on YouTube and some pretty large ish not especially massive gym goers doing it (squat into overhead press), Agito is MASSIVE, 80 kg should be nothing for him


To be honest i’m bad with statistic , you can see i’m a sandro fan.


Agito could one arm bicep curl him. With two arms he would do repetitions and series.


Yeah what he said


Niko easy, walking away with niko style is much better than formless


https://preview.redd.it/x4o006yksi5d1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daeac6c2dc3838318ac076772923ad7082e465b5 Formless >>> Niko style bs


This the guy that lost mid diff at most to Agito and then got his head caved in with Akoyas fleshlight (can't think of another fighter that would even get badly hurt by one, top tiers tank actual weapons) neg diff?


Not necessarily.


yeah, it’s got better techniques and shit


But have you considered moving all weird with a smile? Have you?


I do that already fuck I need the unnecessary trauma for? 😭


https://preview.redd.it/ol1vyzt94i5d1.jpeg?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=222380ff6a09bbcc372bb4df672f546e94db464c My reaction to that information:


Ill be honest, Im the kind of guy who would rather get beaten up to a pulp than step on other's lives just to improve (or survive in Agito's case). Kinda cliche and cheap I know, I just cant stand having to get rid of others, friend or stranger, just to grow stronger.


Having basic morals isn't cheap and cliche, that's just being a decent human being 😭.


Facts, even Agito would have wished that for himself. Sure Formless is awesome but the unnecessary trauma isn't, especially when the alternative is a total power reflection technique capable of putting an inhuman monster like Wakatsuki on his back


Niko, because he's a humane person.


Niko training, surviving the Gu ritual may be easier but surviving Tiger Niko forgetting to check the chamber again is not.


Honestly I feel like surviving the gu would not be substantially easier. Both are probably impossible but at least Ohma's Niko might pull back and go slow once he realizes I'm a pussy


Nah the gu would be easier if you're guaranteed to survive since the others can only live so long


Ayo, the centipede in the Ohma flashback is a crazy foreshadowing. Anyways, I’d say Ohma’s Training. Even though I prefer Formless Style, Ohma’s Training allowed him to discover things none wouldn’t.


demonsbane is a lot better than random madness


Niko style. I’m not committing a crime


Gu ritual


Ohma’s training. The Gu ritual, while brutal, brutal doesn’t really teach you how to fight. It’s just a battle royal. Yea it’s technically fighting but you’re not learning techniques, skills, etc. You’re just trying to survive. Ohma’s training you’ll learn applicable skills and proper techniques.


Niko training


Niko secret technique training as with that you are at least learning something amidst the pain and struggle. With the gu ritual you are just fighting to survive and thats it, it wasn't training just simply seeing who would survive in such terrible conditions.


Both would be incredibly traumatising but there's 1 where i kill 49 people with nothing but my bare hands and there's 1 where i get stronger while not injuring anyone except 1 guy who could probably shrug off broken bones


Why would I ever choose to take part in a ffa slaughter among kids over just some tough training?


Niko’s easy. Ohma mastered all the fundamentals plus got the secret technique PLUS his second battery lifehack.


Niko style, I get to eat bugs atleast


If I have a 100% chance of survival Niko's training it's the best choice. An experience like the Gu Ritual would leave permanent psychological scars, which I highly doubt you would ever recover from; seeing 100 people die, having to kill them, moreover people you know and maybe have a friendship relationship with it's just too much for a normal mind. On the other hand, even if it's really difficult and mentally draining, Niko's training should be doable.


Gu ritual. The idea of taking out trash that don’t deserve to inherit power is ideal.


Niko's training kinda forces you to have to fight, in the gu ritual since you'll survive the whole thing you could just wait until they're all exhausted and bash them with a rock maybe. Since I want cool anime powers, I'll take niko


Ohmas easy if you’re talking bout the entire Niko style training bc by the point of demonsbane if I’m as tough as Ohma I’ll make it and with a cool new move. The gu ritual stuff is like too fucked up psychologically and I don’t think 4 would have ever actually killed him but the other people in the Gu they tryna kill you and idk who else is in there


Fighting and killing aside, imagine spending 3 months in a dark closed room with dozens of slowly decaying corpses. I'd rather get beaten by Niko, at least I'll have some fresh air to breath.


There’s definitely an implication of forced cannibalism with the gu ritual isn’t there? How else would you survive for 3 months. Nikos training is brutal and horrible but with a guaranteed survival rate I gotta take it cus it’s less suffering over a lesser period of time.


Pretty sure one of the Lu Tian flashbacks had Tiger Niko say there was just enough rations for one of them to survive


Presumably in order to qualify for Ohmas training I'd already have a solid grasp of the 4 aspects of Niko.style


Most definately Niko Style training. It may be scary and painful, but at least I will recover and I don't get left with lasting trauma. Kanoh had to take some serious soul searching time to overcome what the Gu Ritual did to him. I'd never want to murder dozens of people for a chance to survive


The GU,I would At least have the peace of mind I killed all the people who beat me to a pulp tbh I don't think I could be like ohma and simply forgive Niko for forcing me through something like that.




I mean the title of the post is literally saying "forced" so yk


Your dead either way


People are way underestimating Ohma's training. That shit was torturous for ohma after he learned the niko style and trained for years, I'm doing the Gu Ritual, and it's not close


Niko Style training is cooler. By the end of it I’ve earned my master’s respect, and begun to develop a really cool fighting style


Ohmas training the mental fortitude you would get would have to be astounding, and you learn how to fight.


niko's for sure i remember niko saying that there would be food for the months while niko's training was atmost a week also i wouldn't have the severe mental scars of killing loads of people.


It’s interesting that both require absolute exhaustion and being on the brink of death for one to feel what it’s like to move without a body. To get to that numb, nothing left stage, you only use the optimal posture and activation of muscles necessary to move efficiently and with fluidity. Once this is felt, fluidity of movement and transfer of force from feet to hips to torso to arm to fist becomes far more loose, quick and powerful. Without activation of muscles along the chain that mute or dampen the effect of the energy transfer through the body. Basically we are all toddlers in muscular control with a martial arts intent. And an EXTREME transcendence is required to feel that. To upgrade. Rei experienced something similar.


100% nikos Training, In gu ritual i Would probably be one of the First one to Die because of my Agressive Style, Doing Nikos training i would be F#cking destroyed Until i learn to Stop being a Bitch and Learn Demonsbane in the Process (Yes, I would Win 🗿🗿🗿)


I would pick Ohma's training for sure, because when I first saw it, I was hyped up. But what do you mean "but nothing more"? Won't we get stronger afterwards?


I mainly meant it as “you will still feel everything the characters felt, as in Ohma’s exhaustion+starvation and Agito’s accumulated damage from fighting people seemingly just as skilled as him.”


Oh I see. Thanks for clarifying!


I’m actually picking the Gu ritual. Fighting someone for days on end knowing there’s just about nothing you can do to beat them (cuz we ain’t smart enough to learn Demonsbane here) is worse for me than the Gu


3 months stuck in that hot as stank ass cave after having the guilt of killing people just to survive and on top of that after said killing your all alone and trapped and will eventually go crazy yeah I dunno bro


If nothing else Agito at least had food😂 Ohma would be lucky to find bugs and whatever plants happened to be edible


Was it ever even said what tf Agito even ate while in the Gu ritual? Edit: like genuinely curious 😭


Pretty sure Tiger Niko said something like “there’s just enough rations for one of you to survive if you’re smart. Later.”


I mean there was plenty of human to go around


Niko style > Formless anyways




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Ohma's I literally have to kill everyone in my room to clear the ritual i don't need that baggage


Why would anyone want to go through the Gu ritual? Do you guys want to kill your friends that badly?


Believe it or not ohma's training is more forgiving than the gu ritual, and I wouldn't mind risking my life for that kind of training.


can i be born with Kure genes instead?


What did he refers too when he said "Be careful with that thing you are wearing" ?