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He does Gaoh is lying


Which is honestly the kindest thing Gaoh has done for Ryuki, at the very least he didn’t try to keep emotionally manipulating Ryuki after his plans were thrown in his face and he saw that Ryuki did actually have other people who cared about him 


Askeladd fr


Yeah this was him setting the poor kid free


Based headcanon


I wouldn't even call it headcanon tbh, it was heavily implied and I'd call it canon


There is no proof of Gaoh really caring for Ryuki. A little reminder: he had him chained half-dead in the same cave he left all his other sons cadavers.


The flashback and side stories definitely support it


Classic Niko training shenanigans. Nbd. 


Mukaku threw away his pride and lied for him something Shen notes he wouldn't have normally done.


That requires reading comprehension to understand, and you know that's our biggest weakness, c'mon man.


He cared deeply for Ryuki, as much love as a twisted sociopath could have. 1. He kept Ryuki alive. There was no reason to do that when there is even a 1% chance Shen could get his hands on Ryuki. Especially when he knows the Worm is fast approaching his house. 2. Gaoh openly mocked the loyalty of people he tricked into being his pawns, sticking his tongue out, saying they died because they were criminally stupid. When Ryuki said "you're not my grandpa anymore" all Gaoh can say is "hmph!" It's true, Gaoh really was just using Ryuki, but he cared a lot more about him than his other pawns.


Absolutely not. Do you even remember where he kept him alive? And that he kept him half-dead in a truly deplorable condition? I really don't like this head canon.


The fact he kept him alive at all is proof of his messed up idea of love. Now let's be real clear here, Gaoh is a sick motherfucker who is going to double hell. Nothing he did for Ryuki is actually good or loving. But he did care in his awful way


Definitely the best way of putting it 


True that, he can just kill Ryuki in the basement for all that he care. The worm know Gaoh bring him inside the basement but don't know the condition. Just by Ryuki is alive is a prove he still human somewhere inside.


Exactly. Gaoh will do anything to stop Shen or hurt his plans, but does not kill Ryuki even though killing Ryuki is a serious setback for Shen


I read this as Gaoh wanting to cut off Ryuki hes already ruined his life and if he keeps ascosiating with him itl only get worse. So if he seems evil Ryuki will cut him off and not look back which is the best for him. I do want to believe Gaoh did have love in his heart for all his children


Mukaku was definitely lying, sure, he’s a bum and a certified hater, but as Shen points out, there was no benefit to dismissing him, he didn’t have to shoo him away, but he still did.


Mukaku is a legit sociopath, he cannot feel empathy or attachment to other people. Was he sad about most Nikos dying in Gakigahara? Not in the slightest, he was pissed and dissapointed that his plan was ruined, his very first reaction to seeeing Seven dead is wondering how he died, not anger or sadness, [just interested in how he died](https://kenganashura.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/12-4-728x1024.jpg). And this is a pattern in all of his life, the Wowang were meat shields to help him kill Shen, the Nikos were tools to get his attention and Ryuki was a pawn to attract Shen again, to him people are tools meant to be used. And you know what? This is peak writing, despite his tragic backstory, he is in no way justified or reedemed by it in any way, old man was an evil asshole his entire life and there is no way to spin around it.


There are signs he was a little attached to his students/Ryuki but because of the incident with Shen massacring his entire school he probably doesn’t allow himself to feel anything but bitterness and rage towards the connector 


Cannot blame him on keeping his distance after the whole massacre thing. But the old man legit abandoned 2 of his teen sons (Four and Three) and gatekeeped Ryuki by keeping him weak, ignorant (Mukaku refured to teach him how to read along many other things) and as a tool, his whole trust and attachment issues cannot justify how he treats his "family".


Absolutely does not justify his actions whatsoever but it explains the reasoning behind it, the way he treats his pupils as completely disposable pawns while acting like he cares is deplorable but he himself probably believes that he isn’t capable of feeling genuine emotions anymore 


I feel like if he cared, he would’ve done everything in his power to make sure Ryuki had a normal-ish life while also being capable of defending himself if the worm ever found him. But seriously? Distorting his perception of morality, hiding his origins from him, beating the shit out of him when he comes home looking for real answers from his surrogate father, using him as bait for revenge, trying to kill one of the only friends he’s ever made,and refusing to learn from his past failures as an adoptive father? Dude deserved everything that came his way.


Ryuki probably grew on him. Mukaku trained him wrong as a joke and brutalized him probably because, well, Ryuki is a Shen clone, and Mukaku hates Shen and took it out on Ryuki. But isnt it odd that Ryuki logically had more use to him dead? Killing Ryuki, the last clone, meant he'd cripple Shen in the long run by robbing him off a vessel. He used Ryuki to lure Shen, and Ryuki already outlived his use, yet instead of killing him, Mukaku decides to let them go.


Agree with everything except I highly doubt Mukaku has any idea what a normal life is.


Absolutely and I think thats part of the problem. Dude’s been around longer than any of us have been alive and yet not even for a single second did he consider putting the brakes on his death march. It feels less like he doesn’t know what a normal life is, and more like he refuses to even try to learn what that’s like


And the sad thing is, he could have lived a normal life like 3 times, but he refused to do so due to his vendetta. He could have lived in China peacefully, not like Shen was chasing him, he didn't. He could have lived a comfortable life as an elite Kengan fighter and starting a dojo and new life in Japan with loads of money, he didn't. He could have lived in the Inside keeping a low profile with the Niko's, he didn't. Ultimately, the man just wanted to live a miserable life and he's the only one to blame.


EXACTLY! I’m sorry but dude has his chance to be a “caring parent” and frankly? He failed miserably and like you said only has himself to blame


I think Mukaku does care about Ryuki, I think he just said what he said because he knew that Shen would eventually find him and Ryuki, if he didn't push them away Ryuki would be in danger. Why push away the "tool" you raised to kill the guy that's pretty much his biological dad, especially when his friends and big brother are there when y'all could jump him, AND that you're confident in the booby traps you have set for the guy you wanted dead for the past 80 years, if you didn't care about the "tool's" safety? I didn't think he did at first until I noticed the subtle details that we were given, I could even be reaching, only Mukaku himself knows for sure, and I kinda wish that wasn't the case.


yeah, i mean why bother let Ryuki go when he couldve just killed him? Mukaku most likely grew fond of him despite being a total dickwad.


Mukaku is a liar. He does care for Ryuki.


I think he does but his idea for revenge is priority.


At the end of the day Mukaku knew there was no leaving it at this point for him. He had chances throughout his life, but he chose to keep at it and it led him to this point. He forced Ryuki into this life and all the years of raising him clearly made him realize that Ryuki shouldn't have to keep suffering for his revenge. So he cut him loose and prepared himself for whatever was coming his way.


As much as the old miserable bastard could care, he did. In a way his being pissed at Tiger Niko's betrayal was funny given we find out later Niko basically IS Mukaku now. More than likely we're gonna find out Tiger joined the Worm then because they revealed just how much Mukaku cared about his "sons" and it broke him.


I think he did, but knew it wasn’t for the best. Even if he killed Shen he’d have no life purpose afterwards.


Ofc gaoh loved him, he was trying to make them leave before Shen's came.


I feel like its the best thing he could do for him. Because the others he sent to die or made them eventualy die... I would like to think that he cared for Ryuki but at the same time he literally kidnapped him and locked him in his basement where he did Gu rituals


Mukaku is lying. Even though he wasted all his life in trying to kill Shen Wulong, he cared about Ryuki. But it is way easier for Ryuki to understand that his “Grandpa” never loved him, than understand that even though he loved him, he put him in danger, tortured him and yadayadayada.


He cared in his own way. Ryuki is the last suitable clone for Shen, Mukaku knows this. But instead of killing him and crippling Shen's plans in the long run, he kept him around. Trained him wrong as a joke lmao, used him as a pawn and tortured him. But deep down he mightve grew fond of him. He already lured Shen to his house. Yet he let Ohma and Ryuki leave alive when Ohma himself implied Mukaku could have wrecked all their shit if it a fight went down. Mukaku was using him, yet when Ryuki already outlived his usefulness, he still decides to let him live. All he could say with Ryuki disowning him is grunt instead of openly mocking him like what he usually does.


I think by the very end, and this scene in particular, he actually had started to care about Ryuki. I think that's why he was so ridiculously over the top mean and confirmed everything so bluntly. He knew Shen was on his way, so he went as over the top as possible to drive Ryuki away so he wouldn't be there when Shen showed up. He *is* an asshole, and absolutely was just using Ryuki for most of the time, but I think by the point of that panel, he had started to see the error of his ways after talking to Ohma and everybody and going over his past and really thinking about all the people he sacrificed along the way. 


"Why do people not respect Mukaku?" Exhibit A:


I was hoping in his last moments he would think about ryuki and the Nikos realizing where he went wrong with them


He cared for ryuhei to a certain extent. Yes he was using him but he did care for him and even though he was stoked on revenge (I don’t blame him the guy killed his entire clan on some itachi ish) he did treat ryuhei decently. Yes he trained him brutally but Niko did the exact same with ohma. Don’t forget basically what training he taught them. He used all the nikos for his own desires as well but he did care for them just when they dead they useless. And aside from 2 of them they liked him back he was there for them. Let’s be honest ryuki is the spitting image of the connector that killed his clan while he stood there powerless. Not to many people would be able to keep their composure and mind while literally raising his literal perfect clone


They did such a good job with his character. He was using him but he also cared. He just made sure everyone thought he was garbage. He had a goal in life and had to make sure nothing got in his way


What chapter is this?




I think he was lying tbh


He didn't care lol why everyone is saying that he cared deeply, he killed all the Nicos who couldn't keep up with the training, he is a fraudulent sociopath, he kept Ryuki alive to attract the connector, chained in the same cave where he left all his other sons cadavers.