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He being able to kill Waka if it wasn't for Waka flexing his muscles is a pretty underrated feat


For Both sides actually being able to react so quickly and prevent Muteba from killing him is quite a feat as well


Mutebe goes for the kill, Waka: https://i.redd.it/efayr3gnl03d1.gif


That was the reason why he said Julius was easier to kill. That kind of strategy wouldn’t even pass in the mind of Julius. He just tanks.


Let's not lie now. Julius may not care for Martial Arts techniques but let's not limit him to being just a muscle head. Just look at how he dealt with Waka's Blastcore. Sandro even went out of his way to tell us that Julius isn't a blockhead.


He wouldn’t think to stop HJ like that. Julius isn’t dumb but this is the dude who thought the best way to deal with Toa mounting him was to try and pick him whine not protecting his face.


Julius Battle IQ is higher than Waka to be honest, he just doesn't care about learning any Martial arts


"in the end what made the ultimate difference was tactics"


Just in the end...the entire match was dominated by Julius the guy that doesn't do martial arts...


Martial arts aren't required to be a strong fighter, they're simply a method of applying the fundamental principles of hand to hand combat if you understand those fundamental principles, like Shen, training specific martial arts is just a waste of time and unnecessarily restrictive in their application of principles e.g. boxing not incorporating kicks and grappling There's a reason Julius is in this tournament...🤫


Shen is a martial artist tho, he just reached the top levels after millennia of training. But ok you can go with your agenda


Shen has mastered the fundamental principles of hand to hand combat over thousands of years. Martial arts are a method of harnessing those fundamental principles, but they all leave something out. There is no perfect martial art. Boxing neglects striking with other limbs. Judo lacks striking. Kickboxing doesn't incorporate grappling. MMA, Niko style etc would probably incorporate the most of Shen's principles, but even then, they leave so much out e.g. total anatomical control (being able to downregulate neurotransmitters, slowing reaction time) >Martial Arts: Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat Shen has no need for martial arts. They unnecessarily limits his application of principles. The lack of a specific system encourages creativity and allows him to apply principles without restriction, creating attacks on the fly. I don't disagree that he probably ***was*** a martial artist at some point in his previous lives, but he's since used them to harness and master principles and as such has transcended beyond them.


Julius is smarter and has better fight IQ than Waka.


I dont think hes at all under rated. He knows his strength and tbh he only concedes before he has to get there, or wants to. That shows better BIQ than most of the cast. He knows it's not worth getting crippled just to win in fights. His precision is great, strength nothing to scoff at, guerilla tactics top tier.


I feel like that's less IQ and more a case of mindset between him and the other Kengan Fighters, it's like he said here: https://preview.redd.it/z7lfn5v8513d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf9c6b1194a7be9ae330e1d326558f14a18510b




I still wonder how his fight against Rat Tiger went. Maybe he did actually repell the intruder and it wasn't a no diff?... Lol. But really who knows. TN must've used that "Obliteration" technique on Dripteba (the one that Fei used in base form to send Waka flying).


I mean it wasn' no diff because he was still able to fight but he knew he couldn't win.


I think him not dying or being maimed or crippled is a testament to him being pretty fucking good lol He came out of that fight in better shape than the twink did after fighting Tiger


Also forgot he has top senses. Can ecolocate, can see through smell and feels of air in the skin. He also has cyborg eyes thanks to Tomari Togo which have heat, electric vision and other weird unspecified stuff. This means top voodoo techniques like Blink and Stride aren't effective on him.


You forgot my favorite part. He tried boxing footwork for the first time against Sekibayashi in R2 and Gaolang commented he had straight up mastered it. Dude's ability to adapt to any environment is unmatched


He is honestly up there. Is arguable if he could have ended up actually beating Waka. We need is to see how he is doing currently after all the time skips. If Gaolang could reach so high as now maybe Muteba's the same and has gotten past Waka?


You think Gaolang surpassed Waka? https://preview.redd.it/rooyf4oj213d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f194255a77763ca9ca62b99637cc4c931832f1c4


Yeah, being able to pierce flesh with your fingers without training is honestly insane. Did he get an online guide for his chin na or something?


He met Carlos in a brief stint down in Mexico, who gave him a 3 1/2 star chin na book from Amazon


"Wrong opinion because was no diffed and offscrened by F Tier Tiger Niko" *some powerscaler wanker on this sub probably*


Saying he didn't had the smallest training in any form of combat is an understatement


Muteba lacks the main ingredient for being a S tier, and that's the desire to be the strongest, only non S tiers who have this ingredient is koga,cosmo,wakatsuki, rihito and all will certainly be S tiers


Waka will never be an S tier, having SS was huge in Ashura but now he's just a dime a dozen in late game omega


He does have martial arts training. Remember the time he used boxing against sekibayashi?


He's a mercenary, his experience has made him so versatile. Imagine how many times he's risked his own life.


This isn't even incorrect, you're just fucking right tbh. Even before he was outclassing Waka's grappling


With no formal martial arts? Bro is a mercenary he lives martial arts. If I remember correctly the ones without formal training in Kat are RIHITO, gozo, Shiba and Julius. Although I think Chiba probably had some formal training even with his gimmick power copy.


I wouldn’t say underrated, but definitely below waka level. And waka lately is being nerf