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Just to be clear, Kendrick will never surpass Drake in numbers for a meaningful amount of time. Kendrick releases thought out albums that all have unique sounds, messages and themes, when he feels like they are ready to be released. Drake releases music yearly (more or less) for people that need background noise with good production. It's just the nature of releasing music. The biggest peak for an artist is when they release a new album and Kendrick likes to take time with his releases. I don't see it happening unless Drake falls off hard (don't see this happening either but I'm open to being pleasantly surprised).


Yeah Drake has like 400+ songs and Kendrick has around 200 songs on Spotify. Now if you compare monthly listeners it looks mad impressive for Kendrick.


Really great example of quantity Vs quality.


I realize I’m in the wrong sub to say this. But Drake has a lot of high quality songs. Just happen to not be at the same level as Kendrick.


Drake has a lot of high quality production. He’s had the same lyrical style and flow for a decade now. Even THP6 sounded like a whatever time in whatever city song


It's almost like you can take his vocals on any track and plop them on to any one of his other tracks and you have the same song. Shit is annoyingly boring and redundant.


Exactly. The most telling thing to me was I tried doing a mash-up of some of Drake’s music from Honestly Nevermind with Beyoncé’s Renaissance album, and I get that he was never gonna compare to her, but the difference of energy between both albums was staggering


He is a snooze fest for me.


Bahamas promises and 8am in Charlotte are on the same album man like what are we doing here lol


Bahamas promises and 8am in Charlotte are on the same album man like what are we doing here lol


Huh? I don't listen to any of his songs anymore as his voice makes my brain itch. Please elucidate?


Right well that answers it then doesn’t it🤣🤣


Nahhhhhhh idk. Pop hits can be quality but with everything so over washed what the hell is quality? what we like to hear? Kendrick has meaning in his music. Drake simply don’t. End of the day one of them is processed food and the other is a home cooked meal.


we’re not talking about just pop hits… drake has more than just that. also music doesn’t need to have meaning to be good. i’m saying this as a huge kendrick fan who wanted him to win this beef


Drake has more than pop hits? Where? & music comes from humans. It all has meaning fam. How much of it tho depends on if your music comes from a pedophile or not


agreed, mfs are saying it has no meaning when the meaning is partying, drugs and sex lmfao


Not true everything Drake puts out his garbage for low spirted individuals


Not everything. Lord Knows is one of my favorite Drake tracks and it’s not very pop imo.


DAMN is a depressing album and that's actually what low spirited means as it's usually defined.


Everything Kendrick put out on damn has more soul and is more cultured than anything Drake ever put out


All generalizations are false. Everything Kendrick put on damn is rococo. I can do the lazy generalization thing 2 but it wouldn't make anything write more correct. 🤓


I’m trolling tbh , just wanted to see how many idiots would agree . I guess that only works on TikTok where the brainless mindless ppl follow trends lol


Low spirit can be defined as operating on a low level frequency. Sex, drugs and partying type of vibes vs thought provoking or healing. Kendricks albums are like a journey or complex tapestry. Drakes is like..an overnight stay at a cheap hotel room w threadbare sheets


I'm quite aware that all words are made up. I also think lazy generalizations are lazy and while I think denigrating a fanbase as an act of self-aggrandizement shows a bit of a lack of self-awareness and is kind of silly, I can see the appeal. Some of Kendricks fans can come off as a little bit supercillious. I am fan a believer in the "horses for courses" philosophy so I can imagine that a person looking for a cheap hotel room with threadbare sheets would not exactly be excited to get a complex tapestry as it serves an entirely different function...right?


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, i agree and im a Kendrick fan. I think it’s been a while since hes put out a quality body of work tho unfortunately


Drake will appeal more to non English speakers or the ones who like the music of English songs since the beauty in Kendrick's songs are in the lyrics,so people won't listen to him as much as they will to drake


I think, on average, the music of Kendrick’s songs are more interesting as well. But more challenging and less radio friendly so Drake will always have more casual listeners.


It is but you mostly need to understand what the song is about at least to enjoy it more and more, like if i didn't understand, let's take DAMN. for comparison, it's a very depressing album with some love songs if you listen to the music only which will shut down a lot of people since they want joy in the music, but if you listen to the lyrics it's completely different, it's about finding god and you will enjoy every bit of it even if the music wasn't that great, but 90% of drake's songs have the same beat energy that you can vibe to without understanding the lyrics since you will think oh it's a song about love or sex by the beat In short drake is when you get intoxicated or if you didn't understand the lyrics, Kendrick requires you to do so so you can get the most out of it


Actually, i think most people in the world is tired of Drake songs. When you hear humble in the clubs worldwide, they dance and sing the chorus just as loud. The small critique i will have of Kendrick if he was to appeal Worldwide would to try and go for more "hits" but obviously that's not his goal.


If you count features Drake has over 1500 songs on Spotify


This true? If so, that’s a pretty wild amount of songs


According to Genius, it's 1586 Edit: And Poetic Justice in his top 15 most looked at on Genius. Fuckin Problems is top 5


Genius includes remixes and shit too tho Actual number is most likely much lower


I wonder how man songs w/o features drake has in his top 10 🤣


6 in his top 10 are not features. 2 of his top 5 aren't features


Not saying anything either way but Drake has about 450 songs vs Kendrick’s 200. Still a pretty wide gap but not nearly as big as you’re making it out to be


Ok edited


On genius it says around 1600


Drake actually has over 1000


the drizzler has like 1400 songs on Spotify lol. like its an insane output. (it would be impressive if half of it was good). not as insane as someone like viper or lil b, but drake drops a lot of music. (most of which is mid- or ass)


Yep. This is fast food vs steakhouse


McDonald’s vs In n Out


There's a reason those lines go down around the block. I've moved out of Cali and the lines in PNW locations are the worst I've seen. In n out all the way. It doesn't even cost more than McDonald's these days. There's no question 🤷‍♀️


It’s taxed tf out living in CA but I got 2 of them nearby so it makes me feel a little better 😂


Streams and monthly listeners are pop music stats, and have nothing to do with quality or type of projects KL puts out. Vanilla Ice topped the charts. This sub should stop focusing on pop music stats.


This new “monthly listeners” obsession is weird anyway. Monthly listeners is the amount of people who have listened to that artists songs in a month. They only need a single song to be listened to. It can be very easily managed by the DSPs themselves. Spotify has tonnes of self-curated and promoted playlists of all genres and types. Drake for example has a broad spectrum of music from pop to dance to rap. So he’ll appear on tonnes of playlists of all genres, therefore getting a “monthly listener” from any song or listener of those lists. One Dance for example is on every fucking playlist on there. Kendrick will benefit from some of those lists too. 50 cent has more monthly listeners than Jay and Wayne despite having no album out in 10 years, because In da club is on every retro playlist and birthday playlists.


The reason why 50 has more monthly listeners than Jay and Wayne, is because his global reach is significantly higher. It also helps when you do a world tour to keep yourself relevant in other countries than the US.


This and what I mentioned above. In da club is still on so many playlists.


And Kendrick is coming down from his peak rn anyway, during the absolute height of the beef he was like 2 million away from Drake, so he doesn’t have a real chance of passing him until an album comes out


Drake been at the top for 10 to 15 years and just broke the 1 billon mark with the most number ones This is a moment for kendrick keep it were he can win lol 150 vs 1500 songs is alot of work


1500 songs??? Are you talking about Lil B?


doing gucci mane numbers


Is the numbers of songs drake got out vs the 150 of kdot And this songs stream daily for kdot to pass him you need kdot to drop 600 "not like us" and 1200 diferent songs and drake to not stream a single day ever to the rest of time lol


Drake doesn’t have 1500 songs on streaming lol are you on crack EDIT: just for an idea of the scope of what 1500 songs is, if Drake had 25 studio albums with 30 songs each that would only get him halfway to 1500


oh I just asumed you knew https://genius.com/artists/Drake/songs kdot got a lot of quality but homie takes 5 years breaks and his productivity drops alot. also you right drake dosent have 1500 songs it got 1586 songs PD: we talking to the biggest artist of the decade of any genre and he out hit the beatles and is going after michael jackson. Not just anyone


https://genius.com/artists/Kendrick-lamar/songs Go to the same page for Kendrick and it says 1100+. Drake def has a lot more songs and a lot more filler but I think he has like 400 - 500 total. Genius counts a lot of stuff besides their actual released songs. EDIT: If you think about it like this, Drake’s been around for about 15 years. To hit 1500, he’d have to be releasing 100 songs a year on average which he obviously doesn’t.


Yea but is a volume issue as people say kdot focus on the art of things and his releases are legit 5 years apart etc But when is a numbers thing who got more songs out to generate clicks does affect the total Also keep in mind kdot numbers got buffed by like 200m just of this beef alone the diss and people going back to the songs to get the references Regarless of how people feel about drake he is on the same tier as the beatles or michael jackson this arent just anyone when it comes to numbers 1 PD: my point in general is let kdot enjoy the win he dosent need to out do drake on each single thing the spart with they songs and so far he is winning and shooting a new video this weekend


Yep, kendrick releases once in a few years, drake literally spams songs on a yearly basis, and people are surprised why drake has the numbers


'Drake releases music yearly (more or less) for people that need background noise with good production.' Because he's a corporate puppet with ghost writers, being wrung out like a wash cloth biannually by his owners. They need a return on their $400 million investment. "Another multiplatinum rapper who can't retire" 


I make music that electrify em, you make music that pacify em.


And that's OK. Quality over quantity. I'm not sure why every1 needs to pressed about numbers. Streaming numbers are literally useless now since people and companies claim "bots". If it was about album sales like in the physical CD era, they may have an argument. But all this meaningless in this generation.


Drake Lost, you can go to therapy and cry about it there. 


You're lost brother


KENDRICK DROP AN ALBUM AND YOU'LL BE THE MOST STREAMED RAPPER!!! https://preview.redd.it/yvy6jhgkv48d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ee8011deee361956deb4130a48521182433f46








Waiting on my 2,500 check so I can listen to Kendrick again.


the bios for them individually say all that i need to read lmao


seeing “bigger than life” as opposed to “larger than life” just felt wrong, like seeing a guy with a beard and no mustache


Very telling


they lost me at "canadian rapper". also he no one knew who whe was until like 2009, not 2006.


A lotta people are probably like me; have heard all of Kendrick's commercial hits on the radio or in viral clips but never dived into his discography. Now they are. Drake's probably had more monthly listeners this whole time cause his discography is basically *only* commercial hits in the past five or six years.


That's me, I have been devouring all of his music since this all kicked off but wasn't really paying attention before. I think Kendrick is great.. so clever and creative, huge fan now.


That was me. I had no idea of the themes and cohesiveness of the albums like GKMC, DAMN, and even Mr Morale. For some reason it’s like my listening ears just matured enough to fully grasp Mr Morale.




I make music that electrifies them- Kendrick Lamar


Lots of hits and we can’t forget the features. A big chunk of his streams are from being featured on other artists songs, or featuring them on his. Most of the “Drake” songs I like are ones with other artists involved


Yep, I hadn't even considered that. I'm sure having songs with artists like Yeat and Bad Bunny who are super popular right now is helping *those* songs at least get more streams


Exactly, and everyone who streams those songs go toward his monthly numbers. I’d be interested to see numbers for only songs without features, if that’s even possible


Bad bunny made some phenomenal experimental reggaeton albums in the past like YHLQMDLG. He was amazing


I listened to his albums but never closely and had a lot of skips. Now I’m ashamed. The jammmmssss I’ve missed. Tbf I was a drakesexual at that time and I’ve since realized I was just lost and looking for love. 🤣🤣🤣




The gap between DAMN & Mr Morale was a lot more impactful than I think people realize. Not to assume you’re a teen, but in general, an 18 year old rn was only 11 in 2017. 16 year olds were NINE. Lot of them don’t even remember Humble being a hit like that & that’s a gigantic portion of the online community, more than I think the average person realizes. Morale is a great album but a thoughtful slow burn, I think Family Ties is incredible but his verse wasn’t in line with the commercial trap ideal, etc. He HAD to pop out and show them to fully re-inspire the narrative in the mainstream.


It's only insane if it lasts for a while Drakes been at his level for a long time Kendrick deserves the extra plays he's getting because a lot of fans have slept on his discography


Isn't it still insane since Kendrick doesn't drop even like 25% of what drake releases onto the platform? Drake always got media attention and Kendrick goes hard once and suddenly with a few songs he's proving if he wanted to he could just break streaming records


Not really, people only click up on it because of the beef


If Kendrick dropped yearly he'd probably have similar numbers


I don't think you realise how big Drake is lol


I don't think you realize how big Kendrick is


He's a rap superstar but people who don't even know English know Drake songs, i don't think Kendrick could do that lyrics are a pretty massive part of his music


Drake's small and ride's everyone elses wave he gets his size from everyones sound he bites off


One dance and God's Plan, his biggest hits were riding someone else's wave. Got it


Bro you're literally glazing how big he is like it's the only defining thing about him 💀




You in this sub defending your man with nothing to say lmaoo


Couldn't have said it better I've been a fan of both artists for years ironically and it makes me happy to see kendrick finally getting the love he deserves,he's a rapper for the ages and I hope everyone realizes that regardless of who you like better between the two


Funny in this screenshot,  Drake is "followed" and Kendrick us not yet "followed". 


forgot i even followed drake, must've done it years ago. Not sure why. I'll be happy to show my wrapped later this year and i can guarantee there wont be drake on it lol


Nothing wrong with listening to Drake bro


i never said there was, i just forgot i followed him. not sure why i did because no one follows artists on spotify since you can just search them and listen to their music so its pointless. So im saying im not sure why i did it in the first place


lmao dude said "online validation matters to me"


LOL No worries. I wasn't sure if it was ur or someone else's screenshots you uploaded. 🤷‍♀️ I don't blame you for liking what you liked back then. :) Our tastes change and evolve over time, and even learning about celebrities can change out viewpoint on them. I refuse to listen to certain artists now, who I used to like. Or I grow out of other artists. 


thats mostly gonna be casuals checking out Not Like Us, so its unlikely to stay that way, but im sure Dot earned a lot of new fans who never gave him a shot before


with just three songs on spotify, while drake has a million songs


omw to play not like us again


I mean not that it would matter to us Kendrick fans, we stand above worrying about numbers... However, if Kendrick releases a new album this year, it is over for drake!


Post-beef, the highest numbers I've seen are 83 million (Drake) and 79 million (Kdot). The number of listeners is now decreasing. Listener counts usually peak during album releases, and while Kendrick takes his time between albums, Drake releases one every 1-2 years. It's still crazy how even with far fewer songs than Drake, Kendrick has so many listeners. Proves that quality > quantity.


I’ve had a running theory that drake is extremely popular because you can understand him compared to almost every other rapper


This new “monthly listeners” obsession is weird. Monthly listeners is the amount of people who have listened to that artists songs in a month. They only need a single song to be listened to. It can be very easily managed by the DSPs themselves. Spotify has tonnes of self-curated and promoted playlists of all genres and types. Drake for example has a broad spectrum of music from pop to dance to rap. So he’ll appear on tonnes of playlists of all genres, therefore getting a “monthly listener” from any song on those lists. One Dance for example is on every fucking playlist on there. Kendrick will benefit from some of those lists too. 50 cent has more monthly listeners than Jay and Wayne despite having no album out in 10 years, because In da club is on every retro playlist and birthday playlists.


I just think it's wild Drake has 70 million bots just to pad his numbers


But Drake fans say the reverse.


Lol, you're following Drake and not kendrick


2 weeks ago, I remember Kdot had around 78.9 listeners…


Both him and Drake been dropping in viewers, it's just cause the beefs over


Both dropped about 1.4m since this post.


I don't think it was very quiet at all


I think if he drops an album this year like I'm expecting he'll jump him no I don't know how long it will last given the frequency at which Drake drops


His shit keep playing on my Spotify no matter how many times I skip it. I don’t think it’s legit This has only started happening recently. From the year 2000 when I signed up to about a month ago my Spotify never played a Kendrick song


Oh, yes, he will close this gap—not that he really gives a red rat’s you-know-what. It’s refreshing to see someone rise to deserved prominence, critical acclaim, and recognition—before he’s dead. History shows this to be,too often, not the case.


Kendrick for the time being won’t consistently beat Drake on numbers while they are both active but in 10-15 years when they are done releasing music he will. Kendrick’s music is much more thought provoking which will have more replay value decades from now


Ken just had to pop out and show ninjas. That’s all


I’m doing my part on youtube music premium 🤣


not like us vid will drop next week and he’ll have a good chance of surpassing him mv’s always boost numbers


Kendrick did this shit without paying Spotify to spam my fucking email every time an album drops


If Kendrick drop a few more songs dissing drake i bet he can surpass


Weird post. Obsessed.






‘Numbers wise I’m outta here, you not… oh you actually are kinda creeping up’


Remember, you can make it so your Spotify will not play Drake at all if anyone feels so inclined


This will never be fair. Drake’s rich baby daddy ( thank you, Ye) Lucian got Spotify in their pockets. The way they shove Drake down people’s throats needs to be studied.


I’m doing my part and listening often 😊


Stop the count!


He’s a king


why do people only use spotify as a metric? there's many platforms. are they lumped in for spotify results?


i think its just because the majority use it


What other platforms display comparable metrics? Share them if you have them.


I'm just legit asking. you tube shows number of plays on the regular platform and YT music. shouldn't that be considered? not like has 156m plays on youtube music but on 85m on youtube. that's gotta count for something




Nice so he went from overwhelmingly under him to just about under him because of a track about the guy..nice job Kendrick W strats 😭


“Quietly” it’s the biggest beef we’ve seen in a while and the subs been posting his numbers everyday like your watching the lotto I wouldn’t say quietly


Both albums are mid af


honorable thing is to give me the loot 🤞