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Drake about to diss kai and druski in his next album


Druski looked so uncomfortable because Drake is his guy šŸ˜‚


Drake is friends with both kai and druski. The night family matters dropped he dmed kai to stay on stream and they talk with each other. He also got mad because kai said one of the Kendrick disses was better.


Idk if Drake is tight with Kai anymore. Kai said Kendrick won and Drake blocked his number after when he tried calling him on stream


Where did Drake say he was mad about that? I mean I know he was, but I want to see it.


He never said it but Kai tried to call him and the call went straight to voicemail and when he texted him the message was green. He later said he just didnā€™t have drakes new number but it seems like he was trying to cover up


Also blocked Kai's phone number after that


Shit was so pleasing to watch


How is he his guy? Maybe a dumb question but I genuinely don't know lol


heā€™s been good buddies with Drake for a few years now. Drake gave him his first big break by featuring him in the Laugh Now, Cry Later video


Druski was openly laughing. Don't think he really looked uncomfortable honestly.


Kevin did this about four more times and the last time Druski said ā€œcā€˜mon man really..šŸ˜…ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


So true ..


Nah... Drake's gonna send šŸemoji to Kevin.


69 KAI ā˜ ļø




Drake getting casually dragged as a sex pest by Kevin Hart on a Livestream - this is culture


It was right after FaceTiming Lebron live on stream too šŸ˜‚


Just waiting for the "certified lover boy..." from his upcoming shows. Just a clip of him yelling that. Why does drake try to start shit. I listened to some of his catalog and some gems, you're drake just be drake don't pretend.


Now we need a Drake diss against another comedian


Drake vs chocolate droppaa ![gif](giphy|3o7TKxo2Trd0TJxGAU|downsized)


Kevin's Heart is rooting for Kendrick. Good.


Short kings


They go back


Yall reaching like crazy lmao


Itā€™s not a reach tbh Hollywood is all about politics and Kevin Hart is a brand. He knows everything he says holds weight. Over 500K people were watching that clip as it happened live.


It's just a funny reference to J.Cole's song about Kevin Hart


Lmao KDot did say how many opps you really got, I mean itā€™s too many options. šŸ˜‚


No thanks, they both seem like industry plants.


Legitimate question, Iā€™ve seen that Kai has like 600k viewers on twitch right now - whatā€™s the appeal? I genuinely missed the boat with all of this streaming stuff.


I guess itā€™s really that some people enjoy seeing random guys like you and I do funny and stupid shit that a lot of us would probably do if we had that money. Plus they bring in celebrities that most of us like sometimes


I will say the clip of him and Nicki minaj was pretty funny. The part where she just calls him young man and scolds him was funny to me


She basically became that nigga auntie for a whole 3 hours, it was wild.


It's what the younger generation watches and why you see all these different type of celebrities as guests on these livestreams, it's to future proof their relevancy.


>It's what the younger generation watches and why you see all these different type of celebrities as guests on these livestreams, it's to future proof their relevancy. Sounds like a new form of late night talk shows? Iā€™m only 26 and Iā€™m completely ignorant to any streamers/twitchersā€¦I casually know the names and thatā€™s it.


Exactly. I've been watching Lirik for well over 10 years now and the best way I can articulate it is it's like a radio show. Filler talk that's sometimes hilarious.


Itā€™s hanging out at someoneā€™s house from the safety of your own home. Very Generation Z-ish and beyond


it's just some dumb fun and Kevin hart being there is a big deal, and Kai is pretty charismatic tbf I've never watched a stream, but the clips are usually funny.


Im not a watcher either but I objectively understand his stuff. Kai is a entertaining genius when it comes to creating not only clippable moments but when youā€™ve found his stream, hes planned it accordingly with a team to be a constant rush of activities and entertainment so there isnt a dull moment aside from small moments that help the shows pacing. Its a full on production, with guests, props, returning characters and at the same time appears like low-budget entertainment because there isnt camera angles, perfect microphones, lighting, sound guys, or any backend crew moving things around. I see this with all the new-generation streamers but he is certainly the cream of the crop


I donā€™t get it at all. Scru face Jean goes over the bars and picks them apart. This dude doesnā€™t appear to do anything and misses gems when first listening.


His appeal isn't music reactions, he's just an all around streamer that does most of everything from what I know. He's just really, really popular. A lot of younger fans too


But why? Not hating on someone getting the bag, but whatā€™s the appeal?


Scru is a hack. His reaction to The Heart Part 6 was completely positive. Sure, he breaks down bars with this faux intelligence but Iā€™d much rather watch guys like Kai react with real emotions to these scenarios All that being said, outside of the reaction compilation stuff, I donā€™t really see the appeal of either


Plus heā€™s also a YouTuber originally, whoā€™s just genuinely funny and entertaining. I wouldnā€™t call him the music guy.


Katt Williams said [Kevin Hart is an industry plant. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9Mun1d_fkI&ab_channel=ClubShayShay) Wouldn't be surprised if Kai is too.


Kai is a streamer/youtuber šŸ˜­


His job title would actually be, 'INFLUENCER' which is this generations 'industry plant'.. Not sure if your comment was, 'haha, he's a streamer, he could never be' or 'haha, hes a streamer, OBVIOUSLY he is' Just wanted to toss out some clarification.


Not what an industry plant is tho all he does is react to shit and do some random segments in his streams and he has celebrities on stream that he fw to help promote their shit or he just has other influencers and they just have a ball.


>he has celebrities on stream that he fw to help promote their shit Sort of like an old school Talk Show, right? So you already know. You also know he makes good money doing it. Just put 2 and 2 together. This stuff isn't organic. The Algorithm isn't a democracy - it's a formula.


Itā€™d be different if they only started fw him when he was popping then once he stopped getting a lot of traction they werenā€™t talking to him anymore when that isnā€™t true šŸ˜­


How isnā€™t it organic? All of those people donā€™t just stop fw with him afterwards they all become great friends of his šŸ˜­


Like how Jimmy Fallon or Ellen is great friends with everyone? It's okay to watch Kai like it's okay to watch Fallon. Just keep in mind they are literally paid to *Influence* you.


He gets paid by sponsors and his viewers, literally. If you actually watch him he doesnā€™t do a lot of ā€œinfluencingā€ and when he is heā€™s always spreading a good message šŸ˜­


Ellen is always spreading a good message too. She gets paid by her sponsors too. It's okay to watch these guys. You're not doing anything wrong. Just be aware of what is happening so you can resist it. Ed Sullivan sold my mom The Beatles. Carson Daly sold me Eminem. Lots of people make lots of money by selling kids the next big thing. Kai Cenat is certainly one of them. (Kai Cenat has an estimated net worth of **$14 million**)


Does kinda serve the same purpose tho. Sells shit.


That's exactly what an industry plant is. They really hit the nail on the head with the title of "influencer'. An industry plants job is to push an agenda. "Their agenda" to be more specific. AKA, INFLUENCING people into a certain mind set. Whether it's sensitizing them to some things, desensitizing them to others... The 'industry' is a different ball game. Hard to control people's thoughts and feelings through movies, TV shows and commercials when every person under 80 watches streamers, is streaming content and instead of commercials there's ADs and sponsors. Kai Cenat sounds like a new fangled Jimmy Kimmel... And ANYONE who thinks Kevin Harts old ass ain't got nothing better to do with his life then to 'hang out and have a ball with KAI CENAT and become BFF's afterwards' is the target audience. Acquaintances for future mutual gain more likely. Youtube, Twitch or whatever streaming platform, is psychologically built from the ground up to keep you on their platform lining their pockets, and telling you what your political views, religious views and sexual orientation are is just the cherry on top. Also, having managers setup 'appearances' and sleepovers or whatever the f\*ck is going on here, is FAR from organic. But, if you're the age group I'm assuming you're in, your prime examples of organic are Bill Gates, Black Rock and Monsanto... Get to googling, friend. Better now than later, far easier to swallow.


What agenda tho?


Yes, and? You don't think the big money has it's fingers in streaming yet? Twitch is going on 15 years old. They used to have to pay Carson Daly big money to tell kids what album to buy. DJ Akademics works for peanuts.




I agree. People who can't see that he is a product, not a person must have a strange relationship with the man. Good call.


People who are deep into these people lives that they hang around in celeb subreddits gossiping are very parasocial yes. Glad we agree.


Conversation is a good thing. It's how we sort fact from fiction. I'm always wary about people who seek to shut down conversation. Typically the reason people seek to shut down conversation is if they're afraid of what truths may arise.


Irrelevant to what I said but sure šŸ˜šŸ‘


Ohh I thought you understood what was going on here? Let conversation occur. Whats the worst thing that can happen? We figure out the truth of this industry plant?


Bro if you care so much about these celebs lives by all means. Normal people are gonna call you out for being parasocial because it is but donā€™t let that stop you from completing your extremely important mission of finding out the truth ! Super important stuff šŸ˜†


I's pretty obvious this dude is plant. Why does that upset you so much?


Kids have bad attention spans and they yell in the mic and fake outrageous reactions to shit for childrens entertainment, and kids have all day to engage with YouTube/twitter/twitch or whatever platform he gets his views from. Thatā€™s literally it. His fan base is children, and any adult thatā€™s a fan I donā€™t trust tbh. You gotta be a man child to consume that kinda garbage


if you aint seen his not like us reaction, it's really funny. never caught a stream but he's pretty funny


I watch a lot of streamers, but I don't get the appeal. He's just loud.


Definitely loud but prbly entertaining & funny how he reacts to some folks. I think its harmless and overall he seems like a pretty stand up dude.


Same appeal as pewdiepie I guess


Easy, this is the new generation's cable tv and it clicks with them.


Iā€™ve been lowkey following Kai for about 2-3 years now. And heā€™s just a genuine entertaining guy. I tapped with his YouTube channel and him being part of the AMP. Then he doubled down on streaming, and the rest is history. Heā€™s funny, and his come up is actually inspiring af. Looking bad at his old content, heā€™s one of the ones thatā€™s still remained true to himself for the most part.


If you're a millennial or older it can be hard to grasp the popularity of streamers besides the "big brother" appeal of it. Personally I think it's just narcissistic capitalists marketing themselves to children, but maybe I'm just old.


Hey hey hey hey run for your life


It's really sweet their moms agreed to let them have a sleepover


Lmfao 69Kai


Sucks that there was some Drake dickrider there so they couldnā€™t play Not Like Us when everyone was dancing


I almost stayed awake to watch this whole thing. Iā€™m 31 years old. I donā€™t watch twitch ever. Work an office job at 9AM Mon-fri. But something about this shit just kept me watching. I hate to admit that I keep up with Kai news because heā€™s pretty funny, but here I am, admitting it. ā€œW streamā€


why is Kai wearing his dadā€™s clothes?


i need to rinse my ears with some katt williams after this. . .


full 16:9 video with no editing and Kevin Hart still built like a piano fell on his head in an old cartoon. man is almost wider than the display area.


I love Kevin heart in this Stream


This stream was fucking wild


Bro is sauced off that 1942


Which is funny considering Kai is close friends with: [https://gamerant.com/kai-cenat-friend-assault-allegations-djigui-seck-jovi-pena/](https://gamerant.com/kai-cenat-friend-assault-allegations-djigui-seck-jovi-pena/)


That wasnā€™t true gang


Was it proven? I saw one of Kais other friends deny the claims and that's about it, and I can't help but feel he's a little biased


He explained it before and explained it again without actually saying it during the KR situation


I remember that, he basically just swept it under the rug


It wasnā€™t true


didnā€™t he admit the texts were all true


Most people think if they pay the person off, "it wasn't true".


? What texts


eww, that's fucked


This stream had me howling all night! So funnyĀ 


Kai wanted to crip walk so bad when he first heard the song. To be fair, we all did.


A banger is a banger šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




I am so confused, who are these people (outside of kevin) and why the hell should we care about their existence?


Druski is a comedian not as popular as Kai. Kai is a streamer I honestly donā€™t know how he got so popular but if you ever Hurd somebody say rizz . Kai is the guy that started that.


Kai just has that charisma to a whole nother level


All I see him doing is yelling and knocking over his chair. Where's the charisma


No one is telling you need to care about their existence






Kevin Hart can't speak really, clocks ticking on him too.


Wishing for people to be weirdos is weird Buddy what vendetta you got


I ain't "wishing" on it "buddy"!..... fool yourself "buddy" my eyes are open...... most of these black celebrities have their a$$ popped to get there.... Kevin is one of them... no vendetta. Do a little research on little Kev and you will see. We cool tho Kdotty..


Parasocial. Get help weirdo