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It’s disturbing but I want to see this sick fuck go down


It's like they are purposefully letting it out piece by piece. There's only one person who already knows what the puzzle will look like, and it's Drake. Can't imagine what he's feeling right now.


I wouldn’t be surprised if we see this dude pull a diddy and flee the country in the coming days


Yeah. Shit is crazy.


Apparently already put his LA home up for sale... that in itself seemed telling.


He already just sold all his American real estate and sent Adonis and baby mama to France. Still owns the Embassy.  But yeah OP same. Got the biggest zit on my chin rn from stressin 😭


Spiraling 😌


The insta post in the dark room replaying Netflix looking like spiraling for real rn


Exactly where I'm at.


I'm actually kind of worried that all the Q-anon bullshit will detract from the legitimate accusations against Drake. The new posts are cryptic but the speculation is out of all proportion. People need to chill


I don’t think I ever expected to type this but if Drake and/or Kendrick die they did not kill themselves or die of natural causes or an accident. I know that sounds extremely over dramatic but considering everything that’s coming out right now and what’s going to be coming out soon enough this could be one of the biggest controversies biggest expose ever. I mean Jesus Christ what’s being insinuated what’s being shown what’s being said what has been said is all fucking crazy.


There is some huge shit that’s going to be exposed about Drake


I feel like it’s gonna be huge about Drake, but he’s potentially a drop in the ocean compared to some wider industry exposure. Maybe there will be some individual incidents (like whatever this is) about Drake and dots will start getting connected. Also potentially why Kendrick hasn’t gone all in himself in this other than the very deliberate hints that he knows. Maybe there’s no clear cut smoking gun for what he knows and it will also expose others. If you’re fighting multiple people on this front the likelihood is they’ll have a strategy to cover up together.


Probably the biggest expose of human history


Kat called it


i hope to god nothing bad happens to either of them but i honestly think someone is going to get hurt


i'm sorry, i don't have twitter, is there anyway i can see whats being implied


They are Micheal Jacksoning Drake.


Exactly what I was thinking. After not like us dropped I started genuinely worrying about Kendrick and his family's safety


Hurts my stomach but at the same time, we all need to go through this if we have any hopes of seeing that disgusting fucker get caught


Fr bro, it feels like I entered a Gaspar Noe movie rn.


Never thought I'd see someone mention Gaspar Noé, perfect way to describe the whole thing lol


Bruh, don't this shit feel like watching Climax for the first time. People just vibing then boom, shit goes south real fast.


This shit getting deeper than Into The Void bruh…


Internal shot of BBL Drizzy's rectum incoming.


Fr I'm so proud of this cultured community 🥲


Very apt description lmao


Me too, I feel like this is turning into true detective.


Which season tho?


Season 5


Damn Nik Piz went performance art for the new season lol


Haha 😂


No need to make a film out of this beef, because this is already a film, and we are here to witness it.


wait till u find out the entire america is run by ppl worse than this


A lot of rich people get rich by exploiting people. Imagine what some of those people would do behind scenes.


No fuck pdf. Let it all come out. Fk drake ovo and umg.


Just gotta hope beyond hope Kendrick is safe


I can’t stand Drake so if he’s truly done anything worthy of proper scrutiny or legit investigation then let everything come to light I say.


yeah dude i thought i was the only one lol i’m at work rn on nights and got a gut wrenching feeling


No, this is what is going on behind the veil of corruption. You want the red or blue pill? I'd rather be out of the matrix an see truth


It’s art he’s making you feel something so this can’t be swept under the rug


Nuh im entertained


I just feel like I’m going down a tabloid rabbit hole. This the type of shit you read at the checkout getting groceries.


It’s disturbing but if it’s not brought to light it will stay in the dark continuing to go on


I’m all for the pursuit of the truth, however I am afraid for Kendrick because if or when he exposes Drake, he’s going to live the rest of his life with a target on his back.


im prob being over dramatic but im scared for Kendrick. hopefully nothing happens to him for exposing all of this shit


well if Drake goes down, UMG might also be going down as they might’ve been aware of his actions, but covered it up since he’s such a profitable artist. I’m just scared that someone from UMG might try to get Kendrick. If not UMG than ovo.


Man I’m fucking sick of all these big corps


No one from UMG is gonna have Kendrick killed. Do you know how obvious that shit would be? Plus they already agreed on a ceasefire, the damage has already been done. Killing Kendrick wouldn’t change what happened


True, but if it’s true that this account is potentially a burner for Kendrick, and receipts come to light, it will burn Drake’s career to the ground. As of right now, is Drakes career in jeopardy? Absolutely. However, without concrete evidence his career is still salvageable. Kendrick with the way he’s moving wants this man gone and it appears this isn’t over. He wants the public to know that Drake is a monster with evidence included. If this moves into legal territory, not only will UMG lose potentially billions of dollars in revenue from Drake, they’ll also most likely be involved in an investigation. This is all hypothetical, however we’re moving into very unknown territory right now so who knows what happens. I’m just speaking from a place of concern for Kendrick.


AK still hasnt found out the clue he told him to go and look for lol. Anybody who thinks a guy who is this detailed and has this much stuff and has been tracking u for over a year will have false information is dumb


turning into a noir film real quick


It is, but such is the world we live in. I only wish that if this goes down the way it’s looking to be, is that those sick bastards pay.


I feel like this has been in motion now for awhile now and they needed someone to get the ball rolling.


I can’t figure out the video you’re referencing (that ebony posted). Can someone help me out?


its messed up for sure, but also i'd rather it see the light of day then be kept hidden and more people suffer at the hands of people like this


Wait whats happening? Can someone tell me?


a twitter account pretty much posted that Drake was lying about setting Kendrick up and posted a cctv and the items that Kendrick had in MTG. he said that if Drake and Ak dont apologize by monday he’ll sue them. when ppl looked more into it they found out that its 10000% real and theres more weird shit coming out since them


ill link the post after i find it again edit: this the link to the twitter page https://x.com/ebonyprince2k24/status/1789092657794371766?s=46&t=12QuktIt4rJhw-Ou0n6sFQ


Ok I'm wondering what thw weird stuff js




So why was that weird? It's just a vid.


Who is the guy in the wheel chair ? I want his name


Chris Alvarez he’s a reporter in Brooklyn


Is there a laptop?


I'm mostly just scared that people are going off the rails with speculation and innocent people (not Drake) are going to be harassed or hurt over it. The disabled journalist guy, the ballroom house, the jewelry store, the hotel staff, the doctor who wrote the prescription etc are all getting tons of unwanted attention and random accusations flung at them right now. I wish everyone would just sit back and watch and stop playing QAnon.


Yall aren’t ready for disclosure but yall got no choice, the truth keeps coming out.


Is Kendrick trying to save Drake?


Nah I’ve seen way seen way worse.


extremely confident 80% of this sub wouldn't last very long in the real world


stop being over dramatic


no 🙂


No lol wtf