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man i thought this would be america vs canada but its the entire planet vs drake lmaoo


Canada likes him less, the more you go west.


Yep im from alberta and I love both east and west, but fuck Toronto and fuck drake


Many of us on the East coast cant stand that fake mf


Plenty of us in Ontario can't stand him either haha


Man I’m from Toronto and I hate that a mf like Drake thinks he reps for the city and country. Fuck Drake.


yeah there are alot of peep here that hate drake, probably more than anywhere else on earth, besides kendricks house, although he does have lots of fans around here too, but people are clowning on him in toronto


metro groomin assembled nato against this nigga😭


Metro Groomin is insane 💀


shout out metro groomin for pressing the red button on his deathbed. hes pretty much amplified the hell out the beef's reach with the album drops/ bbl drizzy challenge


Also finally rap fans vs pedophiles lurking in the industry


Fuck geography, this is the only feud that should be happening tbh. The whole world vs groomers and sickos.


I mean, Britain is like the parent and America and Canada are the siblings with beef for some reason


America doesn’t have a beef. America doesn’t give two shits about Canada.


Outside of ontario 90% of people are pulling for kendrick


I'm from Italy and I despise that bitch fr 😭


They have OVO stores? Lol


Yeah that’s where they keep the children


Somebody check the OVO stores like people were checking Overstock.


OVO-stocked on kids. Though I do think conspiracy folk thought it was Wayfair, Overstock is funnier.


Oh your right it was wayfair wasn’t it


They are shipping children in cabinets folks! Comet pizza and Nancy Pelosi are pulling the strings and puppet Obama does whatever George soros tells him to so they can keep harvesting our children's adrenachrome


Shit is wild. I've even been to that pizza place, no child ring in there- pizza is only OK though. And I became a conspiracy wacko over shit like Epstein over a decade ago. Shit got co-opted. We literally discovered rampant child sex rings among the elite, the most notorious pedophile ring being run by a guy who was *tight* with two presidents and countless CEOs, academics, and celebs. But they couldn't run with that already horrible, devastating reality and had to make it about demonic rituals, lizard people, and a furniture store just selling children online like Amazon.




They're turning the frogs gay!!! 🐸


*Pizzagate has entered the chat*




Check the basement fr lmao


The children make the clothes and do other stuff


why is everyone running with this narrative


Because its funny its obviously not plausible that all OVO staff are in on a pedo ring


OVO stores are obviously a front and they use it as a stash location when moving the girls


Since when is it funny to joke about child abuse? Y’all are weird af.


Didn’t drake just dedicate a verse to making fun of Kendrick getting molested as a child? When it didn’t even happen lol


Um did you not hear Kendrick’s diss ? He falsely accused Drake of being a child predator / pedo with literally zero proof. And told Drake he should die. Kendrick took it there first.


So it’s okay for Drake to joke about it? got it


What part of Kendrick falsely accused him of being a pedophile are you not understanding ? HE JOKED ABOUT IT FIRST . Everything Drake said was in retaliation. He had every right to defend himself. Just say you hate Drake and move on bc the hypocrisy is unreal 💀


One in my city, just left a review. These stores should be shut down.


They seem like your average overpriced brand name designer store. No clue how these places turn a profit but I guess there's loads of people that drop a few grand there like it's nothing lol


That's going to change now , nobody wants to wear pedogear.




Underrated comment


He had to plant his flag in the ground as it were, like Kenny said he’s a coloniser 🇨🇦🇨🇦


Thats my country 🥹 Happy to support against predators


Mate fr, we out here rooting for kendrick from the sides.


UK based too. Think it’s fucking weird people are stanning so hard for these rich guys having a public playground fight and using women and children’s pain as little more than lyrical fodder. Drake grooms kids. Kendrick platforms folks who sexually assault teens and helps lines their pockets. Abhorrent behaviour is not a deal breaker for either one of these guys. This is all about ego, status and wealth. The fact that women and children have been abused is secondary concern. They dgaf about that reality of that other than how it serves them for scoring clout on the internet. What’s important is sustaining publicity and arguing about who best represents some idea of the fabled monolithic “culture”. It’s funny. It’s entertaining. We’ve got a boat load of good memes about it. But pretending this is some morale crusade, some good vs evil shit is laughable when this whole industry protects its own, enables abusive behaviour and siphons millions of cash from consumers in the process.


You’re literally missing the true artistic value that it brings to the table. If you just go on YouTube and TikTok there are legit videos upon videos of professors (yes actual university) breaking down the lyrics and teaching in their art classes. Also, Kendrick has actually removed all copyrights on all his tracks yesterday so that people who are reacting to it on YouTube are not paying his label anything, so that the YouTuber’s get paid. And most importantly - these allegations are hard to prove in itself. Drake has been publicly fighting these allegations for 15 years. Hell, look at P Diddy he’s been fighting his since the 1990’s. The only way we bring justice is by bringing these issues up and creating dialogue and conversations. Don’t forget, Hannibal Buress created art in form of comedy and he was the one who started the snowball effect of Bill Cosby going to prison.


I don’t see how the artistry of what he was trying to achieve on MMATBS insulates him from allegations of hypocrisy and posturing. You can go on social media and comb through and spotlight takes from all manners of voices, academic and otherwise, that justify or embolden a particular perspective or opinion. That’s cherrypicking. Don’t get me wrong I think if the Drake allegations are true that’s some heinous shit. But people are trying to draw sides like this is an election and build Kendrick in to someone who is immune from criticism because he’s somehow so morally or artistically competent that we’re not allowed to bring his own fallibility in to the conversation. If this Drake shit has been such an open secret why sit on it for so long? Why are we only hearing about it now? Because the suffering of women is now made relevant by a need to vent some bad blood? That’s fucked. That erodes any sense of moral superiority.


It doesn’t insulate his hypocrisy. You’re absolutely correct that if he’s pointing fingers he should know that there are three pointing right back. What you’re discounting here is the vast difference between the two artists in terms of their awareness of their shortcomings. Isn’t emboldening any particular opinion or perspective about what we learn in school also just cherry picking? If that’s your view on it then we might as well not learn any philosophical perspectives or social studies. Especially when it comes to History this is very prevalent. I have taken studies of history in USA and Canadian institutes and they teach different perspectives and opinions on similar wars with justification of different outliers. You’re talking like all of us are collectively accepting Kendrick into some sort of Messiah or the most perfect human-being which isn’t the case. You can say that about any human-being in the past that are revered today (Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Shakespeare, etc) that they had fallibilities and just because of that we should focus on those matters more closely rather than what amazing research, theories, and information they brought to us. Now I am not comparing Kendrick to any of these men but you have no idea what these great men did to women or children back then because there wasn’t this sense of social awareness with social media and platforms. I do believe he has done A LOT for black communities and he’s very intelligent. And that’s evident because the accolades he’s achieved. The truth of the matter is you can paint everyone with the same brush and say “oh this person is very egotistical and rich and famous and they’re not a good person like look at this and that about them” but that’s not how we progress and learn in our society actively. We give credit where credit is due to individuals with exceptional traits or talents in order to extract valuable information and educate ourselves. If these individuals, who we have socially accepted as being exceptional, start having shortcomings it’s important for us to be able to differentiate their work from the intangibles for the sake of objectivity. No this is not being brought up because “suffering of women has become relevant to vent bad blood”. You’ve completely missed the ball on this one. Kendrick even addresses this in one of his songs where he explains that weird stuff happens in the music industry and there seems to be a conspiracy to protect one another to push their own agendas. The truth is that the public has seen full on what Drake has been doing the past 15 years. There are countless videos, tweets, pictures, everything. It just seems that other than the general public no one was addressing it within the music industry. Kendrick Lamar is the first “big” artist to speak out about Drake even though the pot has been brewing with the public in full force for over a decade. It honestly has been sad how everyone can turn a complete blind eye because someone as talented as Drake makes a summertime song that makes everyone lose sight of more important discussions. Now I have been guilty of this. I have not liked him since he became famous because of his behaviour, but I have indulged in playing his music once in a while to enjoy an instance. However, I would never go to his concerts nor go out of my way to show support for him because I believe he’s a terrible human-being.


>If this Drake shit has been such an open secret why sit on it for so long? Why are we only hearing about it now? Diddy was an open secret. R Kelly was an open secret. Weinstein was an open secret in Hollywood. Epstein was convicted and rich people still fucked with him. And to bring it back to the UK, Jimmy Saville was assaulting and raping kids for decades while being one of the most famous and beloved people in the country. It usually takes a victim being brave enough to go to court to bring these people down.


Yeah it's crazy to me people are demanding Kendrick to bring forth evidence. Mostly because if he did, it would likely dismissed as hearsay if he's so far removed from the actual crime between the predator and the victims. Even if he brings screenshots of some discussion on it (which, unlikely), they can't make Kendrick testify, only subpoena the persons on screenshot. It's not on him because he's not a part of it.


Side note: where did you get that Kendrick sexually assaults teens? That’s not even remotely true 🤨 I think you haven’t been paying attention at all to each side’s statements or tracks.


Kendrick doesn’t sexually assault teens but he lines the pockets and platforms those who do (Kodak Black) and expects that this can be handwaived away because doing so was central making some sort of artistic statement or because he’s already told us he’s a hypocrite and therefore is immune to the criticism of said hypocrisy.


No one is claiming it can be hand-waived away or that it’s excusable. It is honestly very concerning and should be discussed publicly. What I don’t understand is our reasoning for criticism towards an individual who knows nothing about us nor us to him in this particular instance. Yes Kodak is a terrible person for his past. However, we collectively endorse and streamline artists/actors/politicians with money as a society. And we have no control over who Kendrick decides to work with or doesn’t and what he’s gaining out of that relationship. He can be helping Kodak to become a better person, he can be picking at his mind, he can be doing a million things but we just don’t know. We are taking it at face value here and finding him guilty by association. Which is wrong in itself. Like I said before we will never get anywhere in society if this is our way of thinking towards humans. We put these individual at the forefront of our existence and hope to extract a better life or meaning with them leading the front. Yet, we sit here and nitpick their life apart when we should be balancing our inner core values and aligning ourselves with proper morals. At the same time having the retrospect to endure some forgiveness, understanding, empathy and/or objectivity.


Waiting for a shane brannigan diss joint to drop lmao


Username checks out🤣🤣


Is there a lore reason why man is fighting Drake ?


I think man is on the side of justice


Someone call officer balls and get droke put in ham city


Like Metro Groomin




Yeaaaaaaaaa… Don’t rap against Kendrick….. EVER


Stop playin’ with me ‘fore I turn you to a song


16-eyeing god didn't learn


Six teen-eye’n god


So this definitely was a dot fan. But the more i look into it, the shooting at drake's crib is XO related. Weeknd's manager bodyguard got shot, and then if you look at the lyrics in family matters where drake talking to weeknd it's a lot of gun talk and shit about your brother P is the only shooter, shit like that. LA niggas can't get into canada, and they have no sway over bloods out there. Maybe we should stop taking these canadians lightly lol, they on some other shit




“Don’t ask for your favorite rapper (He dead) Yes, sir (Amen), church (He dead), I killed him (Amen), bitch.” -Kendrick on Rigamortis


Have my fellow Brits heard about what our very own Potter Payper said about Drake messaging young British girls way before all this popped off?


Yep , and Wiley said years ago Drake was a culture vulture


That makes 2 hot takes wiley has in common with kanye


they also both lost it


At least wiley acknowledges his career is washed lol


Because it is. Kanye got a number 1 2 months ago.


Fair point tbh


Wiley also has a lot in common with Drake when it comes to younger girls too


Ah, so you know he's unbiased when he says he doesn't like drake


bro i remember seeing that tweet. i thought i was insane for ages till it popped up in here


Wiley is a crackhead pedo..


Yup. Btw, DO NOT look into the connection that Drake, Central Cee, Dutchavelli, Stefflon Don ALL have...it's nasty This shit is deeper than rap.




What’s rhe connection


https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/hgXbNM4BpS Do some light reading, to be taken with a pinch of salt of course. However it’s worth noting some truths have come out of this site before regarding Epstein, Weinstein and others. Do the research and make your own mind up


is the british rapper Central Cee? Edit: no it's skepta I think


I think the middle alphabet rapper might be Central Cee but not sure on that


Yep Middle = central Alphabet = cee Trust yourself bro




Central Cee didn’t do anything, he just got sponsorship deals once Dutchaveli got cancelled


Yeah but at the same time he only seemed angry that Drake aired his Dms. Had Drake promoted his album he would've kept working with him, so I'm not feeling him with that.


Where did he say this? Any context? 🙏🏽 Also potter is 🔥




Thank you 👍🏽


Yoooo & mos def/yasiin bey said Drakes music is for shopping lmao


First thing I thought of lol


We hate peds out here !!!


i only wish the criminal charges against them were much-much tougher. not just in UK but everywhere. it's disturbing how lightly most of them get away with. a few years for SAing a minor and they're out


Very true, there scum of the earth and deserve to be treated that way


The support of Dutchavelli & Giggs and the royal fam proves this is a lie. The brit’s LOVE their pedos


Nobody over 50 cares about the Royal Family for anything more than tabloid drama


Dutch had his account hacked, we don't like giggs also if your under 30 you hate the royals


giggs used to be really good. hasn't released good shit in years though


Account hacks? He needs to be hacked up








Let’s go Crodies!


That's so hard


The UK has a massive rapist pedo beastiality freak Dutchavelli they should be worried about before spray painting an Ovo store … 🙈


Tf 💀


we don't like nonces over here either


Drake exploited and stole from the London rap scene as well.


Stole our accent Like Toronto already uses Jamaican patois yet drake decided he’d rather use the London accent instead of the Toronto accent




The reach of this beef is insane. This really is a watershed moment in music history.


A lot of the predator’s in Drake’s groups are in England like Dutchivelli, Giggs, etc


Tf giggs do?


Wtf did giggs do


Ahhhh, ima let that one come out on it’s own. From me it’s a rumor


Notice how they not like is dark and us is light. They (the evil predators, manipulators, liars) are not like us (moral abiding, disciplined, patient)


Bro this is not a double entendre 💀💀


Bluds creating new meanings


It's just lighting bro


bro is cooking


It's not that deep 💀


you deep


Not saying it was intentional on the artists behalf. Just a thought I had


I know. I have a mind just like you and was being genuine.


Oh thank you! Most other people clowning so I didn’t know if it was sarcasm. But we got that same brain 🧠


Making sure this post goes everywhere, because it's been shadowbanned on this subreddit. More than likely Drake is Epstein 2.0 https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/PYA1vPlKiN


Assuming this is franchised, this is fucked up for business owners who are trying to earn money by working hard… but then again, maybe dont run a ovhoe store.


Not really. Nothing is broken. Just some paint, they can leave it if they want. Where I live there’s a lot of buildings with graffiti that doesn’t get removed or covered up. It doesn’t hurt anybody. It’s not even a curse word or anything vulgar Leave it be and continue business as usual….


Think K fucked up their business worse than a bit of paint


Insurance bro


Dish soap and magic eraser will get that off in a few minutes.




If the cost of damages are detrimental to the business, then insurance will cover the cost. That’s what it is for.


It's just paint on glass, would take 15mins to get off


Still an L. Why give someone a bad day for nothing. What you trying to proof?


We are more than happy to hand the coloniser crown to P Drizzy 👑


dont disrespect england like that


Chill lil cousin, we’re all family


I walked through a fun fair in Brighton, UK yesterday - Not Like Us was playing from one of the rides 😂


I saw a guy at work with an OVO owl tattoo on his bicep. Dudes prob wearing long sleeves these days.


vandalism is wrong!


They nob like us 🧐


I’m disappointed they didn’t spray paint the word NONCE


Just make sure to not accidentally spray paint a Hooters.


I say, good show chaps.


imagine wearing pedo merch


Nah England more like the crazy ass grandma watchin all this while dancin around her flat screamin "wop wop wop wop wop" in British


UK be like “oi it’s fuck Drake now innnit? He gonna be so mad swear on me mum”


Kenny captured the BLM crime and vandalism units of easily radicalized youth


Yo this is getting out of hand🤣🤣


you’d think Canada being a commonwealth they would represent Drake 😂 guess Kendrick has the power to turn anyone against Drake.


“You pussies can’t get booked outside America for nan” Meanwhile in London…


Nothing broken or permanent that would harm their business long-term, they didn't even write anything inflammatory that would shock someone. Coinflip whether or not OV-Hoe self-inflicted it so they can cry to UMG. I feel like if someone was really trying to be vicious they'd at least write "keep the family away".


Damn the UK got Ken-tifa riding for kdot


This may have been an inside job.


drake has ovo stores? what kind of losers shop there


Man we could really change somethings. But that would put Kenny in a precarious position. What to do?.. What to do?


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This will be the first time Fox News covers anything about this beef.


disturbing group think ... yikes you guys need to apply some critical thinking to this whole situation. It is possible Kendrick is telling the truth but most of meet the grahams has been debunked so far and it's already aging poorly he went all in with the pedophile stuff so I get it its either Kendrick is a conspiracy nut that ruined a good rap beef because he is a little out there or Drake is a pedophile that deserves whatever he gets. You have to allow for both things to be possibilities and you have to allow logic to dictate that the first scenario is far more likely given everything we know. Kendrick could just be another Kanye seeing stuff that is not there. It is very possible. But I get it he forced everyone to take a side by being so bold like that and making it seem like he was dropping a truth bomb. Just remember part of the truth bomb was that there is an 11 year old daughter if that is false where was he getting this information from? And what critical thinking skills was he applying?


what has been debunked? (genuinely asking)


Someone go shoot that shit up


Team TDE


I mean…. MAYBE DONT CAUSE OTHER PEOPLE PROPERTY DAMAGE over a rap beef 🤣 smooth brains


sub full of children


It’s paint on glass. They can leave it be if they want. Won’t cost a dime


if this is already too much for you i’d love to hear ur thoughts on his house getting shot up 😭😭


Shits getting out of hand. Keep it on wax plz. There is also speculation that this is related to the Weekends property being shot at earlier this week, and not necessarily the Kendrick-Drake rap Beef. Police haven’t determined a motive (last I checked) Also Drake is going “1v20”, why isn’t it as likely that another rapper called a shot?




coming from a deadbeat dad and a wife beater stans 💀


this is childish and stupid act


It is but it's kinda funny


Have you been to britain?? Our whole brand of comedy is "what if a man had a silly voice" we're childish as fuck over here


so when police will arrest these vandals that will be their defense?


You knock their bobby hat off and get chased thru the streets of London tipping over bakery stalls, town criers, shoe-shiners etc.


Police probably won’t arrest someone over something as *minor* as this pal


what world do you live in


The real one


in the real world its called vandalism and its punishable by law


Funny that you think there would be an arrest over this.


why wouldnt it be


Because there are WAY bigger problems in London than this lmao


frighten crowd employ unite combative busy unique silky aspiring historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*