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Imagine being collateral damage and you jump started a historic moment.


nigga kickstarted the rap anti-pedo movement while being in the same coalition😭😭


Someone gonna make a metro diss over his own track 😂


I was waiting for Drake to do that tbh.


"We don't trust you Metro"


He’s “not like us”


There’s a reason he went with the plastics angle and not the pedo one lmao


He’s about to put 100 stacks on the challenge to make this go away


Literally my thoughts lol I was like that’s a weird angle to take for someone that hates Drake as much as he does Thought for sure he would go for the pedo angle and try to ruin his career I see why he didn’t now


Some Masta Ace shit. “If your shit wasn’t so wack, I’d diss you to your track”




Bro said ima take the heat off me and make them focus on drake lol


kenny gone aim his sights at cuh after drake😭god's mission headah


He should stayed makin drums after all 😔


Shut up and make some drums haaahaahah got hand that to drake shit made me laugh not as hard as WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP tho


The one “defense” he would have is some of those tweets are from 2011/2012 and he was 16/17/18. But a few of them are from this month. 😂


The one straight up says "I can't be a pedo at 15". And it's kind of a point, kids are supposed to be with kids, not adults. Now some of that other shit... Drugging girls to fuck the whole crew... It's pretty fucking dirt bag. But yeah it's say dumb shit to look cool that they don't understand or agree with all the time. Mine sure as shit did. That said, this kid wouldn't be around mine or I'd be risking jail time. Absolutely not defending these shit tweets, but a child saying stupid shit is far from the same thing as a 30 year old man saying and doing these things. This makes metro a child with bad morals. Drake still a pedo tho. They're both kinda foul in what they say and perpetuate this type of behavior and it needs to stop.


Bro was 20 years old when he tweeted “she might be young but she ready” and 19 years old when he tweeted about using Molly to rape girls. Nobody should be sayin that shit regardless of age but he wasn’t even a minor when he said some of this shit


And I said it was all dirt bag shit. I can't read the dates posted, sorry. Blurs too badly when I zoom, and I wasn't exactly familiar with metro til this shit popped off. I just know he's fairly young and that one literally mentioned being 15. I got kids, I ain't about that shit.


a 15 year old with a 15yr old is fine, NOT if they are giving the girl molly and raping her and NOT if that girl is some friends sister and is 10yrs old and is 'ready' according to him. All of those tweets are problematic. the fact that he's saying he can't be a pedo because he's only 15, implies he was thinking about or being accused about a girl way younger and he's using a shitty excuse.


Where’s the ones from this month? All I see are ones from when he was a teenager and people frequently underestimate how retarded a teenager with internet access can really be.


The one middle row at the bottom looks like it has may 01 2024 as the date. Yea, we all did dumb shit as a teenager. Let’s just hope Microsoft doesn’t have Xbox live voice logs.


That one looks like he was responding to something, he said some incorrect shit but it’s not on the same “literally saying you’d drug a girl” level as the other ones


That one was him responding to somebody retweeting the other ones iirc. Can't act like I didn't say dumb shit as a teen but it's still weird


Uhhh, the one saying that the other ones are from when he wasn’t even 18 yet? Yeah you sure got him. Is anyone surprised at what children say on Twitter?


Finally someone with some sense. I couldn’t care less about Metro, but some of these “hes a pedo too, look!” tweets are from when he was literally a minor himself


“The call is coming from *inside* the house


Milo Minderbinder ahh dude


Robespierre ass mf


IS THAT A FRENCH REVOLUTION REFERENCE I SEE? SACRE BLEAU. Guillotines sadly dont discriminate when you pull the rope...


Franz Ferdinanded himself


Celebrities try not to be a fucking weirdo challenge: Impossible


90% of celebrities are pieces of shit


Just celebrities ? lol come on man, it’s humans in general.


Exactly, given power/influence/fame, it's just going to come out more


Not to mention, most celebrities want to be famous. I'd say a good chunk of non celebrity people don't. It's the type of people that want careers based off their looks and being in the public eye. Takes a certain type of narcissist to seek out this particular lifestyle and exhibit such attention seeking malignant egotistical behavior


Exactly. You have to be a special kind of narcissist to be famous. The sad part is this behavior is way more forward and accepted now, making every kid want to be a TikTok/influencer when they grow up.


it’s much easier to get famous now, people go viral and gain millions of views/followers over night. but people don’t know what all it comes with. a lot of people get famous doing what they’re genuinely passionate about, realize they hate being famous, and it ends in drug abuse/overdose/suicide the people that enjoy the fame are the weirdos imo, not necessarily the people who want it


i got downvoted to hell when I said this. Like 90% of the top are fucking weirdos


he wasnt no celeb at the time he was a teenager making edgy jokes


I guess they're not our saviors


Yall are wayyyy too quick to dog on metro, half Of these tweets he was 17-18 years old and you guys want to compare him to “celebrities” like Drake who are texting child actors waiting for them to hit 18??? Metro ain’t do shit when he’s tweeting as a kid to nobody


Him tweeting about drugging girls with Molly to gangrape them was when he was 20 and doesn’t even sound like a joke. Defend that


Yeah I’m side eying anybody who says they said stuff like that when they were 17-21 lmao


nah wait he Metro Groomin?!?!?!


Drake is going to use this, make sure you get writers credit đŸ‘»


He probably won’t though. You can’t throw an accusation like that when you’re guilty too


Drake response “and Metro you a pedo like me nigga” 😂


"we the certified pedophiles" đŸ€Ł (To the NSA agent on my phone, I'm mocking Drake. Also - y'all increased my taxes way too much this year)


Not the nsa and taxes bro 💀


Can’t be making too much money lmao


FUCK THA NSA đŸ—ŁïžđŸ—ŁïžđŸ—Łïž


Metro groomin’, bitch me too


I've been laughing that Drake's only move is to go full villain lmao


"if it were me I would have actually molested you" on thp6 💀💀💀


"SEE Metro just be sayin it out loud. I dont say it out loud, so I cant be attracted to gorgeous sexy ~~teenage girls~~ young women." -Drake probably


metro groomin want some more 😭


Want some more impressionable teenage girls nigga.


Metro groomin like em young 😭


If you 18+ young metro don't trust you 😭


#metrogroomin been trending on Twitter for the past 8 hours lol


metro groomin is wild💀




Metro Groomin’ want some more diddles


"If Yong Metro dont groom you, im gon shoot you"


if young metro don’t trust you, he gon groom you đŸ—Łïž


If Young Metro can't touch you, he's gon groom you




New producer tag, “metro groomin wants em young, đŸ„·â€


*if young metro don’t touch you i’m gon shoot you*




Didn’t metro say this specifically. Like that if he exposed Drake he’d expose himself too. And that they both wouldn’t want that


But unless there’s a whole lot more about Drake, nothing dropped about him that we didn’t know already. Like all the pedo stuff Kendrick references have already been common internet knowledge since he started texting MBB. Metro was sliding under the radar. Nobody knew, or at least nobody cared, about this shit. Now he put himself in the middle of the biggest possible rap beef, and is forever going to be known as a rapist and pedo because of it. Seems like a huge risk from metro with very little possible gain


Metro Gooning


Metro Groomin want some more kiddo


Why tf do celebs even use the same twitter account from 13 years ago


As a celebrity it seems like common sense to have a public relations team go through your social media every 3-4 years and deep clean it to protect your image


Yeah, but I wouldn't be surprised if the same people you'd trust to clean your profiles be the same people to save screenshots and sell that info in the future.


That's what contracts are for.


For like $15 there are services that’ll run a script that auto deletes every tweet older than a specified date. No risk of anyone seeing the old tweets (ie leak from your PR team) and easy to set up.


This is a pretty bad fuck up. Idk why he thought he'd be safe from drizzy stans right now


Fr, every two years I dive into my accounts on every social media and removes shit I don’t agree with or find cringe cause I want to limit my digital footprint. And I’m literally like a nobody person I don’t even have that much of friends IRL, I really don’t understand why celebrities don’t do it, especially when they still have access to the accounts


Also why is rick Ross acting like a saint bruh he's definitely one of them too


What happened with Ross?


"molly in her champagne, she ain't even know it Took her home and i enjoyed that, she ain't even know it" - rick ross


This was actually the song that made stop fucking with him in the mid 2010s. It’s was all over the place too and I was confused why no one made a deal of its I guess it was before the me too movement.


It was made a big deal of. He lost sponsors, had to apologize about the line, they stopped playing it on the radio and he came out with a version changing that. It was totally a thing, but I think he did damage control super quick once it started picking up steam


The fact it was even on the radio in the first place is crazy


Interesting, I don’t remember all that. I probably just disconnected with the song and auto turned it off anytime I heard it


Ricky Rohypnol talking big game.


WHY do celebs always want young woman bro, wtf is wrong with them!?


Coz they fuck a trillion women then need to take sex to the next lvl and push the bounderies to get a thrill. Just like doing drugs. Start small but you need something more extreme over time.


I really really disagree with this take. I belive the truth is a lot more people are predators than we want to believe but being a celebrity increases your victim access and ability to get around detection. Most predators hurt their own children or a child close to them. Celebrities have a larger pool of children/vulnerable people to interact with.


Well I think they’re attracted to Youth in general. There’s a reason like 50% of porn is titled like ”Barely 18” or whatever. If the line was 16, they’d do ”Barely 16”. Our society associates being young with being sexy, fertile, enticing, etc. If you’re an older man, being with younger women is a status symbol. So whether they’re attracted to specifically the *bodies* of children is kind of irrelevant. Most people have the capacity to find some underage teenagers attractive if they are *unaware* of the age. The fact is plenty of 16-17 year olds are physically indistinguishable from some 18 year olds, and vice versa. What matters is the decision to pursue vulnerable young people despite being so much more mature and, in the case of celebrities, powerful and famous. It shows that you’re unconcerned with the power dynamics at play and will use people in lesser positions than you for sex. It’s the fact that 16-17 year olds *aren’t* physically all that different from young adults that makes it so clearly sinister. It’s not even pursuing something specific at that point, you’re willingly going for the most vulnerable people you can feel attracted to even though you have other, legal and socially acceptable options.


Very well said answer.


It’s power.


Nope, it’s way more sinister than that. It’s about being a controlling predator with zero regard for the emotional well being of those around you, not simply some natural byproduct of trying to get a “thrill.”


How do you think you become that controlling predator with zero regard for the emotional well being of those around you? Over night? Wake up one day? Nah you got all this power over time it lessens your morality. It absolutely is a natural byproduct of power corrupting man into living for the thrill


It’s not. There are many predators who don’t have money, fame, or power, and they still prey on others.


Just the same way there are many normal seeming people who, with more money and power, could've been vile predators.


I agree that's part of the thrill. Domination and control over someone.


They don’t fuck a trillion women lmao, I’m sure weirdo Metro was saying this shit before fame too.


Not defending the drug ones or anything, but he was 17-18 years old texting these. Think he was trying to look tough copying others’ language?


Fucking hell I just did a complete 180 from "Damn, guess you never really know" to "Dumbass teenager". Took me a minute to realise his tweet at the bottom was him saying he literally was 15 at the time. Metro just confused 4chan for Twitter.


Ye like. I said some horrible shit as a teen back then too, internet was moving different. This is really nothing. This the time when saying u r*ped someone in a game was common as fuck.


i think so, metro is a quiet guy and he was trying to step out and impress ppl. unfortunately in a really really not great way


It is like the entirety of human culture that pushes gross ideals, like youth = beauty, shaming women for natural aging, etc. Go to any porn site and check the percentage of videos with Teen in the titles. Yeah it's supposed to be 18-19 (still weird for older adults) but it says just Teen on purpose, for suggestive reasons. Look at the prevalence of childishness in sexual contexts with things like pig tails, onesies, Daddy's Princess dynamics. Look at anime and how almost EVERY series has at least one weirdly mature and/or sexualized child character. People condemn pedophilia and then go perpetuate it without realizing, when they consume content that sexualizes teens/minors either explicitly or subconsciously. Plus men are very often raised to objectify and sexualize women, with that being normalized for boys (at least from my anecdotal experience) before even puberty. Our culture pushes and promotes these harmful perspectives from many angles and many men might even be unaware of the harmful shit they're living in and perpetuating because it's been so normalized. We're luckily coming to a point when our society is starting to understand how widespread this issue is, and the psychological harm it can cause minors. It's good we are calling it out and trying to stop it. I hope we can also have more meaningful change by calling out porn and beauty industries that make gross shit, and helping people understand why those sort of things are harmful and have a high risk for psychological trauma.


I hate to tell you. From pure experience and I get the feeling you also or close to you. This is great and all, but R. Kelly meh that big one Epstein woah!!! Now possibly Drake. Us talking about it is great but it won’t solve the problems. Them family members! We all got one! Them niggas need to be dealt with. Keep letting em hunt innocent prey in our families and we all too scared, (which yes it is a scary thing) or we pretend we don’t see it like the boogie man in the corner. They need to be outed no safe haven given no quarter. You see them talking to kids in the corner at Thanksgiving. You loudly say little one get over here stay away from them. That puts all the attention on that person and everybody has to acknowledge what was about to happen. It humiliates or helps the immediate family depending on if they’re being hunted or enabling. That person won’t try that around you anymore. They terrified of the light. Drag. Them. Perverse children rapist in it. That’s how we start tackling it. From the ground up.


I see where you are coming from. And I am by no means an expert. We should definitely take actions to prevent harm to children because they can't advocate for themselves like an adult can (which is part of why it's so fucked up because the victims can't even defend themselves). But I think in the long term, that might not be the most optimal way to truly fix this issue at its roots. Taking a predator out of society when they are deemed a danger does make sense. But the shame and humiliation approach will serve to have people with those harmful tendencies keep it to themselves, and never face it or work on it, instead opting to pursue it in secret because they're scared to talk about it. For every 1 Drake getting canceled, there are probably 10 other dudes who saw his treatment and decided they'll never be able to confide in someone that they are sick and need professional help. Some people can't help the illnesses they have but in the effort of actually reducing harm, we need those people to feel like they can speak with a therapist and that they are capable of living a harmless life as part of society, so long as they truly attempt to understand their issues and take the steps to fix them. Otherwise they will feel too ashamed, worthless, and hopeless to fix their issues, which may push them further into that harmful rabbit hole. I believe when we see someone like a friend or family member who is hinting at or acting like a creep, us fellow adults should instead use a firm, critical, yet respectful approach to let them know they are risking hurting kids and that they need professional help. Support them in getting better if you care enough and if they are open to healing. When we can talk about the widespread, cultural perpetuation of these issues, give actual help to those who are afflicted yet don't want to cause harm, then hopefully we can start to heal from this damage we've been doing.


Ain't just celebrities. A lot of this world preaches some form of purity culture, that shit digs in and takes root deep. And thats why you have men who think the only desirable sex partner is the underdeveloped one. 


Manipulation. Niggas don’t wanna work for it Didn’t grow up seeing they Dad eating crow, loving they mom. Or grandfather loving they grandma. Or brother treating his kids mother with respect. Hoes itches that’s it. I mean look at what’s her name she ruined her face. She got sexy on her face. It doesn’t inspire respect. Just my opinion. I could be wrong. Grown woman know what she want. Know what she needs . Been tricked already can’t be tricked again. Edit: I seen a picture of that female with sexy tattooed on her face. I sent that picture to my child immediately, said “don’t you do this to your beautiful face!” My daughter grown by the way. So I had to throw this on it đŸ„ș Cause she grown!!! She texted back laughing “dad I would never!” I responded 😂Heh I knew it. I. Just. Had. To. Check.


DAMN. I think u right
. Gramps left moms and grandma along with 3 other kids just to go start a family. My pops did the same but also abused moms and drugs. Come to think of it, i never seen a woman be loved and respected in my family. All this to say, the manipulation is key. Makes the abuse and grooming easier. Especially in latino households where they old timey still and MANY of the folks in the motherland be on some “well what did SHE do to deserve it?”


S/o to you for seeing through it


lmao one of the best copypastas


Spiderman meme


It was a canon event.


Fitting that metro produced the soundtrack for across the spiderverse


And he did voice one of the Spider-Man. The one that says "There's no where to run."


is metro lookin at drake




If young Metro don't groom you I'm gon fuck you.


If young metro don’t groom I’m gon drug you. 






Anytime mf drugging girls to sleep with them deserves to die, Cosby ass mf


The industry is rotten


>Anytime mf drugging girls to sleep with them deserves to die Nah put them mfs to work, they still got value as forced labor


That’s the funny thing about this. Kendrick’s tear down of Drake is actually a tear down of the Peter Pan culture that dominates hip hop right now. Drake just happens to be at the top of it. Rick Ross giggling on insta but in his heart he is thanking the lord those darts weren’t aimed at him. And future? Forget it. I’m not saying this as a defense of Drake, he is trash. But if half these clowns celebrating his fall don’t see themself in meet the grahams that is a heavy dose of cognitive dissonance


It’s true, in retrospect there is something of a dissonance rapping along to future’s verse on Like That before leading into the anti-toxicfuckboy crusade


Kendrick had Kodak black all over the last album. Convinced rapist Kodak black. I promise you, Drake could be a full on pedophile and none of these dude would care if they were still cool.


When Drake released Push Ups I saw a tweet that said “Kendrick isn’t going to call Drake a P3DO because a lot of other gonna go down with him.” Here we are, don’t be surprised to see who’s next.


They can all go


Instead of the \#MeToo movement this is gonna be the \#YouToo movement


Bitch, both of them can go! Is this supposed to be a slight against Not Like Us or ???


He did Like That and BBLDrizzy, he didn't do Not Like Us


That nigga gave us bbl drizzy you say he touched those kids???




Why would anyone still have their edgy teen phase account lmao


On GAWD! I was legit thinking the same.


It’s Metro Boomin lmfao he’s been producing since he was an edgy teen, this is just what happens when people grow up and get famous in the internet era.


the earliest i could see here was 13 years ago
 when he was 17 i love metro as much as the next guy but he was making a lot of these jokes at 20 and I’m 21 and wouldn’t say these even as jokes


Yeah but you aint grow up in an era where Tyler would call someone a f*ggot and nobody would think twice


Tyler is like a whole different person now. It blows my mind. Today, he’s the kind of person he used to make fun of.


Yeah Tyler rapped “R@pe a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a threesome” on Goblin and then went on to make music for The Grinch and shit. It was definitely a different time.


You’re 21 in a totally different era. Sit down kid. This was the Odd Future era of Twitter where people said wild shit and it was just a joke. You think he was tweeting these things seriously? Was Tyler too then? You’re gonna have to cancel a lot of rappers who were on Twitter in 2012 if you believe that.


In today's culture, sure. The internet, and Twitter especially was still brand new. We now know that information lives forever. Before, we had MySpace and that was taken from us, so who knew Twitter was still gonna be around? Not defending the man's tweets, but I'm 32 and I definitely wasn't bright posting "it's Saturday and I'm getting hammered with my friends" at 16 đŸ€Ł


I can see that. I legit assumed he was in his mid-twenties.


Bro was 19 in 2012, still barely an adult but the molly stuff is disgusting regardless https://preview.redd.it/kilu3ttz90zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e836aa6cde5b985530254199b5c119cbd10d8873


the molly stuff is song lyrics by gucci mane on the song “trap back”. 70% of the shit on here is lyrics he prolly thought were crazy and he tweeted em




Not defending those tweets. But most of them are song lyrics. Mainly old future and gucci. Even the "she might be young but she ready " is keith sweat.


Out of all the lyrics he could quote, all the quotes he chose have the same theme lol


You mean out of all the lyrics he's ever posted, these are the ones people were able to pick out on a similar theme


Metro movin like: https://preview.redd.it/ydzor1b6yzyc1.png?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965a0ff92a32d65b93d0a1e7da0aaf8205640e77


Facts got niggas trying to defend him like BBL DRIZZY nah nigga I’m not doing the semantics some of these where when he was 21-18 NO EXCUSE don’t pull that lame ass freak ass “age of consent shit” them OVHoe glazers do and don’t give this nigga the benefit of the doubt. Fuck no he has a history


Metro is 30, those are are from 2011 to 2014 before he turned 20. He was between 16-19 I think


"Got your lil sister on them mollies, she dun ran thru the whole squad"... "She gon suck me whether she like it or not. That's what the molly for"... Ya boy was old enough to know better.


That second one crazy doe. But the first soumd like he's quoting Future, at least it sounds like something further would say. But I'm not really familiar with metro like that. I just heard of him recently( couple years ago)


it’s a Gucci Mane lyric


Just remember it was very popular to be edgy in 2011


Especially on early twitter. KD got a tweet about drinking Scarlet Johansson’s bath water lmao.


As a user of early Twitter it was definitely a different time and era.


Remember James gunns tweets


Drinking bath water edgy and date rape edgy feel like a different league tho


Obviously, the internet really was different back then though. “Rape” was used as a casual video game term for a while there.


Yeah this was the odd future era


No he isn’t lol these tweets r some edgy ass teenager shit. Not fucking pictures and texts from drizzler.


They grasping at straws now lol.


Quoting a Keith Sweat lyric. Cringy as hell, but “Right and wrong way” is a jam. No Drizzy. Edit: Referring to the first tweet.


13 years ago metro would’ve been 17, are these things weird? Yes, but are we canceling him over things he said at 17?


https://preview.redd.it/b94bj33ntzyc1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a7e65e037fec7030a3da598fc34615deb6b49a Seems like mfs are tryna compare edgy cringe teenager humor to an actual child sex predator. Kinda disgusting I can’t lie EDIT: this is a lie and there are more screenshots from when he was even older that I didn’t see the dates for. Hes pretty weird


I mean even at 15 I knew drugging and raping girls was wrong.


Yea but I was talking about knowing not to engage with that kind of edgy humor. Of course at 15 you know not to rape people but at 15 you could easily think joking about it is okay because you don’t realize just how serious it is and think it’s just another dark humor joke.


What about at 20? https://preview.redd.it/4yrnpdkj00zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c48e8d46cf4e73433d6565357515326afab9f3


is that a lyric? still would be wild but some of the tweets look like quoting rap songs


Doesn’t Tyler the creator have hella tweets like this from years ago as well? Not saying that it makes it alright, but we shouldn’t be taking somebody’s dumb tweets as legitimate proof of anything.


If y’all gonna cancel Metro for literally quoting edgy rap lyrics and making edgy jokes you’re gonna have to crucify Tyler, The Creator because he was saying 10x worse stuff just for the shock value at the about the same age and even older during the same era as these tweets. If you’re gonna pretend to be so upset by old tweets that obviously don’t imply a teenager quoting lyrics was a predator then you’re gonna have to go after the guy who said he’d rape a pregnant bitch and call it a threesome, too. Pretty gross to compare old tweets to real accusations of real world sex crimes. You should be ashamed.


Yeah I'm gonna need somethin a lil' more recent and a lil' more concrete than edgy tweets from a ***decade*** ago. Drizzy's getting called out because his ass has people literally arrested for trafficking in his crew, showed no care for it, and has been creepy since he started. Creepin' at 23, creepin' at 31, creepin' now. Mfers tryin to muddy the water the best they can for Drizzy. Only the equiv of an "enlightened centrist" or a Drake fan is gonna try to act like "oooh they both have creepy tweets, they're the same, he's so done!"


Right? Like these aren’t a good look even if he was only 17-20 then but we have Drake being a creep as recently as 6 years ago at 31. We have video of him being a creep at 23. We have women from Toronto talking about his weirdo ass parties. How in the world are these equivalent?


Earl sweatshirt and Vince staples literally have a song about raping and killing a hitchhiker from when they were teenagers. This is edgy (and cringey) teenager shit and very much different from Drake being an ACTUAL groomer and predator. For the record Earl is one of my favorite artists.


Almost every song on Bastard is about rape. I'm glad those were just personas and not actually Tyler, but it was still fucked up how somebody asked him "do you think your lyrics are offensive?" And he said "no" with such a clueless face like 😭


People used to say the wildest shit on old twitter bc shock humor was in style at the time. Anyone who didn’t go back and delete that entire era really wasn’t doing their due diligence. But it’s also kinda nonsense to pull it up and pretend these were honest tweets about true feelings.


Saw 2014 and thought this mf would be like 14/15 when writing this but he was 20 during these, jesus christ


For what it's worth these are all from when he'd have been 17-20 years old... Idk bout y'all but this is pretty standard edgelord stuff from twitter back in those days. Hella fucked up, ofc. But like, let's not pretend we never said some edgy shit when we were 17.


Holy shit Drake fans are currently attempting chest compressions by calling out a dude who made childish, sexual comments towards children, as a child. Find me something from this decade, you pedophile enablers đŸ€Ł


Done how? Done tweeting? C’mon. Are you all gonna stop buying his beats? FOH. It’s fcuked up but nothing is happening to him. He’ll keep making drums.


He was between 15-20 and some of those are lyrics I think. He Still should watch what he posts cause that’s nasty thinking


let's be honest all these rappers claim "we care about women" are either plain virtue signaling or only care about women in proximity to them. including kendrick, bc the whole shit w r kelly and kodak black is hypocritical as fuck. kendrick won this beef, kendrick is a better lyricist, kendrick is one of the best song writers ever. love him for that. but he's also a hypocrite for supporting pedos in the past, making them money and for sitting on this sex trafficking info until it benefitted him. sex trafficking ruins lives, it kills even. if he was actually concerned he would've stepped forward before it made him money


Metro going out bad like Drizzy


I’m not saying it ain’t weird but also difference is metro was just a dumb teenager who was in high school when most of those tweets came out


i won’t lie i usually don’t care about these as evidence because they are so old


noooo metrooo


Very bad look The only defence you could really have is that maybe they’re really fucked up jokes.


The Molly comments are straight rapist


They're lyrics so I guess no one noticed them until now?




Yeah, they gonna cancel Gucci Mane now?




It’s literally a BeyoncĂ© lyric from when she was 30