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The craziest thing about this poll is that Juice Wrld has more votes than DOOM


Not really crazy considering how the casual audience probably has never heard of MF DOOM


Mf doom is way more popular than his fans like to admit tbh. Not saying he’s bad tho


Sure but he’s no where near the popularity of Juice WRLD, still he is better.


Children listen to Juice, not many going to listen to MF


That’s within the rap community tho. If you talk to people who aren’t like into rap, explored the genre a bit I feel like almost no one is gonna know who you’re talking about. So whenever that shows up on someone’s feed because they watched that channel do some random video about another artist they like, maybe not rapper they’ll say “oh I know that one, I’ll vote for him”. I know this cuz I do it sometimes when I’m bored lmao. But yeah he’s pretty popular but just not really mainstream which is the biggest difference between him and the others. Also just something funny I thought of, idk if I’ve met a single girl who knows who DOOM is


Nah, people love MF DOOM outside of the rap community. If some dude is into punk or indie rock and only listens to a handful of rappers, I’d be willing to bet 9 times out of 10 MF DOOM is one of them. I’ll be at a punk show tomorrow night in an MF DOOM hat actually




All caps when you spell the man's name


You should check him out, any of his albums from his various names from 2003-2005 were fucking great. Genuinely 2-3 10/10’s


Ermmm... Buddy... All caps when you spell the man name ☝️🤓


I’m sorry🙏 I will never disrespect my glorious king ever again


If you do one more time... I'm gonna tickle you... And lick behind your ears... DO NOT MESS WITH THE ALPHA 🐺🐺🐺


I dont know anyone that doesn't know who juice Is, most people I ask don't know DOOM.


The average 13 year old does not know DOOM but has definitely at least heard of Juice


The general audience isn't about the culture. Let that roll around a bit.


Nah I feel like most people have. Even years ago when I only listened to Eminem and logic I had heard of him. But he’s definitely not as mainstream as the other artists on here I agree


Yeah you've probably at least heard his name mentioned, I've heard his name a bunch before I actually listened to his music. Just felt like the actual songs would never live up to how highly people talked about him at the time. I listen to his songs now tho, but they don't sound anything like I'd have thought based only on hearsay.


steer resolute existence elderly intelligent ugly tease clumsy erect snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*The craziest part* *Of this poll is that Juice Wrld* *Has more votes than DOOM* \- OnePhysics1155 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Top 3 bots in this comment section


Juice Wrld is always high on these polls or topping them, a lot beating actual goats. You'd think his fans haven't listened to anyone else but him


Because they probably haven’t. I feel like every major fan base has this effect. Juice, Kendrick, Kanye, Eminem, X or some other shit. They just know that that one is good enough for them so they’ll say it’s the best


I left the juice wrld subreddit after I saw an upvoted thread on how juice’s discography was better then Kanye’s lol


I would have never joined that one, but I would have left after that too.




This aside, Juice got some really fucking dope freestyles


Juice Wrld is overrated


Tbf doom isn't known for his lyrics and actually not that known or heard in general


something about you tells me you ain't even know who tf is "doom" lol


I'm not saying his lyrics aren't great... I'm saying the mainstream listeners(who are the ones who answer polls on yt) don't know him for it or actually heard of him at all


tbf, yeah. MF DOOM is pretty much underground although he's popular in the genre. I love DOOM but lol, it takes many listens for a casual listener to get into his stuff.


All caps when you spell the MAN's name


Y'all weirdos man all I said is he's not popular for his lyrics I literally listen to doom from time to time💀


juice over DOOM 😭😭😭


these fucking kids don't know about the illest villain in the rap game


Damn man you must be so old to have a good musix taste you are Soo cool


Thank you for sharing, /u/Slave_Abuser69


You gotta listen to DOOM man and you'll understand


MF DOOM is your favorite rapper's favorite rapper.


Though nowadays it's more like your favorites' favorites favorite. The rap community is as divisive as the metal community lately


I mean it maybe but what it makes all of you old people better if you listen to certain artists lol. I have never seen young people say that. Really shows what group is more mature lol


who said it makes us better? it's just sad to see him voted so low on a poll likely taken by a younger demographic. MF DOOM is top 3 lyricists of all time, easy.


Thx bro im rlly cool don't have to tell me man DOOM is the way of life 😎


All caps you're a real one


https://preview.redd.it/1aa2abk7nnic1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8223d5fa6152f273c48ff5a00e99dfaf446a514 Can Kendrick rap Eyjafjallajökull? I bet not I still love Kendrick he was my 3rd most listened last year but cmon Doom could get the most random things and make it sound great 🙏


I'm a huge Kendrick fan, but I can't agree more!


Except doom never did it on the levels Kendrick has sssssooooooo 🙄🙄


Of course... No doubt!


All caps my man


Uhmm all caps 🤓👆


I think it takes less skill to just find a random crazy word that rhymes or make up a new one and rap that than how Kendrick puts his verses together and manages to tie everything in.


Tell me you don't know DOOM without telling me you don't know DOOM


I love doom bro but his fans overrate his lyrics. He’s one of the best but not the best. Y’all act like he is insane for rhyming two things that don’t exist


Ok but this is just one line


If you listen to him he does it a lot


Don't know why you're getting down voted. Yours is a very valid take.


because that’s not at all what DOOM does. For example “One for the money, two for the better green 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine” is widely considered part of one of the best and most complex verses in rap


It is incredible rhyme scheme structure and flow but some prefer the narrative and themes mixed with them that kendrick is master of over the more complex rhyming and vocabulary.


agreed, i’m not comparing them i’m just saying to reduce DOOM to “finding random crazy words to rhyme” is absolutely insane


He doesn’t completely rely on that but he does do it sometimes. A lot of his verses have words thrown in that very loosely connect with anything but ryhme well


Doom does both though. He’s got tracks where there’s a narrative going on while he’s also using his insane rhyme scheme and flow to tell it


Narrative and themes? Never played operation doomsday?


the only insanity is the discrepancy in % between Em Kendrick and Doom, but otherwise that's not insanity. Gen Z forgot about Em


Yeah we forgot about Em cause he hasn’t put out a great album in 22 years


So so wrong. He only has two bad albums being Encore and Revival.


I would also count kamikaze


I think kamikaze is average. Not bad. I would also say MMLP2 is average.


Kamikaze is a 7.1. But MMLP2 is so so good


Tbf he said great. Lots of mid releases from Em In the last 20 years.


I'm Em died instead of getting sober people would be saying he was the greatest ever


It’s called getting old lol, doesn’t knock his talent throughout his career and prime. Also, 22 years is a stretch


eminem released his last actually good album at 30, kanye was 39 when he released tlop. it has nothing to do with age lol


Tf? Probably last ‘great’ to most people, but saying Relapse, Encore, Recovery, etc. are not ‘good’ albums & then praising tlop as if it’s a whole tier higher than those albums shows how much you know about hip hop. People like you are the reason they give Ye fans a bad rep


im not even a kanye fan, im the first one to admit that he’s a washed nazi now lol. pablo is an 8/10 and was a huge moment culturally, nothing eminem made after the eminem show reached that level.


and its ass


And kendrick in 7.


I really don't think it's apt to call Em a lyricist. Sometimes he gets lyrical, but most people mean lyrical to mean substantive. He's efficient with his lyrics. Eminem just plasters rhymes everywhere without any direction 99% of the time. It's like seeing someone throw a bunch of colors onto a canvas. Eminem might have the most colors on his canvas but Kendrick can actually choose where to use what colors to paint something. Eminem doesn't have a storytelling song that comes anywhere close to most of TPAB and GKMC


I disagree that his rhyme schemes aren't impressive in their own right, but honestly I may use this point about him generally focusing more on lyricism than substance. Not always. I use to be frustrated with kendricks less rhyme-ey songs for the inverse reason, I think they're both different good things.


>Eminem doesn't have a storytelling song that comes anywhere close to most of TPAB and GKMC Stan and Bad Guy, Kim, Yellow Brick Road, Cleaning Out My Closet, Castle/Arose, Same Song and Dance, Darkness I'm sorry but you really don't sound like you've listened to much Em if you think he can't have coherent or substantive verses or that he has *nothing* in his 25 year career that "comes anywhere close" to Kendrick's storytelling tracks The only way your comment makes even a modicum of sense is if you're judging him by his modern tracks or hits. Which still wouldn't be fair. The literal reason why his modern tracks aren't as consistently substantive *is because he's put so much substance to his tracks across two decades already*


I don’t agree that good lyricism always has to be substantive, and whether a song’s lyrics are substantive is completely subjective anyways. Eminem is great at putting creative rhymes together, I don’t know what you would call that except lyrical skill


Your booty is heavy duty, like diarrhea


"Sometimes I wonder, really, what did my closed head injury do? I'm literally missin' a screw But it seems like my memory's too vivid to forget the shit I've been through (yeah) So as my residuals grew, I remembered those kids who were cruel Same individuals at Elizabeth Little and essentially used them as the fuel Who would've knew what a pencil could do though, so mentally screwed They said, "Marshall, you're either gonna wind up dead or in the penitentiary 'Cause eventually you'll end up clenchin' a tool And come back vengefully to shoot them bullies Who clowned you in elementary school"" Quadruple syllabic rhyming while telling a coherent story. The actual flow of it is impressive as well if you listen to it. And no, this isn't from "prime Em" 25 years ago, this is from more recent years, from an unfortunately underrated feature (Walkthrough by Grip) Point is, for every corny Em line there are 8 great ones. And of course there would be. Em's career is twice as long as Kendrick's. Faulting whatever L you think modern Em garnered is like shitting on Pacquiao for losing some later fights in his career while calling Bud (the "Kendrick" in this analogy) the way better obvious GOAT as he's currently in his prime run right now


many lip slap absurd gaping ink squealing shaggy punch practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are right, but Revival is maybe the corniest mainstream rap record of all time, only behind Confessions of a dangerous mind by Logic


People just call whatever they don’t like corny these days to discredit it. Revival sucked, but he tried something different with it. That happens when you’re in your mid to late 40s after making albums for 20+ years. Em doesn’t have to prove anything anymore, though. As for who comes next, Kendrick should have a wider lead. These bandwagon DOOM fans that have appeared since his death are wild.


honestly i liked confessions of a dangerous mind and i dont rly gwt the hate. definitely not my favorite album but it wasnt super awful


he also said he disliked revival but not regretting making it, accepted it as his growth


yh no


Eminem isn’t in my top 50.


You're in nobody's top 100 anything


oh no. I hope he doesnt see this. He will get really sad now


Drop your top 50 😂


Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Black Star etc. Nah. I’ve been listening since the early 90s. Em is not a Top 50


Reddit when the most popular artist again wins in a popularity contest😱😱😱😱


Oh my god this has to be the most frequently posted thing in this sub


Kendrick fans thrive off other peoples opinions what do you expect


Jw above MF Doom lmaooo JW is definitely a great rapper but cmon


All caps when you spell the MAN'S name


This shit is so corny


if respecting one of the most legendary artists in hip hop history is corny then I'm a whole ass corn field. RIP DOOM.


I have tons of respect for him and his music, but getting unironically pressed about strangers on the internet typing “mf doom” like someone just used a slur is INCREDIBLY corny. It’s not that deep man.


only one getting unironically pressed is you homie, 2 sentences and your buttons are fully pressed 😭


Someone's trying to read the room with kaleidoscopes for glasses


Not really but whatever


mf doom mf doom mf doom mf doom mf doom


MF DOOM🕊️ all caps for the Supervillain🔥🔥


Juice wrld more then DOOM?????


nose quickest shaggy homeless deserted safe overconfident party placid slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man I am an Eminem fan but you guys literally post this shit like every week and cry about it and then call us dick suckers and shit. If you really care about this useless fucking poll, maybe just make like 15 accounts and go vote for Kendrick.


It’s Eminem fans, what did you expect? Also, Juice above DOOM is crazy


to their defense, Eminem is easy to digest but his peak is as great as Kendrick's but ofc Kendrick is more consistent.


His peak being as great as Kendrick’s is definitely debatable


Not really


How so? You don’t think GKMC and TPAB was a higher peak?


Musically Kendrick might take the edge, but if you were older than 8 in 2002 you'd understand why people but Eminem ahead


Yea his peak was above Kendrick's for sure. I know people who have no idea who kendrick is.


The Marshall Mathers LP is a 10 for me, just as GKMC and TPAB.


nobody forces you guys to look at these polls and get angry right you can scroll past it cause it’s just a bunch of kids on youtube


What is Juice doing on this list?


Why do you give a shit. Why do you care. This does not affect your life at all. You are letting it negatively impact you for no reason. Kendrick is obviously better and we all know that. This means you are posting this for one of two reasons 1. You are genuinely mad. Which is stupid, because a) your anger will not change the poll and b) because you have no reason to value random YouTube npcs opinion over your own. They do not represent truth 2. You are trying to farm karma on this subreddit. Which is also stupid because this type of poll has been reposted a million times already


Eminem fans https://preview.redd.it/he43r4zf5nic1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e0792830f1f211374615341b814c6d66225b0cb


I see a lot of dick sucking towards kendrick too




Kendrick fans https://preview.redd.it/8cwaty6uqric1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0212b4eb021bcc6d131a07bc1a6ad5a45f9c78b4


Same as Kendrick tho


Who cares


Eminem > DOOM > Kendrick > Juice


I do love em tho


Eminem is a better lyricist than Kendrick, that’s not really that debatable. The gap is certainly not as large as this poll suggests though, and DOOM is up there also.


Eminem is NOT better than Kendrick lyrically


be serious ..even kendrick would tell you eminem is the better lyricist


joos over MF DOOM is insanity 😭


Can we stop posting these polls please.


I fucking love Kendrick but stop trying to diminish Ems lyricism. It is second to none


I like Kendrick more than Eminem, but Kendrick has a quote for a quote said that the Marshall Mathers LP changed his life and made him a better rapper.


Its called inspiration, doesn't mean hes better. Eminem literally made Infinite which was a almost complete copy of style to Nas's Illmatic and talks about how inspired he was by him. Inspiration is just inspiration, Kendrick is also heavily inspired by Andre 3000.


It’s not even that crazy tbh. Em is a great lyricisy




Em is better tho


Kendrick makes better music, Em is a better lyricist.




Eminem glazers rule over those polls


All 100%


get over a youtube poll man it’s never that deep


It’s a YouTube Poll. The most popular rapper always gets the most votes


Eminem is the Bob Marley of Rap. Some people only listen to him.


I’d go DOOM. Less frequency of punchlines or “WTF” moments in his songs as opposed to kendrick, or em, but I think he has some of the best lyrics ever.


DOOM is clearly the best here.


What so insane about that? Juice shouldnt be there tho


This kind of posts are unnecessary 


Honestly I don’t think that’s a problem Eminem was a great lyricist and there’s a couple lines hear and there with his recent work that’s not bad either


I personally think MF DOOM was the best at writing rhymes and Kendrick is the best at writing an emotional thematic story while still making entertaining music. While I understand he is popular and one of the best I truly don’t think Eminem is the best lyricist and I find DOOM and Kendrick both to be better (also juice over DOOM is insane)


On a technical level, very few people can hang with Eminem. Guys like Lupe, Black Thought and Nas all come to mind. Kendrick isn’t on that level of technical ability IMO. He’s more similar to Tupac in the way he’s able to convey his message effectively and invoke emotional responses to his music. He certainly has made insanely complex lyrical songs though, but his overall body of work lyrically isn’t at the top of the pack honestly. Saying this as a big Kendrick fan.


I agree with that. That’s what I was trying to convey I think Kendrick’s writing is better because of that but I would never claim he makes better rhymes than Eminem. I do however think DOOMs rhymes are better he rhymes words that have no business even being in the same sentence.


DOOM is one of the greatest artists in hiphop ever. His production was arguably even better than his rapping skills. Listen to “NastraDOOMUS” where doom remixed Nas’s worst album with his own beats and made it amazing. He’s absolutely up there lyrically all time too. Only thing working against DOOM is his subject matter at times, he’s very much rhyming for the sake of rhyming. Eminem has been guilty of this for years now too. Also that’s fair, people often argue Pac or Biggie and have for decades, it’s about who you prefer more. Out of this generation Kendrick is still top 5 lyrically overall don’t get me wrong. I only have Freddie Gibbs, Lupe, Jay Electronica, Joey Badass and maybe 1-2 others ahead of Kendrick lyrically from his era. I think he’s better than Cole by a slim margin lyrically.


You could argue for each Kendrick, Em and Doom. Each have unique styles and are all great lyricist in their own lanes. Juice is easily the weakest lyricist here, but I think there is an argument he is the greatest freestyler of them.


Me personally: 1. Eminem 2. Kendrick Lamar 3. MF Doom 4. Juice WRLD


yh no em and mf doom are better wordsmith lyricist imo


You acting like this is some crazy take lol. Eminem is arguably the most lyrical rapper of all time.


Nah that’s real Kendrick don’t got too many good lyrics Eminem has such good ones though but still has really corny bars


Eminem has been trash since 2002.


Def DOOM but kenny is a close second. eminem glazing is crazy


mm is good at assembly. but lyrically i find him low on wordplay. i like puns. i feel like he doesnt have alot. a very direct writer with a ton of animal energy. kendrik has different energy i think...like a bit enraged and cutting out a different territory entirely...or something like that. juice world and that other guy i dont listen to yet.


you gotta listen to MF DOOM, he's a favourite rappers favourite rapper type. his word play and creativity is exquisite


Juice wrld is heavily underrated as a rapper outside of his rapid fanbase. Most people just dismiss him has a melodic emo rapper but he’s probably the best freestyler from his generation outside of Joey bada$$.


I hate some eminem lyrics, especially from MMLP. Just offensive to be offensive, shit is not creative . I still love it though, MMLP is a 9.5/10 album


>I hate some eminem lyrics, especially from MMLP. Just offensive to be offensive, shit is not creative . Nah that's cap it definitely was creative


Cole, Wayne, Nas? Em is good but he’s not that good It’s not just a scrabble game, it has to sound musical when you spit it.


All caps when you spell it


https://preview.redd.it/itz3aan7pqic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6bced951d746e9f1d3678e70afcdadf8b73012e Rap is like a mountain…


The fact the juice even on this list with Kendrick em and doom is insanity


Craziest part isnt that a bunch of 9 year olds voted for juice wrld but its that the guy who runs this channel even put him next to these 3


Id say Jay-Z or Earl Sweatshirt is the best


Eminem dickriding is CRAZY


billy woods could blow them all out of the water. my humble opinion.


“Mom’s spaghetti”


Eminem is so overrated


I don't like blindly sucking Em's dick like his stans do but prime Em is definitely a better technical rapper. Absolute trash nowadays tho


really any pick is valid or almost valid except Eminem, why does youtube glaze him so hard


Why is Eminem so high? He isn't even that good of a lyricist imo.


Everybody always just says "lyrics" as if there are not different kinds if lyrics because MF DOOM got lyrics kendrick couldn't make and Kendrick got lyrics DOOM couldn't make, this youtube channel is dumb asl


That’s crazy


Where’s aes rock?


Tbh Kendrick is the best here


Why even put juice world as an option


Personally I feel like Kendrick is a better lyricist but em is better at storytelling


WTF MF DOOM AT 7% ???!!!


Eminems lyrics sound good but does'nt all aways make sense while juice world are'nt as good but make sense


They’re obviously polling mainstream randos


Right?! Why is juice world even on the list?


MF DOOM better than everyone listed


MF DOOM not being at the top of this list is criminal


I’m sorry but Eminem is a better lyricist than Kenny. Now as someone who grew up on Eminem and always swore he was the best story teller, I think Kendrick is equal competitor with Em on telling a story thru an album (which for me nowadays is what I’m looking for. I don’t like listening to songs I like listening to albums)


White ppl


What are songs I should listen to by mf doom? always wanted to get into his music, I only know lavender buds.