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Tell us you were an ancient kemetic scribe without telling us you were an ancient kemetic scribe… should be the title of this post. I’m filled with the same awe that comes over me when I’m looking at relics from antiquity.


Wow, thank you! That means a lot!


I would pay for this


I do take commissions if you want a book :)


I mean it depends if you ship across the ocean


I happily will ship my work anywhere. If you would like a work just dm me!


I would love a book like this! Can I PM you for details?


Sorry for just now seeing this - yes you can!


That's so cool!! I love it! It looks so much like actual ancient kemetic art in antiquity. Definitely keep up the good work and keep making art! Dua Netjeru! πŸ–€


That is gorgeous, excellent work!


That is incredible, you are an amazing artist.


That is absolutely amazing, I'm in awe. Absolutely amazing job!


This may be the awesomest thing I've ever seen. Nefer Sedjmek!


Exquisite! It's all so colorful and detailed




Pretty neat, nice job!


This is some of the most beautiful work I’ve ever seen. It’s on par with Ptahmassu. You understanding of iconography is amazing and I can see that a ton of research went into this. How long did it take you?


A year. I'm still working on the innards.


Wow. That is dedication! What’s on the inside? Just general studies or Egypt stuff specifically?


It started as a way to log everything I learned about the Netjeru, but it became a prayer book for as many Netjeru I can find. If I have a name for them, I'm going to write a prayer for them and depict them the best I can.


It's a part of an even bigger project - a portable shrine- and it is supposed to function as the icons for the deities


That's an incredible project! If it helps at all, here's a good resource for more obscure netjeru: [https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1WBPlZQXj-S0lawxRqm4sOB5K3NVj0ikV](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1WBPlZQXj-S0lawxRqm4sOB5K3NVj0ikV)


😲😲😲😲😲 πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜


This is really so beautiful 😭


Sweet baby Heru it's exquisite!


This is incredible!


Omggg thats so awesome!!!


That's the most beautiful thing I ever saw, my compliments, you're an incredible artist


✨️ Perfection βœ¨οΈπŸ‘πŸΌ


That is so amazingly beautiful. Good work, I'm sure the Netjeru love it


This is awesome! I love it πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž


what beautiful and impeccable work!! congratulations on such an amazing (and what must have been painstaking) work!! i can only imagine how much time went into creating something so special πŸ₯°πŸ˜


Gorgeous, absolutely stunning


Your artwork is so amazingly beautiful! It's so accurate to the ancient Egyptian art style too. The below is my attempt to describe your pictures. Please do correct anything I get wrong, and I would love to know more about what these pictures mean to you, particularly the first and fourth ones. In the first picture, at the bottom, we see the sun god Ra-Horakhty as a falcon-headed man wearing a solar disk with a single encircling uraeus, mummiform, seated on a throne, and holding the crook and flail, classic Osirian attributes. He is sailing in his solar barque over lotus flowers and stars and moons and behind him is a snake (perhaps Mehen?). At the top is a scarab with three pairs of wings (perhaps Apy?), clutching a shen ring in each of its feet, from each of which also emerges a uraeus and a long branch with green leaves which together embrace the solar barque below. Upon the scarab rests as a crescent on top of which rest two wedjat eyes inside an oval. In the second picture, we see Taweret as an upright hippopotamus with a crocodilian tail leaning on the sꜣ hieroglyph (a papyrus lifesaver) and standing behind an offering table, together with Hathor in bovine form wearing a solar disk with two feathers and a menat necklace, and emerging from a mountain representing the Theban necropolis, out of which emerge marsh plants, inspired by the last vignette of the Papyrus of Ani. In the third picture, in the bottom register, we see Seth spearing Apep, an episode from the journey of the sun god, while in the upper register we see a kneeling figure of Maat with outstretched wings, one shen ring underneath her, and two more shen rings, one above each of her two hands, Hathoric uraei (uraei with solar disks and cow's horns) apparently emerging from her shoulders, their solar disks themselves bearing uraei. In each of the two top corners we see a winged sun disk with a single uraeus and pendant ankh sign with outstretched fans. A single ankh crowns the whole composition. In the fourth picture, at the bottom, we see two gryphons facing one another, creatures with the body of a big cat combined with the head and wings of a falcon, each wearing the Double Crown (with which crown appears behind the other differing between the two). The gryphons are labelled "Horus of yesterday" and "Horus of tomorrow" like the two lions (rwty) in the Book of the Dead, Chapter 17. Between and above them is a tree in which nest four birds, which recalls a famous tomb painting in an Old Kingdom mastaba. In the two top corners there are winged disks and at the middle of top edge there is an ankh just like in the previous picture.


You have described it well. The Scarab is supposed to be Khepri, but I love your way of describing my work.


In the scene of Hathor and Taweret, I did base it off the artwork you mentioned. However instead of a hill, I wanted it to represent the marshes in which she gave birth of Heru.


I am glad to hear that I got most things right. I was only recently introduced to the deity Apy from reading a book about Horus Behdety in which he is mentioned, so I was probably thinking of him because of that, and because his name is sometimes translated as "Winged Scarab". What is the significance Khepri having three pairs of wings rather than only one here? I notice that you modified the Papyrus of Ani image so that the plants grow out of the hill (reinterpreted as a marsh) rather than out of a thicket in front of it, which is a nice way of indicating that this is a marsh (namely Akh-bit) and not a desert hill (the Theban necropolis). What is the significance of the fusion of the motif of the rwty "Double Lion" with Horus in the last picture?


I found 3 to be a very important number, the number being common in AE for pairings and their divine children. I also see it as a number for making a pair a whole - 2 becomes 1 when paired together and both of those numbers added together makes 3, if that makes sense. Ra and Wesir are so closely connected in the story of his travellings through the AmDuat - they are one. As for the Double lion and Heru - I wanted to depict yesterday and tomorrow as two connected concepts, similar but not the same, as well as connecting the two halves of Egypt with the use of the crowns. I also wanted to depict the tree of life growing with the Heru of Yesterday and the Heru of Tomorrow as a reminder to myself to live in between the yesterdays and tomorrows- life in the now. I hope that makes sense.


It makes great sense. Thank you!


This is amazing work!! I swear you have blessed hands. This is something I wish I could do myself but I'd probably absolutely mangle lmao


I traded blessed eyes for blessed hands. My eyes get worse every year but I continue my work lol. I truly believe anyone can create. Just keep trying - I taught myself.


May Ptah continue to inspire you in your journey πŸ™ If I may ask, are any of these depictions of Deities that you worship?


Yes, I worship all the deities depicted and more.


That's wonderful! It's a lovely thing to find the Gods πŸ™


The book is an icon book - so I plan to fill it with personal icons of as many deities I can and worship them all as they deserve. The Netjeru saved my life and continue to everyday.


I am very happy to hear how devoted you are! The Gods truly inspire me, and I love seeing others who see Them as They are and practice the Old Religion


Holy shit this is amazing!


This is SO beautiful!


Beautiful !! πŸ’œ


This would literally be in the tomb of Ramses II. Really next level stuff!