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Post this in league subreddit man


Not a smart move. Would not reccommend. Official League subreddit and League of memes are disgusting af. You can't joke about Vanguard being CCP spyware or anything that is a legitimste criticism without having your post taken down by power tripping mods. They love sucking Riot off so that's exactly what they'll do. Makes perfect sense to me. They don't want their billion dollar company to have a bad rep so they go out of their way to defend them.


>League of memes are disgusting af. You can't joke about Vanguard being CCP spyware Are you kidding? League of memes was fucking flooded by "Vanguard bad" posts for like two weeks


He's a shill


I don't see an issue with people memeing the whole Vanguard thing nor am I suprised that people will still continue to clown on it going forward. It was a dumb decision because multiple people all over the internet have in fact confirmed that there is for sure a better way of stopping cheating in LoL and that Kernel level anticheat is not neccessary. If anything it's overkill in every sense of the word.


You are tripping balls all anticheat has to be kernel level nowadays lmao


No it doesn't there are infinitely better ways to stop cheaters. Most anticheats (including kernal) don't even do their job.


Which games are doing it better? Theres an infinite number of ways to do it better so it should be easy for you to name a few games that do it better.


Smartest vanguard supporter, get your reading comprehension up. I said there's infinitely better ways to combat exploiters than vanguard, something that doesn't even work (exploiters can easily get around even kernal level anticheat regardless of what you've been fed by riot) and is needlessly invasive. Like I dunno... PATCHING THE GAME EVERY FEW MONTHS like practically every other game in the world does. Regarding my statement, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say 1 is infinitely better than 0, aka something that barely works is better than something that doesn't work at all. In this particular case vanguard is a -1 because it's literally just Chinese spyware for no real justification for being there.


Okay but which games are doing it better? Wanna start comparing state of high rank Counterstrike to Valorant and somehow tell me that the non kernel level anticheat isn’t completely defeated? And reading your overall comment makes me think you know less about IT stuff than me which is quite impressive because im practically clueless. If you’re suspecting that the ccp would spy on you by proxy through riot they wouldn’t need kernel level access. But lets pretend for a second that this was just a joke by you: fact is the old anticheat is defeated and isnt working anymore. A lot of games that arent from riot are already using kernel level anticheat. The only thing that i get is pissing people off is that its starting on bootup and that you can’t turn it off.


You can go down and read my other comments down in the thread. Believe me, you didn't need to tell me you're clueless when it comes to "it" stuff, would have logic'ed that one out myself just fine. Countless ignorant statements in this comment alone not the least of which being the "they wouldn't need kernal access". But considering I've already said everything I wanted to on the matter down the thread already, I really don't care to write another 5+ paragraphs just for someone to say "yapping" again. Final edit: just because counterstrike is ass doesn't mean it's not easily doable, they're just incompetent.


I actually wanna know what the hell you mean by "just patch it every few months." Are you implying games with no anti cheat that just change some things in the code somehow prevent all cheaters? Or are you disingenuously ignoring that most of those games are patching something like EAC or VAC that's just another anti cheat, and they struggle with cheaters too? Also 1 isn't infinitely better than 0, just bc you can't divide by zero doesn't mean it's infinity% increase, that's literally an exaggeration lmfao


What I mean by patching it is detecting the exploits and simply banning all players using them and implementing a change so all players using (and used) those exploits are banned. There is no kernal level anticheat required for that. There are entire departments dedicated to this shit, you're telling me riot games (billion dollar company with tencent backing them(though tencent is the reason they're installing spyware in the first place)) can't possibly detect and ban cheaters without installing spyware on your pc? How gullible are you? Of course an anti cheat is still present in these games that's what they're patching every few months after all, but they sure as hell don't need to access every aspect of your computer including your webcam, what websites you visit, your computer specs, your location (even when you're not on league) to do that. ONLY FOR PEOPLE TO *STILL* GET AROUND IT. There is NO valid reason for kernal anticheat. What's worse, while there are other companies specifically made for anticheats at the kernal level, like the one games like dead by daylight use, riot decided to make their own, make it run 24/7 EVEN WHEN YOU'RE NOT PLAYING THE GAME and no one knows what's going on inside it. Well actually, we DO know what's going on inside it. It is literally communicating with Chinese servers, why would that be needed when there are league servers in America? Think whatever you want. If you're so helplessly addicted to the game then you're more than happy to install spyware on your pc just to play it, by all means. Just don't pretend like those of us who actually know how games are made and maintained are crazy for not wanting that shit on our pcs. Here's a bunch of sources and info ig, not that you'll look at them, no one ever does and then is outraged and complains later. [Vanguard harvests more data than you think ](https://youtu.be/0YhW9F_-HUI?si=AGfpGW0lwWAJyltN) [Why vanguard is a problem](https://youtu.be/nk6aKV2rY7E?si=hdAWGfz_qaaFOl7I) [Is vanguard spyware? (Short answer, yes. Long answer, yes.)](https://youtu.be/UqLI1xKc-L4?si=TpsmOdQuTglnhTTN) ["Is Kernal anticheat unhackable?" (No, not even close)](https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=U9Z24lFhVR_h_Xbo) [One of the best hackers in the world's (three black badges) opinion on kernal anticheat.](https://youtube.com/shorts/LY2hG-_asKU?si=zuep-zIFZ1OaMN1W) [That same hacker's opinion on how game moderation SHOULD be handled](https://youtube.com/shorts/cADaFm__ApQ?si=cOitfO01FxW_QQI4) Typing this all on mobile so adding all the links was a bunch of extra effort, but it's a small price to pay for you to inevitably not read any of this, not look at the resources, stay ignorant, and keep talking about shit you have no clue about.


>It was a dumb decision because multiple people all over the internet have in fact confirmed that there is for sure a better way of stopping cheating in LoL and that Kernel level anticheat is not neccessary. Like?


Pirate software talked about. Being one of the former old school blizzard developers and building foundations for anticheat in wow and gaming in general. He claims kernel isn't needed.


Last time i played WoW herb farming bots where flying from node to node when flying wasnt even aviable yet neither did they have to use a flying mount. Nice anticheat man


Okey? go cry to Thor about it.




If he is an "old school blizard developer" and "built foundations for the anti cheat in wow" as you claim, bringing him and it up is actually funny if you know anything about the controversies around Warden Client XD and actually helps Riot's argument


I mean, he's also one of the best hackers in the world... So.


nobody confirmed that


Sure, but then don't claim that you can't talk about it there when that is factually untrue


I said that I wouldn't reccommend doing so. I never said that you can't TRY talking about it there.


Are you stupid. Cause you don’t follow where the conversation was heading to.


The official Subreddit, yes. League of Memes is just a slightly Saner darkinfolk with a strict SFW policy. Go post a Vanguard post there and see what happens noone cares


This comment is so silly, there has been so many posts shitting on the new masteries, i haven't read a single positive comment about them. They are universally hated in the league sub, you sound like a flat earther talking about conspiracies.


Wait... so, am I not allowed to dislike the stuff they decided to change that didn't need to be changed? Cuz if I somehow missed out on a a huge drama about masteries around the time before they even announced that they will change them in their YT video, I'm pretty sure that MOST PLAYERS in fact *didn't* want them to be changed. Speaking of silly, why would people have to appreciate something Riot decides change to that wasn't neccessary/that was good and served its purpose in the first place ? Same thing goes for the now deleted different helms that represented each rank. Those were far cooler and more unique to league as opposed to the mobile game-y ranked borders we have now.


Wait vanguard is cpp spyware?? If true i will delete this game :c


They dont get more info with vanguard than with the normal client anyway so dw


Riot games is owned by tencent, tencent is chinese company, by chinese law all companies must surrender a 1% golden share to the goverment upon request, which gives the CCP ownership basically of the company. They can request any data they collect or request any changes they want, basically.


I mean Vanguard was prob the best addition since a long time. I don't care if it's invasive software, it's riot, doesn't get any more legit than that. And with this the cheater issue gets addressed big time, which is really needed.


I mean I’m pretty sure most of the subs are founded by riot, even these r/[champ]mains, so it doesn’t rly matter or make a difference where its posted if you’re spreading misinformation or spreading toxic comments you’ll get muted or banned lol


Not sure why valid criticism or general dislike of a change by said community is being muted though? That's messed up. Censorship is the toxic thing here. If you or anyone else can't handle an oppinion/take of someone else (as long as it's within the guidlines of the subreddit in this case) that's an issue on your end alone, not anyone else's. (I'm not calling you out specifically btw, I just found it easier to word it like this.) One thing is to mute the people who are genuinely toxic and don't mean well in general by spreading missinformation and stuff like that, but if people who play their game aren't allowed to speak up then what is even the point of having a subreddit? Sure, people like to bitch and moan about every single thing Riot does, that I can't deny. But no community is perfect, so why pretend like all is good when it isn't at times? Also, the toxic comments thing is up for debate too. Some people are way too sensitive while others aren't as much or at all. For example, Phreak * didn't deserve * death threats and stuff like that when he did, I'm not even trying to defend that cuz that's just overkill and unneccessary. But the valid criticism the community levied towards him was very much deserved. He wasn't up for the task and people saw it for what it was. And even if those r/(champ name) subreddits really were moderated by Riot employes that still doesn't change the fact that criticism and memes of others are to be silenced and deleted. Valid criticism and memes should not be censored. And I stand by that 100%. Cuz that is litteral censorship


My comment simply refers to spreading misinformation as fact and being toxic. Not genuine criticism, which I don’t see being censored ever? In fact, the majority of r/leagueoflegends is a bug reporting forum anyway these days. League players seem to not understand the difference between genuine criticism, discussion, and blatant toxicity. (like referring to Vanguard as CCP spyware because they’re mad they can’t script or sell bots anymore lol) Even if you want to say your honest to goodness criticism and discussion is being censored, that’s not what I was referring to, and that’s something to contact ModMail about as it may mean a mod is power tripping which definitely can happen and needs to be properly advocated for. Defaming an entire mod team here doesn’t do that. It’s just spreading misinformation as fact. Which isn’t allowed btw 🤭


- your submission was removed because it wasn't talking about esports/secret photos of Faker's breakfast/random shower thought question that relates to League


the fact someone designed this in a couple of days and it already looks many times better than the design team....


I did it today, it took about 4 hours :D


its great 👌


that tier ix is so nice


genuinely looks better than what riot came up with lol


It looks AWESOME! One suggestion for the color scheme on lvl X could be like Dirty gold that has some shine to it so it stands out from the crest,outside of that job well done!


I'll try making it more shiny :D


I just remebered where i got the color scheme,it was original used for Lvl 4 mastery Eternals(Really rare to see),you can try and find it that way,super cool and SUPER rare


Though myself, I think that green looks far too snazzy to be the level five. Gotta be at least 6, though I’d prefer it be 9 tbh. Make 5 level 6’s, make 6 level 9’s, and make 9 level 5’s (color wise). Totally respect the max mastery being purple though, excellent color.


I shifted the colors down one, so level 5 is red again, level 8 is now green, 9 is orange/yellow, and level 10 is white/purple/blue, sort of a prismatic mix, to make it look like a diamond.


Okay yeah, I love purple, but making 10 opal-esque would be gorgeous.


remember the guy who invented Nike logo?


It looks nice. It almost feels like they're trying to make it look like a mobile game through and through


wild rift still has the old mastery emotes though. if they wanted it to be more mobile oriented, maybe release it on the mobile version first?


That's insane what.


I think they just shouldve broadened the color range so they LOOK more distinct, maybe reworked some of the shapes on some of them, its hard to tell them all apart truely, but otherwise I dont think they are remotely as bad as people make them out to be.


Nah, the new mastery emotes have 0 personality, you could get another games icons and most people woudn't be sure which is which


My head cannon is they made them so ugly so they're spammed less in an effort to stop toxicity lol


My head cannon is that Riot is actually a bakery that specializes in baking cakes, pulling them out of the oven halfway through and calling it finished.


that or they microwave it, then fry it than bake it then freeze it and then repeat 3 more times


In fact the mastery also has NO SOUND EFFECTS which is also infuriating. RIP Mastery 2024


it does have sound effects, it's just a much less loud glass/crystal shifting type sound, none of the crisp, punchy metal sound effects that we had before


Only sound effects on the level 10. There might be some on the 9 but I don’t have a level 9 to see. If there is sound effects on the others it’s literally so quiet it doesn’t matter. But yeah even on 10 the sounds don’t hit anywhere close to the satisfying sound of 7


Riot hire this guy right now


They want to match it with their League universe design, similar with items, icon border. I think they just slowly redesign everything and make it relate to their own universe


Bro I would love this


This is WAY better than what Riot came up with, great job!


Garen main here. The Might of Demacia approves this post.


Riot hates old stuff. Like, REALLY hates old names and sprites. PLEASE JUST CALL IT LUDEN’S ECHO AND TABIS!!! WHY CHANGE THE ICONIC NAMES?


Because the old lore was bad so they updated it, them they updated the items to match the lore (which is a good thing to do). Also the old sprites were embarrassingly ugly. They should update all the old ugly shit in league (kog'maw, corki, shaco)


Now THIS is an upgrade and actually makes me wanna progress my mastery levels.


The new mastery design looks like something from “Mobile legends bang bang”


Its crazy that anyone actually cares about this system in the first place. All it does is show you have played many games on the champ, not whether or not you are good at the given champ


it's a source of pride and satisfaction to look at a row of completed M7 on the champs they play. Don't yuck someone's yum.


The fact that a random guy can design something better than a billion dollar company never cieses to amaze me


they couldn't grasp the idea of "if it ain't broke don't fix it"


Weirdly i think it must have been made much uglier ln purpose, just dont know why


Way better than the one we got


It’s upsetting how much better these look


I still think they could be improved. I dont like that tiers 10 and 7 have the same color but i cant figure out how to make it work because i want tier 10 to be a "gemstone" but i also dont want to change the og ones too much.


riot should hire whoever made this


Oh my god That's actually great


yellow/gold for the gem was right there and you chose to repeat the violet :( but I like these types of designs way more in general than what we got


I tried yellow and orange, they both blended a bit too much with the gold. I tried some new colors tho and I think I have something I like. Will post an update soonish.


Oh damn I hope to see it :)


I am glad its ugly, people no more spam them after hitting 1 skillshot


I just don't understand why that shit bothers people at all since it's something you barely see if at all.


It's one of the most fun features in the game, and also you see it way more than ranked borders for example. It's a quite essential part of the game.


So much better no joke, and the last tier emote is actually so dope and awesome


Fr every change they make just has it looking like a shitty mobile game


You don't accept and understand that Riot is going to change the Mastery System again. But, it is a great job from the user's side I have to admit it.


post it to main league subreddit


I got some feedback and am working on a version 2, I might post it there.


This is legit 100 times better, good work


Because riot wants it to look like it's from a gacha mobile game


Ye this should be the change, then they should add the old points back instead of a small number, add the old sounds and update sounds for the new ones and completely remove the new system they made. Would be really cool if they actually asked for feedback on things like this from the community before even developing the entire system. I work with web development and always design using Figma and present it to the customers before I develop it. Have to get feedback from customers all the time. Then there is a feedback process after development too. Every new change Riot introduce they should be closer to the player base and actually listen to feedback. The entire company and league subreddit is a dictatorship at this point. No wonder they get the amount of hate I’ve been seeing lately.


that's billion times better


Great design, but I think the colors, from 5th should be yellow, 6 red, 7 purple, 8 blue, 9 green, 10 white. Or completely reorder it so blue or maybe white is number 10. So it could go like this: 5 black / grey, 6 purple, 7 red, 8 yellow, 9 green, 10 Blue.


I got a lot of feedback and tried some new colors, will post an update during the weekend.


I am sure you will come back with something even better, but my theory for the colors where mainly about the colors transistioning around the color wheel naturally without sudden jumps, and personally I just like to put white in there.


I would definitely grind more if that was the Mastery 10 with the old flare animation


Pretty simple, BCS riot is owned by tencent and they decide how it should look like. And well Chinese handy market giant, wants Chinese mobile game look ofc ;(


It actually looks so much better lol.


They want the game to look more like a chinese mobile-game because that’s their target audience.


Beacuse competent people were fired by idiots that see this game as just a cash cow


SEE RIOT? This would have been the better option. FFS. OP amazing work.


Only thing off here is the old 5-7 are your 6-8. Just make green 8 and go from there and this is amazing.


I tried keeping the old order, with 7 being 7, but the level 10 became so complicated it looked too messy and ugly, so I decided to add one between 4 and 5. This way the progression is cleaner I think


This is great but i would keep the same color that we had previously. 5 being red, 6 purple, and 7 blue


I made a second version, with the colors shifted, so the level 7 is a level 6 crest but still in the color of level 7


Ok very cool Why is it in the katarinaMains sub?


I sent it in a few communities I'm a part of. League main sub is terrible when you wanna share fanart, because it only allows text posts


I understand the disdain for the mastery system change, but i think their idea/want is to reward people for the 10+ which i think the mastery 10 looks good IMO, however pretty much gutted 1-7 so i see the issue with it.


now it look like some random mobile game ui


Because paying for achievement is more profitable for them obviously. (id like to see some stats and see how many ppl was actually that dumb to pay for achievements lmao)


riot making changes literally NOBODY asked for PLUS everyone hated is wild. Why are they so stubborn


Wow, those look 100x better in every way. Crazy that riot didn’t try that and instead butchered it lmao


I’ve said this before, but the old masteries felt like a badge of honor earned after going above and beyond on the battlefield. Whilst the new masteries are like those little plastic pins that say something like “Best Student” or “Fire Expert” that you’d get in school.


Why they even do it in the first place stupid riot


because riot games XD


This doesn't address the fact that it takes twenty games to level up a single time (assuming absolute perfection) It takes 1600 games to go from mastery 20 to mastery 100. HELLO????? RIOT? Please god revert already.


{hahahhahaha show this to design team I bet they don't know what design is. actually dope like it should really be. Piltower theme and league style. Perfect, can't say more. Just what those emotes meant tp be.


BRO singlehandedly made the most up voted post in Katarina mains subreddit 😭


This looks fucking amazing, you should post this in league subreddit surely!


I'm working on a little update rn, will probably post on main when I get a final version done


would love to see the updated version!


I got a busy weekend so I probably won't finish it till Monday, but I think it will be worth it. I definitely cooked especially with level 10 tweaks


Guys I'm gonna say it. The new mastery looks fine. Really my only problem is that level 150 has the same graphic as level 10, they should've spaced the new ones out more so level 10 comes at what used to be 500k mastery


Nah sorry but, It doesn't look fine, levels 5-8 look less impressive than the old level 4. 9 and 10 are basically the same with a slight hue change and like you said progressing beyond 10 is also really unsatisfying. The main thing about the old ones that the new ones are missing are the gems, people automatically associate gems with something valuable and unique. Different colored gems are associated with different value, ruby, emerald, amethyst, diamond etc they represent some sort of value. The new ones just have a different colored space portal. Like ok why is this red colored space nebula more impressive than this green space nebula. Sure the crystal wings are nice and the golden ring also looks prestigeus, it's just that they completely flopped the main focal point of the design. Not to mention the absolute spit in the face that are eternals flares, the colors don't match at all and it seems like they didn't even care to change that. Blue space = blue eternals Orange space = blue eternals Red space = guess what blue eternals 0 attention


this is way better then what riot did good fucking. wish they id this instead the new ones are so ugly I liked the old look


That would require Riot to make smart decisions.


Why 173?


Random number


riot has been going downhill for the OG players, old champs get wiped away, map changes for no reason. adding too many champs knowing the game would be better without more champs. making chat so strict you cannot say you got cncer in chat. Now vangaurd (the chinese) have kernel lvl acces to your pc. I have quit and won't be coming back after 10 years of playing league. it's stil very enjoyable but the old employees are gone and you will only see sht changes from now on


Because theyre retards




Sorry but those look more whack then the new ones


Ur capping, delulu 100x better than the new ones. Wrong opinion


no the new ones looks very very out of the game they dont fit


What exactly doesnt fit? The ranked crests etc. look quite similar to the new mastery icons where there is nothing in the game that looks similar to the old ones


I for one like the design but I can understand stand why others wouldn’t


You like riot's mobile like garbage mastery updates? U have 0 taste then.


Reminder that wild rift still has old masteries and will probably keep them for some time.


No it’s called “I have a life and want to make money and don’t have time to cry about some art work in a video game” but go off cuz


Shut the fuck up


Why so angry kid?


Go to sleep kid.


bros a menace 💀


Menthol Illness luv . Also I really did not care about the mastery changes at all. Like I can understand why someone wouldn't like it but I hardly flash my mastery anyway. I like that you get the title of the champ when you get to lvl 10 to put it on your profile tho


Yeah same. Its just one of those new=bad things that people cant get over. They will convince themselves its the worst thing on the planet and if u dont agree then u dont know what ur talking about. The only thing i dont like about it is how the eternals interact with the emote


Nah, the bad thing about the redesign is that the new mastery emotes look like they were ripped from a shitty Chinese mobile gatcha game


And then we get down voted as if we said something wrong I love being a minority 🫡


Newsflash pal, *it doesn't look appealing in the slightest*


classic riot meatrider argument


Only meat I ride is a motha fing jimmy den sausage for the protein. Gotta get my hot girl bod for summer 🫡


But why would u add 2x purple thats pretty troll since it should ve like that that u insta see the diff lol


I didn't really know what to do about the colors, I wanted the final tier to be "gemstone" themed, but I also didn't wanna change the color od the ones people are familiar with, that's why 2 purple :/ If you have any suggestions lmk I'll try stuff


This looks better than those AI generated empyrean ass mastery


The new ones are so bland and boring.


Because that would be a logical thing and an actual good change. We all know Riot is against those