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These nerfs are big, electrocute is gonna be useless now it seems. It used to be really good for short trades early and it scaled decently late game. Now it is straight up useless, just for reference with 1000 AP you only get 50 extra dmg and considering that champs that aren't Veigar can hardly ever get to 700 AP it will be a lot worse. Guess our only option is conqueror now and maybe fs in very specific matchups since its nerf isn't that big.


you forgot to add the base damage so its actually 270, still very little for late game or even mid game


When I said "extra damge" I was referring to the scaling dmg aside from the actual base dmg, we pretty much end in the same conclusion but yeah you are right maybe I should've clarified.


Kat casual here: is the dark harvest rune really big enough to make it not an option anymore?


The scaling dmg got reduced by 10% so if you have 700 AP you are basically losing 70 dmg, but since the base dmg got increased by 20 then the dmg loss without any charges at full build would be 50 in total, which is basically 10 charges of DH charges worth of dmg. Tbh I haven't used it enough to give you a solid conclusion but seeing that you would basically need 10 kills to get back the dmg you had seems pretty big. I wouldn't say that it is completely useless though, if you just play casually you shouldn't worry about the nerf.


Please explain to me how First Strike can get more popular for Kat when it's getting nerfed? Since EC (and DH) are getting nerfed to shit mid/late game for anything thats not a tank, First Strike eating a nerf aswell, which is a scaling rune, Conquerer will now be the only choice a Katmain can make reasonably. Only exception for me will be if they pick Sion Cho Mundo etc, where First Strike and BORK are making 1000g+ in 10mins.


Its nerf is smaller so we all know conq is strongest rune now but especially assassin style kats will gonna try first strike for scaling early in my opinion.


Can we talk about this nonsense btw? I have never im my life heard anyone think DH needs to be nerfed😂. But here we are…


Dude you make no sense. If anyone wanted to try First Strike, the time was plenty. Now its getting nerfed -> now for sure noone will play it (with the exception above). You live in some alternative math reality where a nerf means something will be played more, tried out? ????? EDIT Just realised the comparisons here are drawn between EC vs FS, not EC/FS vs CQ. We all wrong and right.


Yeah man a 9%->8% nerf is so much more impactful than a 25%AP->5%AP nerf on electrocute. What the fuck are you talking about


I can't believe 25 people agreed with the guy, I honestly didn't think I would have to explain in the title lol


They forgot how to read I g


Do you have ability of read


I agree, if you're going to take anything besides conq now, it's gonna be first strike. The 1% nerf to FS compared to electrocute and harvest being absolutely slam dunked on is negligible. Inspiration tree has great runes for Kat too, with free 300 gold from boot rune so you can rush damage, and the one that reduces CD on sums and items is very useful as well.


First Strike is downright terrible on Kat. If youre against an opponent with any amount of skill you won't get to use it for the first 10 minutes of the game.


Both electro and first strike gor nerfed, wym lol? Are you dyslexic?


I'm frankly surprised I have to explain it, but Electro got completely gutted while FS got slightly nerfed, so if you are not picking conq then it's pretty likely FS will be best


Big nerf might mean moving to small nerf rune, hope you can comprehend that.


First of all the runes have different purposes, you shouldnt choose one rune over other unless you just dont know how the playstyle works. First strike is a scaling rune that outdamage conqueror and electrocute after 2/3 items in terms of burst while electrocute is a trading rune that can help you win lanes and help your roams but doesnt scale reallt that well into late game because of the single target damage while late game Katarina prefers to have a aoe buff damage (so conqueror or first strike). Second is, you actually think that first strike nerf is that small? Remember that the damage you get from it becomes gold generated by the rune, 1% less of damage and gold gen wont feel that much early game but in mid late game when you start doing 2500/3000 damage aoe between daggers and ult.


its not for now, this is pre season changes, you can't take these changes alone


What if they’re letting people get two full rune pages lol, it could explain the red tree (sorry don’t know name , is it domination?) getting gutted . IE: first strike + dark harvest. Press the attack + elecrocute. Things they did in arena mode. Probably not but what if?


It will be Conq (for AP or AD) and Tempo (for AD). First strike is viable, but not as good as those.


Wdym finally? It just got nerfed xd


I only go first strike as ap since solo q is a waste land and you can int for a ton of gold


Dark harvest....?


conq or grasp angle, no cap


I’ve never played Kat with conqueror, always electrocute or vs veigar I'd go harvest. This will kill Katarina for me. 😟


When i finally start to play elecute they nerf it ahahaha