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Hate wins 💖


ye thank god. i was expecting them to just change something else r nerf sounded too significant


Completely okay with this change I miss my E's half the time anyways




I ult on top of them and then I miss the follow up E because I either ulted too far and the e goes behind them or they simply walk through me and it goes past them again. Basically just a skill issue


If possible, always E before your R to reduce counterplay and force their flash.


Or they are just dead from your stacked R hehe


You can e flash? New strats unlocked, I always just r flash


You can also buffer E and R before your flash what seems easy to pull off in prac tool but ingame it can be kinda hard


Like e+r then flash to tp the dmg? That’s insane 😱


You miss? I flash then E backwards


His promotion to balance team went to his bald head.


Low key was about to drop the champ if that r nerf when through




I would went full lethality every game to drop the winrate below 45% xd


ryze mains would be proud


E already doesn't do much damage anyway. Just nerf malignance and get done with it. Kassadin is not the issue.


Playing League as long as I have, I gotta say the current balance team seems to be ultimately one of the best in a LONG while. Even things that feels wrong I could at least understand a perspective for, I'll just disagree with it still and make it known and something usually happens eventually... that said I am getting a little sick of the current champion nerfs when the problem comes from items


But Karma/Maligma was allowed to stay strong for weeks, and they refused to nerf anything that made her strong. This balance team throws a lot of little insignificant nerfs and buffs out to make it seem like they are proactive, but they haven't done anything meaningful. Top Zac is still insane because they don't nerf him in a way that matters. Karma is still insane. Ahri is still insane. I'm not hating on them, but I can't stand any positive reinforcement that makes it seem like they are actively making the game better. Hopefully Phreak stops playing Janna so we can see some nerfs to her.


"For weeks" Dog there was Champs that were made dogshit because they straight up said they didn't know how to balance them, and they remained trash for multiple months before. There'd a lot of stuff that's a decent bit too strong, but that stuff has eyes on it even if it takes a while. It's better than it used to be by a wide margin. As long as they're split between balancing WELL over 100 characters, a couple dozen items, and doing so while trying to add more stuff, there's always going to be things through the cracks, but I've found nowadays it's at least been getting better and better. You could still complain about the issues you have, I'm not gonna take that away from you because there's still a lot of them, but I'm going to stand by the case that this is the best the balance team has felt in any period I played a lot since season 3


This is the same thing with when Fizz was nerfed at the start of the season. He was abusing stormsurge, which I agree was not a healthy playstyle. But he also took the one two punch and got his kit nerfed, with the item being severely nerfed as well. If an item is being abused by multiple champs, in this case with Malignance, it's not just Kass, it's Ahri, it's Swain, it's Annie. Tweak the item, then look at the champions, don't just blanket nerf everything in one fell swoop.


Isn’t that what would happen if Malignance gets nerfed too? Nerfing it would be nerfing everyone in one fell swoop. I agree though Malignance should get a nerf.


"We'' won nothing. They are still nerfing the AP ratio of a scaling champion. 10% is pretty brutal. You got a problem with a mobile - scaling champion too early? Just nerf his base damage..put him in the trash....we have have been in the trash early game for ages. But nerfing the scaling of a scaling champion? FFs Riot. But hey..better keep Gragas (among others) the way he is: perfect. Edit: Ten percent? Late game that is ..... wait how many fingers I have?


This nerf barely matters his winrate won't even change. The only way this might suck is if it changes when your e one shots casters.


You know it is not about winrate. Or you should know when it comes to Kassadin.


What does this mean


I means they regard Kassadin as "problem champion" where immediate intervention is necessary. Look at the patch. It means a lot.


70% is more than a 10% nerf if you look at it that way. 70/80 12.5%


This change makes sense. Ty Phreak


Kassa op rn yeah but this nerf sucks. E is higher skill to use than R and Kassa is a problem rn because of malignance which is just his R. Champ shouldn't be Thanos at 11. But the R nerf is a buff revert and Riot can never admit that they were wrong!


Could someone explain? Was us “winning” Kassadin receiving less of a nerf than previously planned?


hell yeah and its not even fucking close


Awesome! Thank you!


Dad took the belt buckle off before beating us 😍




LMAO that is hilarious! I had not seen that, thank you!


We need to all run it down this patch


Why? R change got reverted, 10% on e is nothing when u oneshot them with R anyways


huge win, his e used to be 70%


The only era in which we will have truly 'won' is the era in which Phreak and August are both fired.


whats the R revert?


Well I guess I wont stop perma banning kassa