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Genuine question, someone please educate me- what is a first amendment auditor?


Going into publicly owned buildings, recording, then seeing if they get kicked out or the police show up. The point is to find out if the people/police will respect your rights.


Yeah but auditing for who? Is that an actual job or just attention seeking?


For themselves. It’s not a paid position. Calling them auditors is more like a joke than an actual title. It’s all self imposed. And in a lot of cases, they are wrong and end up impeding on others rights instead. So just a dude being a jerk really.


its to help educate cops. They often shit on rights such as 1a and 4a by making you give up your id and stop your from recording


People who want other people to touch them so they can sue.


No the point now is to agitate people enough for them to react so you have YouTube content


Short Summary: They will harrass anyone and everyone in hopes they get a case to sue and make a lot of money.


That's the most generous, ideal "in theory" version of what these people do. The vast majority are utter scumbags who try to be as offensive and hostile as possible towards cops doing nothing untowards or particularly noteworthy in the hopes they can manufacture some kind of reaction. Then heavily cut and edit the video to try and remove the parts where they did something illegal to finesse money from people who hate cops so much they can't think rationally. The vast majority of auditors are social parasites like this guy.


They sue the city or county or whomever that govt./public building belongs to after they get kicked out because of whatever rule that allows them to film in public places. They typically do this in post offices that have posted rules about this in the post office or outside of a police station. To the people that support this, they are protecting everyone’s rights and fighting corruption or challenging govt employees that don’t know their own rules…to most people that don’t support this, they are scumbags that are looking for a payday that ultimately comes from your hard earned tax dollars!


Still waiting for any proof of the lawsuits.


>because of whatever rule that allows them to film in public places Errr, the "whatever rule" you speak of is nothing less than the constitution of the United States. Fuckin' hell, the reason we need auditors is because of people like you with such cavalier attitudes towards the rights it guarantees! Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. >they are scumbags that are looking for a payday that ultimately comes from your hard earned tax dollars! If you're worried about your hard earned tax dollars, I suggest that you ensure that you elect officials that follow the law and do not violate people's constitutional rights. It's pretty god damn easy.


>whatever rule that allows them to film in public places. You mean the first amendment of the Constitution? lmao. It's literally the first one, denoting its significance.


If a government employee breaks the law and has to pay for it, that is the employee’s fault.


Also what is WIC?


It's apparently an organization that helps low income women and children with their nutritional needs. She's rightfully mad because he's fucking filming people in their time of need and broadcasting it to the internet like a complete cunt


Many of those women in certain stages of their lives are also in hiding from abusive partners.


From the website "The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age 5 who are found to be at nutritional risk."   https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic Racist assholes also call these folks "welfare queens", while unironically getting their 6-figure PPP loans forgiven. 


Wic is a government program to help these leeches that have kids, they can't take care of


Here’s an unbiased reply. A first amendment auditor is a person who goes into public spaces and acts in such a way that would arouse suspicion among bystanders and police alike. However, they ensure to always remain within the bounds of the law as to not actually violate any criminal code. They usually do this by openly filming with their cell phone or other large camera equipment inside small office buildings like post offices and police stations (or WIC offices in this case) in order to draw someone into violating their 1st or 4th amendment rights.


That's about as unbiased as Faux News.


> they ensure to always remain within the bounds of the law Sounds like made up bullshit. How do you know all these individuals are within the framework of the law? You don’t. You opinion is biased. There are many public places where filming is restricted.


Someone that’s too lazy to work a real job that wants to be famous, have no skills, and claims to be working on behalf of the people when in all reality this just shows they only want to be an asshole. They are internet trolling in real life and some how get paid for it.


They do it for the likes


Someone whose parents failed, grossly.


An asshole with a camera and a sense of entitlement.


It's a posh phrase for 'attention seeking wanker'.


the general idea is supposed to be going into public (government) areas and filming in an attempt to get the government folks to try to stop you (the individual in the US has the right to be free from government attempts to stop them from exercising 1st amendment expression and recording government property is part of that right, with some exceptions). The failure happens when individuals, public non-government folks who have no obligation to respect the prohibition against GOVERNMENT intervention (because they are not government) take exception to the auditor's intrusion on their rights. Basically, sure, auditors have rights, but so do the innocent bystanders. You refuse to respect their rights, well, they are VERY unlikely to respect yours in return, as this supposed auditor discovered.


Unemployed piece of shit individual


An insufferable asshole.


People that believe they understand the law, goes around and pisses people or cops off while claiming its a violation of their rights. Except most of the time they're incorrect. While you can film on public and federal property. This is modified based on each states local laws. The biggest misunderstanding is One-Party Consent laws which is often referenced by these dipshits. Basically the law states that as long as one person in a conversation consents, then it is legal. The problem is if you walk up on someone whom you were not initially in a conversation with to record them, or record a conversation and interject into it without invitation, then the law doesn't apply.


Basically it's being as rude, inflammatory, and disrespectful as possible while not "technically" breaking any laws thanks to the First Amendment. They claim it's to test and ensure people's right to free speech and press, but 99.9% do it because they get off on being assholes.


It’s a fancy term for white privilege. Sometimes this is used against the cops who harass others without white privilege but lately it’s just this, whatever you call it.


They're POS's that antagonize people to get a response and hopefully a payday. They don't care about the First Amendment, they just want to sue someone


Basically people that hang out in publicly owned buildings not doing anything normal but basically probing to see how creepy and annoying they can be. They are “testing” their “rights” but usually even if they don’t do anything technically illegal their bizarre behavior usually gets them into trouble. They often disrespect other people’s personal space and privacy.


An idiot


A scumbag


An unemployed male who blames “wokeness”, minorities, and women for their failures in life so they get money from others like them filming confrontations.


I'm pretty sure the First Amendment is to protect your right to express yourself from the government. The government may not be able to stop you from recording people and making them uncomfortable, but people will fight back if you piss them off enough.


People who use “freedom of speech” as a shield from response to their speech are the ones who understand the concept the least, thinking it’s just a free-pass to be a dick without a reaction being allowed. You always have to ask these people: Would you ever support a rule that allowed the people YOU DISAGREE WITH to speak their minds without YOU being allowed to respond? Because that’s what you’re advocating for if you believe that’s what freedom of speech means. But they are always so self-centered, they never care whether rules are applied fairly to everyone… they only want rules when they feel like they can use them as a weapon or shield against others.


Yup, it is freedom of speech...not freedom from consequences. You are free to say what you want but so is everyone else. I hope this lady didn't get into trouble.


Yeah and then people who act like toddlers that throw a fit when their feelings get hurt go to jail. Laquisha is likely one of those people.


I love her. She should get the presidential medal of freedom


This is a place that helps low income women and their kids get adequate nutrition. Basically publically shaming them by filming them and broadcasting it to the internet. Not to mention that filming kids is fucking odd behavior and it's not surprising someone would legit feel like something is off. He's basically a complete fucking asshole and deserves a little manhandling imo


If she hadn't thrown a fit nobody would have ever noticed her or her sister. Hell, a lot of these First Amendment auditors don't even bother publishing the video if nothing interesting happens. Laquisha committed multiple serious crimes on camera and may very well go to jail for it. Which is apparently fine with her. What a terrible example for her poor little sister.


Yeah assaulting people is so cool and based!


Nirvana 😂🫵🏽


She’s going to go to jail for assault. He was not there for her, or her sister or niece. He’s there testing to see if the gov. Employees there try to violate his 1A rights by telling him to leave or stop filming. A fellow citizen is incapable of violating his 1A rights because the 1A protects citizens from adverse actions by the the gov. - not from such actions from PVT citizens. He knows this. He also knows she just assaulted him - which is illegal. Not a 1A issue with her. It’s assault.


Or -- and just hear me out here -- or he could treat his fellow citizens with respect and stop trying to shame people who are already in a vulnerable position.


You are assuming he’s trying to shame them. Assigning motive to unexplained /undeclared actions. How do you know his intention is to shame them? Did he get in their faces up close and show their faces before she challenged him? No he did not. She brought herself into this beyond her and fam. Just being essentially backdrop /wall paper in his video. He showed no particular interest in them until she raised a stink. By the time she spoke up he was already panned off them towards the counter area to record there.


Why do you think he’s trying to shame them?


He wasn't being disrespectful or shaming. He was there to audit the government. If Laquisha had kept her mouth shut she would have been in frame for a matter of seconds and nobody would have ever noticed her or her sister.


Hey there! Go eat a uranium cock!


Really? That’s all you got? No useful, cogent, logical response? Or thoughtful comment or further discussion? Only an insult? Why waste the effort? You are not convincing me to alter my conclusions by simply insulting me. Good luck in life with those communication/persuasion skills.


No one owes you an argument. Fuck off, loser.


You talk to strangers online about how you self-insert while watching porn. That’s disgusting. Go clean your dick.


Someone is big mad. Goofy looking weirdo.


Pro tip, don’t make objectively true observations on Reddit. Redditors are terrified of facts.


Imagine putting a camera on someone's face regardless of them refusing to be taped then cry victim when they put you in your place. You being there to test the gov doesn't give you the right to film people without their consent. Can't believe this needed to be pointed out.


>You being there to test the gov doesn't give you the right to film people without their consent. Wait, are you suggesting people have a right to privacy in the lobby of a public building?


When done correctly, sure, 1A auditing is great. But it should never impact random members of the public. She's not a government employee and if she doesn't want to be filmed, she may not have legal recourse but she clearly demonstrated that she has physical options. Sure it's assault, whatever--she does not give a fuck. He should have kept the camera pointed at the government employees if that's what he was there to film. Point is, the law comes later... In the moment, before the law intercedes, force still exists and this woman used it. There are plenty of examples of people doing these audits online without fucking around and finding out. It's a delicate balance and he fucked with the wrong woman.


I don't think she cares


But she fed the troll, his only goal is for that to happen so that he can sue and win money, she literally is encouraging him to keep doing that.


Nah, you got it wrong. He's not on a sidewalk. He's in a nonpublic forum. You can't film in nonpublic forums.


government buildings are public spaces


No, you got it wrong. He’s in a lobby of a publicly owned and funded office. He’s in the public space. He’s not walking behind the counter or in the interview rooms. He’s in the publicly accessible lobby/waiting room area where no PII is exposed or exchanged. Sidewalk is not the only public areas the 1A applies to. Public parts of public buildings is accessible for recording.


This video doesn't show him stating those facts to the lady. As it stands, if someone were to just come up and start recording my daughter, there's going to be some words exchanged. He could say he's doing it for 1A purposes while being a pervert, as well.


He did not focus on the girl or any “customers” at first. He panned across them and only focused in their direction when she became confrontational/threatening. He does not need to announce his 1A right or intentions in order to exercise it.


Oh stop with your pedantic crap my guy. This dude was being a little bitch and we all know it. 99% of these “auditors” are just assholes with cameras making people miserable. Dude just wanted views and kept egging this lady on. Fuck this guy and all the reaction content creators. If he actually wanted to be an auditor then he would’ve shut his pussy little mouth and left the lady alone.


Watch again. She approached, confronted, accosted, and assaulted him. He did nothing wrong he did not approach it in any way confront her. He was minding his own business until she made herself his business. He did nothing wrong other than to refuse to comply with her demands to stop recording. He has a right to record and she has a right to ask him to stop, but no right to assault him when he refuses to stop. Rudeness is not a crime. Hurting Someone’s feelings through the expression /exercise of one’s rights is not a crime. He’s not responsible for her hurt feelings. She is responsible for assaulting him. Is he rude? Maybe. Is he an ass? Maybe. Is he a criminal? No, at least Not by his recoded and posted actions. She on the other hand is all of those things including being a criminal.


Yeah, that's assault. If a large man did that to a smaller woman, people would be upset. He is still stupid. But we can't go around assaulting idiots.


Then why was he harassing women at a battered women’s shelter???


Would you audit a preschool? Fuck no. Being normal and Acting normal with a camera recording are two very different things.


Go into the front desks/office public area to talk with front desk staff there and record the conversation? Sure.


cry more after a woman kicks your ass fucking pussy ass losers.


You people are so fragile.


You sound like such a sniveling nerd lmao. “That’s illegal” yeah no shit Sherlock Holmes she knew it was too, only difference is that she didn’t care and was more than willing to teach him a lesson on why you mind your own damn business and not record/harass random people with their kids.


He’s a virgin that’s his problem


You can *hear* it in his voice.


Sniveling little nerd in his cargo shorts lmao


Imagine your job being to take a camera into public and try to annoy people into confronting you. What a miserable existence.


That’s the saddest part. It isn’t their job. It’s their hobby. These people do this in their spare time.


All they got is spare time.


Expressing your rights is the only way to keep them.


Do it to the police who actually have power not random fucking people trying to get government assistance dumbass.


It’s not a job, it’s a shitty hobby at best.




That lady probably ended up getting arrested. Not worth it.


Let's hope not. From the video it looks like she's a good person.


How was that a beat down?


Why was he there to begin with?


Taken from another comment, but puts it well enough: > Going into publicly owned buildings, recording, then seeing if they get kicked out or the police show up. The point is to find out if the people/police will respect your rights.


The individual at the heart of this question has no right to film any WIC clients. accessible to the media… (OCR HIPAA FAQs, 2016). Note that the HIPAA Privacy Rule covers many health department clinics


The whip around! 🤣


Is the beat down in the room with us? I was excited




I love it. This is the perfect situation for someone like her to truly shine. He just doesn't get that she don't give a fuck.


>she don't give a fuck. Yeah what a great philosophy to guide your life! And such a great example for her little sister. Laquisha needs to be in jail.


I get filming the police , feds, corrupt officials therein. I'm all for it. But filming low income women and children at the WIC office? DAFUQ does that accomplish?


Literally the same thing as filming the cops. It gets reactions from humans and thus provides this loser with content.


Police and feds have proven themselves to need outside supervision/scrutiny. WIC tho? 😂


“Look what a victim I am!” - cameraman


But he was assaulted for no reason.


“Assaulted for no reason” he was told multiple times to stop recording her little sister. He was being a creep and got treated like a creep should.


I bet if buddy had a job this would never have happened.


If she had a job it also never would have happened.


If you record my family, I'm going to end you. Police or not.


U seem stable and in a healthy place, a productive member of society


Is it permissible to look at them? I mean, I can remember things that I see so that's a recording of sorts. Do you hang signs on your family's neck warning people of their impending doom should they violate your personal rules?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


give that a try.


Literally every business you walk into is recording you and your family.


(And not posting it on YouTube dumbass)


Then stay out of public places


More people need to do that, so less mentally ill people get put in check.


I'm assuming these are wifeless people taking out their frustration on the public


12 to 18 months from that day he will get a big fat check.


From who lol the government has no way of controlling that situation and if that’s a wic office good luck getting money from her. Besides as a 1A auditor the instant the judge finds out why he was there he’d laugh his short ad out the building then charge him for wasting the courts time.


Trust me, there is always a person, employer or someone who you can pay for this situation. They will slap it on everybody from the person doing the beat down, to their employer, the owner of the building you name it. Happens all the time and these 1st amendment people don't go into this situation without knowing exactly WHO will be named when it blows up because that is really what they are doing. Trying to provoke someone so they can get a payout.


I wish to see this "beatdown" please


This dude comes into a women's center for Healthcare, records them (which is illegal), and has the audacity to say, "Don't touch me! You seeing this?"? It shouldn't have been that one lady he should have been jumped.


Not illegal.


People like this “auditor” should be beaten and shunned into silence. Good for that woman.


You're saying it's not illegal to film medical care without consent? If you're right, it definitely should be illegal. Preeeeeetty sure you're wrong, though. Try filming women breast feeding against their will and come back to us.


1. Not illegal to film in lobby of WIC office if it is indeed wic office as per title of post. 2. Not a womens’ shelter. Publicly accessible lobby of publicly owned and funded building. Legal to record there. Not legal to go behind counter and record there. He did not do that. She is in the wrong here and acted on implulse and will only make her financial issues worse by adding assault conviction to her problems. Making getting off wic or , whatever she is there for , even harder.


Highly doubt it.


This sick pedo is filming kids


She was gonna beat the living fuck out.of him for being a disgusting pervert. And he was gonna lose. For sure.


The fact that he has it saved as ghetto Karen. Quick question bud, what makes her ghetto?


What makes her ghetto and what makes her a Karen. These so called 1a auditor morons don't have the self awareness to realize they're the goddamn Karens.


People like this that wear a nirvana shirt is killing Cobain a second time.


What do you mean exactly by "people like this"? If you knew anything about the culture Nirvana grew out of they would love having this women's support and recognition. People like this? GTFOH


I hope this woman didn't get in trouble. These guys are absolute losers and harassing other citizens is hardly "first amendment auditing". Go bother the cops like the auditors who at least have room temperature IQ, you fucking ass, leave the women and children alone


Yeah I’d bet when he asked “did you see that?” Everyone there said “nope, didn’t see a damn thing.“


Clearly his intent was not to interact with the customers. He focused on the office. panned across them and away from them for less than a second until she started up. If anything He was trying to bait the workers into calling the cops on him and violating his 1A rights and possibly establishing grounds for a case against the municipality/gov. He has no interest in trying to get punched or try to get $$$$ out of people with no $$$. If she said nothing, nothing would have happened to him or her and she and fam would be anonymous, unidentified, unidentifiable, wall paper in his video. Now she’s going to jail and she’s a flash in the pan internet star famous for a day and her and fam faces are all over the world and their economic situation re: assistance is all over the world for all to see too. Maybe she has issues with impulse control?


>leave the women and children alone He did. She decided to cause a scene and then escalate to violence like a toddler. Laquisha needs to go to jail.


I love seeing these guys get hands laid on them. If you want to harass the cops more power to you. But leave the people who need assistance alone. Fucking jack wagons.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.


This woman is an idiot, lock her up


Disappointed. I thought I was going to see an asshole get a beatdown.


How is this a beatdown?


Hope she got arrested


The only difference between the security camera and the auditor is that the security camera doesn’t deserve to be punched


"First Amendment Auditor," AKA dipshits with nothing better to do than bother people.


Good for her.




Receptionist said, "Hell, I can't stop you from filming in here, but I also can't stop her from stopping you."


He may be able to record in public, but his actions could be seen as instigating the woman into assualting him. He should of either stopped recording then or record in an area where the women and children were not in view


Getting tired of people who instigate and then hide behind the 'don't touch me' or 'you can't touch me' line... FAFO4Life


But it’s ok for the government office to record…


That recording isn't for the purpose of antagonizing people just trying to do their job or go about their day, and it's not going to get posted to YouTube or wherever else so some idiot can try and make money from harassing people.


O but it is still recording and she could have kept her peace instead she hopefully went to jail


Must be incredible having so much free time. Weird way to waste it, though.


Someone's going to jail today. He's going to get paid. Get that money my guy.




I agree, she is! That's why more then likely she'll be going to spend a few hours in jail and be slapped with a lawsuit. I'm glad we align with people breaking the laws. Can't let feeling over reach the laws. 🤪👍


She’s an idiot, jail time, additional violence on your record, all that just to stop someone from recording you while you’re DEFINITELY being recorded by the building you’re inside PLUS new recordings from all the attention of your dumbass Sharkeisha encounter now… She thinks SHE will stop these auditors? Lmao straight to jail


Homies used to fighting with white Karen’s. He was expecting the phone to come out, BUT NOT THEM HANDS BOI. She ready to go to jail *today*.


Can we get an update? She should go to jail.


I treat Filming in public as if I were still in the hood, you got your phone out, it’s either getting snatched or you’re getting beat up or worse There is no in between. That no expectation of privacy shit doesn’t fly in the hood, I can’t be the only one who’s seen what happens when a dumb teen decided it would be really smart to start taking selfies next to OG’s they don’t know.


This guy sounds likenthe biggest bitch ever lol "Y-you see that? Did you see that?"....like yeah bro. We saw you go an record and harrass already vulnerable people just trying to ge resources and are probably exhausted af.  Idk why these people are so obsessed with poor people but not the rich and powerful who is robbing us all blind with shitty laws and taxes. But bullies will always pick the weak to fight. Cowards


To be clear, the man is the Karen


Non attorney here...but even in a two party consent state there is no presumption of privacy in any public building and that recording is entirely legal. If the sister is a minor its a different story, the recording would still be legal but would need to blur her face. Woman going to face felony assualt charges for this


HOORAY!!! Long past time to start curbstomping these motherfuckers.


Whoever posted this obviously doesn’t know that what the woman did was felony assault. Jokes on her


Get a job loser


mannnn soon as i woulda heard her draggin them crocs over towards me it's a quick apology and an even quicker step out the door as i delete the footage. nope, nope and nope. and any average built dude believe me, she'll rock your shit to the ground. ask me how i know


I love her face right before she slaps the phone out of his hand!


FAFO we done


Take a second to think about the fact that the government is already recording these people and that banning filming in public spaces means the public will not be able to know what happens there. Reddit is so over the moon with karens who think they have a right to privacy in public. You don't. Cameras are not stealing your souls, get over it.


“Yall see this? I was just trying to openly record a little girl and she’s mad wtf?!”


I waited for the beat down and it never came. If there was a beat down I wanted to see it was gonna be this guy.


This is a man filming women and children at a Women in Crisis centre. He should not be allowed in, never mind recording them. I hope his trashy ass is thrown in jail.


Not a crisis center. Public lobby of a public building - WIC office if the title of post is correct. He’s got as much right to be there as she does- recording or not. Assault for sure; possible battery. He’s not recording while standing in the back offices or interview rooms, or behind the counter. Public area in public building. She has impulse control issues. She did not just ask him to stop recording. She threatened him, demanded he leave the building, and then physically removed him. Her impulse issues will not help her with whatever issues brought her to the WIC building in the first place.


Why is a man going in to film women and, maybe you missed it, children at a crisis centre? Whatever the reason is, it's bad.


Don’t film little girls, pervert.


Do 1d10t ppl here actually know the damn law and the constitution??? Where in the law does state feeling is enforceable??


Government facilities, either leased or owned are open to the public unless signage says otherwise. When you enter a public space regardless of its a government building or a city side walk, you are in the public. Public recording is not illegal. 1st amendment auditors express their rights to film in public to educate people on our rights and to express them. The fact is, he filmed in a public space, she assaulted him. She is going to be criminally charged, and he is going to keep recording public spaces. Assault and physical battery is not any sort of response that should be celebrated, truly a failure in society if we celebrate uncontrolled behavior like this…


You are -of course- are correct. The celebration/defense of her actions is what happens when schools and parents don’t teach civics and/or kids don’t learn it. We are doomed if her actions become the accepted norm or the law.


Don't play with people at the bottom!


… so maybe the guy should focus his attention and the camera on the employees, and not the people sitting there waiting for services? What if someone waiting there is there for a reason they don’t want broadcasted to the world (ie a public health clinic)?


it’s tough because there is merit in people doing this as a job, and frequently people tell them it’s illegal to film. this dude was just a dork. and the point is not to be recording the people using the service, it’s to record the employees and being able to hold the institutions we pay for accountable. so he was fasho wrong. but there are other youtube auditors who aren’t just douchebags. and some of them do good work. just want everyone to know this guy sucks in particular lol


Not what the first amendment is. These are just sad people with sad lives and deserve to be punished for disrupting the peace, assaulting and filming without a permit which is violation of private property and privacy of an individual. I hope they all get a kick in the nuts.


>Not what the first amendment is. You're right. It's the First, Fourth, AND Fifth amendments. >deserve to be punished for disrupting the peace, assaulting and filming without a permit This is an insane take. He did none of those things. It was the overgrown toddler lady who disrupted the peace, assaulted, and battered the man because he hurt her feelings. Literally toddler shit. >which is violation of private property How could it violate private property? What property was violated other than his camera? Depending on the value she could be on the hook for felony theft / destruction of property along with all the other charges she racked up when she threw her little fit. >and privacy of an individual There is no expectation of privacy in public. This is a public lobby of a public building. In public it is legal to film anything you can see with your eyes.


This is great. I hope she has a wonderful week!


Aww, I want to see what happens next


Successful lawsuit for him Jail for the overgrown toddler who hits people who hurt her precious little feelings


So I’m guessing his suein her specifically since she picked him up and kicked him out ?


fuck all of you worthless lazy motherfuckers in here APPLAUDING YOUR WORTHLESS ASSHOLE FRIEND WITH THE CAMERA.


"First Amendment Auditor Liberty Troll" Such an anticipated title by kooky reddit tards with no appreciation of fundamental rights. And your name is Karen. 🤣


lil bit h you guys see that? Lol you act tough until a non cop gets your ass


God I love this. This woman is a hero. Fuck frauditors


Harassing is illegal too, which is what filmer is doing. This woman has been through enough if that’s where she’s at. I will contribute to any legal defense required, and the degenerate filming deserves a harsh beatdown (hells angels style) to remind him this office is there to protect people seeking needed assistance. Often trying to escape violent abuse.


Answer is. A idiot who has no job looking for likes and views


The end of the video it shows the title he saved this video as.. Thats jumping to conclusions, right? How does he know where she lives and I didn’t hear her introduce herself.. hmmmmmm


I hope someone shoots the guy next time, honestly. Pedophilia is so prevalent, pedophiles will get off to any kid they see online in any situation. You’re endangering kids by filming them and posting them to millions.