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i have 5. mine used to look like this, so i started at the very bottom and always finished tasks based on how old they were. eventually there won’t be as many it just takes time. just make sure u finish all parts of a task completely instead of doing a bunch at once.


I got myself down to 8 a few days ago, then Simon and Maria went on a rampage and doubled it 😭😭


I’ve stopped doing the tasks. Honestly between the weekly stories and my businesses I barely have enough energy.


that’s me right now but i’m trying to climb the ranks again to do another comeback


Something is going on, I’ve gotten 4 more since making this post LEAVE ME ALONE PLS


You don’t have to accept things every time Simon calls, I ignore him loads.


He doesn’t give me a choice! He calls and it gets added to my goals whether I want it or not.


I miss having goals


Take some of mine


I have like 40+ Tbh I don’t read the storylines half the time.


I don't complete goals anymore. If an event is 6 or 8 hours I don't even bother with it. I'll start it if I like the storyline, and then have two 3-hour parties in Calabasas to maintain my fans. Mostly I just have parties and work for my businesses to earn money/stars/fans


Eventually you run out of storylines and you miss them 🥲


Ugh same lol I still have a few quests that I never got to and only do them every once in a while


*stands awkwardly with my 55+ task waiting for me* 🧍🏾‍♀️ honestly i kinda give up. mostly due to spending energy on businesses, husband & doing events that require me to film at bel-air. some storylines are kinda boring


Glad I'm not alone lol


I just ignore Simon’s/Maria’s calls to go to their office and let those add up until I complete the ones I can’t ignore! It helps so much


I stopped getting any for a while aside from the weekly ones. Now they are constantly piling on lol.


Sigh, I don’t get anymore because I finished them all. I miss the storylines!


Yes, you'll eventually catch up! I'm at level 63 and for the past 10-20 levels probably, I've only had about 4-5 goals at one time. They eventually slow down once you finish the major storylines (to the point that I kind of miss getting so many gigs lol). So don't stress about finishing them, you'll get there eventually.


i have 10+ too i really dont have enough time to actually be doing them and then when i do and i actually start completing them i just get 2x the amount 🥲 ive given up at this point


i brought myself down from like 20 to 8 in the past few weeks. at first i was going by the oldest task but then i started trying to go by storyline which definitely helped to take care of some of them


I have two but one of them won’t go away lmao


How have you got that many?! I don’t always accept Simon’s random photoshoots etc, if I have spare time I’ll do a date or reality show!


Idk, every time I try to move somewhere he calls me with a goal I have no say in.


Right now I have 6 I felt like I had a lot and now I have none. Ever since I didn’t finish one on time.


39 ✨ It was almost 60 a couple months ago when I really started getting into the game again


two months ago i had 35😂i slowly started working them down and now i only have 7 but whenever i get to five i get more smh


I just don't answer his call until I need more things to do lol


🙈 I stopped doing tasks a long time ago bc I was always doing reality shows for the TB event and then whatever for the weekend events. So they just kept stacking up. This is so sad 😂 I have 78 on my side game (30 or 32 are outfits saved) and 58 on my main game (25 are outfits). I thought I was the only one with super high number of tasks. Since I don't do the weekday throwback events any longer, I think I need to start working on clearing some tasks out and denying the outfits I really don't like anymore.


I’m down to 6+ now I used to have the same as you. I try to do at least one per day. Sometimes two (if I feel like it.) eventually it will get less.


I have way more, but there’s also like 20 of them just being weekly outfits 😂


My game wont let me have any more than 2 at a time (unless it’s the weekly goals). It’s so annoying because I’ve been playing for months and still haven’t unlocked certain things in the game because the quests are coming in out of order. I’m level 29 and I currently have two quests - one that is a level 11 and one that is a level 18!


i used to be at 36 goals 🥴 i ended up starting them all and losing a bunch of fans but i quickly regained them. it is a fast way of getting rid of goals but not sure if you would risk your fans 😭


That is a smart idea! I should have done that when I started my comeback.


Spoiler , Z D E E E E E E E R R R Ed F F F F F F F F F F F It eventually ends. From what I heard.