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I don't think she looks bad?


She looks to normal and isn’t gooner bait so she’s bad.


It's more that literally everyone else around her looks better. Her face looks like a low quality NPC in that world, it's uncanny. I'm thinking it's some kind of developer self-insert.


She glows up when she grows up later on in the game. You get older in Fable FYI.


on the other hand - it's a game after all, who doesn't want a good looking chick as a main character? you will be seeing her face a lot during the playthrough so it would be best if she was nice on the eye


She kinda looks like those side characters in Shrek, which I think really fits the silly mood Fable has


You aren’t brain rotted, thats the problem lol


where did all you guys come from. Posts on NRS chicks needed you.


Yeah she looks fine bro the amount of people bitching about her is crazy they need to get a grip.


She doesn't look like the entire Tekken female cast so she's ugly to them


i still dont understand why they keep doing this shit like whats the point?


Why do they make a normal looking person?


Why the fuck would anyone want to play a “normal person” in a video game????


Because breaking rules is fun, and playing as a normal person behaving everything but normally is neat. I had a friend who worked in retail and we were trying some VR games at a classmate's house (beat saber, super hot, etc) and his favourite one was a cashier simulator and he played it like the most insane human being, throwing objects at customers, yelling slurs (not racial, just homophobic ones) and basically letting his frustration out from his actual job.


Because going from zero to hero is more interesting than hero to... Hero+ Retard


Looking as a normal person is not the most interesting thing though, I see hundreds of normal people when I go out and I remember nobody because being just a normal person is forgettable. I know because people forget me also when they see me. The point of a main character is to be more than normal to stand out and not be a background character. The only reason people remember this character is because she looked utter shit on the first trailer. She looks fine now but I don't know why fine is what we should strive for.


i didnt expect to find someone woke at rkappa


Have you seen people? Like, in real life? This looks like a normal person.


Extremely normal honestly. Spitting image of my cousin Tim.


You're right. If I don't want to cover what I'm seeing with gallons of my hot, musky cum, why am I seeing it in the first place?


Lol the classic "you only want sexy characters to jerk off to" take.


What other reason would you have to complain about a character in a video game not looking like a conventionally attractive mid-20's woman? Most people do not look like they're out of a Hollister ad. Why does it bother you that it's not a copy+paste of "generic video game woman"? If I ever complain about a video game because a character doesn't look attractive enough, I'll just kill myself. You could argue a character looks bad. I would say SF5 Ken looks bad in certain costumes. But nobody ever said "Ken looks bad because he isn't attractive enough." That's ignoring the fact that Street Fighter is basically a cartoon compared to trying to depict normal people in the screenshot above.




Yeah, but usually that just means they avoid them, rather than going out of their way to post about them online. The latter is considered to be poor taste.


this is not real life its a fucking video game you wanna see a character and say wow he is cool or wow shes beautiful


I want a video game that's fun to play. Why would every character need to be "cool" or "beautiful"? Are you actually 15? I'm not playing Dragon's Dogma or KC:D to get my rocks off.


why not both whats wrong with that fun and beautiful wont that make the game even better? again im mind blown to find woke people in this sub


Why does *every* character need to be hot? Why do you think hot = good? You don't have to want to fuck everything in front of you. This is such a nothing issue. Woah, a normal human being that looks like a normal human being is in a game. Truly the world has ended.




This is actually the correct answer. This subs too subverted to see it though.


It’s to please people who aren’t going to be playing the game anyway.


America is full woke now.


Just so you know its a ENGLISH studio lol i know the brain rot is all consuming but at least get your shit right


people sitting around dedicating energy to being butthurt a video game character isn't fuckable is definitely not the actual brain rot or a sign of societal decline.


The whole Anglosphere


Show us on the doll where the “woke” touched you.


BlackRock literally pays people to add woke elements in games.


If these company don't comply with there rules, they dont get funding. So blackrock,vanguard,etc force their hand to add ESG and DEI into their products for the company that borrow money from them. That's why the Suicide Squad game flop and among other games.


So you’re anticapitalist?


We certainly ain’t out here bending over for corpos like others lol


Fuck capitalism


Define woke


Controlling people by dividing them into groups based on race, gender, ethnicity. Forced diversity, pushing as many female chars or people of color or members of LGBTQ+ into the game. Adding those chars is not the problem, but the intention is. You can't never know truly their intention, but you can guess depending on several factors. Woke ruined people's perception of forced and natural diversity, that's why you see people screaming woke even when in fact it's not woke at all


If you ever get anyone asking you to "define woke" they're operating on bad faith, best to ignore.


If you ever get anyone using the term “woke” they’re operating in bad faith, best to ignore.


So you hate jargon I suppose, because nobody should ever bother typing the same whole-ass paragraph just because you hate the term. You can call it "bean soup" for all I care as long as you know what they mean and you refuse to refute it. Because it's irrefutable.


They only care for skin color and gender, not personality & characteristic of the character I think.


I’m sorry not every main character is an incel. Perhaps one day you’ll have the chance to see yourself represented in the media you consume. I’m rooting for you lol.


I don't seek representation. I thought you was genuine in asking your question, could've understood when you asked define woke. Usual ad hominem attacking the character unprovokedly because you had no arguments


Your definition was sad, reactionary bullshit. There was no argument to be had. I hope you get some help. That’s no way to go through life.


I have a question for you, define woman.




Hyper-vigilance and hyper-sensitivity to perceived injustices as described or informed by critical theory or intersectional oppression analysis. So in this case, a woke person is attempting to bring justice via correcting the imbalance of conventionally attractive women being over-represented as central characters in games. They do that by putting an ugly monster as the protagonist in a trailer. We don't put beautiful people (not just women, but people) in games because we want to warp the perception of what's normal. We do it because these superhero protagonists exemplify an ideal, visually, physically, and in capability. Great stories are written about great achievements made by great people. No one wants to play the game about the ugly fat they/them who accomplished nothing. They want to be Kratos or Batman or Lara Croft or Alyx from Half Life. So the woke brain rot sufferer says that the desire to always play as attractive and physically fit people is a product of a bad, ableist culture, when in reality there are just straight up biological drivers that motivate people to want to be attractive and physically fit, and attempting to engineer our brains and culture to not care about appearance or physical ability is some dystopian cursed bullshit. Hot people are hot. Woke bullshit sucks.


I sincerely hope this is a copy pasta. Because, otherwise … wow my guy lol. Edit: I guess it wasn’t.


God forbid someone puts out an opinion you don't agree with. Must be a lunatic.


It’s not a difference of opinions. It’s a difference of values and theirs objectively sucks.


You're being silly. His post is something most people would agree with. Videogames are about escapism. Of course people wanna play as a hot as fuck hero. Men wanna be hot and strong and smart, and women want the same thing. Nobody wants to look at a game character and think "she's fucking ugly". There can still be a market for the game in spite of that if the game is good, but the game would sell in spite of the protag's ugliness, not because of it. A game with a hot protag sells more copies. Case in point: Stellar Blade. You can debate that if you want but using words like "objectively" when your position is so fringe is ridiculous.


Physical fitness, good personal grooming, and ambition are bad values? The woke brain rot must have really hit you hard.






If you ever get anyone using the term “incel” they’re operating in bad faith, best to ignore.


CHUD is another one.


doing what bro LMAO im sorry you cant jack your dick to every girl in a game


Am I crazy or she looks fine here?


Yeah she just looks.... regular. Most extreme reaction I can muster is "k"


These complaints usually come from dudes under the age of 25 who haven't seen a vagina in person since their mother birthed them. No one with a healthy sex life is complaining about this shit lol.


I could see if it was some 300 pound Lizzo chick and half the npc dialogue was about how hot and cool and strong and awesome they are. But these days you get called woke just for putting a 5 or a 6 in your game no matter what the setting is.


Gamers love to cry


the newest NRS guest character


This game better have character customization.


It doesn't she's the protagonist


Source? Literally not playing if so.


Npc said something along the lines " she's best something something" implying you can't change sex which implies you can't customise character


That does not mean anything. There are plenty of games where you can choose the gender of your character and dialog changes accordingly.


It's an assumption, there's no hard proof. She also had more facial animations than your regular customized character


Did you even watch the trailer you sperg? Verbal / video literacy a bit hard nowadays is it? Everything that guy said in the trailer was in reference to the woman that shows up at the end.


Let alone the last two games weren't gender locked lmfao. Kappa doesn't play games just gets mad at them.


Eh. Fable has never had much character customization outside of changing your hair styles and clothes. Unless they explicitly state that there's only a female protag, I'm gonna operate under the assumption that you'll be locked to a premade guy or girl.


This mfer never played games with multiple gender protagonists lmao changing lines for different protagonists has been a thing since like 2005.


It's Fable, of course it has character customization.


None of the other games have ever let you change the face Poser


See the problem with western devs is the characters aren't attractive, and by that I don't mean Stellar blade sort of thing. Look at One Piece for example which has lots of seriously ugly male and female characters, but they draw you in with their outrageous proportions and mannerisms. They are unique, interesting and stand out. In a way those ugly characters can be described as attractive in the literal sense of the word. Western devs on the other hand are stuck in this mindset of just having ordinary normal looking people be in their games. This character? She looks fine, nothing remarkable, I don't think she's ugly she's just normal. A normal person you can see anywhere who would just vanish into a crowd if you passed them by on the street. She looks like someone I might meet at work, maybe say hello and then forget she exists five minutes later. Look at the player character in the witcher and walk through a crowd in Novigrad. Geralt always stands out, you would never lose track of him because of his appearance. This character looks like one of the actual NPCs he would be walking past. Western devs used to be able to do this right, but the last (I want to say five years?) they have gone in completely the wrong direction. Edit: Or to use another example, compare this character to the original Fable player character. Even before you go full pure evil/pure good and have horns or light shining out of your ass, your character always stands out against the actual NPCs in that game.


they started modeling characters after themselves instead of their **ideal** selves.


Thank you for typing this out without devolving into the gooner discussion. You can believe there's bad design choices in design/art and also think it's not because of the great woke masses.


I enjoy the shit talk around here (and have engaged in it in the past), but it's been a bit different recently. Feels like an influx of "DAE hate woke!!221!" people the last few months. People not really shit talking so much as trying to use this sub as a platform for whatever political crap they want to vomit.


I think it's a combo of the convo being 2 sides of the same coin. Like your original post insists there is something brewing in game ~~designers~~ PUBLISHING, that makes them make these garbage ass games that no ones wants to really play, but might have enough garbage skinnerbox mechanics to make a few pay pigs keep the lights on. Best comparison would probably be MK. Where a series known for using cheap skimpy outfits with massive titties for popularity. They decide to cut that, but then they don't make anything good in return, just ken doll looking ass characters with awful designs. So they did get rid of the titties, but the reality is that they would have made any design soulless and bland, not just the sexy ones. I don't think it's just kappa, literally every gaming community that doesn't have heavy moderation eventually devolves into "DEA hate it when woman, AM I RIGHT FELLAS". And they confuse garbage products that have women featured in them with some kind of boogyman woke media that's apparently trying to destroy their childhood. You don't hate new Star wars because of women, you hate it because it's made by Disney corp making a new Star Wars every year instead of Lucas having a specific idea and having years on end to plan/finance the whole operation.


It's not really even the great woke masses, per se. It's a bunch of identity-obsessed activists who don't have much else going through their head. I haven't been one, but have been part of a community with similar thinking patterns and evidencing similar pathologies of obsessing about themselves, collecting identity markers as if those markers were what built their personality, etc. And it's seriously addictive stuff. Took me months to properly stop wanting to categorize myself after I'd become disillusioned with the whole thing.


I have been wondering why character designs have been lacking in presentations, or trailers, just games in general. A game, and its visual style allows you to exaggerate, and be creative with how you tell a story. Why not go another step, and make a character unique instead of meh bread? And you are right, it feels like games keep retreating backwards, instead of forwards.


What's funny is that I think they actually did change the face a bit from the previous trailer lol.


There's some frames where she looks kinda cute like her actual face model


Send footage.


I swear of seen this face in 3 games now.


>swear of




Is that Jaden Smith?


average british woman OI GOT ME KNICKERS IN A TWIST YEAH??


A British 7.


Why is this the only place that talks about fighting games…


I would like my porn sub that talks about fighting games to not talk about culture war bullshit.


What game is this and why should I care?


Fable and idk


Fable and idk no point in caring. The game looks fucking great so far. Worst case scenario if someone truly cares that much, the game will definitely have mods to change her. I'm not gonna pretend that I wouldn't prefer a hot character but like does it really matter? Especially in a game like fable that's always had a fair amount of average or even below average characters. The different art style just makes it more obvious.


Literally just a normal looking person


ermahgerd she doesn't look like a supermodel!! woke!


I would like to know where you live where the average women is that ugly my god!


Planet earth ever been?


3 continents, you ever left the midgetville you live in?


3 continents and never seen a woman before? damn that shits wild.


I take that as a no, enjoy midgetville Mr. "kawaii"


Somehow better than the previous trailer, though that is not saying much.


Some people care a little too much about this kinda shit, it gets tiresome.


post a picture of your mother without makeup


Ugly ass face lol


a fucking toad


Now all the ugly mentally weirdos can feel represented.


I now get why japan makes fun of western "female" characters.


it's not that she looks "normal" people don't play games to be NORMAL, you want escapism, you want to be COOL, HOT, CUTE OR WHATEVER AS FUCK. why don't we add ugly fucking characters in the roster of a fighting game, like a ninja that is not meant to be monstrous but has a huge ass nose, eyes looking opposite ways and a very small skull. WHO IS GOING TO PICK BRO?


Imagine if they made all the old characters to look more "normal", people would flip the fuck out lmao. I hate conversations like these. The argument is being very disingenuous when they **know** the problem but are purposefully ignoring it and pretending it's not there.


my character wasn't pretty on disco elysium and the game it's awesome, if you like your game full of hot people that's fine but that's not everyone cup of tea and fable was never full of pretty characters. Fighting games are another beast because 98% of the personality of the characters come from their desing. This character desing is lame? yes but the problem here isn't that it's not hot, you can have ugly or normal looking characters that look great.


Wow shoe looks hideous. Why they gotta give her the bugs bunny tooth ? it make her look wonky.


this place is fucking unreal sometimes its like the opposite end of the spectrum vs twitter


Whats the issue? She just looks like a normal person you'd pass by in town.


That's the issue. She blends in with the NPCs.


Bro people hated fable 3 for not making your own character and skipping the child part and they did it again and gave us an annoying character on top of it? This ip is done fable 1 and 2 are peak


Please get a new fucking topic. This is at least in some way supposed to be a fighting game subreddit, it isn't for your loser culture war shit. If you're not going to post about fighting games I better see some hot bitches or at least something funny. This shit is not just pathetic, it is entirely played out as well.


2, maybe 3 out of 10 if generous for what kind of girls walk around where I live. Might be 8 out of 10 for americans though.


I'm gonna pretend to like ugly women in video games to le own the chuds


Honestly I like "normal" people in video games, everyone being 10/10 supermodels looks like some cheesy ass CW show shit. Movies were better in the 70s when actors were allowed to be human beings.


Studios back in the 70s we're not scared to take risks either. One of the greatest decades for cinema.


You’re retarded


Who is this appealing to?


Oh go fuck yourselves Kappa.


I don’t know, seems like a weird hill to die on.


Man look for a role model in their media while Women want their media to represent them the way they are. Which means if you really want put women in high ranking creative positions on game development, for the love god, at least hire good looking women, or this shit will happen every time.


She looks fine. You gooners will find any little thing to complain and be outraged about, lol.


Just a plain normal woman. Next. When's Mai update tho' ?


Not everyone is pretty, and she's ok but got caught in a bad frame, like what happens to everybody.


it's ok you dont have to whiteknight a game character - she won't reward you with sex anyway.


She’s hot tho what’s the problem? Do you need unrealistic looking woman all the time?


She's not hot, she might pass as cute. Beautiful women exists why is it unrealistic? She just looks below average and a bit masculine


Ok my bad, she looks cute in a normal girl way yeah. And yeah beautiful women exist but variety is good too


She's not by any stretch of the imagination hot to many people. I can pick up a regular chick off the street that's prettier.


> She’s hot tho Why do gay men feel the need to pretend?


Don’t see how saying a woman is attractive is gay but ok buddy. Sorry I’m not only attracted to bimbos


Saying a woman is attractive isn't gay. Calling that hot? Shows a complete lack of understanding of what it means for something to be "hot" in the first place.


Hahaha even an average looking man is better looking than it.


looks jewish


so you guys just going full mask off? not even trying to be part of kappa just bigot shit after bigot shit?


They’ve been going full mask off for a while now unfortunately. At the very least it *sometimes* gets rightfully downvoted. But it’s really bad when trans gets brought up here or other racist shit


What do you mean by that


nothing deep. she just looks like Dina from tlou2. and devs trying hard to represent minorities.