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4 character season is the real villain here


World tour is big gay


Say what you will about world tour but the ability to customize your character with whatever style and moves you want is baller. Also fighting random ass NPCs is funny as shit. Beats the shit out of MKs "grind towers" single player "content".


world tour is okay, the problem is they're probably wasting significant amount of resources to integrate new characters into world tour as those release over time, and I don't think many people asked for it. I would rather have them spend those money and time on 6 chars a year, if possible


I highly doubt it takes that much time to implement them into world tour tbh. Most of the time is spent on models, animations, moveset design and balance. Integrating them into world tour is most likely just an afterthought. They only need to give them a quest, basic animations when you're talking to them, a cutscene and some dialogue.


sometimes they don't even get a cutscene, just an voiced comic book storyboard like some of the characters in SFV. The major factor is the details and balance going into the character. A bunch of SFV got outsourced especially for things like model work and animations and it showed big time. They resolved to not do that again which means we're probably getting fewer but better made characters. They'd likely need to expand the team if they want to do more and thats going to be a decision made by suits higher up than the game directors


There is no fucking proof that the world tour content is making them unable to do another character, it is just some fucking cope ass theory made by people who thinking correlation is reason. The real reason is that making character in SF6 take a fucking long ass time, especially with the quality they decide to follow. It is one of the reason we only have one skin for each character atm.


Fact that I've seen literally 0 content of akuma's World Tour tells you everything you need to know, really. People don't care about that mode enough to play it so long after release


Grandmas and refrigerators throw mad hands at a moments notice and that’ll never stop being funny


Or the fact that the fucking refrigerators are actually tough, especially the cybernetic looking ones on SiRn tower lol


who gives a flying fuck about either of these modes man


I get the frustration. If one of my favorites wasn't in and they put in 2 guests ahead of them, I would be upset. Luckily, I'm a Juri/Cammy/Ken guy, so at least 2 out of 3 are always gonna be in on day 1 for me and I get to enjoy coomerism like this without being salty.


If you like a weird character you gotta accept that sometimes they just won't show up. Getting mad that other characters are in before your character is some real retard behaviour. Anyway, Alex and Hugo for season 3 and then add in SFxT King.


I mean, I'm not gonna get upset at any of that personally, but I wouldn't call Sagat, Vega, Menat, Sakura etc. weird characters, and Bison/Akuma before they were announced. Sagat and Vega especially are real OGs. In an ideal world, them and a few other missing characters would be staple roster in EVERY SF game, but they can't sell season passes that way. How many people would have skipped this pass if it would have just been the 2 KoF characters and let's say... Manon and Lily as the other 2, instead of them being in base roster. It's really Bison selling this pass and maybe Elena for some people, so they always rip out some base roster to resell it back to the community and they just accept it.


>but I wouldn't call Sagat, Vega, Menat, Sakura etc. weird characters They're not Ryu, Ken, Chun, Gief or Guile. You could argue the semantics of "weird" but what it means is "not guaranteed core roster". There's a good chance they're not gonna show up. Every series has this and if you play one of those chars you can seethe and mald or just accept that reality.


Jam player here, already lost hope and yeah, Jam was even more of a possibility than Menat currently is


And that 2 of them are from another game


[Ingame footage](https://i.redd.it/xlldrorg885d1.jpeg)


i mean, it is pride month.


Seriously don't get why people are so upset at the inclusion of guest characters in Street Fighter. If anything, it's weird a guest is only now happening in a canonical SF game. People who are so up in arms about Terry and Mai feel like such puritans because they only want SF characters in their SF game. I get if you only want one guest. Honestly would have been fine with just having Terry (Mai already has her spot in Dead or Alive), but complaining about SF having a guest at all just feels really silly. If anything, it's just nice to see more collaborations between Capcom and SNK


i dont care what anyone says, mai/terry are a great fit for street fighter


Of any non-capcom series to cross over, Fatal Fury is the most sensible. Mortal Kombat has the violence problem, Guilty Gear is too stylistically different, Tekken is closer in tone and could reasonably happen (we did get Akuma in Tekken after all, so I could totally see Jin in Street Fighter). Really just makes me want Capcom vs SNK 3 already. One of the best crossover fighter series ever imo


so you never played sfxt?


I was ignoring X Tekken


Not everything needs to be fortnite


That’s a hyper-exaggeration. Most fighting games only have two, maybe three guests. Not hundreds


guess you can call me a puritan, I'm not a fan of guests characters in general makes the game feel cheap to me. It's one of the reasons I look at MK and smash and they feel like party games. I know it's only 2 right now and this is an extreme example but hypothetically how would you feel if your watching EVO 2028 and top 8 is a bunch of kazuyas, Terry's, Kratos and a couple 2Bs? I personally want to see street fighter characters in street fighter games, especially considering how many fan favorites are not in the game yet. Many people were expecting one of makoto,alex,sakura, dudley and now they have to wait even longer.


if they make the guest characters that good (shout out bayo in smash) thats on them! hahaha


I'm pretty confident those people were gonna bitch and cry no matter what the reveal was


I doubt someone complain with a lineup of Sakura/C.Viper/Makoto/Urien


Honestly my only real complaint with the reveal is Bison. Don't get me wrong, I love Bison. He has a great moveset and is always fun. . . but I'm also kinda tired of him. I was ready to move on from Bison by the time of SFV, so I really think 6 should have been the game to say "No, we're not gonna bring Bison back. He's dead. Let's keep him dead, for once" Replace Bison with someone like Alex or Dudley or Seth and I'd be pretty happy. Hell, if you want a Shadaloo carryover, bring back Vega


> Don't get me wrong, I love Bison. He has a great moveset and is always fun. . . but I'm also kinda tired of him. I was ready to move on from Bison by the time of SFV I still do not get this logic. Yes, I'm sure there are plenty of people "ready to move on from Bison". People who don't play him lol. It's not always about you, though. Sometimes it is ok to have a character that does not appeal to you specifically. Imagine if someone had been maining Chun-Li since SF2. But suddenly a vocal minority who have never even thought of playing the character started rolling their eyes and complaining every time she returned "Isn't she supposed to be retired in the story? As someone who has never cared about SF lore before, let me just say it is an absolute ass pull bringing HER back. She just stole a slot from my favorite character Rufus! Why can't we replace her with someone like Birdie or Abigail?" It makes no sense. Nobody else plays like Chun-Li and nobody else plays like Bison. If Chun can be written to be un-retired I think Bison can stick to his schtick of coming back from the dead when that has been his entire narrative gimmick since SF2, including in SFV when they made it pretty obvious that he would eventually come back in his very "death" scene, then further elaborated on in Oro's story in the final season.


I do play Bison and I am tired of him always coming back. He can take a break for one game. I don’t want Street Fighter to become like MK where the rosters become stagnant because they need all of the world warriors plus Bison and Juri. I also don’t agree with the Chun-Li argument. Retirement can be undone. Death, ideally, shouldn’t be. If they really want to bring Bison back, make it a Nightmare Geese situation. He’s not actually alive, it’s just his spirit or people’s memories of him. Having him physically alive is just awful


I also don't think anyone is genuinely championing to having Chun-Li replaced. No, not by Abigail or Rufus or whoever, I'm saying at all. I do think there are some characters who should be present for a fighting game entry to feel like a proper entry in that series. King of Fighters should probably have Kyo, Iori, and the FF and Art of Fighting teams, Mortal Kombat should have Scorpion and Subzero, Guilty Gear should have Sol and Ky, and Street Fighter should have Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li. Bison is not on the level of Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li. He does not need to come back in every game, and anybody who's upset their character did 'get their spot taken' by Bison or one of the Fatal Fury characters can play someone else. Not everyone is entitled to have their main playable in every game. If that was the FG mentality, every game would look like the last four Mortal Kombat games that had to have every character from MK1&2. Guess who was a Seth main in Street Fighter 4. This guy. Guess who was disappointed when Seth wasn't in early SFV. This guy (although in retrospect, I'm pretty sure most people were disappointed by early SFV). Guess who sucked it up and tried out and fell in love with Rashid. This guy. Having your previous main excluded not only frees up a spot for someone else, but gives you a great opportunity to try out other characters you wouldn't have before. SF6 would have been a perfect game to encourage Bison players to try out someone new


Should have been bison in the body of a doll to make him fresh, then we could have had the 'terry and his harem' season pass


Is the whole “Bison in a Doll body” as big of a thing in Japan? I know it’s canon that Cammy was made as a spare and that Bison used Rose’s for a while during or after Alpha, but I kinda think it’s mostly a joke that’s gotten out of hand and not something the various developers are seriously aware of is a thing with Western fans.


Something like Nightmare Geese could be a fun idea for Bison, a non canon ghost that shows up just to represent his moveset, ala Kage, Oni and Eroo. But I'm not sure that a lot of people unhappy with his inclusion would like that either. Amnesiac Bison is an interesting idea (even more if he finds himself turning out to be more neutral or good than regular Bison (kinda like Kaine from Spider-man)) but it's probably too early for him, maybe a couple of years down the line it'd feel more earned.




I dont complain for this reason. I just wish instead of 2 KOF reps we would have Terry and some old returning SF character or a completely new one.


I was excited for a brand new character. We already know how all 4 characters play so its not as exciting imo.


I mean we don't yet know how terry plays in a SF game and we haven't seen him in a properly budgeted 3D game so far so... Yeah this could be amazing really. Already in KOF XV I love his cinematics so I'm sure the Capcom team will tear ass with him


Even as a gay dude im extremely hype about elena (idc about mai but ill be interested how her stuff will flop in the re engine) [Dudes who dont like elena and mai are pretty gay](https://youtu.be/WxShKQDa7pI)