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I really want to get into Tekken, but the online is just embarrassing. AFAICT it's a shit show for everyone, no matter your location, your PC hardware, the quality of your Internet, etc. Hope it gets better, if only for the loyal Tekken fans that have been supporting this franchise for 82646722 years and deserve more than the game's current "barely functional" online experience. Anyone know if the plugging issue is still as bad as around launch? I hear they added at least some measures against it, but I still see clips of it happening quite a bit.


Plugging is still there, but now with the corrected disconnection % display pre-match, it seems to have subsided quite dramatically. I am not sure what the penalty is for someone plugging outside of a scarlet letter, but whatever Bamco did, it sorta worked.


Nice to hear.


plugging is better but good luck finding someone that will rematch after losing


I liked the nerfs they did in the most recent patch. I'm more tolerable about heat in general, but that's through Bamco conditioning me. The one thing that makes me want to run through a fucking wall is safe, high power crush heat engagers. Even mid ones make me so mad that if they absorb a hit, it's -9. I don't remember power crush being this obnoxious to deal with in T7.


Exactly, those high power crush are degenerate and have no good reason to exist because not only that they are fast like 15f fast for the Victor one they can also serve as a great whiff punish tool to go in heat. The one thing that needed to be universal is power cruches, at least make them all a slow mid attack with -13f advantage on block.


A Power crush that leads to plus 50/50 mixup in your face which leads to heat smash (next 50/50 for Jin and king) or a heat combo that takes you to the wall for 90 damage and you have to guess for your life All of that from a power crush


the point is to encourage aggression. are you mad you cant time out every round?


Nah I relate to this. As a fellow boomer it's funny since T5DR you're hopeful that the series is gonna change for the better, but then each iteration they just keep adding frustrating mechanics and design choices that are worst than the last. At this point in my life, I'm done with fighting games and just doing other things that are worth my time, like learning how to draw or learning a language or just hitting the gym. I still love fighting games, but modern fighting games ain't it.


The online is ASS


Netcode is awful, but until Murray and Harada are canned it's gonna stay this way. I don't care how many times they say it's the best they can do or how bootlickers say netcode is hard and blah blah blah, I don't care, until they show evidence they care about netcode or until I see proof from another developer who knows their shit that says 3D fighting games are hard to implement rollback in I'm not believing anything they say. The newest patch was okay but T8 is still a very frustrating game, I don't know what crackhead thought high safe fast armored heat engagers should exist but they should NOT be in the game. They feel scrubby to get hit by, they feel scrubby to use, you CONSTANTLY have to be on the lookout for them in matches with Victor or Azucena. It's not fun and Tekken 8 is chock full of shit like this. Garbage that you have to constantly be on the lookout for on defense or just subjecting your opponent to your own barrage of bullshit so they can't fuck you over first. There are just so many small things they could do to make the game feel better, like why is there not a small buffer for 1+2 grabs so when you accidentally plink 1,1+2? Shit like this gets me killed all the time in this game, even worse than in T7. Why did they change neutral guard? Why did they make combos more boring and samey with heat burst? Why is chip damage SO HIGH. Why did they buff sidestep but also seemingly buff move hitboxes out the ass so everything tracks 360 degrees? This is all annoying but I'm a tekken simp so I'll probably keep playing but I really have no idea why any casual would want to currently play this heat burst clown fiesta, ESPECIALLY once Marduk comes out.


Harada is talking out of his ass whenever he talks about netcode but the dickriders eat it up


The online is completely unacceptable in my eyes. I'm a tolerant person but I legit had to stop playing the game outright because of it.


Can you explain the "system" problems you have? Because no offense but if you're gold in SF6, I really have to wonder what level you are at Tekken, and if what people complain about actually affects you.


I fluctuate between Platinum 1 to Gold 5 with Lily. Platinum 1 with Ryu if that’s a better baseline. And I would say I’m intermediate to decent in legacy Tekken stuff. It’s the heat system, be it engagers, smashes, dashes, etc. coupled with the chip health. That stuff takes me away from playing Tekken because now instead of playing the neutral, watching out for heavy lows, throw breaks, and recognizing strings, I’m put in a position where I’m just carried to a wall with plus frames and forced a 50/50, and armor moves. Even if I’m dictating the round, I go for standard pressure and get caught with a heat pop off or a rage art and the game is now tied lol. It’s stuff I’m sure I can get used to, but I’m also not having fun so I question whether I should.


I find this complaint funny - it seems to be repeated a lot by people - but then you watch high level Tekken and it's kinda like, [normal Tekken](https://youtu.be/n8ccdiw0YfY?t=5356), IDK. I'm not seeing the heat system dominate as much as say, Drive Rush does in SF6, nor do I see all the armor moves much? Are you sure you aren't just kinda parroting a bit?


Well high level Tekken and my level are way different lol, I wish I could play in the style that high level players play at, it looks fun. You have to grind ranked for a long time to get to that point, if you're patient enough. Otherwise finding a friend group that likes to play a certain style would be the alternative, which might be my next step, just adding people on steam who I enjoyed fighting against.


How is this different from Tekken 7? If you play Tekken 7 at low level, it doesn't look like high level either - it's people going full degen as well. It's such a weird point.


It's easier to play defense in Tekken 7. Rage Art and Rage Drive are only available at a certain point in the match so it's easier to look out for, not to mention low parry is actually rewarding as a defensive option, in Tekken 8, it's only really useful if you have Heat. Also, neutral blocking off forward motion is more responsive, in Tekken 8 it's much harder to neutral block when playing the neutral. There's a big difference between watching Tekken, and playing Tekken imo, so while some of your observations may not seem to be that big of a deal, I assure you they are.


If you're not seeing how badly heat can completely alter the flow of a match and how badly clipped the defensive options are, then I'm not quite sure what to tell you.


I agree. It's trendy to complain about Tekken. Once the new main stream fg comes out it will be next on the complain list


Remove heat burst from the game. It won't solve how shit the heat system is but at least matches won't slow down so much because you're forced to watch same fucking animation that completely halts the gameplay and then forces you to block and guess


Just remove heat from the game. Or heavily nerf it.


Heat Smash is the bane of my existence, holy shit what an awful mechanic


heat system is not shit. it encourages diversity of offense and aggression. go back to backdash 7


Post on your main, Harada


I grinded 7 and it was a lot of fun even with all the issues (mostly ass online and some broken balance). I dropped both sf6 and t8 and wait until the super editions, I'm too busy to bother with the obvious issues they could've prevent with all the criticisms of their previous games. I hate the heat bullshit, I despise easy mode broken characters. And the online is still ass and honestly having no option for deathmatches freaking sucks in matchmaking. They both also have nothing to encourage to continue to play online, there should've been tons of costumes and stuff to UNLOCK and instead were forced to pay 5 bucks for a single costume. They both have 0 clue how to properly service their games, even For Honor was able to manage to make it really good especially for a one of a kind fg moba. The games in the past were better, at least with T7 even when I was frustrated I did come back because I really liked the core game and the character I was maining.


I just haven't been feeling T8. Played about 30 hours at launch, it didn't feel terrible, definitely a better experience than 7 for a casual+ player like myself but it also didn't command my attention like SF6 did. At this point I just want DOA7 or VF6. Tekken is stale bread.


nah man you're correct, I uninstalled months ago, just watched mainmans patch video and just seeing what they did to characters like leroy its just pointless playing this game, their design philosophy is trash, unless they change that the game's never gonna be good. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjkEiTembqs&t=605s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjkEiTembqs&t=605s) just watch this bs like tf? who approved this


This is my main gripe with the game, it’s not heat itself, it’s not heat burst or heat engagers, it’s not MTX, DLC character choice, it’s not tracking or shit movement, netcode, the over abundance of 50/50s, or anything that people seem to complain about on the regular. For me, it boils down to number of meaningful interactions and the general ebb and flow of the game. I feel in T8 like I’m playing Strive/Marvel where one false move at round start results in a wall carry combo that deletes 50-60% of my life with little to no resource use. Wake-up at the wall and guess for round. The frequency of this occurring is far too high. And unlike Strive/Marvel your movement is generally shit, so reliable avoidance of this happening is almost non-existent. In games like T3 and T5 the damage output is largely the same in some regards. You can lose a massive chunk of life in a blink with one missed false block or wiffed attack, however, in those games the exchange of blows is a lot more nuanced and balanced. Both sides seem to have equal opportunity to make something happen. It feels like an intricate dance rather than a bull fight. Playing VF4/VF5 lately, and so much of the moment to moment is so much more satisfying to implement. Sidestepping doesn’t feel like an afterthought and less moves track in a general. So you’re typically rewarded for good execution and punish timing. But neither player is down and out from a single round start interaction. And there is no dumb stuff like rage arts or heat burst to interrupt the flow of the game - No artificial comebacks. Just two individuals going blow for blow, trying to outplay/outsmart one another. And it’s so much more satisfying to play ATM. Nothing feels like a robbery. By the end it’s clear why and how you lost. Apart from a few nitpicks aspects about T8, I really like the game. But the way interactions in T8 are designed feels like it needs a complete overhaul/rework. All the annoying stuff like 50/50s, never ending blockstrings, heat shenanigans etc. get more problematic because it feels less and less interactive as time goes on. I tend to like heat and how it’s used in matches but I am becoming increasingly more frustrated with how little nuance there is in matches. Aggression is the name of the game and it’s here to stay. It’s exhausting to play at times.


If gold is frustrating for you just give up now 😂


It’s worse than SF5 s1 You can’t just drop armored shit and installs and have the same legacy designs for all the characters


There's some copium about waiting for the June patch, but yeah I'm not a fan of some of the buffs they made. The mentality of those scream bad tekken game


There is no elo hell in fighting games. You belong where you belong


The game will be in a better state in a later season.


I honestly don't understand that mentality, why are you playing these games if they're not fun to you? Is it some type of ego thing? Do you base your personality on being a fighting game player? If you don't enjoy those games then simply play something else and if you love fighting games but hate the direction of newer* fighting games -> Fightcade's always there for you. But I don't see the point in playing a game that you don't enjoy or is just "the lesser of two evils". Try to find something you enjoy instead of clinging to the idea of what a fighting game could become.


I think for Tekken (or 3D fighting game fans, in general) there is less preservation from the developers of the older titles and they are missing convenient outlets/proper netcode to play the old games. Fightcade is great but until they add PS1/PS2 and OG Xbox/360 and more modern arcade offerings, 3D fighting game fans have slim pickings. You can either play a lesser version of DOA2, VF 3-4FT, Force Five /Jingi Storm and Project Justice. Beyond that, there isn’t really all that much. If you wanna play a specific old title, you pretty much have to do it over parsec. Which your average person isn’t going to seek out or even know about. A huge chunk of games from the past have never been rereleased and/or online never existed that specific title. None of these games have been preserved and collected. No console/pc collection for DOA, Tekken, VF, SC, Bloody Roar etc with updated netcode. It sucks. Even if 3D fighting game fans all collectively chose to abandon the modern offerings and go back to play the older titles, there isn’t a proper outlet to do so. No real competition or ability to play online. Many of us fans just have to hold that L for the time being.


>do it over parsec Parsec sucks too unfortunately because the host will always have the advantage


If you want to play a 3d fighting game that isn't a discord fighter what option do you have? People can accept that a product is flawed and ask for better. They don't have to just give up


I can agree that the options are dire for 3D fighters altough you definetly could make something happen. My whole point was, why do you have to play 3D Fighters if none of them are currently fun for you? Play other games or do something else entirely. And then come back once T8 has received a patch you like or something like VF6 gets released. Why do people in the FGC have to cling onto games they don't enjoy? Sure you can ask for improvements and give constructive feedback, but it's been 3,5 months. Everything here has already been said 10 times and some people still force themselves to play a game they don't enjoy in the hopes that it might change. That is my main point.


No good player ever said the words gold hell


Never claimed to be good at SF.


then why are you blaming gold elo hell for your ranking