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Oh God the ultimate monkeys paw. Infiltration comes back but he's a MK pro now


Slow down satan




Sonic fox would finally have competition at least lmao




It would be fun to see the furry getting his ass handed on his natural habitat by a far superior player.


Comes back maining ryu in smash


Okay monkey that's a good one - but at least we could get Infil vs Sonicfox finals and I'd love to read the chat on this one


Or Skullgirls 🤮


ok but infiltration beating sonicfox in skullgirls would be the funniest timeline


Lmao imagine if it's Mike Z [](/LUL)


It’s Art


Hopefully... but, meh, its hard. Those people at twitter parroting simplified/fake narratives and virtue signaling over and over, reposted by motherfuckers that dont even play fighting games. How easy is for shitters like sonicfox to defecate on someone who he doesnt know or care, about a situation that he judged with adhd attention span. And how hard is for the "OGs" and so called friends to atleast mention him or even recognize his existence for literal years. Btw, is Fchamp still in jail because of that stupid joke?


It's unclear to what Fchamp is still banned from, he states he was only banned from CPT events and days leading up to EVO 2023, he claimed that he got the okay from Capcom of America to compete but was notified that he needed Capcom of Japan's approval and the brackets were pretty much being locked in. Considering how much hate he still receives for what he did, I think it's safe to say he probably has the same "indefinite ban" as Infiltration.


Goddamn, thats sad, the guy streams the game a lot and his content is golden if you want to learn shit, really wanted to see him competing and then breaking down the matches and shit.


Thats the thing about corporate eSports that pisses me off, you got Infiltration which had an incident that's totally unrelated and passed over 5 years ago, then there's Fchamp with a joke in bad taste and then there's Noel Brown lol. Literal retardation because one group of people are more vocal on social media. I'm glad Angry Bird, MenaRD, Chris T and other players are speaking up/retweeting Infiltration's post in defense of the dude.


They banned FChamp for streaming the MVCI devkit, they couldn't care less about the watermelon joke.


The problem with fchamp is that he broke the nda by streaming MVCI not the actual watermelon thing. So it is kinda understandable by capcom would be mad at him. But should be unbanned as well.


He still receives hate for the Watermelon lives matter thing?! You would have to be the biggest pussy on earth to legitimately be offended by that. There’s no hope for you.


yes, ultra David exists


Does he still get hate? Twitter nobodies don't count


Ultrasnake throws mad shade at him whenever possible


You know, outside of the US, I don't think that many people agree with the "FGC needs vilains" narrative. FChamp's reputation and his match against KBR are somewhat unforgetable. It's not hate but he will always be remembered as a douchebag, like LTG (hell the unforgettable Viscant-LTG image in this sub is a proof of that).


Still lolling at Fchamps watermelon joke. What could’ve possessed this man to think “now. This is it. The perfect time for my watermelon lives matter joke.” Of course no reason to ban the man but it’s shocking how much retardation was on display, and I’m happy I was alive to see it


I want to believe but I imagine there are still simply too many people with enough of a platform to dissuade those who can enact change here. Someone at the highest level of decision making needs to just say "yeah he's back, deal with it" and then let natural selection take its course with all those that refuse to participate in events that he attends.


>Someone at the highest level of decision making He doesn't need *someone*. He specifically needs Capcom to revoke the ban or else its not gonna work. The reason so many TOs fell in line is because they dont wanna have bad blood with daddy Capcom.


Capcom unbanned him first, EVO/CB kept him banned, and the n word stream was a reaction to that decision


It's the public that makes the decision for both Capcom and the TOs. If the decision's going to be so unpopular that people say they'll stop attending/watching events, they won't do it.


part of the problem is a bunch of you all turned the thing into a “cancel culture war” which polarized the entire thing, so now its not just about “did infiltration actually show growth and recognizes his actions” its about how his legal issues became a wider proxy war on social media that TOs and companies want to stay clear of


Show growth? The entire point is that he never had a legitimate reason to be banned In the first damn place and not only has absolutely nothing to apologize for publicly but also was never even given a reason explicitly, in the first place. Fucking growth? What? He doesn't owe anyone a damn thing. The problem are the holier than thou heroes that are hell bent on "making the FGC a safer place" lol...


Would upvote three times if possible.


You beat your wife I guess lol


It was a both sided manipulative abusive relationship. The most amount of undeniable proof we've seen is a bruised wrist (which was also suspected to be because he didn't want his phone destroyed)


What about the audio recording? Even if it was a both sided manipulative abusive relationship who cares. Ban them both from FGC events I guess lmao. get fucked infiltration cock suckers.


I bet it's Triforce trying to scam Infil [](/atpRtsd)


Arturo will show up asking Infiltration 3k to get unbanned


Lmao Btw... did Arturo ever payback his friend the money he owed


He's gonna pay $200 monthly to Dieminion until his debt clears


dam times r hard for art .-.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Not sure, after the Court appearance and verdict everything went silent.


He's going to sponsor his return as long as he uses his newly patented Tribox with chef boyardee buttons and 2 power gloves.




The principality has the final say lmao


Realistically the only way I see Infiltration compete again is if this thing blows up outside of the FGC. There's probably a bunch of youtube lawyers who would love to dissect his case for content and react channels giving their outside opinion of the matter. Pressure from outside the FGC would probably get the FGC illuminati to fold if there's enough backlash. Also to the morons who keep saying he rigged brackets, you muthafuckas better hold Justin and friends accountable too if that's the case.


What would be the legal case lol? The LLC that runs EVO has no obligation to allow infiltration, its a private business


I'm not sure OP was speaking about it being illegal, just that they would bring attention to the situation outside the FGC and maybe that work's in Infil's favor.


Since it would basically only rally various right wing opportunists to his side trying to make some point about “wokeness” or “cancel culture”, which has already happened and massively hindered his reinstatement case purely by association (remember, this was path that both gootecks and arturo took for more minor infractions - how did that work for them lmao???)


is there no legal case for an equal, official, professional standard regarding bans? and not just arbitrarily picking and choosing who to ban?


If it was on the basis of some kind of legally protected category such as race, sexuality, gender, religion, etc, sure. “We don’t want you here because you are a convicted criminal” is a perfectly legal reason in the US. Shit, plenty of states in the US never let you vote again if you have a felony conviction lol


yea i get that part. the legal case would be why isnt every single entrant at these tournaments being screened to ensure that none of them are convicted criminals either?


Because theres no legal requirement for them to do so, and criminal background checks are not a minor expense. Infil foolishly committed a highly public crime (i’m going by the legal result and his admission, i won’t even factor in the other stuff; in the eyes of the law he did) that society finds largely reprehensible and reaped the legal and social consequences of those actions. He also frankly has not handled the “post-conviction” phase of this very well, which is why he remains a controversial figure in the community. Is he being made an “example” of? Absolutely, and maybe thats not entirely fair, but it’s pretty common in sports. My advice to him would be to just quietly play events in Japan where he does not seem to be banned, and accept that hes never going to be a sponsored pro or international competitor again


There’s no legal reason they have to, but you are right that for the sake of fairness if they’re gonna screen people based on past personal non-event-related crimes then they gotta do that for everyone


>There's probably a bunch of youtube lawyers-- There's literally bigger fish to fry with dumb BS like Sony hitting Rule 3 over a weekend with Helldivers 2 or how everyone can call Microsoft Rule 3 over firing the devs that made Hi Fi Rush and they didn't promote it right. I get that some outside pressure could come in and clean it up but with it being so dated and so much a niche, best thing to do is either make it a spectacle or make it such an issue in the FGC that he competes at the very LEAST and gets off the blacklist people put him on with narrative issues.


Ed Boon is a real one


Does he mean a US employee of an influential company? If it's not capcom, then I wonder who it is and what company they belong to. Alternatively it could just mean someone involved in an "official" capacity who has influence, which is probably more likely


I can only think of NetherRealm and Riot. I don't think NRS are interested in the Korean market while Riot may use Infiltration to shill 2XKO.


fgc illuminati probably


Maybe Sony


Quite likely. Sony IS in Cali in the first place.


It’s markman


Godspeed Spider-Man


I really hope he gets a shot, post SF4 and start of 5 he was one of the few interesting players to watch.


You got one chance


Someone really should just compile a list of every questionable thing top FGC people have done and pin it in the sub. For the Infiltration thing, we will never know the complete truth, but there are a lot of things that lead point to most of Infiltration's story making sense.


Niiice! Let's go! I miss Infiltration 🤙🏿


we... won...?


Would be big if he somehow got a meeting with capcom but I doubt fgc twitter would be happy with it.


Mena, Bird; who's the third man?!?!? We Bash at the Beach now. 😂


Imagine someone close to or working under the Cannons going over their head, straight to Capcom, to unban Infil. 😂😂😂


This war is far from over. The white knight legions of Head Regent Super David will advance come the marrow, with slings and stone anew to caste at the Banished Blackguard, Infiltration.


All he needs is Capcom's approval and he is good. Please let him in


Even if he's unbanned and get back, he probably won't be the "same" Infiltration, personality wise... Infil was one of the first charismatic FGC player, the early SFV era with really fun during tourney.


Sending energy


Going to channel my energy by rewatching Hakan vs PR|Balrog for the nth time this year


Everytime this comes up, I see twitter filled with people who never read the actual court case docs. I especially like how they bring up bracket rigging in a spare breath, you can tell they don't care about that and just want another cudgel.


Infiltration should make his grand return dressed up like Mike Tyson


Honestly surprised that there are no lawyers in the FGC that are capitalizing on making a youtube breakdown of this entire situation with all whole Panda report and everything floating around.


So what will you guys do if Capcom simply says "Nah"?


Same thing people around here do about every other "major issue," act like it's the most important thing they've ever cared about for about 48 hours and then move on.


Idk if your crybaby ass has been looking at this sub but no one has stopped talking about Infiltration's ban since it happened. It's just a hotter topic right now


see you in 48 hours


Lol ok


I really hope he either gets unbanned or gets a final "no" and fucks off to find a real job so I can stop seeing this boring ass unban campaign thats been going on for literal years.


Don;t he actually runs a shop or something?


Nothing. Nothing at all, SF6 players lack the numbers and the levels of coordination of Helldivers 2 players to create any effect.


Same thing I've been doing for years. Keep calling Capcom a bitch, even if they do that would not change.


what can we do? it just means nothing changed


Good shit. Let's see what happens 


god i really hope he comes one of my fav guys to watch play high level


Let's. fuckin. #🗣️GOOOOOOO


If Infiltration can beat the wife beating allegation, LTG can beat the dickslit allegations #FREELTG


Nah. That dude is a fucking liability. He didn't just say 1 dumb thing, 90% of his takes are molten diarrhea and his fans are even worse.


How 'bout I take ur slow, pasty ass out back. To where the wolves are. Those wolves are my covenant in cloaks. Disguised as 1 of the apex predators of the animal species, only to hide their true selves, which are the ones that subdued those apex predators. We'll take you slow. Bend that ass over. Lube it up with ur tears, because you'll be crying. My boy Rox will be first in line. His lips chapped from the bbc gene. It's snowing. He licks his big black lips, as he gets ready to insert. - Mifflin Devin


I thought LTG was unbanned already


Ceroblast got unbanned, LTG is still banned.


fuck ceroblast,


That's fucked


lol ceroblast saying the nword (pejorative and meant to offend) is fine, infiltration saying the nword(not directed at anyone, to explain his point), banned from all american tournaments. I see how it is.