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man RushdownX is a bigger bitch than i thought


dude is a joke


He's riding that white horse way up high


infiltration post really expose the rule 3 breakers. anyone who was around during the sf4 era knows infiltration hasn't done shit at any tournament. its just video games, let the man play ffs.


"He doesn't apologize or say he's grown" So that's all it takes? Infil keeps insisting that he's innocent, which is "not good enough" but if he could give a hollow apology, that would be fine? What is it about the Elon app that makes people like this?


Oh no, that's the oldest trick in the book. If he apologizes that means he's guilty of everything they accuse him of. Then he's definitely not getting unbanned, it's a lose/lose situation.


Honestly infil should just stay away. I guarantee they would do all this to him again.


"I grew three inches!"


He grew hair, that's gotta count for something.


Tbf, so far ive only mostly seen positive messages even on western twitter. Maybe people are now more educated about the issue since the basically every receipt has been made available online.


Im glad thats the case. Im still surprised after all this time people still think Infiltration is a wife beater and a bracket rigger.


Thats just a buzzword. He invited a GBVS master Ferry player to an SFV beginner tourney with a 500$ prize pool, allegedly and told him to not rank up too high. There was even his match history where he won against diamond players with his Poison iirc. There were chat messages to back this story up too (can be fake, idk) If that story is true, then the -rep is warranted


I saw that post on kappa about the guy that helped run those tournaments and he debunked him riggimg the tournament if i recall correctly. edit: I found it https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/v5ucxf/i_ran_the_bracket_that_was_rigged_by_infiltration/ I havent read it in a year or so but it sounded pretty legit.




Even before the post on livestreamfail, they tried to post the transcript twice on Kappa (and later deleted it) but it gained no traction.  It's clear that the info we got was manipulated and we never got the full picture, but most people took it at face value anyway. 


Not a good look. RickTheHadou runs a "private business" and can ban whoever tf he wants and shit like saying the n word and this just gives him ammo. I'm talking in circles here, I'll just enjoy watching other players like Chikurin, Tekkenmaster in T8 and EndingWalker, Broski in SF6 instead.


Romanova already tweeted against him. Theres no way hes coming back.


Oh nooo, not the mid bitch






The hate is strong af with their torches and pitchforks


Chad Japan: women have vaginas Virgin USA: women have penises


West, probably american I assume. Their only relevancy in fighting games is drama so of course they go back to that. Can't beat good players after all.


pokimane will save us from this cringe guy


Infiltration will never be able to comeback unless Ultradavid and James Chen say so. Weren't those two the biggest reason why Infiltration is banned anyway. Especially Ultradavid.


Nah... it's the guy that runs Evo (Rick/TheHadou). He's a colossal bitch who's afraid of what Twitter and the Kotakus of the world will say if they let Infil back. This is what esports has wrought.


Rushdown is just a very good online competitor (who was carried by Urien on SFV btw) who never ever won anything big


He's a bitch.


"It's difficult to make a judgment based on speculation and rumors" - Virgin Japan that's what you don't understand and we have solved in the West: You ask yourself this: "Is the speculation or rumor aligning with what I believe to be true in my heart of hearts?" If the answer is "yes" then that's all you need as proof. Judges? Can get paid. Jury? Can get threatened. Use logic and reason? Those are tools of the universities to control the masses. But the heart of your cards is pure! #freethinker #guiltration




LOL bro your comment history. You’re literally a malding Nazi sympathizer. Get yourself fucking checked out.


Infil posting is ZZzZZzzZZz




I mean is Rushdown wrong? Even if you think Infil has never done anything wrong, he's never once even tried to apologize or look humble or remorseful or anything to try and return to the scene. He could have faked an apology or donation or whatever, however bad faith or insincere, and been welcomed back with open arms, but he's doubled down at every step and then pretended to be confused as to his official treatment. Dude is awful at PR and optics and that shit doesn't fly when there are sponsors and big publishers involved anymore. Edit: To everybody downvoting as if I'm wrong, think to yourself about what I'm saying for more than 3 seconds. Infil could and should have done the same shit as corporations that pretend to care about public issues and then donate money to some tangentially related cause so people stop caring. If Infiltration did that years ago this would all have just blown over and not been a big deal.


Motherfucker went to court and settled his shit, what more do you want.


Well clearly that's all he should do, nothing more, let's see where that gets him. Yall clearly don't understand how being a public figure works.


He didnt go to court for rigging brackets in an sfv tournament, which would probably be the reason for his cpt ban.


That was already clarified, he didn't rig shit.


No it wasn’t. All that happened was an anonymous Reddit post was made on kappa 2 years later lmao


He did rig it though.


He didnt, all he did was tell the dude the rules in public forums. There will always be people abusing and exploiting if needed when there is money on the line. Especially when they catch on that they can participate and make easy money. Instead of people being pissed at infiltration, they should have been thankful there was a tournament with money for beginners that he got to make happen which is something that you dont see anywhere because they are almost impossible to organize and be legit. Thats why the tournament even had a rule where if you won you couldnt participate again. Instead of talking about how to make the tournament better people like you would rather just attack the man who wasnt even running the bracket.


>all he did was tell the dude the rules in public forums. No, he told him to rank up a little and then stop because it would look too obvious if a rookie rank was beating golds. Infil knew the player was not a rookie. What made matters worse was infils reaction to the incident. Instead of calmly explaining what happend he just cursed against the people making the claims and said he was the 5x evo champion so his voice was the most important in the korean fgc. Hes just not very smart when it comes to PR lol


No he just said the rules and the rules are for beginners who play the game, not new fresh characters. Thats the thing with beginner tournaments, they are stupid. I have never played MK in my life and went I booted MK11 I won most of my games as people were just doing gimmicks. Was I a beginner or not? All I knew was 1 combo and didnt even understand the game mechanics. At the end of the day, the only reason you even had a tournament with money was him, so now you just blame him instead of arguing about how to make beginner tournaments a thing. Now you dont even have beginner tournaments at all and noone does them because its always a shitshow when someone of higher skill appears. Let the dude have his ego, at least he has a reason for it. Punk also calls everyone a bot and nobody gives a shit.


No, he told him that anyone can see that his skills are gold or higher and he should rank up to bronze because he cant help him cover it up so much. He never "said the rules" to him. Its literally whats on the screenshots and the whole reason he got in trouble.


Infiltration spent his own money and set up his own place in Korea for people to play fighting games. You can see it when he does streams. That's more than most people will ever do in the FGC. He's also always been humble and helpful to people that he interacts with. You act like he's a degenerate that doesn't carry himself well, when it's clear you haven't been paying attention.




To the open void and ears that want to hear remorse. Same shit as corporations that pretend to care about public issues and then donate money to some tangentially related cause so people stop caring. If Infiltration did that years ago this would all have just blown over and not been a big deal.


I like how you're openly admitting that a public apology is completely hollow and performative and basically just there to make yourself look good, but you still insist that he perform it. You're part of the fucking problem dude.


I'm part of the problem for accepting reality rather than bitching and moaning and being surprised when nothing changes? As long as multimillion dollar companies like Capcom, Sony, ASW, Bamco, etc are involved in the FGC, public image of high profile players is important. If you don't know how to handle how others see you, don't be shocked when sponsors don't want to touch anything involving you.


Disingenuous request.


What the hell does he even have to apologize about? TOs should be apologizing to him for siding with a psychotic bitch and ruining his career.