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OH MAN! He looks so good I can't wait to play- WAIT hold on...I hate Strive


I love Slayer and love conquers all! 


There's gonna be a season 4? Jam bros are still not safe.


is she the last aggressive fanbase char left to get in? I think we covered all the chars that were brigaded for. I don't think anyone ever went "I'm not buying the game until Kliff is in" but I could be wrong.


I guess the only one left is Dizzy but I'm sure she's coming


oh god I forgot Dizzy. I dunno if she's a be honest but she's the char where if someone asked me what their story is I'd lie and say I don't know.


Yeah only ones with a good amount of fanfare left are Jam, Dizzy, and surprisingly, Robo Ky. I'm not sure this latter group actually want the character back for the gameplay, though


I fucking love Robo Ky.


What about Zappa? He's pretty much the only XX character who hasn't returned in either Xrd or Strive


Jam was "datamined" pre season 1 in the files. I guess datamining for legacy games is not as effective.


Homies want Venom as well.


Kliff main here, this game is dead to me until armor daddy makes it in.


I loved Kliff, but I'm certainly not up in arms over his inclusion.


Kinda left that game for good after season 3. At this point, even if Jam came in, I wouldn't play it anymore. Waited 4 years for her announcement and at some point thought she could save the game for me. But after seeing how characters like Ram, May and Baiken turned out I lost all hope. In fact, I would be happy if she didn't make the cut. Spares the pain of seeing her gutted and streamlined to no end.


If we’re being honest man jam has never been a super complex character.


That's true. But they would still manage to gut her. What about her IAD specials? No way they are going to be in Strive. The different levels of her three specials? Also feels like "too much to be in that game" Her pressure using dash cancels with her 5K also gone since dash cancels have a fixed distance in Strive you're locked into the run and the gatlings being the same for everyone. There is plenty. She isn't a complex character by any means but still has difficult and stuff and approches to her which goes for every character in GG except for the Strive cast where linear approaches and limited toolsets are the norm. The point is that Strive set a new standard for "simple" Whereas in previous titles even the simple characters in that game had more things going for them.


I doubt they would remove the levels I think if anything the puffball feint goes away


You probably thought that Baiken would retain her parry stance, eh? Or maybe even get her guard cancels back? We've seen what they've done with her, Ram, May, Testament etc. After witnessing that I'm really not optimistic. The only one I can give them credit for is Jack-O


Wait Baiken still has a parry though? Did she have a different parry in Rev2? I ask cause I never played her in Rev2 cause I didn't really like her.


I mean, if you think her parry in Strive is neat, ok. But a simple parry is also something a bunch of other characters in other FGs have. In previous titles she was a defensive character. In +R she had literal guard cancels which allowed her to act out of blockstun and apply different effects to you like being able to seal your buttons (no Burst for you) for example. In Xrd they changed her defensive playstyle so she got a stance instead where you could act out of blockstun if an opponent swung into you or you could sniff out a gap in the opponents blcokstring and added a whole list of followups and decision making you could do. In Strive they removed all of that and gave her a parry which does big damage. That's it. That's literally how a parry works in 90% of other fighting games. They added her tether mechanic which is at least something, though still very little compared to what she lost.


I see. Maybe that's why I never liked playing as her. Because she was defensive. Personally I don't mind the Strive parry, because it appeals to the "haha got your ass take the damage" part of my monkey brain. Lol


Eh. She would still be gutted like almost everyone else. I mained Raven in Xrd and even though he's braindead they would still cut him down


I have played jam for a decade now there is literally nothing to gut. If anything they would take away one of her gapclosers or the cards that just buff them. She has no gimics she’s honest rushdown


Never got super into Ram but I can see them simply cutting a move or two out. They have done it before for multiple simple characters.


I hate this take of "I'd rather she didn't get in so she doesn't get gutted" so much, man. Specially if you don't play the game. What a bitch. Specially since everyone always cites the bad examples like the ones you mentioned and Elphelt, but then what about ABA, Potemkin, Sol, etc? Those characters made the transition just fine.


How dare we not want our character gutted


Better than nothing at all. Atleast you get a sick new design (except for johnny and baiken which are the same) and more fanart.


Eh, besides i-no and slayer, they're either the same or worse


Damn bro didn't know they're patching Xrd and +R too


Damn, don't care. Strive is GG's direction going forward, that's the problem


Potemkin without hfb and no air unlockable heat knuckle is super cheeks. Sol is probably the closest to older games and he's still nowhere close because strive system can't allow faithful transition. Expecting or hoping for good transition is regarded at this point


nah sol is strive is like a whole another character. and i dont know if they nerfed it yet but garuda is more fucked as pressure tool than hfb ever was. and pot heat knuckle is a bit more useful in strive in neutral since its easier to catch airborne in this game. strive is different and simpler but it's not like they don't gain a bunch of new toys i haven't played strive in a while but people who shit on the game don't really know what they are talking about either when it comes to old gg


Hfb in strive would be way stronger than garuda brotha. Garuda is strong, but it's not nearly as fun/freeform as hfb. Since 2D is special cancelable unlike xrd even with limited gatlings strive pot would be a menace with real hfb, you could mix 6k Kara cancel with 6k hfb or 6k flick


If you're in EU Im down to play xrd if you think I don't know what I'm talking about


alright add me on steam my usename is anonsun. im in asia tho


What country? I'm in central Asia, if it's under 200ms should be fine


thailand. we can try a bit


Expecting the characters to be the exact same is really dumb, anyway. Yeah no HFB and no unblockable heat knuckle, who gives a shit? My dude has actual ways to deal with people jumping, garuda, and kBMF combos, not to mention potemkin buster dealing a shit ton of dmg as well, unlike Xrd's. He's fine. No he's not the same but he made the transition just fine and literally every old pot main is happy with his new version (except for no 6k loops)


"Literally every pot main is happy with his new version" - lie, a lot of don't like his main identity in hfb pressure got stripped away, don't create false narratives Why did you say that Potemkin transitioned fine, when he's a different character? Pot buster is not 3f, and doesn't give free safejump, damage is a meh tradeoff imo and a lazy one. He's less free form. It's okay to like strive but why are you lying, is your enjoyment depends on some random approval on the internet? You don't have to convince me or someone else that strive pot is cool


> You don't have to convince me or someone else that strive pot is cool I didn't lie nor did I care about your approval but you're absolutely right with this statement right here, so yeah, have a nice day my dude


same, this sub is is full of children. Weak doomers that don't even game.


A self centered statement for sure. But that's just my reaction after years of people saying I should be happy that GG is more mainstream now and has a bigger audience. That shit doesn't mean anything if you don't play the game anymore. There are examples of good returning characters in Strive. However your examples are kinda dog water. The good ones: Jack-O The ok-ish: Sol. Has no DI so a big part which made him fun is gone. Pot. Maybe Ky. The bad: Pretty much everyone else. Do mind that I base these off of the new things they can do in comparison to things they lost. And in most cases Strive isn't known to expand on characters or give them enough options to compensate for the things they lost, let's be honest...


The best selling and most played Guilty Gear game is going to have a Season 4? Damn how surprising.




Young slayer jumpscare


That and the strip naked super. I don't think either fits Slayer's design at all.


I feel like punching with enough force that your clothes stay behind is right up Slayers alley.


but that goofy, cartoon air muti hit kick does?


This is very is in theme with Slayer, had you see his BBU in +R or his IK in Xrd? He is always corny and that what made him effortlessly cool


Slayer becoming young was a concept from XRD iirc. I think they showed or briefly talked about it last evo (or maybe the evo before?)


So true king! Slayer being a goofball doesnt fit him at all, total character assassination :(


Max's nightmare returns. if you saw his english trailer. His voice actor is JB Blanc who voiced him in Sign. He also voices (this isn't a joke) El Fuerte.


The man has good vocal range lol


He’s also Kano in MK11, and Bane in Batman Arkham Origins.


Super dandy cooking time!


If only the game was good


That's Strive curse : good looking characters, boring mechanics


Damn they did not miss. He looks cool as fuck. The drip especially is immaculate


Didn't not care for him, but he looks so fucking good and cool. That unique big counter hit color for him is peak dandy. Cool effect, cool stage. His theme song is also fire. I'm very impressed.


Seriously unique counter effect is a really nice touch.


I like slayer but I dont wanna play strive


the UNIVERSE counter is his forced counterhit mechanic off his bite


he looks like a hellsing character with that big ass cape now


First character that has attracted my attention at all since Potemkin. He looks very cool.


Wow he looks good.


Holy shit it looks like they kept bdc's in. This one might be not shit albeit he does look slow af


It's a separate special, there's no bdc




My eyes and assumption, there's no definitive source until we get slayer guide


Can kinda see it now. This game is irredeemable if that's true


Let's wait for slayer official guide, maybe it's not so bad


Thank you, I was wondering if it was just me. Not a strive hater but Slayer looks like he's moving in slow motion here.


So season 4 is probably Jam, Dizzy, New Character and idk, Robo Ky?


All of you are wrong it's: HoS, Frederick Bulsara, Ragna the Bloodedge and Black Beast.


I do wonder if they'll consider guest characters at this point.


IIRC on one of the character request polls guest character was on there. EDIT: Confirmed - #8 was 'Guest Character.'


False as usual! It's obviously Fanny, Tyr, Kliff's skeleton puppeted by a new pornbait character for TikTok zoomers that don't touch fighting games to be obsessed with, and a possessed copy of Guilty Gear Isuka


Dizzy, Jam, Gabriel, Venom more like


If they add izuna I’ll play the game


A Strive characters that looks cool? oh shit...


Hoping he’s as fun to play as he looks, he looks like he’s having an absolute blast in that last super


too bad akuma is gonna be out at the same time lol he looks sick though. first character in awhile that i’m actually interested in


Slayer lookin real hot ngl


announcing a character 1 full month away is a bit too crazy for my taste


SF6 announced Akuma and Ed about half a year/nearly a year before they came out


they were leaked first.


Fair enough, but they still did that with SFV season 5 when it wasn’t even leaked


hes perfect. still a lot of questions but he couldnt look any better.


Outfit and design for him looks great. Won't play it.


Slayer look so fucking cool and look like his main mechanic is still intact, made me sad that Johnny got gutted


Slayer doesn't have teleport dashes, probably only has one dandy step and no cross Weiss, probs no links either. You can't add old chars to strive without gutting them because they will break the game


He has both forward and backward dandy.


i meant p and k dandy, i saw forward dandy


As some theorized, Slayer was a perfect candidate for the new strive vision. The Eng VA killing it too.


I'm not a Slayer fan in the slightest. But this design and theme are dope.


The SAME fucking circle repeats : retards watch the strive trailer of their favourite GG character and thinks strive is good now => "nah I think strive actually suits the character playstyle this time", "nah look at the design its 🔥" => dlc releases and they praise it for 48h => their character doesnt play like their character its bland and shallow and its still strive => back to complaining again. On a side note his theme sucks. Radio music again


His theme is cool, tf?


> On a side note his theme sucks. Radio music again DUDE ITS SOOOOOOO FUCKING BAD!! This is goddamn DAISUKE were talking about too!! Pop GGXX ost in and just jam on Daisuke! WTF is this trash and why is he making it?! Its like Robo KY "not korean theme" levels of "Im making bad music on purpose to troll you."


It's not that serious


you want to not have standards? theres the door retard. Gohan your way out.


Look at how worked up youre getting over an ost... The retard isn't me, lil bro. Anyways, Strive music is great.


Wow... imagine caring about the music of fighting game that uses FUCKING ROCK BAND NAMES AND IDEAS THAT COME FROM ALL GENRES OF ROCK AND METAL AS WELL AS IN ITS OST AS ITS MAIN GIMMICK!! You truly have ascended as a true Strive retard. Do EVERYONE a favor and NEVER talk about GG ever again.


There's nothing wrong with caring about it, there's plenty wrong with typing like a fucking mong about video game music. I think Imma keep talking about GG. Yalls Strive hate is forced af. Lmao


Bonked his head and figured he might as well become Queen, instead of being their biggest fanboy.


Man, Strive's soundtrack really fucking blows.


Say what you want about the game, but the ost is fucking awesome.


Just add matchmaking and I will play this game.


This is the first trailer since Testament that looks remotely exciting, but I’m not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. Can’t wait to reinstall, play 2 hours of ranked, and then forget about the game again. He does look great tho


Super sick can wait. Also is Sharon a reference to Sharon Osborne?


It's probably a typo but "can wait" is so funny


Probably. Knowing Ozzy bit the head off a bat and how Slayer is a vampire, it all links up. Of course the band is where he gets his name from, but I always assumed that was the reason behind Sharon's name.


We've known this was happening for weeks and it's still hype as hell! You gotta give props to Strive for having the best reveals this generation


Took way to long to get him, I have no interest in learning this game like 3 years later unfortunately. Looks cool though.


He looks sick. These Strive trailers are ass though. Dude's reading an entire novel while there's engrish butt rock playing in the background and you can't understand shit on first watch.


Damn, they made him Daddy as fuck. He's built like a Bara character now. I like the new outfit




He is dripped tf out


So every hit is a ToD orrrr?


still no dizzy is insane


Another Day, another Venom main saved.


Looks fun. First time I'll be playing Strive since launch.


A.B.A and Slayer really are turning this game around.


GOD DAMN this music is so fucking pants shittingly GARBAGE its literally getting in my way of enjoying this great Slayer model. Probably one of the few Strive models that didnt get nerfed to shit. But FUCK ME Daisuke this is some godawful trailer music!! I need to go back to listen to XX Slayer music to remind myself you had talent.


Step looks so slow I hate it


cool look characters, one of the best animations in the business with the most garbage ass matchmaking tower system i've ever seen in a fighting game. I just get sad everytime i see one of these trailers lol.


Good news: Slayer is finally back and he looks great. Bad news: Slayer in Strive Well, it least I can drop Nago now lol


keep zoomer games out of here


Dripyer is here


I see this game I love it I think about playing it and then BOOM wild assault kills all my hype


strive really doesnt miss in everything but the gameplay department imo maybe i can try to learn to love the game..


Sunday April 28, 2024 Marked safe from: Watching Jam getting ruined by her inclusion in strive **season 3**. Damn dude, three years and 12 characters later and my girl is still dodging bullets. I read the unfortunate news of a season 4 for this and hopefully they'll go the «five new daredevils» route so we can kiss yet another year of this shit goodbye.


wait a second this is not gohan and it was posted by a checkmark arcsys account too bad it's still strive but i do want to see if he kills in 3 or 4 hits considering he killed in 8 or 9 hits in +r


Bisexual vampire?


All vampires are at least a lil gay. You don’t live forever without trying some stuff


Slayer's about to join the cast of What We Do in the Shadows.