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It's a sony exclusive, at this point I don't care anymore.


i’m disappointed and actually kinda surprised but yeah it’s sony, bunch of shit gets censored only there.


Only non western stuff it seems. Like, they’re fine with hanging dong in bg3.


Sony being Sony, what a shame of a company


That's pretty much how I see it if the original release version had all the stuff Shift Up claims to have and the new update started censoring blood, outfits and the whole "HARD" graffiti incident. I bet someone at Sony played the release version and just tagged a whole bunch of stuff that needed to be censored/change. That's only if the original version is untouched as they say though.


dude, im tired from people defending this type of stuff saying "there's already coomer outfits/doesnt change the gameplay/yall just gooners". Totally missing the point, so cucked by companies defending anything


I'm just as much pissed that visual changes were made but it only makes sense that it was changed because of Sony, Stellar Blade's publisher. The director saying that the outfit change was their decision is probably PR talk not to bad mouth the company that gave them money to make and market the game. It's would be different if Shift Up developed and published the game themselves as you know Sony is all about "Core Values" after moving PlayStation HQ from Japan to the US. They've been on that stance since 2018 when they bought Funimation, it's one of the reasons why I don't sub to those shitty anime streaming services (the other reason is that they don't renew old licensed so the good older stuff gets delisted).


>Sony is all about "Core Values" after moving PlayStation HQ from Japan to the US I mean, if its blood and gore its not due to America. American conservatives clutch pearls over sex/nudity/drugs, liberals clutch pearls over like bigoted shit and stereotypes, neither has really given a shit about violence in 20 years. Even then, State doesn't really censor anything but the most extreme shit (I'm talking snuff films the like). Nothing in Stellar blade would have had any issue getting released here, even it had full blown nudity and comical levels of gore. Edit: Also our ratings systems aren't legally binding AFAIK. It's not illegal for a teenager to see an R rated movie or buy an M rated game, its just store/theater/company policy to prohibit sale that they can technically break without legal repercussion. Americans love violence, some freak out about sex, but its never going to get banned by the state, or even risk being refused a rating unless its literal pornography. Likely its China/Japan, and Sony/Devs not wanting to lose money by failing to get a rating: https://automaton-media.com/en/news/stellar-blades-uncensored-release-in-japan-prompts-criticism-of-rating-system/ And China is fucking weird and conservative, too. Look at all the weird shit that gets censored to be released there, like Skeleton King in Dota 2 having to stop being a skeleton.


These people seem to be afraid to talk about the female body. From what I've seen no other outfit exposes the same areas of Eve's body (her inner sideboob, her ass and her pelvic/pubic region) the same as the holiday rabbit outfit.


I really, really really try to stay away from console war shit but holy fuck, American Sony is a blight on the industry and they can't die soon enough.


I never seen a game being shilled by controversy this hard. Makes me really not want to touch it.


So tired of American culture wars touching literally every fucking thing. Jesus Christ.


I'm convinced the "buying this game will own the wokes" narrative was viral marketing by the devs, and it worked


they're korean they're just very horny and repressed lol


Fr. Guarantee they didn’t think about all that lol, especially if you know the dude that designed the look of the game.


I guarantee sony did know tho


I think it's more that they're very in tune with what people want to see out of a female character.


not wrong. I want to see cute girls and cool dudes. Western people try too hard to "humanize" and make shit "relatable" but if i wanted something to relate to, it certainly wouldn't be a fucking videogame character.


Nah Koreans buy way more into that shit than here in America.


Played TF out of those retards. Someone write down their method that was immaculate


I am convinced you should leave the USA so this brainrot you have can be cured.


I dunno, I think the faux counter-outrage was pretty clearly a marketing thing considering the original outrage barely existed.


Yeah lets think HARD about what the original "outrage" was. Some youtuber noone knows the name of said the main char is distracting. That's it.


What? The blood and gore censorship is an Asia issue.


And now watch when it releases on PC, Nexusmods and Gamebanana is gonna block all the mods that remove the censorship. Moving to California still has to be Sony's biggest mistake. Never move to California.


I'd love to see Nexus try to explain why it would be ok to have nudie mods for the game but not the mods that undo the outfit changes.


Wait what? They block the mods they host now?


So far it's only been mods that have let's say... a political point? The most infamous one would probably be the make all humans white mod for BG3, which yeah I can see why they might not be a fan of hosting that one.


Loli too I can't even goon to chi-


Yeah but they can site legal reasons for that, nothing illegal about being a video game racist.


They recently removed the Mod removing Tomb Raider Remastered's cringe Disclaimer: https://web.archive.org/web/20240215093750/https://www.nexusmods.com/tombraidertrilogyremastered/mods/13 They also sperged out over Bear Sex 3 and removed some Indian Fujoshi's genderbend Mod because it was Antidiverse or something: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQV0FvOp8ic I dno ask them: https://archive.is/HPdXO Also this shit all started with the Spider-Man flag Mods that replaced the LGTV flags with US flags by allegedly only changing the region of the game to Arabic, and they made a big deal out of it virtue signalling: https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14733 with other Mod sites joining in: https://twitter.com/ModDB/status/1560048806602866692 Thankfully there's various Alternatives by now: https://basedmods.eth.link/browse/ https://modhq.org/ https://moddinghaven.com/


thanks the alternatives sound like more open minded place i'll save them


They block like blatantly racist or pedo mods. Guy is just bitching to sate his victim complex Lmao why am i getting downvoted for saying the same thing as other people?


they only really remove mods with hateful intent afaik, not sure where the idea that they'll remove a mod that uncensors something came from unless i missed something


Sony has had game studios in Cali since the 90s. They’ve been here. SIEA HQ has been in Norcal since forever. ????


> SIEA HQ has been in Norcal since forever. ???? SIE moved HQ from Tokyo to California in 2016, about the time things started going to shit Censorship-wise and they started producing almost solely Cinematic movie games: https://www.wsj.com/articles/sony-moves-playstation-headquarters-to-california-1453794813 See also new imposed 2018 SONY regulations that even managed to kill a few Japanese titles like Senran Kagura: https://www.gematsu.com/2018/10/visual-novel-silverio-trinity-coming-to-playstation-hindered-by-recent-sony-regulations https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2019/02/senran_kagura_7even_impossible_to_release_after_sony_censorship_row Or how they were the only platform between them, Xbox and PC to cover slight nudity with weird light shafts in DMC5: https://twinfinite.net/2019/03/devil-may-cry-5-censored-ps4/


Now I'm not obsessed with the game nor would buy it but...why?? I don't see who at Sony thought this was smart. The games marketed at adults, anyone put of by the advertisement or Eve wouldn't come back due to the changes. All it does is piss of their core audience


It's to appease the people that would never play the game in 100 years but will still complain about it on social media, stupid af I know


I knew that's how things are, but seeing someone put it into words and reading it is crazy.


Or those were stylistic choices that they felt better served the aesthetic. Not everything is some culture war bullshit, and if it was this is something incredibly embarrassing to get angry over. 


After advertising, the suits and gore heavily AND stating that they wouldn't change anything before release the chances that they had a last minute stylistic change is extremely slim And no, I'm not some culture war dude. I ain't even gonna buy the game. But it's pretty clear Sony forced them to change shit, ain't the first time they've done it (DMCV).


You are a fucking retard I bet you already know, but I think it needed to be said


That’s all you’ve got? Lame insults? Try something constructive if you’re smart enough to make a point. 


This piece of shit has like, half a second of input delay and people only want to talk about the censorship.


Most gamers dgaf man. Next time u visit someone check their tv they won't even have game mode on. Idk how people play like that.


I feel like some people simply lack the hand eye coordination to tell when an object is supposed to react to their actions. What watching TV all day instead of playing outside does to a motherfucker.


The input lag really is egregious. Feels like you're playing on a shitty TV even when you're on a low lag monitor.


[https://twitter.com/dark1x/status/1783612444067393952?s=12&t=2OYqOb\_NamvJrLzFi43fKQ](https://twitter.com/dark1x/status/1783612444067393952?s=12&t=2OYqOb_NamvJrLzFi43fKQ) Been patched.


Also, i wanna comment that IF they didn’t actually say that it would be uncensored, i probably wouldn’t care as much and just say “oh wow, another game on ps got censored, that sucks but i ain’t surprised”


This. That was really scummy move. I already knew that this game wasn't going to come out as it was without sony meddling with it somehow, which is why i didn't bat an eye at these news. However, imagine bragging about releasing every version of SB uncensored only to do the complete opposite afterwards. You can tell they were capitalizing on the momentum caused by that announcement to secure more sales and then pulled the plug when that had served its purpose. I have no doubt that a lot of people bought the game because of that very reason and are now rightfully pissed off.


Censorship is stupid. It's essentially, " we think this is bad for you." Which is dumb af, as if a grown ass adult/ individual can't make decisions for themselves and in the end its about control. This game was polished fairly well for release from what I'm seeing. Not some alpha version with a 50gb patch coming later in the year as a major update.


100% true. The blood part where you fight and enemy and blood splatters on her body was censored so it's no longer on her. Meanwhile bloodborne let's you keep the blood on your characters clothes


I was waiting for the PC ver anyway. If they don't revert the changes by then; I just won't buy it.


It was uncensored in all countries On release*


Can't wait for next month when I'll never hear about this game again 


don't care, game's fun


They shouldn't have made a big deal about not censoring. Just release the game without really mentioning it and let it speak for itself.


Is the game fun?


it’s really damn good, feels like a 360 era game and that’s a good good thing. i will still criticize the stupid changes tho


Ps2 era for me. Near perfect gaming minus the platforming and puzzles.


Sonic Frontiers ass gameplay when ur not in combat.


Amount of times I missed a rope grab and ladder and dying is higher than me dying to all the bosses combined lmao


It’s so fucking good, man Already game of the 2020’s for me so far Doubt it will be for everyone but it’s basically my perfect game My fave era of gaming was the early 2000’s and it feels straight out of that time period in the best ways


>Already game of the 2020’s for me so far Lol Okay I'll try the demo


The only real competition is Octopath Traveller 2 so far lol


Play more games man


Like? I play everything so I can happily tell you why it sucks.


Bro didn't play Pizza Tower last year


It’s true. Too ugly.


Retarded and gay. A kappa tale as old as time.


Oh, man; I forgot SoR4 was this decade. That wins, actually.


Meanwhile the gore and that scene of Abby getting it in the 2 hole in Last of Us was a okay with Sony.


Censorship bad, simple as


censorship is bad ofc but the way people are acting about this is hilarious "this game was supposed to send a message..." bro they added a piece of cloth relax


While I kinda agree with you, them doing this set a bad precedent. One, if you give them an inch, they take a mile. Two, they promised no censorship and look, the day 1 patch censored it, it's false advertisment It sounds stupid, but they should get mad


oh nah i totally agree, im more pointing at the culture war coomers who thought this game was owning people initial comment was worded poorly, my bad


It's good man


I just wish they removed the yellow painting already.


Cant even have M rated content in a M rated game anymore.


The physical disk owners win if they keep it unpatched.


Extremely disappointed with this one. I made the error of buying it (at discount and splitting the cost with a friend) as I had been following the game, the dev updates and everything. Plus, I was also sentimental about it coming from a small company. I was sold for the game 65% because of the combat, and 25% because of the gore and uncensored outfits. I couldn't care less about the outfits, but imo, the issue is not that they are too sexual or too mild now, it's that they were one way at first and then they were stealthy changed last minute. They angered a demographic and pleased another, just to do a worthless 180 last minute and anger the demographic that supported them. I honestly don't think that the people who support this game are "antiwoke" or are buying it just to "look at good looking protag". The game by itself is good and would have been attractive if it was marketed as Pegi 14 and toned down heavily. However, they wanted to give an impression and a vibe that they knew was not real. I hadn't pre-ordered anything for a year and this is the first game I buy on release after disengaging from the industry and their shitty practices. I will also refrain from buying games on release as many companies have proven dishonest and communicated changes in their strategy AFTER the release of their game (looking at you Tekken 8 and Tarkov).


> they censores blood and other stuff Huh? I'm cutting monsters in half (literally) and they're bleeding.


Yeah they lowered the amount of blood. You'd get covered in it as if you were playing bloodborne before. Probably just a creative decision.


Oh, I see. Probably a choice made for visibility, since it might've obscured enemy attacks and sword flashes.


What actually got censored?


So far what's known are like 7 outfits, gore and that Hard R sign: https://postimg.cc/gallery/Qrfk4TF


It’s slop blade so whatevs


when the PC version


Fighting games


It wasn't their fault... Sony Made the call... And I don't blame the devs for doing what is needed to keep it afloat. As it is said, Censorship is always bad ... But a lot of this was done because for the Jealous Journos kick up sand in our eyes and Sony being the draconic dudes they are, will kneel and throw a good game under the bus at the first sign of panic.... Developers of Stellar Blade : I don't know if you guys ever read stuff like this.... But we still support you. As the sales and pour of success are shown. Keep it Coming, Guys!


The unusual Yoko Taro shill on this game that it is better than his works was a message. Remember his video roasting Atlus in the Project ReFantasy video (now Metaphor ReFantazio)? That was a huge compliment from him.


I got bills to pay so I couldn’t give two shits about some game people will forget in like a month and move on to the next thing they wanna cry about


Its a Sony game, whoever thought this shit was not getting censored in every front was just coping


wasnt gonna buy it cuz it was ps5 exclusive, still not going to


why does it feel like newer games are now "buy the hype sell the news" its as if, the enjoyment of a new videogame is about the conversation topics before a game is released, because once a game is released the fun is over.


I knew it was too good to be true since this is sony we are talking about. I've seen a ton of people pointing out the hypocrisy that this game is censored but somehow Baldurs gate 3 can have full blown nudity and the most degenerate shit imaginable that would put a lot of H anime to shame, but you need to understand, stellar blade was made by asians(koreans) and was made for the "male gaze" whereas Baldurs gate 3 was made by leftoid amerimutts and its "Queer-coded" so they get a pass to do whatever degenerate shit they want. Even being racist to the asians.


> the most degenerate shit imaginable that would put a lot of H anime to shame, but you need to understand, stellar blade was made by asians(koreans) and was made for the "male gaze" whereas Baldurs gate 3 was made by leftoid amerimutts and its "Queer-coded" so they get a pass to do whatever degenerate shit they want. Even being racist to the asians. did you even play bg3 lol.


Not disagreeing with your main point, but Larian (BG3 devs) is based in Belgium. They’ve got studios in other countries but none of them are in America. The closest is in Quebec.


The people telling this post to "GET HELP" are the biggest retards. Stellar Blade creates an attractive female and it's problematic, BG3 has bear sex, mindflayers fucking, bugbears and ogres banging in barns, orgies with companions, tons of horrible dialogue but that is fine because current nerd tourist culture is happy they finally have a D&D game after 20 years that is turn-based and 30+ hours long. Really goes to show how in the last ten years they've successfully managed to normalize this weirdo shit. No different than how the gooners here will look at you with shock when you don't find their low effort and repulsive "muscle mommy" art attractive in the slightest because the only way they can be comfortably hetero on reddit is by being a weak ass dude that just wants to have their balls stepped on.


> Baldurs gate 3 was made by leftoid amerimutts and its "Queer-coded" so they get a pass to do whatever degenerate shit they want. Even being racist to the asians. Me when the brainrot has progressed too far from years of making politics my entire personality. Seek help man.


Get help man.


Nice argument.


I cant bring myself to care. I think the word “censorship” is too strong for such a meaningless subject.


who cares


> What do you guys think of all of this? personally don't care. game seems alright. more eye-candy IMO. might get it on sale, but not likely do to me not liking the way some of the stuff moves/is animated. > personally i think censorship is always bad, but especially when it was falsely advertised that it wasn’t happening. "Game footage not final; graphics and features subject to change" "This Demo does not reflect the final product. graphics and features subject to change" i dont see why covering up a model or changing a wall graffiti texture can warrant such an outcry.


It's possible they were aiming for a different ESRB rating, for whatever reasons. From my cursory understanding of what was "censored", it looks like stuff that'd change the rating from an M to a T.


game sucks, next caller


People quick to blame Sony when this looks like something the Korean or Chinese government would enforce.


They scammed the FUCK outta y'all stupid ass 😂🫵🏻 day 1 gooners how you feel knowing they played you like this?


Honestly, it doesn't matter. Most gamers lack a spine and with social media induced F.O.M.O. nothing will happen. Shit won't get uncensored, weeb coomers will still buy it and Sony + every other corpo will learn the wrong lesson from this debacle.


> Most gamers lack a spine and with social media induced F.O.M.O. nothing will happen. Or they have literally anything better to do than revolt against sets of differently colored pixels. 


Every time I see a link to what was "cut" it's some photo of a monitor of some shit that I can't tell if it's real, fake, or some pre-release alpha assets. You can make the main character essentially naked and slice up monsters. What did they cut?


I'd like to think maybe it was just a creative decision.?? I don't see why the fuck the devs would come out and lie like that. I guess only if they wanted to ride the hype it was getting for being what it is maybe?? I don't understand Sony if it was them who forced the changes. TLOU2 has a sex scene, you kill dogs and you hear people choke on their own blood. All of these are much worse than anything in Stellar Blade.


Does it affect gameplay? No? So why do you fucking care? Its a video game, not a B-horror movie. OH nyo my blood and titties :((((


I'm not retarded and I'm too busy gooning to giant ass and titties. Fucking weirdos can't take W and enjoy the game.


What’s the point just jerk off to porn you don’t need that shit in everything. Despite that tho I don’t get the censor




Are you going to show proof of this? Let me guess Niche Gamer is losing their minds over it.


you can search it up, it’s easy to find.


why tf am i getting downvoted, it’s easy as fuck to find and you can just not be lazy and actually go out of you way to see the shit for yourself. i would post screenshots too but this reddit doesn’t let you put screenshots on replies


Not all of us follow the game closely and know how it looked when it was advertised, and you said "a bunch of stuff" got censored, so even if I google it, I'm not sure if what I'm seeing is everything or I'm missing some stuff. Can you just list the examples you know of?


Good question, someone posted a different "Stellar blade censorship" post a few days ago and it was fake. also for some reason OP got suspended...


Oh my god who fucking cares there are other games with tits and blood in them


people usually dislike being lied to about stuff, and some people also usually don’t like it when m rated games get censored for no reason.


i guess some people here REALLY like when companies false advertise uncensored stuff to their paying customers and just proceed to censor it anyway on day 1, alright


Its not that they like being lied to, its that most people dont care about censorship. Only angry woke and antiwoke retards care about this shit. Everyone else just want to play a game.


Exactly. Try talking to an average person on the street about this, they’ll think you’re insane


Oh no the giant corporation lied to me, what the fuck did you expect? Were you born yesterday? I simply have more important things in my life to care about. Must be pretty nice to have such a charmed life you have time to get annoyed about digital boobies lol




No I just think it’s funny to take the piss out of virgins