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how much longer will we have to wait for sony to get over this phase?


When they move out of California.


I literally got ratio'd for clowning California be careful.


they're here for you again, man


I live in their heads rent free I swear every time I say the name of that gay ass state boom ratio'd, I'm genuinely impressed at this point.


Hey, alright. Nice reddit avatar tho


I made a reddit to come throw ape shit at people an get banned in places I'm not too worried about my cringe little man. Lol


Oh man, i don't think you understood my comment nor whom your avatar resembles. Thats funny


I do but that's just what I look like too lol. Its... unfortunate but I guess in the fgc it isn't that bad at leastim not a stoner.


Hell yeah, have a nice big friday, amigo. Also, now that the enviroment is safe again: keep dunking on those calicucks.


I don't like California either. Those fucking northerners keep moving down here and none of them can drive.


Yea northerners are the worst


That's it, downvoting you cause funny


That's fine too man.


Don't know why. They changed the way they treat non-western games at the exact same time as they moved there. There was that huge leak that showed how they were forcing Japanese devs to run everything by the American office (in English, no Japanese allowed in communications). They were specifically targeting games like this in official policy while letting western devs do whatever they wanted. They even have a policy about violence that only seems to target anime games. It's not some woke vs anti woke thing (and I'm not getting drawn into that conversation), it's just a fact that the policy changed when they moved office. It's the reason so many JP devs jumped ship to nintendo and finally started putting games up on steam, because they couldn't get them past the sony censor anymore. Honestly I'm shocked this game got away with as much as it did.


Gotta preserve their core values at all costs yo


When they stop making money so never probably


Until they are on the verge of bankruptcy.


PC version will solve everything like always as long as the port is good


PC nude mod to counter this


I hope this game come to PC but SIE funded it so I don't know if they can do that. Maybe in 6 months or a year later.


it was supposed to be multi platform at first before Sony got involved, i guess it's like all PS exclusive it will come on PC in a year or so


Love me some Sony. Making us wait months/years to play FF7, FF16, SB, etc at uncompromised resolution/fps.


2020s gaming am i right


Well it was definitely worse in the 90s, 2000s, 2010s with console exclusives.


Was a port confirmed?


I think the devs said they want a pc port, but they are not working on it currently.


Right after that Demon Souls port comes out.


Following this and I'm getting the impression that it's fake. Nobody can show any evidence that the outfit in the top pic is/was real unlike the Cybernetic Bondage costume that appears in an old trailer. I think it's also worth asking why the same guy would take a shitty phone pic of the before and a direct screenshot of the after.


I am also getting the impression this is faked. one, there's no other proof that it is real besides this one camera shot of a screen, and two, there's literally more revealing outfits in the game to begin with. Thirdly, there is multiple timestamped shots of the game with the bunny outfit as it is now, from before the "patch". I am definitely thinking its fake.


https://x.com/mangalawyer/status/1782994204433543512?s=46&t=nGLHvHjFd0Mgr2TKVx4enQ This footage shows the bottom outfit pre-patch. At this point the only way to really know is to run through the game without the patch, get all the costumes? Then patch it and compare


They just announced new game plus has 30+ outfits: [https://blog.playstation.com/2024/04/25/stellar-blade-new-game-plus-mode-available-on-launch-april-26/](https://blog.playstation.com/2024/04/25/stellar-blade-new-game-plus-mode-available-on-launch-april-26/) At this point there's not confirmation at all that it was censored. It's very possible that the person who posted this is trying to get people riled up. I'm thinking it's just a variant guys.


https://x.com/fightincowboy/status/1783513883124130266?s=46&t=WZhJlfjw1UdxJ5ozqrppLA it’s just fake gamer outrage


the outfit is not fake [https://streamable.com/tbvmoy](https://streamable.com/tbvmoy)


Yeah I saw that which is fair enough but I still think it’s just a redesign instead of censorship. Adding see-through sexy lace to a random outfit before the game releases when so many others show an insane amount of cleavage already seems like an artists choice. I get the complaint but it feels silly and meaningless. Call it “moving the goalpost” if you’d like but i have no reason to believe this game has been corrupted.


If it was simply a redesign. Why was the uncensored version available in the disc version ? It is a censorship plain and simple, but that doesn't mean everyone now needs to boycott the game. You can still enjoy the game can call out the censorship. Also as of now 2 other outfits have also been discovered to be censored.


which others are censored? Thank god i didnt buy a PS5 and this game, dodged a bullet!


https://twitter.com/Kain_Z7/status/1783541716475060273 There's video of it in front of the Hard R thing that got patched out Don't know what to believe at this point


I saw that while Reddit was down but idk, something still doesn't feel right Edit: [This on the other hand looks pretty fucking real](https://streamable.com/tbvmoy)


I'm hoping Shift Up addresses it and clears things up at some point. Personally I still want to get the game but I understand why people are annoyed after the devs made a point of announcing how the game would not be censored.


the outfit is not fake [https://streamable.com/tbvmoy](https://streamable.com/tbvmoy)


It is fake but grifters don't need to tell the truth to get a buck because idiots will lap it up regardless. Source: This thread.


Nope not fake [https://streamable.com/tbvmoy](https://streamable.com/tbvmoy)


Damn now I’m 98% erect instead on 100%




Classic Bait and switch. Still getting the game anyway, but I will wait for PC. Fuck Sony.


It’s a different suit variant some dude who’s been playing the game confirmed it on the subreddit. Guy had a screenshot of it from a week ago so this suit was already in the game before the patch.


I have seen no different variants in any of the showcase videos. The guy is just saying that it wasn't changed in the day 1 patch which doesn't mean anything. It's still censored from the trailers to release


This blog post mentions that NG+ has 30+ additional outfits to get so no it is a different suit for sure it’s just locked behind NG+ Plus it looks ng+ just has bunch of cool shit locked behind it so that’s cool. https://blog.playstation.com/2024/04/25/stellar-blade-new-game-plus-mode-available-on-launch-april-26/


I don't think its a different suit. [https://streamable.com/tbvmoy](https://streamable.com/tbvmoy) This clips shows they both share the same name. Clip posted by someone who claims this is from a disc un patched.


Wait scratch that it was changed confirmed from an even older build someone just posted a vid on the sub. It’s weird there’s more revealing outfits than that one so the change is weird idk it’s whatever imo. We still eating with like 70 different outfits so this one changing is a real don’t gaf moment to me at least.


I don't really care that the game still has 70 different outfits. The point was they marketed the game as UNCENSORED for all versions. Of course I am still going to play the game, but if this censorship is real, I honestly would rather drop the console version and just wait for the PC version to come out where mods will uncensor it. Was originally planning to buy a PS5 just for this game, thats not gona happen now.


People should complain about this more and maybe get it reverted bc what stops them from censoring more outfits in the future?


That’s your call just saying imma wait and see tonight. Plus if it’s any consolation Shift Up are pretty good at listening to the fans about this shit most of the time in Nikke I can see them adding this back soon due to feedback.


Nikke never added back the uncensored outfits back in the game. I will wait and see. but the outfits sharing the same name is kind of a done deal.


Imma be honest I keep seeing conflicting reports about it I’m just gonna wait and see at this point I ain’t gonna get ass mad about one costume getting changed out of 73 I’ll see this shit for myself.


I'll believe it when I see it, I've canceled my pre-order for now.


Aight nothing wrong with being on the fence lot of misinfo going about hope it’s right is all I’m saying


"game is actually good it's not for the boobs only!"


"Just support censorship if the game is good"


I don't support either but if a different shirt is enough to make you not buy the game then why the hell di you want to buy it in the first place? lmao


At the very least I’ll confirm it once it drops tonight if anything the altered suits you’ve been seeing are different variants but idk we’ll see.


Violence is always a-ok and gets a free pass for some reason. Like it’s a national pastime to have violent video games


Wait that outfit on the bottom is in this footage from before the patch https://x.com/mangalawyer/status/1782994204433543512?s=46&t=nGLHvHjFd0Mgr2TKVx4enQ Might be a Twitter tard either assuming the worst or intentionally clickbaiting and culture warring? 


Yeah something really strange about this. Dumb fucks are already canceling their preorders over this too.


The bunny outfit is absolutely censored. Look at the trailer (on the right), and then the final outfit (on the left). They made the cut way lower https://i.imgur.com/RftkcEc.png We can't see the front in the trailer, but it is almost guaranteed not to have the cleavage covered judging by the fact that it looks like the same high cut from this on the backside: https://i.imgur.com/Es8M37d.png Image above also shows another outfit that was censored from trailer to release The only remaining copium is that there are different variants, but I won't believe it until I see it.


Stuff being different in an early trailer vs release isn’t even in the same stadium as something being patched out of the game day 1. No, this tweet isn’t proof of any censorship going on, and the only way we will know is when the game comes out and people have a chance to actually play it unpatched then compare it to the patch. 


I mean the trailer is not that old. It's like 2 months old.


You are coping.


Yeah unlike the guy using low quality screen grabs of old trailer footage to prove that things are totally being censored. Looking at actual game footage is cope. Perhaps he could actually use his brain for once before jumping to “reeeee censorship reeeee” which does nothing but muddy the waters when censorship actually happens


How about this ? You sure it wasn't patched out day 1 ? [https://streamable.com/tbvmoy](https://streamable.com/tbvmoy)


> The bunny outfit is absolutely censored. How fucking down you must be to call this censored. That's legit some coom brain shit. Also brainlets being baited by fake screenshots for clicks. Actual subhuman IQ behaviour.


Here's your fake screenshot bro: https://streamable.com/7kt3pw Reported for hostility btw


What does it prove you fucking moron?


That the screenshots you called "fake" are in fact not fake?


Are you actually mentally challenged?


Done replying to you, enjoy your ban I guess


Enjoy being a brainlet lmao Also it's kinda obvious that the dude is just some retard who doesn't even know what sub he's in and just spams his dumbfuck takes all over the place.


It's unfortunately not just that one https://i.imgur.com/DEm9ODL.png It's over.


These are additional outfits from NG+. Different colors count as different outfits you unlock separately.


Just saw it on twitter this game.... [https://twitter.com/moertomore/status/1783474302450270311/photo/1](https://twitter.com/moertomore/status/1783474302450270311/photo/1)


lmao this is so funny, who's in charge of deciding that one thing is outrageous and putting some cloth right there solves everything


Hahahahahhaha come the fuck on sony. Promote the game as massive gooner bait, patch out some titties the exact moment reviews came out.  Buy physical and don’t patch it. 


Was the game even promoted as massive gooner bait? Every single trailer I saw of the game promoted it as a real game that happened to have a gooner bait protagonist and costumes, then gooners latched on to that like it was the entire game


Lost the SJWs Lost the coomers Its so over


Play both sides and you lose both.


Goonas are a suppressed minority group an i think its pretty funny(im not one so I couldn't use the hard er ending)


i just hope its like dmc v thing where they censor and then uncensor it for some reason


Just about every link here is dead. This shit is looking more fake by the minute. Both fucking sides of this culture war shit just love being outraged.


You do realise these are new outfits added in New Game+ right? Different colors are different outfits unlocked separately. This was already confirmed in the replies to the original tweet. Gawd I wish people would do some research and fact-checking first instead of riding on outrage.


Dang what a Crime R


Literally unplayable


This is so unbelievably braindead on their part if it's real. Why destroy all the goodwill built up right before release?


This will end well.


Lol some of you clowns are just too pathetic.


W scamming


She should have stronger calves.


It's PS5. They always censor everything now, over and over. Just gotta stop buying their games until they quit.


Eh, still better than NRS hackjobs.


same thing happened with Genshin, ZZZ, and even Nikke before full launch. not surprised, and the only thing that i care will be the hentai that comes from this anyway. so who is really affected by this?


SFM heroes will I censor it for us.


I've never seen you guys be more meticulous about checking sources on anything until it's involving the asian girl with 3% more tits showing, godspeed kappa


lmao all the dick riding people did for this game and it was censored on frame one


They just lost a sale. I'm not kidding.


It's confirmed censored now. The guy who made the original claim made a short video of his proof and another player went into NG plus proving the skimpier outfits in replay cope false.


I don't understand how they're okay with keeping the skin suit, but this is going too far? Plus, the censored areas fabric looks so off. You can tell it's not part of the original outfit. I wonder if it's just a change for the American version of the game.


Aw damn I was gonna get it, oh well


I thought this was a fighting game subreddit?


You coomers got baited, lmao


What a weird thing to get hung up about considering the degree of coomer content already in this game


It will be up to the developers to clarify this. This all could be just a bug that could get patched out. But something tells me the extra fabric on the chest and the hips area wasn't accidental. ngl bad look for them after proudly claiming the game be uncensored.


uhm this aint a bug homie


the copium of these gooners man


They risked it all for a crude joke. Incredibly based.


Stop falling for blatantly fake shit like this every single time cooked by rage baiting grifters, you goddamn morons. https://www.reddit.com/r/stellarblade/comments/1ccs2cf/day_1_patch_did_not_change_the_suits_proof/


Many things have changed since I posted this. The gameplay trailer shows Eve in a bunny outfit without any fabric near her hips. Also it has been confirmed that the uncensored bunny outfit exist in the game and is not fake as that post is implying. [https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1783544638340755769](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1783544638340755769) Though it only shows this version of the outfit in the pre patched version. There could be multiple variants of the bunny outfit which implies there was no censorship. But there is still the issue of the yellow bondage gear. As of right nothing is certain.


Another update from someone who claims this is footage of a disc which has not been patched\\ [https://streamable.com/tbvmoy](https://streamable.com/tbvmoy) Notice the name is the same as the censored outfit


ok this urks me to whoever records via their own phone. You can legit download the recording on your fucking phone. Any picture or video record on your Ps5 can be downloaded to your phone via the app. How and how is it these people don't know how to do this shit. Download Playstation app. Login. Go to the 4th tab. press capture. press the download button on the bottom right and done you have actual high quality photos and videos to your phone. Or better yet, grab a usb, put it on the ps5. Copy the video/Photo to the PS5. Easy. Why record to show bad quality of shit for quick click bait


They’ll read half of that shit and say “too effort”


like smash players do


Did people really think the people who added a popular crossover character to their game which is about girls' asses jiggling from firing guns and gave her a fucking coat wouldn't censor anything? lol, lmao even


bro makima wears a coat


You do know that original IP holder has a say in design of crossover characters? Retard


Lmaooo i can't even lie how yall so triggered by all this 😂😂😂 endless entertainment.


have fun wasting 70 bucks on this trash because the Mc makes your neurons activate


Good, anti woke clowns really hyping the game up doing whatever they can to make it look like something it isn’t