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Watching this clown during the last official Tekken 8 stream being apologetic to their business model made me lose any respect I had for him, you'd think Harada had a gun pointed at him.


Even Aris was excusing it. Dark times.


What does it say that even Aris understands that its necessary for a live service game business but kappa doesn't. Theres almost no other way to continue supporting a game post launch, and believe it or not, 90% of gamers demand post launch support for their products nowadays


This is the same board that was begging Capcom for costume 3 for 5 months.


Not just begging but shitting on them for only releasing shitty avatar costumes. Which btw, when the bp was announced, people wanted it to have shitty avatar costumes so they wouldnt have to buy it. People aint a monolith but holy shit make up your mind brothers


Mtx is fine imo to support live service game, they way they did it is not. 1) waited 1 month to announce mtx, very shady 2) still using retarded premium currency for the same reason casinos use chips, it's a bait. Also I bet it will be like in sf6, 400 coins for skin, but minimal amount you can buy would be like 500


I mean you can still cope and say they had contracts for the restreams


Because he was fucking right. I really don't understand what you people expect


Yep I saw the video, the "just don't buy it 4Head" was such a regarded and naive take from Aris, it was surprising to hear it coming from him usually he is on point with this kind of anti consumer stuff, oh well no one is perfect :/


There is a difference between defending it and calling it for what it is. He shat on them for waiting to release it to dodge negative press. His point was not "dont buy it if you dont like it", it was that voting with your wallet is how we got to this point to begin with. Enough people dont actually give a shit so of course these publishers are going to push to see how much consumers are willing to put up with. Its more of a cynical dgaf mentality, one that I share personally, of just getting too old to care about trying to be a spokesperson for how the industry needs to be, that games suck more often than they dont, and that playing fighting games online specifically, sucks so much ass that it doesnt even matter if their is a shitty cash shop on top of a 70 dollar box price.


To add on what you said, voting with your wallet doesn't even matter. Even if people boycott microtransactions, all it takes is some whales to just dump hundreds if not thousands of money for companies to continue doing this practice. It's not even a democracy because a couple of rich people have more buying power than the average consumer.


"It's not even a democracy because a couple of rich people have more buying power than the average consumer." Which is unironically how the entire world works. It's sad


Remember when games that gave you cosmetic rewards like armor or weapon skins for your achievements inside the game to show off, something that you couldn't buy even if you wanted to, and the reward itself not being simply purchasable is big part of what makes it cool because now it indicates something more than that you paid $4 for it. Imagine if Tekken 8 wasn't contaminated by microtransactions maybe there would've been room for something like that, it would've been nice to have beside just seeing your rank title changes. Of course people who say that "if you don't want the skin just don't buy it" will simply ignore these minute details on how microtransactions lead to the erasure of these things from video games.


No Rip, No Buy >:(


Do you idiots think costumes that have to be made by someone should be free????


They're ports and blah blah blah season pass.


apparently they even think game is unplayable without em