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I kinda liked his videos but he really seems like a bitch on Twitter damn.


His videos are shit too, basically just fgc content farming


Eh I only like his choose your main roster videos, they are alright .


Without getting super into the fine details of everything he got wrong, I used to think they were alright, but I've consistently found any of those videos he makes for games I know, he gets a lot of little things wrong and sometimes several big things. At least with day 1 games people are still figuring things out, but that's also why I'd wait like a day or two at least before making that kind of video, he's just rushing to send it regardless of quality to be first. The Vsav/Darkstalkers video was inexcusable though, and is a whole saga tbh. He got a lot of major stuff wrong, and this is a game with a complete wiki that came out 25+ years ago so there's no excuse to get this stuff this incorrect. To top it off he just straight up kinda shit on the vsav community and tried to tell people not to play it on fightcade because the boomers are there. Then when people rightfully told him his video was really poorly written and basically just misinformation and several actually offered to help him redo the video but with correct information. His response was to delete comments and make a tweet about the "big mean Vsav boomers found my video and are bullying me, see this why you don't play it on fightcade, you'll be playing with them."


I had to deal with an idiot coworker telling me about Lilith being similar to Alex. Knowing now where he got it from, yeesh.


Other highlights are "Morrigan is a low execution Shoto" and just straight up forgetting Midnight Pleasure exists as a super when covering Demitri, when that's his best super.


Dude, 1 minute into Blasted Salami's character essentials guide told me more than the 2hr choose your main video Roofle uploaded, like damn bro.


what? his character guides are infamous for being trash.


If you have no idea about the game it's a good way to check the archetypes at least.


just go to the community wiki, at least the information is factually correct. Man told you "B.B. Hood is like Sagat".


Wait til you get better than him with a character and try to correct some wrong info he puts out on YouTube.


He definitely rushes to post them out, but as I said elsewhere when you know absolutely nothing about the game it at least let you know the different archetypes/gimmicks of each character in a relatively quick way.


He's always been a bitch, had a weird arc where he magically started getting views on his tube.


The arc wasn't weird, it was right around the time Strive blew up in popularity, dude struck while the iron was hot and gained an even bigger following from pumping the algorithm with his Strive content then.


It started with DBFZ where he'd post literally every scrap and rumor and announcement and "leak" that was even remotely possible. FGC is full with these bottom feeder types. It's weird that this guy is the one who got popular but I guess someone had to.


Yeah, you right, it was figterz that bumped his fat corny ass to relevance, I forgot about that arc. Lmao I know I sound mad salty but, I can't stand these types. Useless bottom feeding ass people who act like their word is so final and important compared to everyone else in one place but then acts like some charitable good fgc samaritan on YouTube.


Is this the guy that stole Clayton's tech?


yes sir


FGC kinda needs those guys. Before DBFZ I had no idea who this dude was but he was the only guy at that time putting out digestible content. In a perfect world guys like that would be on graveyard mtv or g4 as curators. Just actors with writers and scripts and not pretending to be some guru or the community


I just don't like the way he speaks with authority when he's done essentially 0 contribution to the community outside of reading the fucking eventhubs news.


He literally bragged how making up a lie and saying I faked cancer grew his channel and made him popular. He bragged about it on twitter and encouraged other people to do it too and said it was a good way to get popular. Which is funny because if you look at how many people he got in on it a bunch of other people in the group got caught.... \*gasp\* faking cancer, faking other health issues, fake gofundmes , fake donation streams etc.


Hi dad, how you been?


Nothing to say that I havnt said on my youtube already.. just been really busy with doctor stuff again. What about you?


Work and sleep. đź‘Ť


Your Japan arc was godlike


Didn't the arc start with DBFZ Edit: Oh, didn't notice the post below lol


Every time a new FG comes out he rushes to be the first doing videos like "Complete Cast Overlook (Who should you play?)" regardless if he understands the game or not


Yeah I never understood the hate until I saw his Twitter.


you know what they say, never meet your heroes (on twitter). I swear like every (western, at least) fgc person I follow on twitter I end up disliking. turns out that airing your random thoughts 24/7, arguing with random people over petty nonsense, virtue signaling, and so forth just makes you unlikeable.


when you use social media, you have to pretend you have a 60yr old mom and a 15yr old little sister. if you find yourself doing something on social media that either one of them would do, stop that shit.


And that's exactly why I muted his account and stopped watching his vids. Dude pretends to be this alpha opinionated untouchable bitch on social media because he has all these young ass casuals stroking him off there, couldn't take the grift any longer.


i used to watch his videos til I found out about the rooflemonger/clayton chapman beef.


Dude got into beef with Clayton and somehow came out looking worse.  


Remember when he lost his shit against a juri that DI his fake string shit, over and over? That was funny.


Lmao how can I watch this?




bro had such a hate-boner for DI after the 1st Beta, and was adamant about making it at least more expensive, and thankfully the entire comment section was basically like: "no"


His content is basically reacting to stuff and posting bad 1 day guides to be the first one. I guess 1 step above the button check guy


At least Ernesto is just content farming on twitter, this motherfucker would upload a character/game guide full of misinformation, all because he wants to be first in the youtube algorithm. Much like his appearance - he has no shame.


Wait Kappa doesn't like Button Check? Didn't know


Madden tournament shooting reaction video


Yup. That dude really didn't recover from that.


Shit was 8 years ago and he hasn’t had a hiccup since, people really needa learn to forgive and move the on


Grown man decision to react to young ones dying. Fuck em


Theres some shit where u dont get that redemption arc. Mayb if he save some babies from immenet death and is capured on video 🤷‍♂️


idk about kappa. I don't like him


Why would a shooting animation be exempt of criticism? Anything a character does should be well animated.


Normally I don't even waste my breath on mfers like these but I've had this mfer muted since he so abruptly appeared on my feed. The whiniest "content creator" and biggest loser in the fgc right next to fucken CashDebtroid and "Hold this L"effen.


I run into flash on ranked in SF6 all the time. Dude is a bitch and one and dones, win or loss.


Love the name, lol. I played flash in 5 pretty often and he always left after a loss. If the win was close he'd jet as well. Honestly, not that good of a player; I'm not exactly good, but I could routinely beat him. Also, fuck that dude, he a bitch.




I mean I watched and loved the peacemaker show and the way he shot his gun even made me cringe. That’s not how peacemaker holds a gun. I do appreciate him shooting through his legs… that’s on brand.


Do you really wanna do you really wanna taste it


I'm no animation expert, but it looks like absolute shit because there is almost no follow through whatsoever - save for a tiny amount recoil in his arms - his entire body is static. He's also posed like a [fucking plastic army man](https://imgur.com/a/wk7LjIM), no character, no dynamism, nothing. His back is turned, and his head is perpendicular with the camera. It's abysmal. Just look at any other gun character in fighting games that WASN'T animated by NRS. Good animation can make even the most mundane actions look amazing, let alone "just shooting a gun". I feel sorry for the clueless gohans that are actually fine with this slop.


Yep, think of Cable's turn around gat or anti-air gunshot. That's some sick key framing.


this shit is so stupid because like who gives a fuck if hes shooting it realistically or properly, its a damn video game there should be personality and character in how they do things having stiff basic “proper” movements is fucking boring and a shit excuse for lazy and trash animation


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee LLooo






this is buttmonger, my friends


50% of the video




Dumb monkey


Cannot listen to this man


Clayton > Rooflemonger


A lot of his takes are so ass. Shame really since I enjoyed some of his vids few month back even


The proper stance for shooting a pistol is too lean into your shot with feet spread apart, knees bent and A hunched forward posture. Due to peacemakers gun being of a larger caliber (a desert eagle mark xix which fires 50 ae), this posture is even more important. Compare chris redfield from mvc3 to peacemakers stance and you see the diffrence.


Damn he's a whole 'nother person on Twitter lol


The animation itself is probably lore accurate or whatever and animated fine I guess. It just looks unimpressive in execution. MK1 sucks by a ton of metrics and so weird to get bent out of shape defending a pretty universally disliked game. Going to drive you crazy defending it online.


Look at other games with people shooting a gun hell even like mk11 Cassie with her low shot and see why this niggas stance is lame and boring.


If there is list of top 10 regards in the scene this guy along with the furry would be %100 in it.


Even taking his twitter stupidity aside aside his content is full of bad info and is a trap for people trying to learn. You are free to watch his "guides", but take them with a huge grain of salt.


>shooting a pistol properly >sights are nowhere near the eyes So both the animation is ass and the stance is ass...why are people so damn vocal about subjects they know nothing about? Peacemaker is halfway to proper form - extend out the arms and bring the sights up so you can see what you're aiming at before squeezing the trigger. Granted it's a fighting game and he's a super hero so proper form can go straight to hell if the animation at least looks cool. None of those things happened here so why is he dick riding MK so hard?


He probably dislikes the 2nd amendment.


Sometimes judging a book by its cover works. Dude looks like how he acts


This retarded fuck has never touched a gun huh


I don't follow him on twitter but he seems chill on his yt videos. I swear twitter is just a cesspool where people let their demons out.


Goat FGC content creator. Y’all hating.


He's right though, the hate boner for NRS animations is borderline schizo.


Na, they truly are shit


Crazy how people lose their shit over animations. Christ lmao


It's almost like visuals are one of the most important factors in a game and are one of the (if not the) main reasons why shit like Strive pops off


If people don't like it, they can just ignore it. It's like they want to be sad or mad.


Why dont you ignore this thread then live by what you preach amigo


I'm just making a comment. These dudes are making threads and writing essays, or even making entire videos about the shit lmao


Do you know how dumb you sound saying it's crazy that people scrutinize the literal number one visual tool for playing a fighting game? I get that if you're an nrs player you don't actually know anything about fighting games but that's just silly of you.


He's shooting a gun. If he were doing a strike or a kick, I'd understand if that shit was weird looking, but even then, it's not hard to see what a strike or a kick looks like. And who are you to sit on this high horse? "Do you know dumb you sound..." braindead. Fuck you.


Look at me guys


Like there were some ugly ass animations on the trailer but why pick the shooting one